Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 871: Snake girl

Shenji first stopped, his brows frowned tightly, he watched for a while on the two forks, and finally he sighed and shook his head silently. {[August One? (((<文<(W)WW.81ZW.COM) Although he did not say much, he told people around him in this way that he had no clever opinion on the choice of this fork. The evil monarch station From the side, he swept across the face of the **** machine, looking at his helplessness, but always felt a sense of hypocrisy, making him want to reach out and tear the hypocrisy on his face to see what he was thinking. What. But it turns out that he can only think about these things. Before the last moment came, he was not ready to tear his face with God's machine. But now that he has reached a fork in the road, he should always make a choice. There are two roads, one may lead to the apse of the temple, the other may be connected to the abyss of death, or both can go where you want to go... But the key is that you must now Make a choice. Because the temple is extremely important, even the simple choice of left and right has become a lot more weightless.

"Shenjizi Taoist friends don't know how to choose, do you two have any ideas?" The evil monarch spoke lightly. Although his voice was calm, he always felt a faint and unabashed mockery. He did not look back, but his meaning was very clear.

Lie Yuan raised his head. Although his face was solemn, no matter how solemn he was, it was of no use, because he didn't know how to choose, and in this case, especially in front of the **** machine and the evil monarch, he felt that he had better keep it. Silence, so as not to be involved in accidents after the choice, so he simply shook his head, actually stingy and unwilling to say a word about this, for fear of getting into trouble.

The evil monarch glanced at him, revealing a faint ridicule, wondering how long, long ago, you could be as famous as this seat and the **** machine, and now I have entered the world, and you are still You can only stay in place, such a cowardly temper who has no responsibility, what kind of improvement do you want to have in this life? Lie Yuan noticed the mockery in the old monster's eyes, but his face never showed the slightest color, it was slightly low, and he looked like it had nothing to do with him. Regardless of whether he can achieve this kind of peace in his heart, at least the superficial cultivation skills are already extremely rare.

Xiao Chen ignored the subtle atmosphere between the two. He was silent for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Since Master Shenji has some information about the temple in his hand, he must be the most authoritative person to make a choice. He chose the left temple to break through before. Although the damage was not light, it proved that Master Shenjizi was well prepared, and even the highest-level Dongfu-like treasures of Shenji Sect were carried with him, leading me to arrive here smoothly. I think this time, Master Shenjizi will still be Choice is the best."

"Daoist Xiao Chen is right, and the younger generation fully agrees." I don't know if he was stimulated by the evil monarch, Lie Yuan hurriedly spoke, expressing his attitude early.

The evil monarch raised his eyebrows slightly, his gaze swept across Xiao Chen's face, and he nodded and said: "This seat has no objection to this. Since it is what everyone expects, then this time I will ask the daoists of the gods to take action and show you the way forward . "The so-called "received" is only to those who are qualified to intervene in this matter. There are still four monks here, but no one will care about their feelings. Perhaps they themselves knew that entering the temple was a mistake from the beginning, even if they were immortal now, they would never escape after all, so they were slightly low and their faces were very pale.

A slight coldness flashed in the eyes of Shenji, and he could sense that the sinful monarch, Xiao Chen, and Lieyuan were all expressing dissatisfaction with him, and this dissatisfaction originated from his hiding of all information. And exclusive. But thinking that things will change soon, he doesn't want to have any more branches at this moment, naturally there will be no half-hearted emotions on his face, nodded slightly, and said: "Since you all have confidence in this sect, then this sect is not welcome. When we were in the left and right halls, we chose the left hall and walked, but now we still choose the left to move forward, how about?"

The proposal was passed naturally. God's machine took the lead. The evil monarch's eyes flickered slightly. After one step, the figure followed behind the old monster. They seemed to be separated by a certain distance, but they were relatively limited. He made sure that in the event of an accident, he would closely follow the figure of the **** machine, so that no accident would cause him to get away. The performance of this boss fell into the eyes of Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan, but they did not follow closely, instead they deliberately fell behind a few steps, and distanced themselves from the two bosses in front. The evil monarch dared to ignore the god’s likes and dislikes and followed him closely because he had a strong enough cultivation base and deliberately ignored the anger in the god’s heart. The two of them did not have the courage and qualifications, so they had to take two steps back consciously. , Otherwise you may die miserably without waiting to reach the end.

The party continued on the road.

Walking along the left road, there is another long passage, extremely quiet, only a few people's faint footsteps echo in the ears, but in this quiet and even dead environment, the faint footsteps fall into the ears At this moment, it seemed to be particularly harsh and terrifying, making people unconsciously tense, and gradually gave birth to a chill. So when they heard the sound coming from the front of the passage, they didn't feel nervous, but they were slightly relieved. But when they saw the source of the sound clearly, their expressions couldn't help becoming serious.

This is a monk. To be precise, she was a monk many years ago, but now she has become an inhuman and ghostly monster. Her body is still bumpy, her clothes are damaged, and her graceful body is outside, but However, a layer of black snake scales, which were dense and covered in every corner of the body, shone with a faint metallic luster, grew out of her flesh. Only an inch of snow-white skin under the neck of the chest can show that the monster in front of him was a seductive beauty a long time ago. If only the whole body is scaled, it may have a different sense of beauty, but her head is a flat snake. A pair of long and narrow eyes are arranged on the left and right, shining with cold and cold eyes, and the long snake letter keeps coming from the mouth of the snake. Stick out, very bright red.

The snake body was covered with scales, and the long and narrow snake eyes fell on a group of monks. His eyes were wandering around the **** machine and the evil monarch, and he clearly felt the power of these two bosses. But this does not mean that she will retreat. Although she will not feel hungry when staying in the temple, she still misses the taste of beautiful flesh and blood, so she shot without warning! Shekou opened, and a cloud of gray mist spread instantly, quickly spreading along the passage. I don't know what this gray mist is, but the spread is amazing, and it doesn't give a few people time to react. The gray mist has already shrouded and fallen in an instant.

"Be careful, the fog is poisonous!" Shenji screamed, his mind moved slightly, a layer of faint fluorescence instantly scattered from his body, isolating all the fog. The evil monarch and Lieyuan didn't dare to be careless. After all, they were in the temple. Even if they had a strong cultivation base, they had to be cautious and careful. Otherwise, if they were not careful, they might fall into a situation where they were never recovered.

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