"All the blasphemers who break into the temple must die!" Among the two strong men, the muscular man with the big palm slowly spoke. His voice was calm, but it roared like a beast, and it was shocking. Chill. Eight [One [中 ?? <文 W] W] W ?. 8) 1) YW. COM's powerful and cruel breath broke out, sweeping like a blade, making people feel unconscious, and then gave endless fear.

The evil monarch's face was dignified, but his eyes were flashing with this dazzling demon, and he said coldly: "This seat never thought that in the temple, there is a temple destroyer who can only exist intact. You will find access to the main temple! Now that you have arrived, you will not want to leave again! "

Shenji didn't say anything, he took the next step with his feet, and the sudden pressure of heaven was enough to show his attitude. In a maze of dangers, any opportunity that might help you out of trouble cannot be missed.

"Kill!" Another strong man yelled in the mouth, his voice was like a tiger howling mountain forest, naturally with the power of a king to deter, killing the cold when he drank, such as the ice cracked and burst suddenly! From the very beginning, the two sides stood in absolute opposition. The contradiction was unadjustable, and slaughter became the only option for solving the problem. That being the case, there is no need to continue delaying time. The winner survives, and the weak die!

The roar did not fall, the man stepped out of the next step, the figure had blasted out, and went straight to the evil monarch. On his eyebrow, the aura of light shone slightly, exposing the looming "king" character, and the sharp end of his finger suddenly stabbed in the flesh. Sharp claws, tearing forward fiercely. As soon as it was torn off, five bleak white fronts burst out and whistled and fell off! At the same time, the man who spoke first stepped forward, his footsteps stepped down, and the whole floor seemed to tremble slightly in a muffled sound of "嘭", without any fancy, and banged at God machine. This punch fell, seemingly uncommon, but fell like a mountain from the sky, powerful and irresistible, bringing the surging terror of the sea and the ocean, and the people were suffocating. In the mouth of the leopard man, a roar resembling a leopard, his strong thighs kicked suddenly, and his body flew out directly, as if hunting for prey, rushing towards Lieyuan.

At the same time, the remaining wolf men and snake women set their cold eyes on Xiao Chen.

"Sona, it's this blasphemer that hurt you. Today I will use a sharp minion to tear him a little bit into pieces to avenge you!" The wolf man opened his **** mouth, but his voice was no different from that of a monk, only slightly cold , Sharp and harsh. He was already running! The wolf man is extremely fast, but in a flash, the figure has appeared in front of Xiao Chen, but the claws are opened and he can't wait to shoot down. He has just approached Xiao Chen, and a force of compulsive repression directly affects him. As a result, the monster's body couldn't bear a slight meal.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes moved coldly. This sudden appearance of the five beasts, all of which are unpredictable, this wolf man also has the power to create the world, and with the power of the chaos world now, he can barely suppress it. But this time is enough for him. With a low sigh, he stepped forward with his feet, grasping his fists in his sleeves, and blasted forward! With a bang, the sound of this fist blasting the flesh, but the sound of golden iron and iron mingling. The wolf man was hit with a punch on his forehead, his body was slammed into a fly, and his ears were buzzing, but it did not receive any substantial harm. He shook the wolf a bit, and looked at Xiao Chen again, with a anger in his mouth. Roaring, wolf-eyed redness and redness, a dense "cracking" sound suddenly appeared in the streamlined flesh, his body muscles bulged high, his bones and joints quickly stretched, and his body skyrocketed within a few days. One foot! In this process, his entire body has been completely beastified. There is no human figure at all, but an upright giant wolf! Crimson eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and the tyranny was violent, but he did not lose his mind, but was full of absolute calm, but it was this tyrannical calm that was particularly terrifying! The strong hind limbs kicked on the ground fiercely, and the wolf body suddenly turned into a ghost image. The degree was a little faster than before, and the sharp claws opened, shining with a terrible cold.

The snake girl Sona screamed. Her eyes were resentful and cold, her jagged body suddenly contracted inward, and the clothes hanging on her body slipped directly to the ground. She turned into a black snake with a length of several feet, growing behind her. A pair of red meat wings, the wings suddenly fanned out, the snake rose high, and then tautly shot like a crossbow.

A wolf and a snake, teamed up against Xiao Chen!

The entire grotto instantly turned into a battlefield, and the core of the battlefield was naturally a **** machine and a sinful monarch. These two weird opponents have now been partially beastized, and they can push their own power to the strongest! To compete with the magic machine is a bear monster. Now a ferocious bear head has been born on the human body, and the limbs have been beastified. The giant bear's palm in the roar contains the power to destroy the sky, which is enough to take all the magic Shattered. And the evil monarch slaughtered is a tiger demon, a tiger human body, sharp claws like a knife, the sharp blade of a radiant sword, the sharp can cut the magical power! These two monsters are all temple destroyers. Although the body is only the size of an ordinary person, their power is extremely amazing. In addition, they are blessed by strength in the temple. They compete against the gods and the evil monarch. It has never fallen into the downwind and can recover completely in a very short time even if it suffered some injuries.

Shenjizi's eyes flashed in different colors. He reached out and patted forward, and suddenly a crystal-clear ice print appeared, exuding cold. The cold air released from this ice palm is absolutely cold and cold, which is comparable to the ice of eternity and freezes everything!

The bear monster roared, and the fluffy giant palm did not hesitate, and patted it towards the ice palm. Horrible unmatched power and unbreakable and powerful flesh are the strongest power in its hands. It can completely break the magical powers without any fear! And this time, there was no accident! One palm fell, the ice palm shattered in response, and an extreme ice cold burst instantly, making his body slightly rigid. But this chill's effect is also limited to this, and he can't cause more serious damage. However, the development of the event was somewhat unexpected, and Shenjizi never resisted the power of the magical shock. Instead, with the help of this seismic force, the figure retreated in the package of aura, and his rear was A passage that didn't know which direction it was leading to, the old figure disappeared directly into it and disappeared instantly.

The evil monarch has been paying close attention to the movement of this **** machine. He always feels that the old man has an important secret he does not know, and may pass through this labyrinth and enter the main hall of the temple smoothly. So, at the moment Shenji Zi took the opportunity to get away, an angry roar came out of his mouth. However, God Machine obviously chose an excellent opportunity. Even if the evil monarch wants to chase him, not only must he shake the tiger monster first, but he must also pass through the bear monster, which can earn him precious time. For the monks who step on the heavens, even if they only have a few breaths, it is enough to keep them far away. Coupled with the intricate channels, the possibility of getting rid of the chase is great! God machine really holds important secrets in his hands. At this point, he has no need to resort to external forces, so he will find an opportunity to leave without hesitation!

In the roar, the sinful monarch's eyes turned black, strange and appalling. He shot it with a palm, and a roar came out suddenly, but a dark shadow appeared directly, releasing a violent atmosphere, and went straight to the tiger demon in the roar. This dark shadow is obviously a kind of monster. Although it is just a shadow, in a short period of time, it has developed a terrible power, entangled with the tiger demon and slaughtered together, and never fell behind. The evil monarch turned directly, and howling rushed towards the direction of the divine machine, and his eyes were cold and cold. The bear monster ran in a roar, like a small mountain moving fast, crashing into him!

"He who obstructs this seat, die!" The guilty monarch snarled loudly, without any pause, slamming forward!

The two figures are as fast as lightning, but they have hit each other in an instant, and the whole space suddenly trembled, and then there was a loud boom, and then the center was centered on the point where the two people collided. , Sweeping out of terror. The Sin Lord's face was pale, but his figure was only a slight meal. Instead, the mighty bear monster was actually hit by flying in this frontal collision, his body fell on the stone wall and then fell to the ground. Naturally, there was a while An astonishing "bang" came. The prince of sin did not pause, took a breath, flashed aura outside his body, plunged into the channel, and whistled away.

But at this moment, the powerful force fluctuations in the battle between the two had swept the entire cave. Xiao Chen's pupils contracted slightly, taking advantage of the loud noise and the time of the black snake to dodge, his figure did not pause, and he stepped **** the ground without hesitation, and immediately retreated without hesitation! The power of the five beasts was somewhat unexpected. With the power of the two monsters, God Machine and the Sin Lord, they could not be defeated in a short time. Now the two monsters are backing away. If he continues to stay, Isn't there only one way to die! The retreat of Shenji was not beyond Xiao Chen's expectation. He had a premonition. This old man must have some secret in his hands. The exhibition of things now only proves his guess. The key now is to get out of the way first, and then the matter is slowly being figured out.

call out!

It was just a flash of aura. His figure had entered the passage, he couldn't discern the direction, and hurried forward.

In the grotto, Lie Yuan's response was extremely fast. He chose to flee with Xiao Chen, and the figure did not enter another passage. Only five horrible temple guardians remained here. The bear monster hit by the evil monarch stood up, with extremely strong physical strength, so that it had not been seriously injured, but the anger in its heart had been completely ignited. It has always been proud of its physical body and great strength, but it was defeated by a cowardly monk in a frontal collision. This is the naked shame, and this kind of shame can only be cleaned up by the blood of the enemy's heart! It shouted a roar, and with the agility that was not in line with his sturdy flesh, he brought the sound of whistling air bursting into the passage where the magic machine and the evil monarch left successively! The tiger demon snarled, and seemed to have given orders to the other three beasts, and then without any hesitation, followed the bear monsters and pursued the two old monsters.

The leopard piebald turned, and his limbs were slightly hardened, and his body shot like a hairlessly. He was born a master of degree, and there were not many prey that could escape from him.

"Let's go!" The erect giant wolf fell down, and his body was stretched as tight as iron, and the roar turned into a ghostly laser shot. Photographed by a few black snake meat wings behind him, immediately behind the giant wolf!


[This code word card is a bit dizzy. It seems that I have not adapted to the new life rhythm. There is a chapter after 12 o'clock, the number of words may not be too much, and we will try to fill it up tomorrow. 】

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