Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 874: Kill the wolf

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, his face slightly dignified. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW. COM had already gone through many forks before. He didn't know where he was, but the fierce murder from the rear had not weakened at all, and the distance with him had been shrinking. If this is the case, I am afraid that it will catch up soon. He lowered his thoughts, and after a few breaths, a decision had been made in his heart. Since he can't hide, then don't hide, if he can't remove the pursuit behind him as soon as possible, how could he have the energy to solve this maze mystery! The figure suddenly stopped, he slowly turned around, his gaze looked deep into the passage, his eyes were cold and warm.

After only a short while, the thrilling rumbling sounds have come, this is the sound of footsteps falling to the ground! Although there is only one, it is comparable to thousands of horses! As a Zhangyu wolf rushed forward, the figure appeared in sight, behind him a flying black snake, flapping the red meat wings. Both eyes are cold, and there is no cover for murder! The two monsters instantly locked Xiao Chen's figure, a giant roar screamed in the mouth of the giant wolf, a strong and powerful body rose into the air, and the blood in the roar opened wide and utterly culled!

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, and he looked at the approaching giant wolf. His eyes were as calm as the ancient well in the deep mountain, clear and steady, and could not stand the slightest wave. The giant wolf fluttered as fast as lightning. The distance between the two was reduced by a terrible degree, but only momentarily, the mouth of the giant wolf was only a few feet away from him. Following the air, it seemed to have smelled from his mouth. A strong **** smell. The wolf's eyes were full of fierceness, and it seemed to have seen the prey's head bitten by it, and the blood and brain poured out! There was another roar. The whole body of hair suddenly rose up, and a faint layer of blood appeared suddenly at the ends of the hair. When this is done, there is obviously a little more exhaustion in his eyes, but the cruelty and tyranny have not only decreased, but have become richer!

At the beginning of the giant wolf's hair, blood awns were born from the end, and Xiao Chen's heart sank slightly, and suddenly a very strong crisis was born, so strong that he actually sensed the coming of death, and was on the verge of life and death. The crisis that ushered in his mind suddenly made his body tense, and his mana flowed in his body! But at this moment, he was born to suppress the immediate preparation for the shot, suffering for a moment in the terror of life and death, and the palm in the robe sleeve was gripped instantly! The next moment, the entire space froze instantly, no more fluctuations! And the giant wolf that soared and culled, became a trapped fish in the frozen space, frozen in the air, and couldn't move a little bit! This is the reason to wait for a moment. Only by reducing the range of the chaos world to be small enough, can the repressive force released be stronger! The huge wolf's head was only a few feet away from Xiao Chen. He could clearly smell the stinking gas in the mouth of the blood basin mouth, and felt the two white hot air from his nose. Only a short distance away, but the giant wolf's mouth can never bite again!

Xiao Chen didn't pause. He flipped his hand, and the black sword appeared directly in his hand, opening his mouth to the giant wolf and piercing in an instant! Xiao Chen never doubted the sharpness of the black sword, so when he saw it easily pierced the wolf's extremely hard skull, his face was extremely calm. The redness and resentment in the wolf's eyes faded away quickly, all the emotions disappeared, all that remained was the deep fear and despair.

Killing the wolf seems simple, but it is extremely difficult to do! You need to have an extremely powerful mentality, to stay awake at the moment of absolute crisis, to take the shot at the most appropriate time, use the power of the chaos to suppress the giant wolf, and then use the black sword to take the shot, and immediately kill the giant wolf !! Mental problems, for the time being, not a few of the monks who can do this, but how many people in the world have the power to suppress the wolf's chaos? The wolf is all over the magic weapon, and ordinary methods can't hurt it at all. If the black sword is indestructible and indestructible, how can it directly penetrate its skull and kill it with a sword. Don't forget, this giant wolf is the temple destroyer, and its strength is enough to be comparable to the creator of the Xeon. If you change to another monk, I am afraid it has been torn to pieces!

The black snake shouted loudly, but the fear could not be covered at all. Its forward body suddenly stopped, desperately flapping a pair of flesh wings, stabilizing the flesh as quickly as possible, and fleeing backward! Xiao Chen's suppression of the giant wolf's breath didn't make him scared. The strong and woundless flesh was enough to make them ignore most injuries. But the black sword in his hand made the black snake feel endless despair! It didn't hesitate to believe that with just one sword, Xiao Chen could cut it directly in half, like a giant wolf, and died so miserably. The Temple Destroyer in the Temple has learned how to advance and retreat after possessing wisdom. Now she can only sacrifice herself for the sake of her death, perhaps she can retreat for the time being, and she can find opportunities to continue her shots in the future.


It was just a flash of black shadow, and the black snake had turned into a terrifying rainbow and whistled away.

Xiao Chen slowly withdrew the black sword from the mouth of the giant wolf, watched the black escape, and hesitated slightly, or let it go. After all, his cultivation today is that it is by no means an easy task to catch up with the black snake that he is trying to escape, and even accidentally falls into danger.


The wolf's body fell to the ground, and the most strange thing was that this thing obviously had a primitive god, but after it was beheaded, the golden seal did not capture its dead soul. At this time, it was slightly strange, but at this time Xiao Chen had no time to think, waved his hand to seal the wolf corpse, and put it in his storage ring. This item has a very high level, and there is a powerful power in the flesh. When the little blood wakes up, it will inevitably get a lot of benefits after swallowing the flesh. After doing this, he glanced around, retracting the black sword with his backhand, stepping forward, and the figure whistled away.


Xiao Chen drove the light, whistling forward in the passage, his face was dignified, and the gloomy meaning gradually developed in his eyes! In an instant, he was trapped in this mysterious passage for more than three months. During this time, he has been carefully looking for the way to leave. But this time, it was obviously not so easy. In March, he beheaded and repelled no fewer than dozens of powerful monsters. With the power of Yuanshen, he also avoided two powerful existences that could not be provoked, and passed through countless forks. In the end everything was futile, and he was advancing in the passage at the moment. He had even forgotten the direction, but just went all the way for no purpose. Along the way, he left a trail on the fork that he could understand with his black sword, but in the past three months, he had never seen any traces he had carved. When he made a mark with a black sword and stayed in the distance for a little while, he watched the chasm mark disappear a little and finally repaired. The corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

it is as expected. In this way, even if you want to find a way out with this stupid method, it has become impossible.

It is not terrible to be trapped in a maze, and there is no danger in the maze, but the most terrible thing is that you cannot find a way out, even without a direction or clue. Xiao Chen thought about using the black sword to dug a path in the maze, but the idea turned slightly, and he was finally suppressed by him. The vastness of the maze did not know how wide the scope was. He opened the furnace with a black sword and broke the stone. Even if he went in the right direction, he did not know how many years later he could get away. He could not wait. Moreover, cutting the stone wall in the temple with a black sword is extremely detrimental to Xiao Chen. The success of this method is difficult to verify, but it is an indisputable fact that his strength will soon weaken. If you're out of luck then, it's really troublesome to meet the temple destroyers walking in the passage. In this case, it is undoubtedly a kind of mental suffering for the monk, and with the passage of time, this suffering will become stronger and stronger, and people will gradually develop a sense of despair ...


[Today's update is a little less, and we will try to make up for it on Saturday and Sunday. Please forgive me. 】

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