In the temple passage, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly stopped. He stood at a fork in the road and slowly raised his eyes to look at the left channel. In this direction, a faint breath came, if it was not his Yuanshen The temple is not subject to repression, otherwise it must be impossible to sense. Bayi Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. In this breath, COM felt a little familiar. Without too much hesitation, Xiao Chen turned around suddenly, and the aura of flashes of light outside the body turned into a shocked rainbow.

With the shortening of the distance between each other, this breath became more and more clear, the chaotic mana fluctuations such as the ups and downs of the stormy sea were extremely shocking, and the sound of thunder was bursting. The source of the surging breath is a small grotto with a size of about ten miles. In this grotto, a monk roared was surrounded by a large one and a small two wearing silver armor, and fangs and monsters were besieged. Lie Yuan's heart was so angered that he could not get rid of the pursuit of these two monsters. In the past three months, he has wandered through the labyrinthine passageway. Although he barely saved his life, he has suffered a mild injury in the repeated killings. Nowadays, the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous. If he cannot get away as soon as possible, the delay is long. It is bound to deteriorate again. As soon as he thought about it, he felt a sense of anger in his heart, and his eyes began to panic.

However, at this moment, there were faint footsteps from not far away. Although it was not obvious in the fierce battle, it still failed to hide Lie Yuan's attention. He suddenly turned, looking at the entrance to the cave somewhere, and fell on the figure there, his face was dull, and then expressed his ecstasy, hurriedly: "Xiao Chen, friend, please help your husband!" Gradually In a desperate situation, suddenly Liu Yanhuaming, and then get vitality, is very surprised, this is the mood of Lie Yuan at this moment.

When Xiao Chen heard his words, his eyes flickered, and Shen said, "Okay!"

Since he appeared, he was ready to rescue Lie Yuan. Although it is inevitable for monks to fight with each other and even to calculate slaughter, in the temple maze of this extremely dangerous crisis, both parties have a common goal for the time being, and that is to leave here. Under this premise, Lie Yuan was rescued. The cooperation between the two, whether it is a countervailing force against danger or the possibility of leaving, will be greatly enhanced! He never hesitated, stepped into the cave, and the power of Chaos suddenly burst, covering the whole cave. The power of the chaos world enveloped the area, releasing a powerful amount of repression, making the two silver beasts trapped in the quagmire, and the action that was as fast as lightning suddenly slowed down, and every move became extremely difficult. However, Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan can not be affected in the chaos world. However, they have changed each other, but they have changed the whole battle just by shooting in an instant!

Sensing the persecution of the surrounding body, Lie Yuan felt a slight shock in his heart, his gaze swept across Xiao Chen's body, revealing a shock that was difficult to suppress. From this type of supernatural power alone, you can feel the power of Xiao Chen! But at this moment, he didn't have any pause in his hand. He shot it with a palm, and repelled the larger silver beast that had been culled, and was suppressed by the power of the chaos. The monster's degree dropped sharply, and he couldn't dodge at all. A painful roar. Its eyes fell on Xiao Chen, with deep fear in his resentment. After being repelled, he did not dare to continue to move forward. He turned his limbs suddenly in the roar and shot suddenly on the ground, and the figure fled directly! The appearance of Xiao Chen made it feel a great crisis. The Silver Armor Beast had a clear hunch. If it continued to stay, waiting for it would be the end of death. The monster retreated, and the other smaller silver beast did not dare to stop. The two monsters rushed into the channel one by one, and the figure disappeared.

Lie Yuan's eyes surging sharply, he was almost forced into despair, naturally resentment against these two monsters, but at this moment seeing that Xiao Chen did not intend to continue hunting and killing, he had to suppress the killing intention in his heart and take a deep breath With a sigh of relief, he shouted to Xiao Chen: "Thank Xiao Chen for helping his friends, otherwise the old man is afraid that he is too fierce today." The old man knew that he could not hide Xiao Chen's eyes, and his remarks were quite sincere. With gratitude on his face. But even so, he still kept a certain distance from Xiao Chen. On the surface, there was no abnormality, but there was still fear and caution in his heart. Even if Xiao Chen really saved his life, Lie Yuan could not be completely defenseless against him, which is the necessary caution for a strong man.

Xiao Chen could naturally perceive this, but did not entangle it. He nodded: "Lie Yuan Dao You don't need to be polite. Now you are trapped in the maze of the temple. You and I should help each other, so we can get out of here Dangerous. "Speaking here, he paused, and continued to speak," Lieyuan Daoyou, in the past three months, you have wandered here, have you found an opportunity to leave, or some useful clues? "

"Keeping away from Xiao Chen's friends, the old man has made many forks during this time, but nothing happened. The scope and danger of this labyrinth are far away from you and my imagination. Without clues, I am afraid it is difficult to leave. God The old man of the machine must have some secret information, but he has always bitten on these secrets, and he has never revealed anything to us, otherwise you and I will not end up like this! "Lie Yuan was helpless, but said later It was cold, full of hatred in the teeth.

Xiao Chen felt a little disappointed in her heart, and she took a little breath before she pressed her mind down. "Now that these are useless, the most important thing is to find a way to get away. Fortunately, now I meet with Daoyou, you and me Together, the possibility of getting out of the house can be improved a lot. "

"The Dao You said that the old man would follow Xiao Chen's Dao You Ma and Zhan, and sincerely join hands with Dao You to overcome the difficulties!" Lie Yuan said quietly, "But before that, the old man hoped that Xiao Chen Dao You could be for me temporarily. Protect the law, let the old man take care of the internal injuries, restore some mana and then continue on the road. "

"It should be so, but you and I still leave here for temporary cultivation, so as not to let the silver armor monster go back."

"it is good!"

After a brief discussion, the two selected a passageway, and the figure roared into it, and disappeared.


This is a vast cave, looking at a glance, I am afraid it is a thousand miles in size. In the grotto, three **** coffins were placed in the three deep pits, which seemed to be soaked and stained with blood and water, and were extremely red, exuding a strong blood evil. Now the left and right blood coffins are closed, and the middle blood coffin has been opened, leaving nothing inside. At this moment, around these three deep pits, densely packed with monsters of human or beast form, all of them are full of breath, and the whole body is full of steam. Roughly estimated that there are at least a hundred of them, previously scared by Xiao Chen One big, one small and two silver armored beasts are among them.

"Cough cough ..." In a rushing cough, an old man in a brown robe holding a crutch and a deep hump stepped out. His face and ordinary people were undoubted, but a tentacle appeared in the corner of his mouth The flesh of his beard slowly creeps and curls like life, and it is extraordinarily weird that it proves that he is a transfiguration of some kind of monster, and he is able to do this, which is obviously very strong. The cough sound attracted the eyes of all the monsters, and fell on this half-dead old guy, but revealed a sense of awe from his heart, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Everything that comes is here, but I am afraid that it will never come. If this is the case, we will not continue to delay time." The powerful blasphemer broke into the temple, their power is extremely horrible, and we can't stop them by our strength. If the blasphemy breaks into the main hall smoothly, we all have to bear the punishment from the temple. I think you should clear."

All the monsters heard that their bodies tightened instantly.


[Wait a minute, there will be a chapter soon. 】

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