Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 876: Thriller

"Because of the strength of the temple, we are immortal. Even if we are killed, we can rely on the strength of the temple to resurrect it shortly. [[ 8) 1) Z] W).? C] O> M But our body is resurrected, and it will be a completely new consciousness. Do you think you can really die? Even if the physical body is resurrected, the Yuanshen is the same as before, but your and my will have completely dissipated. This is death, complete death! "The lower the voice of the old man, but it sounded like a thunderous thunder in his ears. It was a great shock, "If you want to continue to live, you must kill all the blasphemers and protect the majesty of the temple from infringement! With your strength, I ca n’t kill the invaders, so we gather to Here, wake up the two Terminator adults. Only when the adults take the shot, we can hope to survive! "

At the edge of the deep pit, the fierceness gradually appeared in the eyes of more than a hundred monsters. They possessed the complete wisdom that was never below the monk, so they could clearly see the current situation. Either the blasphemer died, or they died!

"Awaken the Lord Terminator and kill all temple blasphemer!"

"Kill them!"

"at all costs!"

In the grotto, the monsters roared, their voices were sharp and weird, but they showed the same fierce killing atmosphere! Eyes gradually became red, and his nose and mouth wheezed, and two white airstreams were sprayed.

The snake woman in black scale armor all over took a step forward, and gave a gift to the old man in the brown robe, walked to the deep pit on the left, and did not hesitate to reach out and cut her wrist. On the blood coffin. The blood dripped, as if on a sponge, and was directly absorbed by the blood coffin and disappeared. His face was calm, but his eyes were icy and venomous.

The old man in black robe nodded with satisfaction. He stepped towards the deep pit on the right, cut his wrist, and let blood flow out into the deep pit.

As the two men shot one after another, the monsters in the cave took action. They stood silently outside the left and right deep pits, allowing their blood to flow into the pits.

Pop, pop, pop ...

This is the sound of blood dripping from the coffin when it smashed into the coffin. The two blood coffins at the bottom of the pit devoured all the dripping blood like hunger, the color became more and more red, and a little bit of evil spirit came out from it, seemingly some kind of sleeping creature, which was about to wake up. But it is this thin trace of evil spirit that makes the monsters at the edge of the deep pit stiff, either kneeling or lying on the ground, expressing their respect and awe.

Time passed little by little, I do not know how long it had passed. At one instant, the two clicks of "click" appeared at the same time, but they were two blood coffins in the deep pit, at the same time a gap was opened ... ..


Somewhere in the grotto, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, slowly recovering the mana lost in his body. In the extremely dangerous temple, he always kept himself at the peak, which was the best choice. Only in this way can we calmly deal with the sudden crisis. Because of this, Lie Yuan's first requirement after meeting him was safe for the time being, the first requirement was to heal the injury and restore internal loss, which was also due to distrust and precautions against Xiao Chen.

Looking at Lie Yuan sitting cross-legged not far from the opposite side, Xiao Chen looked expressionless and calm. The two have joined forces only because of the predicament. There is no solid foundation at all. Although in a sense he saved Lie Yuan's life, Xiao Chen didn't think Lie Yuan would be frank and honest about him. Together now, it's just because we need each other in a difficult situation, and once the situation changes, or there is a sufficiently attractive opportunity, the cooperation between the two will be completely broken. Xiao Chen can think of this, and Lie Yuan knew the same in his mind, but the two of them didn't give up.

At this moment, Lie Yuan's eyes trembled, and then slowly opened, flashing, and a rosy color appeared on his face. Apparently, the internal injuries were much better, and his mana had recovered. He rose up and laughed: "Thank you Xiao Chen for protecting your law." The depression was restored, and the mana was restored. Lie Yuan's overall condition was much better than before. When he opened his mouth to Xiao Chen, he looked a little bit more impressed. Indifferent and calm.

When he was injured and his mana was severely damaged, he was cautiously low, and the front of the language was a little flattering, but now things are changing, and everything naturally returns to the original. This is the reality, this is the monk.

Xiao Chen's face was light, and he did not show a slight change of color because of his attitude change, because he had expected, "Since Lieyuan Daoyou is okay, you and I will leave, so we can find a way to leave as soon as possible."

"Xiao Chen Daoyou said so."

They chose a direction and whistled away.

In the passage, Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan kept a relatively safe distance. There was not much communication between each other. The body was wrapped in the light and howled, reaching the extreme. And this time it was two full days.

Xiao Chen's brow could not help but wrinkled slightly, and a little doubt gradually appeared in his eyes, and with the passage of time, this doubt became heavier and heavier. He suddenly raised his hand, his body converged and his figure stopped moving.

Lie Yuan's face changed slightly, he stopped suddenly, and looked at Xiao Chen, Shen said, "What happened to Xiao Chen's friend, did you notice something abnormal?"

"There is something wrong." Xiao Chen whispered, and his eyes swept around. "You and I have been on the road for more than two days in a row, but have never encountered any temple destroyer. Lieyuan Taoist did not feel this. A little strange? "

Lie Yuan frowned when he heard the words and said, "Tao You said, but in the temple maze, the old man had not encountered the temple destroyer for a few days, maybe it was just a coincidence."

Xiao Chen shook his head. He didn't fully inform Lie Yuan, because his Yuan Shen can sense a wide range of movements. Not only is it not so simple, but he goes all the way, in the scope of his Yuan Shen induction. Within a large area, all temple destroyers disappeared. This matter, I am afraid, will not be so simple.

"I always feel that something is wrong. You and I should be more careful next." He looked dignified and could only remind in this way.

Lie Yuan nodded sternly, Xiao Chen was so solemn that he couldn't help whispering in his heart, after all, being careful in the end is not wrong, no matter how careful in the temple, it should be.

After a short pause, the two continued to move forward. After continuing for a day, they still did not encounter any temple destroyer. Xiao Chen's face became more dignified, and a bad premonition gradually developed in his heart, and Lie Yuan apparently already realized. At this point, his face gradually became gloomy. Just then, a sudden horror came suddenly and fell into their hearts. Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan's bodies suddenly tightened, and the two's faces suddenly became pale. After a few breaths, the sense of thriller slowly dissipated. The two turned to stare at each other, and they saw each other in shock! The horrifying breath of Fang Cai was obviously not illusory. In the temple, something terrible to them must have occurred. For a time, the two looked ugly, their eyes flashed, apparently their thoughts were turning sharply.

"Xiao Chen's friend ..." Lie Yuan stopped talking.

Xiao Chen had already understood what he meant, and slowly shook his head, whispering: "No matter what happened, it can give you and me an instant warning sign, which is not good. I think you and I will find and leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, things may be terrible. "

Lie Yuan nodded, apparently agreeing with Xiao Chen's views.

The two continued to move forward, and their degrees improved unconsciously. Having just happened, the two rushed to talk unintentionally, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified. The strange disappearance of the guardian of the temple and the sudden alarm of thriller may be some unknown link. As Xiao Chen said, the most important thing now is to leave here and continue to delay, how far things will go will be unpredictable!



Shocked by the rainbow, the two figures have gone!


[Continuing the codeword, there will be a chapter later, the time may be a little later, you Taoists can read it tomorrow. 】

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