Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 877: Dry corpse column with broken chest fangs

As he moved forward, Xiao Chen stopped and turned to look at the passage on one side, his brows frowned slightly. Eight (<1 Chinese W) W) W). 〉 8〉 1) ZW. COM is far away from this passage, and his Yuanshen senses a strange wave of breath, very dim, looming. If he had not been cautiously searching for the way to leave, he would not have been aware of the existence of this volatile breath.

"Xiao Chen is a friend, but has something happening?" Lie Yuan whispered.

Xiao Chen said: "It's not yet certain, but Yuan Shen faintly sensed a breath of fluctuations, and we went in this direction." Yu Luo, he turned and took the lead to change direction, and whistled along the passage.

Lie Yuan followed closely behind.

After a moment, the sight in front of me suddenly opened up. This kind of things they have experienced countless times, naturally they will not be a little bit surprised by it. The faint aura of breath came from the grotto in front of it. With the approach, the breath was still extremely weak and hard to detect. But Lie Yuan has apparently caught the wave. He glanced over Xiao Chen, revealing deep fear. He could not perceive the existence of this breath until outside the grotto, and Xiao Chen had already appeared far away. The gap between the two could not be calculated at all.

Outside the grotto, Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan stopped to stand. After a short pause, they only walked into it. Because of the fear of this obscure breath, the two acted very cautiously, and were ready to meet the danger. response. But the next moment, when they saw the situation inside the grotto, their bodies were instantly stiff, their pupils contracted slightly, and it was hard to hide the shock! The entire grotto seems to have withstood a terrible force of destruction, and large areas of corrosion and fragmentation have covered the inner walls of the grotto. These traces of damage permeated the faint scent of years, and apparently existed long ago. But the most amazing point came out in the middle of the grotto. A thick stone pillar emerged from the ground, and a figure was pierced through the heart by red blood-stained fangs and nailed to the stone pillar. The stone pillars and the ground were stained with large pieces of withered blood, and the dark red was shocking. Apparently, the dry corpse had a painful struggle before dying!

After entering the temple maze, Xiao Chen and Lie Yuan were naturally clear about the hardness and self-healing strength of the grotto's wall, but in the grotto here, the wall was clearly subjected to some extremely horrible force, causing irreparable damage. Damage, and the power of being able to do this must be far beyond their imagination! But soon, the two's attention fell on the dry corpse, to be precise, it was nailed to the taste of the **** fangs here. The dead body has been dead for many years. The whole body has already dried up, but somehow it has not been corrupted. The bones are covered with a thin layer of dry skin and are gray-white, just like the weeds in the middle of winter. It looks extremely scary. The flesh of his chest was forcibly torn by long fangs, penetrated his heart, pierced his back, and pierced the stone pillar. I don't know how many years this fang has been stored here. Today, it still has a faint blood awn, just like pure blood crystals. And that hint of obscure breath was exuded by this **** fangs.

Xiao Chen was silent, but when his eyes fell, he could be sure that the blood-stained fangs must be an amazing treasure. Standing here at a close distance, careful induction could make him nervous and give birth to a terrifying fear. It seems that the next moment, the fangs can penetrate his chest, nail him to the stone pillar like this corpse, and gradually die in the painful struggle. This tusks must be a treasure, an extremely precious treasure!

He can sense the extraordinaryness of the fangs, and Lie Yuan can also detect it. Although the old man tried his best to maintain calmness, the flash of enthusiasm and greed in the bottom of his eyes showed the true thoughts in his heart!

The two were silent, more like waiting for something to happen. As said before, all their cooperation is based on mutual interests, and once there is a dispute between the two parties, the cooperation will be terminated abruptly!

Scarlet tusks are differences of interest!

Lie Yuan said in a deep voice, saying, "Xiao Chen, you are not willing to embarrass you, but this tooth decay must be collected by me. If Dao You can agree to this, then the cooperation between you and us still exists. I will give you a certain amount of compensation, and it is agreed that the treasures that can be collected next time will be collected by the Daoyou. The old man will never intervene and do not know what the friends think? "

Xiao Chen sneered, his eyes moved sharply, and he whispered: "The wishful thinking of the fierce Yuan Taoist friend, this tooth is obviously extraordinary, and falling into you and me can greatly enhance your and our strength. Thousands of treasures are worthy of things. Taoist thinks, what compensation can he give to Xiaomou? Later, you and I can find this kind of treasure again? Taoist is so open, I do n’t think he ’s doing this. Overbearing, too confident! "

"The old man's words stop here. If the Daoist doesn't want to, you and I can only do one match. The winner is judged. Who is qualified to receive this scarlet fangs!" Lie Yuan's eyes turned cold and he turned to face Xiao In the morning, the breath in the body was slightly paused, and then it went crazy up in an amazing range! In just a short time, the breath of the Creator Xeon was revealed. Compared with the power he had exploded before, it was much stronger! This old weird look is cold, but it contains enough strong self-confidence! Although the strength revealed by Xiao Chenzhan is strong, he also has a hole card in his hand. The hidden power is amazing enough! And as an old monster who has lived in countless years in the evil star domain, he still has a kind of desperate potential card in his hand. Once he has shot, although he can't escape serious injuries or even irrecoverable damage, he can produce infinite in a short time. Approaching the power of the monk who stepped into heaven!

If Xiao Chen knew each other, it would be better to retreat, otherwise he would not blame him for being ruthless! No matter what, this scarlet tusks must be him! As for the former life-saving grace, in Lie Yuan's view, it was Xiao Chen's choice when defending his own interests. The two were just a purely cooperative relationship. He didn't need to be grateful, and he would naturally have no guilt when he tore his face.

Xiao Chen's expression changed, and his eyes were shocked, as if he had never thought that Lie Yuan had hidden so much power. He took a step back, and the coldness in his eyes disappeared a lot, apparently his thoughts had softened.

Lie Yuan said coldly: "Xiao Chen, my husband doesn't want to think of your kindness after all, Dao You'd better not force me to take a shot, otherwise the final result will be left to Dao You!"

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly. After hesitating for a few seconds, his eyes showed unwillingness, and he nodded reluctantly, and stepped back, "This tusks will be collected by Lie Yuan Taoist friends, Xiao no longer intervenes! "

"That being the case, please ask Dao You to exit the cave." Lie Yuan felt a joy in his heart, but his face was never revealed.

Xiao Chen withdrew in accordance with the words, Lie Yuan then withdrew his gaze, fell on the scarlet fangs, and the frenzy passed by. This tooth decay must be a weapon for killing life. When it is put into the hands of him, his power can be improved a lot. By then, there will be more self-protection in the temple. As for Xiao Chen, now he is not an opponent. After receiving the tusks, his strength will increase, and he will be even more afraid, and can only be controlled by him! As his thoughts turned, he moved under his feet and walked step by step towards the dead body.

Outside the grotto, Xiao Chen's face was full of unwillingness, but in his eyes there was a mockery of Han Mang passing by. Lie Yuan concealed his cultivation, and Xiao Chen had never fully stimulated the power of the chaos world. If he really let go and kill, he might not be afraid of this person! But he still chose to stay away, not because the scarlet fangs were not precious enough, but after entering the grotto, a faint crisis pervaded him, and the source of this crisis was the dry body on the stone pillar! Divine knowledge swept away. Although it was determined that the corpse was dead and could not die anymore, the crisis felt by Yuanshen made Xiao Chen dare not care. So after a short while of thinking, he made the decision to give in temporarily. Since you want to collect this fangs, then I will give you!

Looking at Lie Yuan's back, seeing that he reached out to look at the fangs, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually showed a dignified color. What is so strange about this dry corpse can give him a sense of crisis, and soon, everything will be revealed!


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