Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 878: resurrection

Holding the scarlet fangs in his hand, everything went smoothly without any problems. ? (August One Middle School [{文W]W]. ?8>1?Z]W]. Com Lieyuan's heart was slightly loose, and his eyes were getting hotter and hotter. He took a slight breath and slowly applied force on his hands. With a soft "pop", it was the sound of fangs being pulled out of the stone pillars, slowly pulling up inch by inch. The fangs rubbed against the dry flesh and blood, and there was a slight rustling sound. When the sound disappeared, the **** fangs The tooth has been taken out of the chest of the mummy, revealing a transparent hole, and the torn shriveled flesh and the dark red stone pillar below can be clearly seen.

But at the moment, Lie Yuan’s attention has been attracted by the fangs in his hand. It is nearly two feet long, with a slightly curved tip tilting upwards, and the gaze falling down gives people a sense of perfection. Layers of blood halo constantly flashed by, filled with Beautiful, strange and fierce and powerful. Only when you really hold this fang, you know how powerful it is. Lie Yuan doesn't know what the fang is from, but he has a clear premonition in his heart, even if the creation strongest monk is nailed by this fang Living, it's hard to escape death, and it can even pose a threat to the cultivator of the stepping sky!

This kind of power is terrifying!

There was a hint of ecstasy on Lie Yuan's face, but at this moment, the sudden change occurred! On the stone pillar, the dead corpse opened its eyes without warning, and there were two shriveled eyes in the eye sockets that had not yet disappeared, and a trace of tyranny and forest flashed in the mud. Lie Yuan's complexion changed drastically, and with force under his feet, his figure would shoot backwards, but at this moment it was too late! The two dry and seemingly rotten palms of the corpse, but the speed is astonishing, grabbing his arm in an instant, and it will not move like a cast iron. Even though Lie Yuan struggles with all his strength, he cannot break free from the confinement of his palm. A look of horror appeared on the strange face. At this moment, the mummy let out a vague but terrifying growl, opened his shriveled lips, revealing a row of pale teeth, bent over and bit Lie Yuan’s neck, tearing it hard, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood. Suddenly, blood and blood flowed from his wound. The dry corpse chewed the flesh and blood in his mouth vigorously, blood overflowing, and swallowing hard into the abdomen that had been shriveled for many years, his withered flesh, after swallowing the flesh and blood, quickly recovered. Through the transparent wound on the chest of the mummy, you can clearly see the heart pierced by the fangs, and the dry and pale wounds around it. At this moment, a trace of blood suddenly appeared.

"Ah!" Lie Yuan let out a miserable howl. He looked at the mummy swallowing his flesh and blood. There was a deep fear in his eyes, and the most frightening thing was that the mummy had torn the wound on his neck. After the initial severe pain, now he became numb quickly, and the range of numbness was spreading to his entire physical body. In this numbness, the flow of his mana was almost stagnant, and he could not produce any resistance. If he can't get rid of as soon as possible, once he waits for this numbness to spread throughout his body, what is waiting for him is the end of death, and even the entire body will be swallowed clean by this terrifying corpse! While screaming, the mana in his body was violently agitated, his body struggled violently, curled up, and stepped heavily on the chest of the mummy!

With a "bang" sound, accompanied by a clear sound of bone fragmentation, along the scars left by the blood-colored fangs, the chest cavity of the mummy was kicked to pieces, and Lie Yuan's calf fell into his chest. However, this kind of injury that was fatal to the monk did not have much impact on the mummy. He was still chewing the flesh and blood, a pair of shriveled eyes staring at Lieyuan, revealing nakedness and nakedness. Hunger and greed. In the eyes of the mummy, he was obviously regarded as the most delicious meal. At this moment, Lie Yuan's eyes widened, and the fear in his eyes was even heavier. His calf inserted into the mummy's chest was now stuck in life, and there was a scorching sensation of scorching heat, but the pain went away extremely fast, in an instant Then he disappeared, followed by a numbness. But in this numbness, he can clearly sense the melting of his own flesh and blood, such as the autumn frost on the eaves under the sun, the speed is amazing.

The mummy leaned over and tore off the second piece of flesh and blood at Lie Yuan’s neck, causing a slight tingling of numbness, which made him completely panic and fear. The pulled fangs in his hand pierced the mummy’s shoulder, and his mouth was crazy Roaring, "Go to die! Go to die!"

With a muffled sound, the blood-colored fangs pierced the shoulders of the mummy directly, causing a painful roar in his mouth. The injured arm slammed hard, knocking the blood-colored fangs clenched in Lie Yuan's hands away. Put aside and insert it into the hard ground of the temple. After being injured, the awakened corpse became more tyrannical. He threw Lie Yuan to the ground in a low growl, and inserted ten fingers into his body like iron nails, suppressing him tightly and unable to move, all the struggling power in his body, It was broken up by life, and the mana was in chaos and couldn't be gathered again. The mummy lay on him, biting in a low growl, terrifying.

"Friend Xiao Chen, help me! Help me!" Lie Yuan's body twitched violently. He had never felt the fear like he did today. He was pressed by the awakened corpse, making him feel the shadow of death coming, and he had already The whole is enveloped. But now only Xiao Chen can save him. If he makes a move, there may be a glimmer of life today!

Outside the grotto, Xiao Chen looked solemn, looking at Lie Yuan who was crushed by the mummy, his eyes couldn't hide the fright. But at this moment, the low and feasting corpse suddenly raised his head, looking at Xiao Chen with cold eyes, but the chewing movement in his mouth has not been interrupted, and thick blood gushes from the corner of his mouth, dripping down the shriveled cheeks to the ground. At this moment, being stared at by the mummy, Xiao Chen suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis in his heart. The victory of this crisis made him feel like he was in a sea of ​​blood, and the roots of the cold rooted behind him. This mummy is extremely dangerous, threatening to threaten his life!

The next moment, Xiao Chen's body flashed slightly, and he turned and left without hesitation. He heard Lie Yuan's call for help, but he would never put himself in danger to save him. And he had a clear intuition in his heart, even if the mummy seemed weak at the moment, and he shot it, he might not be able to kill it. In that case, he will naturally not take risks!

"Stop! Don't go! Don't go!" Lie Yuan growled feebly. As a lot of blood flowed out, the numbness spread to his body. He became weaker and weaker. Seeing Xiao Chen leave, the last glimmer of hope was shattered. , Making his eyes dimmed instantly, and his heart was filled with despair. At this moment, Lie Yuan's heart was full of regret, but the matter had already occurred, and everything was irreversible. He had to pay the due price for his greed.

The mummy watched Xiao Chen leave, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end he gave up the hunt and continued to devour flesh and blood.

The whole grotto was quiet, only the sound of tearing flesh and bones and chewing continued...Along with the devouring of flesh and blood, the flesh of the dried corpse quickly recovered, and the shriveled flesh seemed to be reinjected into life again. Becoming plump, this mummified corpse turned into a strong monk with a naked body in a very short time, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were full of coldness. Tear off the last bite of flesh and blood, slowly chew it in the mouth with a steady and gentle degree, and swallow it bit by bit. Lie Yuan has completely disappeared from this world, leaving only a spot of broken bones and a large beach of blood. The corpse cultivator reached out and picked up Lie Yuan's long robe that had been soaked in blood, and put it on his body casually. His expression did not reveal the slightest abnormality. He slowly raised his eyes to the **** fangs inserted into the ground in the distance, with cold eyes. For the first time, there was a sense of resentment in his eyes.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned and turned into a **** shadow, and he plunged directly into a passage, and his figure disappeared.

It became quiet here, and after another moment, a flash of light from a passageway in the grotto, Xiao Chen's figure went and returned. Although the corpse in the primordial spirit had already left, he was completely relieved after his gaze was swept away. . The dazzling blood on the ground gradually showed signs of drying up, the ground was messy and piled up with broken bones, and the air was still full of blood. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, Lie Yuan, the most powerful person in the world, was considered a rare power in this world, but he ended up like this in the temple. He was swallowed clean by the corpse. He sighed slightly in his heart. , And can't help being secretly awe-inspiring, and even more cautious! In the place where the temple is fierce, you need to be absolutely careful when you act. The slightest carelessness may put yourself in a situation where you can never recover! He took a breath, suppressed all the fluctuations in his mood, and looked at the blood-colored fang that was stuck on the ground not far away. Now that the corpse was gone, Lie Yuan was dead, and the fangs eventually fell into his hands.

Stepping to the side of the fangs, leaned over and reached into his hands to hold it, with a slight force, the fangs had separated from the ground and fell into his hands. Slightly sensed, Xiao Chen had already sensed the horror of the fangs, and when Lieyuan was struggling to die, he had easily pierced the shoulders of the mummy with this thing, and he saw it all in his eyes. The sharpness of the fangs is beyond doubt! But the moment he grasped this fang, he suddenly felt an induction in his mind. Through this fang, he actually noticed that a certain fast-moving individual was whizzing in a certain direction. Frowning slightly, Xiao Chen had already guessed that the fast-moving individual in the induction must be the departed corpse. It's just that now he is rushing forward, where does he want to go?

But soon, his eyes gradually showed bright colors. In the temple, with the continuous deepening, the guarding power is gradually increasing, from the initial temple guard to the temple destroyer that has appeared today, this has been proved. Although he didn't know the identity of this corpse for the time being, he showed a power that Lie Yuan could not contend. It was far beyond the level of the two temples on the left and right of the temple, and there was only one place in the temple where this level of power might exist. That is the main hall of the temple!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's mind could no longer remain calm. Although he could not be sure of this matter, there is a strong possibility that this corpse had some kind of close connection with the main hall of the temple! Sensing the corpse moving forward in a hurry, he gritted his teeth, his eyes showed a firm color, and suddenly lifted up, stepping out of the way, and the figure just got into the passage where the corpse left, and rushed toward him! Regardless of whether the guess is correct or not, he has to try it, success may be able to find a chance to leave, if it fails, he will face the chase of the mummy.

This is the way things are in the world. But this time, Xiao Chen didn't want to miss it!


[First change a chapter, there should be another chapter before 12 o'clock, if not changed, two chapters together after 12 o'clock. 】

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