Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 879: Temple Terminator

The main hall of the temple stands quietly in the heavens and the earth. It is majestic and majestic. A staircase from the main hall extends down from the main hall. It is connected to a wide square with a dark sky above it. The dazzling stars released the mysterious and cold stars in the darkness, flickering and falling, adding a little peace to the temple. 〔< 〔八 (一 [([[Small [WWW.WWW.81ZW.COM] At this moment, the silence of the temple was completely broken, the magical powers whistled through the sky, the sound of horrible horror broke out, and a tragic momentum rose into the sky!

The square in front of the temple is now a battlefield for crazy killing! Numerous temples surpassed the guardians of the white-headed temple and, under the leadership of two tall figures, launched a frenzied strangle on the monks in the enclosure!

Shenjizi's face was slightly white, and the fierce killing made the old man extremely depleted. He had already suffered some injuries in his body. He looked at the roaring black robe figure not far away, and his eyes were full of fear!

Temple Terminator! The most powerful existence in the entire temple guardianship system, defend the Xeon Power of the temple! The power he possesses has been approaching the monk who stepped on the sky infinitely, coupled with the increase in the strength of the temple, and even has the power to compete with the **** machine! The surrounding temple destroyers, under the guidance of the Terminator, formed the array of temple destruction, releasing a powerful deterrent force and suppressing all blasphemers who broke into the temple. As time went by, the killings of both sides showed a state of stalemate, and with the passage of time, the scales of victory gradually tilted towards the side of the temple's guardian forces.

The tall figure shrouded in a black robe is an enhanced version of the temple sacrifice-the temple high priest, one of the forms of the terminator of the temple, mastering the extremely scary dark system magical powers, cold and cruel! The two soul flames jumped and burned in the deep eye sockets, which could produce a clear look of the eyes, giving people a strong psychological coercion. There was a roar in his mouth, and no sound was heard, but he had released a terrible sprint of the Yuanshen. The sprints were like fine needles, which could easily tear and tear the Yuanshen, with great power. In the process, the white scepter of the temple high priest dropped forward! A squeak sounded, a black flame burst out of the void, and it was cold and unheated during the combustion, releasing the extreme icy breath. This is the flame that burns everything in the dark. Flesh and blood and the primordial **** can burn as much as possible, and eventually become ashes.

The prince's sprint of the temple high priest came instantly, accompanied by the black flame tongue that came out, gathered from all around, and swept away towards the **** machine! This weird face is dignified, the coldness in the eyes is heavier, and there are layers of fierce rolling and floating. He has been taught about the means of the high priest of the temple, whether it is the impact of the yuan **** or the dark flame, even if he practices it. Dare to make contact directly, or if he is not careful, he may make his body injury worse instantly! Now he is suffering the wounds and worships the temple high priest! The **** machine roared, and the powerful Yuanshen Xiu burst into an instant, condensing into a round eggshell-like guardian power, and sprinting the temple high priest's Yuanshen in a muffled "snap" and "snap" sound. Block as many as possible. When resisting the sprint of Yuanshen, he didn't stop his movements. He raised his head with one hand and patted in front of him, and drank in his mouth, "Endless waters!"

With the low drink falling, the space is slightly twisted, and an endless stream of water suddenly emerges, converging into a wave in the upsurge, and ups and downs into a sea of ​​oceans. At a glance, the waters are endless! The water current in the tumbling and instantaneous contact with the dark flame, although the water can overcome the fire, the water power to deal with the magical power of the fire, is the best choice, but at this moment the situation of water and fire against fierce assassination was not born, the dark flame directly channeled into the water , You can clearly see that they are like snakes winding forward, rushing at the magic machine!

Shenjizi's face changed slightly, but his face was still calm, without showing panic. His eyes fell on the dark fire snake. He patted his palm and clenched abruptly, "The waters are condensed, and thousands of miles are frozen!" The endless waters in the ups and downs suddenly stopped at this moment, and suddenly turned into hard ice! The dark fire snake that swept through the water was instantly frozen inside, and could no longer move at all!

"Broken!" Shenji Zi opened his hands and shook his palms directly, his five fingers were like five sharp ice swords, and he pointed to the sky!




The cracks appeared on the frozen ice surface, then spread to the surrounding area at an amazing degree, then collapsed, and turned into smashing ice, shattered the dark fire snake, and whizzed the wind, blasting away in all directions.

The high priest of the temple was stiff, and the two groups of fiercely burning soul flames trembled at this moment, and then became dimmed. Obviously, when the dark flames were defeated, he was injured. With a wave of sleeves, a black mist appeared in front of it, and the shards of ice that fell from it fell into it and was directly corroded and disappeared, but the temple destroyers around them did not have this method, and they were all under the ice. Smashed scale armor shattered flesh and torn. Suddenly, the high priest of the temple suddenly turned around and took a savage blow towards a sorrowful temple destroyer. He was suddenly angry and stripped away. Under this suction, he was completely swallowed by the high priest of the temple. In his eye socket The flames of the slightly weakened souls of two groups suddenly became strong again, and the temple destroyer turned into flying ash.

Shenjizi's face became extremely ugly in an instant. The high priest of the temple devoured the wound healing method, allowing him to recover as before in the shortest time after suffering the injury, which is naturally a very bad thing for him ... ...

On the other side, the center of the battlefield is the evil monarch! The old monster left behind the machine that day. I don't know what means he could use to bite the machine in this labyrinthine passageway, and finally got rid of hope. After two short talks, the two strange people decided to go again. Join forces to break into the main hall of the temple. Thanks to the existence of the evil monarch, he helped the **** machine share the general power, otherwise this old man might be defeated and defeated!

A powerful figure stood with his knees bent slightly in the distance, and the dark red heavy armor was worn directly on his body. The exposed flesh was slightly black, and the texture was as hard as a stone. The body was nearly two feet strong, and he was as fast as one in action. The moving hill, with a pair of scarlet flesh wings behind him, gave him a sharp agility that was inconsistent with the flesh when shooting down. A huge double-edged axe in his hand, whistling and chopping, can chop all existing beings that are in front of him! This is the second temple terminator, which is an upgraded version of the temple guard-the temple leader! His agility, powerful flesh, and terrible attack power are enough to make people feel desperate!

During the roar, the head of the temple leaped high, and a pair of flesh-colored flesh wings covered the star, casting a shadow, covering the evil monarch. The next moment the meat wings were retracted, the figure landed abruptly, and the huge double-bladed axe made a slamming sound of smashing, and it was cut off frantically in the howling! The axe has not yet fallen, but the terrifying coercion has burst, giving people a thrilling feeling that everything is falling apart and everything is destroyed! Even the Xeon of Creation will lose heart under this axe and be crushed by life!

The evil monarch had an ugly face. He had long been taught about the fierce attack of this temple leader. At this moment, he did not dare to have any intentions. He reached up and pointed up. Suddenly, there was a black fog that directly formed a black cord , Entangling him with the giant axe in his hands, to contain the fierce attack of the Temple Commander!

"Hanging!" In the roar, the black rope quickly contracted and tightened in a muffled sound of "嘭" and "嘭", sinking deeply into the flesh and blood of the temple chief, trying to tear his body. But as one of the temple's terminator, the temple leader is more terrifying than the temple destroyer. The black rope of the Temple Destroyer can be easily broken, and it is not enough to cause serious harm to him in front of the Temple Commander!

There was a roar from the head of the temple chief, and his powerful flesh suddenly made a violent shake. The black rope tightly bound to him immediately shook violently, and quickly broke down in the dense "cracking" sound, which was dissipated into a black mist and dissipated directly.

Sin monarch's pupils shrunk slightly, and the temple commanded terrifying physical strength and physical strength. Even with his cultivation, he felt shocked!

The two old monsters were caught in a fierce battle. The fierce forces composed of the two temple terminator and more than a hundred temple destroyers could gradually suppress them, and this situation undoubtedly made the God machine and the evil monarch extremely angry.

However, the development of things often leads to misfortunes, so that the unfavorable situation suddenly falls into an absolute crisis! In the square in front of the temple's main hall, a low-pitched roar suddenly descended. The two strange faces of the **** machine and the evil monarch's faces changed greatly, and their eyes were exasperated. They suddenly turned to the passage leading to the temple's main hall, a figure Just stepping forward at this moment! This is a very cold man. His robe has been stained with blood and dripped along the corner of the clothes. This expressionless man looks the same as ordinary people, but the sense of breath makes the God machine and the evil monarch all cold, because this man is also a temple terminator!

There was a roar at the same time with the two archaic temple priests and the head of the temple during the killing, revealing a faint joy, and as the roar fell, the temple destroyers in the square trembled suddenly, Fears appeared in their eyes, but they dared not have the slightest resistance, and could not even think of running away. At the same time, they turned away from the siege and surrounded the cold men, respectfully lying on the ground, quiet and low.

A flash of hotness flashed in the cold man's cold eyes for a moment. He suddenly reached out and smashed the head of a temple destroyer in front of him, and thick blood and brain fluid spewed out. He did not say anything directly on the corpse of the Temple Destroyer, opened his mouth to the wound on his skull, vigorously allowed it to be sucked up, and a thrilling swallowing sound continued in his mouth. The Temple Destroyer, who had not completely died, continued to twitch slightly in his allowance.

The Temple Destroyer lying on the ground trembling, but no one dared to run away. At this moment, the fierce temple destroyers are reduced to food for their strength before the temple terminator! The sound of flesh tearing bones and broken bones echoed in the air with a steady and cold chewing sound, and blood spilt out. The blood robes of the cold men became redder, and as the swallowing progressed, the breath in the body began to change The amazing degree is constantly increasing. He looked at the God machine and the evil monarch with a pair of eyes, cold and without any temperature.

Shenjizi's pupils contracted violently, and at this point the temple trip finally gave birth to something unexpected!

Third Temple Terminator! According to his information, the Terminator of the temple did have three heads, but the central Terminator had been cut off a long time ago, and he had not appeared again after fighting in the temple. But now the terminator of the third temple appears again. Although I don't know what happened in the dark, this weird face is extremely ugly! "Kill him, you must not let the third Terminator regain its power, otherwise you and I can't escape a death robbery today!" In the roar, this old monster no longer has any hidden parts, his breath explodes madly, and his complexion is short. Turned rosy, raised his hands and cast his feet, exuding an incomparable force of terror.

The sinful prince has a gloomy face. He has been in a passive position since he entered the temple. Although he does not want to be taken the initiative by the **** machine, he has to do what he wants at this moment, because he knows clearly that if the third terminator recovers, this Fan entering the temple will become futile, and will even languish here! With a low roar in the mouth, the weird eyes instantly turned black, pure black, containing no impurities!

Once the monk stepping on the sky, the power that can be released can skyrocket to a level in an instant, reaching an extremely amazing level. He actually reversed the war in a short time and suppressed the two temple terminator to the downside!

At this moment, the high priest of the temple and the chief of the temple roared at the same time, the harsh sounds echoed throughout the space, and the stars inlaid on the dark sky were suddenly covered with blood, pale blood. Starlight wafted down from the sky, and as if attracted, they quickly gathered to the two Terminators and merged directly into their bodies.

Summoning the temple and gaining the blessing of the temple's strength, which makes its own strength increase in a short time, is one of the powerful means of the temple terminator. The flames of the two souls jumping in the eye socket of the temple high priest were instantaneous, and when they skyrocketed, they burst out from the eye socket, which was appalling. The temple leader was blessed by the strength of the temple, the flesh and blood began to tremble violently, and the "cracking" sound of the bones colliding and growing in the body, the body was more than a foot tall, and a fierce atmosphere came to the face, just like the ancient fierce beast! The Terminator of the temple is also extremely difficult to exist. The high priest of the temple and the big commander of the temple, although the individual combat power is slightly weaker than the **** machine and the evil monarch, but they have the blessing of the temple power. Being entangled with death, letting them roar and spit out their magical powers, and release the power of stepping on the sky, but they cannot escape from their entanglement!

At this time, the terminator of the third temple who became an indifferent man still did not stop his actions. His chewing action was not irritable, gentle and stable, but the degree of swallowing the flesh was surprisingly fast. Swallowed the first Temple Destroyer, leaving large blood and bone fragments. The man swallowed the last bite of flesh without rushing, and then patted the second temple destroyer to death, and continued the process of swallowing. He was nailed to the stone pillar by blood-colored fangs, which caused him to enter a deep state of false death. Although he barely saved his life, his power was almost exhausted. Only by swallowing a large amount of flesh with strength can he be restored as quickly as possible. When he recovers, that is, when he takes the initiative to the God machine, the evil lord!


Xiao Chen's face was dignified, and the cadaver's rushing body in the induction suddenly stopped moving, but he immediately appeared, the corpse's breath suddenly became stronger in the induction, and he was constantly improving with a stable degree! This now made him stop suddenly, his face was cloudy. The dead corpse is extremely mysterious. It has been nailed to the stone pillar by blood-colored fangs for an unknown number of years. It still hasn't died. When you leave, you have the power to devour Lie Yuan Sheng Sheng. If he waits until his strength is restored, I don't know what can be achieved! If he continues to step forward, in case he appears, it is extremely difficult to escape, and he may even lose his life!

After a moment of silence, he slowly lifted his eyes, revealing the firmness in his eyes again, and his suspicion was slowly depressed. The current situation, he is trapped in the maze of the temple, if he does not fight this time, even if it is safe for the time being, he will inevitably face a crisis in the future! Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if he can always survive safely, it is best to end up in this temple maze like a walking dead forever, the final result is nothing more than mental breakdown and self-determination. This ending is better to die than to live. That being the case, it's better to take some risks than to wait here to wait for death to come!

Aura of light flashed, Xiao Chen's figure continued to move forward, his face was full of fortitude in silence, his eyes filled with determination!

Anyway, this time, he can't retreat!


[A chapter of nearly 5,000 words was secretly coded early in the morning and added during work, and it was finally done before work. Updated, it is considered to add yesterday's two chapters owe more, wait to go home to continue coding, there should be three chapters at night. 】

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