Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 883: Shenwenfengzhen

Majestic and solemn voices rang directly in my mind, simple beats, meaningless notes, such as the vast wind blowing across the wilderness, such as the impact of rough stones, such as the neat and low slogan of craftsmen ... short and powerful, shivering, The blood in the whole body seemed to boil in this high voice. Bayi Chinese Network W] WW. 81ZW. Com

The sound dissipated, but the sound it set off was still ups and downs in my mind, just like the stormy sea!

Xiao Chen's face was red, his body was trembling slightly, and he was obviously suffering from some kind of unspeakable pain. He suddenly opened his eyes and gasped, his face was covered with big sweat beads, his eyes rolled with shock and hesitation. . Everything just found is like being in a dream. The sound in my mind seemed to have imprinted something in his mind, as if it had completely disappeared. No matter how he thinks back, he can only think of the solemn breath of the magnificent majesty, and the rest is blank.

His eyes fell on the shard in his hands, and his eyes gradually dwindled. This shard must hide a great secret. To unravel this secret, he must first collect the shards intact. The front temple of the temple, the left and right temples, he has collected three pieces, and the last one is left in the main temple of the temple. Looking up to the passage leading to the main hall of the temple, Xiao Chen carefully collected the fragments and took out the blood-stained fangs. Based on this, he sensed the breath of the man transformed by the dead body. This breath will be a beacon to guide him. But with a slight induction, he could not help wrinkling his brow slightly. The man's breath was much weaker than before. It seemed that in the main hall of the temple, the **** machine had gained the upper hand.

Xiao Chen didn't delay time in meaningless thinking. If he wanted to leave the ancient temple, he could only pass through the passage of the main temple of the temple. He had to unlock the secret hidden in the debris and also entered the main temple of the temple. So, no matter what, he had no choice.

Xiao Chen stepped forward, Xiao Chen's figure turned into a shocked rainbow, and whistled away.


In the square in front of the main hall, the evil monarch tried his best to entangle the desperate leader of the temple. His face was pale and his breath was slightly weak. It is still not easy to step up to the sky to deal with the desperate command of the temple. Although this old man was bitter in his heart, his eyes were full of firmness, and he did not flinch. Because he knows that if he wants to survive today, he must do it according to the order of the **** machine, otherwise, the only thing waiting for him is the end of death.

On the opposite side, the leader of the angry temple was trapped in a black mist. He waved a giant axe in the roar, struggling to tear a crack in the mist, but the thick black mist would be restored in an instant, and he would die. Trapped, unable to get away.

The other side is the core of the battlefield.

The **** machine stood on the ground in the air, and his face was blurred in distortion, sometimes his appearance, sometimes the old face of the third ancestor soul, and the powerful smell of decay was exploding from his body. The space was in this powerful power. The bottom became slightly crooked and then blurred.

Between the waves, a wave of ocean water suddenly appeared, but the current was pure black, as if stained with ink, exuding the extreme coldness. Numerous pieces of hexagonal ice flowers condensed in the void and slowly fell along the natural trajectory. This ice flower is also extremely black.

The cold-skinned man's face changed slightly, and he gasped slightly for a couple of breaths. A roar in his mouth revealed the ancient desolation and fierceness. The light bloodstains released by the temple stars quickly condensed to him and merged into the flesh. In the process, he stepped forward with one foot, and severely fell forward with one hand.

A chop fell, a pale look of sickness appeared on his face, and a trace of tiredness flashed in his eyes.

Hundreds of miles of crimson blades suddenly appeared, chopped into the water waves, and tore the water flow during the rapid tremor. Thousands of black drops of water were instantaneously blasted in the collapsed water stream, and then blasted out with strong force like steel sand.

The high priest of the temple waved the scepter in his hand, and the dark power emerged, turning into a group of black shadows without a fixed shape, and wrapping the water drops that fell into it, quickly refining until dissipated.

Although the magical power worked, the soul flame in the high priest's eye socket suddenly trembled, and then quickly faded, revealing a weakness.

The power released by the third ancestor soul suppressed the cold man and the temple high priest in the confrontation! His victorious eyes looked at the Terminator of the two temples, cold and without any temperature.

The ruthless man gasped for two breaths, and suddenly raised short, rapid syllables, sharp and sharp, and instantly exploded in the temple, forming a rolling tide, which turned into a terrifying means of savvy attack and directly penetrated into the **** .

The third ancestor's eyes flashed a hot flash in the depths of his eyes, and he flicked his sleeves to defeat the thorny sound waves. His face was calm, and he seemed to be waiting for the next thing.

The evil monarch felt a pain in Yuan Shen, and seemed to have been stabbed with a fine needle, making his face suddenly pale, and there was a momentary interruption in the power of supernatural control. While taking advantage of this opportunity, the Great Commander of the Temple swept through the giant axe, taking advantage of the instant stagnation of the black mist, and got out along the ripped rift. He didn't seek out the evil monarch because of the anger in his chest. Instead, he kept on, fluttering his flesh, and the figure turned into a stream of light heading for the dark sky above his head.

At the same time, the ruthless man and the black robe high priest acted simultaneously, and their bodies rose into the sky at the same time.

The three figures hurried upward, like a meteor from Mercedes, crashing into the same point in the void. But before they really met, the black power suddenly burst from their bodies, forming a deep black halo that directly merged in the collision, forming a thick black power, enclosing the three figures.

The blood-colored stars inlaid in the black sky canopy, the contaminated blood color suddenly spreads with an astonishing degree, the light suddenly and vigorously, and the falling star light became red, as if soaked in blood color. This Yin Hongxingmang, as if attracted, converges to a group of black under the sky, attaches to it, merges into the black with a very fast degree, forming a strange black and red color, and the power of the two colors rotates slowly It seems to have its own life.

A hint of breath suddenly appeared in the black and red power group, and then skyrocketed with an amazing degree!

Up, keep up!

The cold and violent terror threatened from the sky. The evil monarch's face grew paler. He looked up at the black-red light cluster under the sky, and intuitively told him that it was best to shoot now and break it, otherwise it would inevitably cause extreme horror. s consequence. But Yu Guang fell on the face of the third ancestor, and when he saw that he was calm and didn't mean to stop him, he had to slowly suppress the thoughts in his heart.

The third ancestor looked at the red and black light clusters, his eyes gradually became brighter, and he said nothing in silence, but seemed to be aware of the falling power!

With the passage of time, the atmosphere in the Black and Red Light Group has gradually reached its peak level, and is no longer completely under the third ancestor soul, and its fierce terror is even stronger than him.




Cracks appeared on the black and red light clusters, and a palm suddenly protruded from the inside, breaking the broken light clusters and tearing them with a little force. The entire light cluster collapsed instantly, turned into a little energy, and merged into the light clusters. Out of the burly figure inside.

This is a strong body with a height of three feet. The face is exactly that cruel man, wearing black armor, with blood-stained meat wings behind him, and a **** cloak automatically hunting without wind behind him, deep in the eyes, burning Blazing soul flame! He held a larger double-edged tomahawk in his left hand, the axe body was black and red, and his right hand was holding the bone-bone staff, but the bone essence at the top of Zhang was icy black and red, with a single tail behind him. Shake naturally.

The terrifying breath came out of him. The powerful body, such as the abyss of the vastness, stretched his body freely, the space trembled beside him, and every move seemed to release the tearing Terror forces.

An irregular shard imprinted on the forehead of the cruel man, as if it had grown out of his flesh and blood, showing a faint purple, crystal clear like ice crystals.

This newly emerged weird creature is obviously the product of the fusion of the three-headed temple terminator, but this is not a simple fusion, but a complete complement of the three parties' strengths. The power possessed will have an astonishing increase!

The third ancestor's gaze fell, his eyes burst into a hot light, a trace of deep excitement, quietly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

After waiting so long, it's finally time!

The ancestors' prophecy is not wrong. The day when God ’s machine captures the temple is coming. The ancient and blocked ethnic groups are about to be relieved. Their goal for generations to come will be achieved!

The third ancestral soul fell asleep for endless years. Although he survived consciously, he was essentially decayed. But it is this decaying Yuanshen who now has a long-lost feeling of blood and surging, making his body tremble slightly! In order to accomplish this goal, the self-destruction and seal of the three generations of God Machine have finally reached the harvest time today. He is not afraid of complete destruction, as long as he can liberate the entire community, everything is worth it!

A head screamed, and from the body of the God machine, a slightly illusive figure suddenly emerged, which is the third ancestor soul sealed in his body! With the departure of the third ancestral soul, God Machine quickly regained consciousness, and the horror in his body was also reduced madly. He glanced at the figure of the third ancestor, with deep hope and sorrow flashing in his eyes. For this day, Shenji has paid a heavy price, but everything will end today. Soon after, the anger from the vein of the magic machine will descend on the whole world, and the enemies that survived to the present day will be destroyed in panic and trembling!

The third ancestral soul suddenly burned, and he was already terrified. At this moment, it was like boiling water, rising fiercely in a fierce toss! It is the soul flame that burns. In the tongue of fire, his figure becomes more illusory, and once it disappears, it is a permanent extinction, and there is no trace of it between heaven and earth. In his illusory body, a golden rune slowly condensed, absorbing his power frantically, and the gold became more and more clear.

A furious roar suddenly appeared from the fusion of the strange creatures. It seemed to be aware of what was about to happen. The flesh wing shot behind it, and the giant axe was thrown suddenly in the hand. The space along the way shook slightly, and the sound of breaking air was sharp.

But the third ancestor who burned himself possessed a terrifying power. The giant axe was chopped off, and before he was close to his body, he was shattered! He suddenly lifted his eyes and slumped on the weird creature in front of him, with an old but high roar in his mouth. "With all my strength, I condensed the gods in the town, suppressed the evil in the temple, and fulfilled the eternal mission in the blood ! "

"Shen Wenfeng Town!"

The sound never fell, the third ancestor soul completely dissipated in the fierce burning soul flame, drew all the golden divine patterns of power, penetrated the endless space in a flash, and directly hit its chest in the roar of the weird creature. , Instant integration!


[There are updates at night, it should be before 12 o'clock. 】

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