Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 884: Powerful first ancestor

Ignoring the defense of the armor and the powerful flesh, the **** pattern easily broke all obstacles and merged directly into its flesh. At the next moment, the entire **** pattern suddenly collapsed and turned into countless golden chains. The physical body spreads wildly. Bayi Novel [WWW? W] W. 81ZW. COM is only a moment, the golden chain has penetrated the flesh and blood of the weird creature, and it has sealed all its powers, even the consciousness.

The eyes of the weird creature were closed, and the flesh that had lost all its strength fell on its back and fell to the ground.


As soon as the ground broke, a large area of ​​mysteriously broken squares was directly hit and flew a few pieces of rubble. The body of this weird creature hit the ground and bounced back for a few more turns without any damage. This shows the powerful flesh. .

Shenjizi was excited, his foot stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly on the huge body of this weird creature. Looking at the small piece of lilac ice crystal fragments at the center of his eyebrow, the palm of his hand trembled slightly.

The evil monarch stood not far away. The old man's face was cloudy and uncertain, his eyes flashed with light, obviously his thoughts were turning fast, and he was constantly struggling with his choice of shots or not. But the cautiousness in the heart finally suppressed the desire to shoot. He didn't dare take risks, because if he failed, all he needed to pay was his own life. Now that the third ancestor can burn himself without hesitation, the weird creature formed by the fusion of the three terminator in the town is obviously certain that the God machine has enough power to protect it. Just because he figured this out, even though he knew that the fragment of the strange creature's forehead was very important, and even had a very close relationship with controlling the temple, he still gave up the idea of ​​shooting.

There was a squeak, and it didn't take much time. Shenjizi took this piece of debris into his hands and glanced carefully to make sure that there was nothing wrong with it. This piece was exactly what the ancestors predicted. He took a deep breath and suppressed his thoughts. Turning to look at the evil monarch, the corner of the **** machine is slightly tilted, revealing a slight coldness, "Sin monarch and Taoist friend, you should always control the thoughts in your heart as before. I do n’t want to kill you, but if you have Nothing can be blamed for this change. "The voice dropped, his eyes closed slowly, his body trembled suddenly, and an old, decaying but extremely horrifying power burst from his body! His back suddenly became sad, the whole person seemed to enter the twilight moment, but his vast power fluctuations were enough to make anyone tremble!

The God machine slowly got up, the initial confusion in his eyes dissipated in an instant, he glanced at the sinful monarch, but a bland glance, but made the sinful monarch's body suddenly stiff, a chill suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, making him fall Ice cellar, the entire face turned blue and white. The intense fear made his mind almost collapse. The pressure brought by this gaze made him feel irresistible!


After looking away, he spewed up his head with a spit of blood, stepped back a few steps under his feet, and when his pupils contracted, his eyes were filled with deep panic and fear!

At this moment, it is the second ancestor soul of the Godcraft that is recovering from the Godcraft! But he just glanced around, then closed his eyes again, and whispered, "Call, the first ancestor!" The next moment, a stronger and more decaying flavor suddenly burst from the depths of his body! This power has been so powerful that it is almost stepping into the realm of heaven and earth. It is only one step away from Supreme Hongmeng. The rich decaying smell is like approaching to sniff the decayed coffin buried for many years and dug from the bottom of the ground. , Just a slight induction, will make people tremble, and then give endless fear!

This majestic atmosphere, at the moment of its appearance, has filled the whole world, such as the decaying undead monarch buried deep in the ground, at this moment came to this world! Coercion spreads like a mighty divine power, weighing more than ten million, and being on the ground is the only option!

The evil monarch's eyes suddenly widened. If the advent of the second ancestor allowed him to blur the limits of his power, then the revival of the first ancestor would let him be swept across the air by the air. The coercive atmosphere is like the raging waves in the ocean, and if he is not careful, he will be suppressed underwater forever! Therefore, he had to lower his always noble and proud head in awe. His body was trembling slightly, but he finally resisted the idea of ​​kneeling, but it was very difficult to support. The sweat on his head kept dripping, and his robe was wet. This is what made him unable to give birth to any countervailing power. He even gave a clear feeling. The power of the first ancestral soul and the second ancestor of the **** machine merged, and even reached the limit that this world can bear. One step is the supreme realm, formally establishing a tripod, incarnation of Hongmeng, becoming the supreme existence of this world, the immortal existence forever!

The first ancestral soul slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were calm and desolate. Although he was in the same sky, the vicissitudes of decay around his body made him look like he was in another separate space. Years ago, restricted betting that penetrated time and space came. Along with his gaze, the time and space flow seems to be still. This kind of power that controls all rules is naturally, not deliberately released.

Looking at the vast temple square and the temple's main hall standing in the distance, the pictures buried in the memory for many years resurfaced, and gradually merged with everything in front of him. The temple is still the temple of the year, but he has decayed.

"I am here again, although it has decayed, but it has brought you the power to conquer you. This time, I will never fail. The glory of the magic machine will start again from now on, and one day will return to its peak. Go back to our hometown again. You, you can't stop me. "The old, low voice echoed over the entire temple, flat and without any ups and downs, but showing a certain kind of firmness that could not be conquered.

Don't shake, don't rub away!

The first ancestor looked down at the shard in his hand, and the light in his eyes flashed. He murmured, and after a while, suddenly grabbed it forward and whispered, "Let me see, it is destined to help me. What kind of person is there? "


Inside the passage, Xiao Chen's figure stopped moving, her face became extremely ugly! Because not long ago, the breath of the dead body he felt based on his blood-colored fangs suddenly disappeared after it suddenly swelled to some appalling level. And the disappearance of the dry corpse's breath is equivalent to him losing his direction! Unable to enter the main hall of the temple, he cannot judge the display of events based on the current situation and make the choice that suits his own interests. He can only helplessly stay in the temple maze or wait for the arrival of the divine machine and lose all opportunities for struggle. Passive After bearing everything that will be born, or after Shenji has obtained everything he wants, Xiao Chen, who is trapped in the maze, will simply ignore him, and what will be waiting for him will be the end of long years of suffering and eventual destruction.

As he thought about it, his face became more gloomy.

At this point, it seems that he has entered a dilemma. He is in the middle of the game and can only wait for others to break the situation or be trapped in the situation.

Xiao Chen made all kinds of speculations, but did not expect that the person who broke the game came so fast that he did not give him any counter-attack at any time. The vast force suddenly emerged from the void, and he was instantly restrained. I just felt that the blurred vision in front of me was stretched into a senseless stripe, and this feeling was only a short moment. After the recovery, his vision was restored.

Just waiting for him to see what was happening around him, his body suddenly froze. The pressure like the collapse of the sky suddenly fell on his shoulder, and a huge sound echoed in his mind, making his face pale instantly.

Kneel down! Kneel down! Kneel down ...

This voice seemed to be the voice of an oracle, and it seemed like hundreds of millions of people were roaring at the same time, magnificent, and full of powerful will to contend. It seems that this voice is the supreme commandment of the world!

Xiao Chen's body was trembling violently, his shoulders were slowly lowering, and the pressure on his body was constantly decreasing. It seemed that as long as he knelt down, he could dissipate all the pain he had suffered.

In the eyebrows, Zhanzijue suddenly released a strong light, a strong will that stood on the ground and never bowed his head, and burst into the roar of Pentium, directly integrating into Xiao Chen's own will.

In Yuanshen Space, the pale golden Yuanshen suddenly releases dazzling golden light, a trace of colorful colors continue to flash, and the breath of noble, supreme, worldly billions of souls slowly spread out, it seems that he is the master of all things, And even get rid of the existence of the whole world.

Xiao Chen's thoughts suddenly became clear. His body was still trembling slightly. This was a natural reaction when he resisted Yuan's powerful power, but his body did not continue downward. His lowered head slowly lifted up bit by bit, struggling to face the first ancestor soul, his thigh bent trembling, and he wanted to stand upright again.


Xiao Chen suddenly spit blood in his mouth. This was the injury he was forced to suppress. He was re-excited under this coercion, and his injury was worsened by a few points. There was severe pain in his body! But this pain failed to defeat Xiao Chen's will, but made his eyes brighter. On the pale face, the pair of bright eyes seemed more dazzling. Blood was pouring from the mouth and nose, dripping down his chest, and staining his blue shirt. But at this time, Xiao Chen's body really stood upright, trembling slightly, not letting her head lower by half a bit.

The evil monarch Yu Guang watched this scene, his heart trembled suddenly, and his eyes showed endless shock. The coercion that even he couldn't resist, Xiao Chen could barely resist and stood upright! The mighty warfare faintly transmitted from him was so pure and powerful that he would rather destroy than be overwhelmed!

The first ancestor's soul fell on Xiao Chen, watching his trembling but still straight back, gradually showing a little appreciation in his eyes, and whispering: "It is indeed a person who is destined to help me with a pulse, really It ’s an extraordinary little guy. I think you should have a lot of secrets in your body. At least this war will make me smell a very familiar taste. You should be glad that I slept for too long, and there is no more. Time can be wasted, otherwise I will definitely check you inside and out, "he said with a wave of his hand, and the endless coercion over Xiao Chen's body suddenly dissipated.

"I relieve the pain you have suffered, so in return, hand over the three pieces of your body."

Xiao Chen gasped heavily, hearing the voice of the first ancestor soul, his body suddenly stiffened, and his face was shocked. He was convinced that he had absolutely no idea about the collection of the three pieces, but why the first ancestor soul could be broken directly.

"Before the endless years, I have seen that you collect three pieces and send it to the husband, and I will conquer the temple. So give it up."

Xiao Chen was silent, but he had already set off a terrible storm!

The first ancestral soul saw today's results before the endless years, and the power he possessed was far beyond his imagination! From what Xiao Chen has seen so far, perhaps only the mysterious ancestor of the Li family can compare with him.

In the face of this terror, Xiao Chen has no room to resist!


[Half hour behind schedule, sorry. Order, tomorrow will remain 4D update, good night everyone. 】

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