Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 885: Lord of the Temple

Xiao Chen bowed his hand and said: "My lord, the junior can hand over the fragments to you, but I hope you can promise that after I hand over the fragments, you will let me leave the Sin Star Territory and return to the Great Thousand World.? M]"

The first ancestor soul swept his gaze, and said lightly, "Hand over the fragments, and I will let you return to the Great Thousand Realm."

Xiao Chen was silent. Although he was promised, the promise was too variable. But he had already sensed the impatience of the first ancestor soul, and did not continue to speak after a short pause, taking out the fragments and offering them with both hands.

The eyes of the first ancestor soul flashed hot, and with a move, the fragments were directly taken away. At the same time, with a wave of his robe sleeves, two powers were injected into the bodies of Xiao Chen and the Evil Lord, and they were directly sealed off and sent aside! After doing this, he took out the last piece of fragments. The four fragments gave out a faint aura at the same time. The stone was pale, black and introverted, dark red blood and lavender, as they approached each other, the aura became brighter and brighter. ! A ray of light that people can't look at directly flashed, and the last piece was perfectly integrated, and the four pieces formed a perfect whole.

This is a standard disk, divided into four parts, showing completely different colors, but when the last piece of fragments merged, the four-color light suddenly flowed, like a fusion, the distinct colors of the four fragments gradually assimilated and faded. The golden color is like a spring breeze touching the water, and its mellow circulation presents an extremely natural side, and the ancient breath slowly dissipates from it, showing the long existence of this disc.

And the moment the disc appeared, the entire space suddenly shook, and thousands of stars on the dark firmament suddenly became illusory, and a whirlpool appeared directly on the dark sky, slowly spinning, releasing a magnificent breath!

This vortex seems to be connected with an unknown powerful existence!

The first ancestral soul was under the vortex, looking up to the vortex, a disc in his hand slowly rose, and a pale golden light radiated from it, bright and extinguished!

"The temple that suppresses the evil star field will be conquered by my divine machine today!" The first ancestor soul roared, his already decaying soul suddenly became excited and high at this moment. The power of is directly integrated into the disc. And with the infusion of his power, the golden light released by this square disc suddenly became dazzling, just like a golden sun appeared between the world and the earth! The dazzling disc, dragging the long tail wing, shoots directly into the whirlpool.

A very thin and very low voice echoed in the air. At first, it was very small, like a whisper in the ear, and couldn't hear clearly when trying hard, and then quickly rose up, like a thunder explosion, like a roar of a god, and like a roar of hundreds of millions of creatures!

The short syllables and the bright rhythm make the heartbeat gradually coincide with it, mobilizing all the strength of the person, and the blood boils in the body, flowing wildly with an astonishing degree.

It was as if some kind of ancient ritual was started, and the power swayed from the whirlpool suppressed the first ancestor soul. This was an unknown power from the entire temple, powerful and unstoppable, and completely suppressed him!

The face of the first ancestor soul changed drastically, and his mouth roared in anger, "Temple, I have obtained the key of the temple. According to the ancient contract, you will recognize me as the master! Take back your power and I have commanded it as a master you!"

What responded to him was the silent whirlpool and the more powerful force that shed in the whirlpool!

A feeling of being out of control emerged in my heart, causing the first ancestor soul to gradually grow out of anger. He has only come to this day after planning endless years. This is their only opportunity, and there is no room for accidents!

Xiao Chen's body was stiff, and a faint golden light radiated from the flesh and blood, dissolving the power of the first ancestor soul to seal the town. The short syllables echoing in the air seemed to sound directly in his mind, awakening a certain power imprinted in the depths of the soul , So that his whole body blood is almost burning!

This is a throbbing from the heart, the sound that rang in my mind is getting louder and louder and clearer!

Suddenly, with a light "pop", the power to seal the town was torn apart, Xiao Chen's black and windlessness turned on its own, his green robe sang and hunted, and his body floated automatically.

A very different breath came from his body, ancient and desolate, where the figure was, but closing his eyes, he couldn't sense the slightest breath of him. It seemed that he had merged with the surrounding space and became a part of the temple.

He slowly lifted up, without any changes in his appearance, but his eyes were cold, indifferent and unforgiving, without any mood swings.

The image of God!

At this moment, the other will hidden in his body awakened from the deep sleep, echoing the meaningless syllables in his ears, and suddenly turned into clearly understandable characters.

He looked at the first ancestor soul with cold eyes, only the coldness of the forest was revealed, and he spoke slowly in a gentle tone.

"Quiet in the ancient temple."

"Wake up from a deep sleep."

"Welcome its true owner."

"Standing again between heaven and earth."


The calm, icy voice slowly came out of Xiao Chen’s mouth, and it seemed that there was an inexplicable power blessing it. After the exit, it condensed into a simple and simple character, hovering around his body, shining with a hint of faint gold. . Surrounded by this character, he added a bit of majesty and solemnity, which seemed to be a descending god, reading his oracle.

An immense coercion slowly dissipated from the entire temple, gathered next to him, surrounded him, and approached him. And under this coercion, all living beings that exist must surrender in trembling.

The evil monarch’s eyes were full of terrible fear. After sensing the pressure of the entire temple, he did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance, because he had no doubt that if he dared to struggle, the next moment he would be shocked into powder, completely Perish.

He knelt down in the direction of Xiao Chen, his body trembling.

Under the whirlpool, the first ancestor soul was eager to split his eyes, his eyes were viciously looking towards Xiao Chen, his eyes were full of endless madness!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"I am prepared for four generations, how can the temple recognize you as master!"


The terrifying aura that filled the world burst from his body instantly, his body was trembling violently, trying to break free from the suppression from the vortex, but the power of the temple was far beyond the limit of his cognition, and the first ancestral soul was superimposed on the second The power of the ancestral soul can't break free from it!

Xiao Chen never looked at him, and the low groan in his mouth didn't stop at all. He spit out a majestic syllable steadily and slowly, and the void condensed into characters.

"I will do everything I can to defend the majesty of the temple."

"The temple will become the cornerstone of my rapid rise."

"Accept my most noble sacrifice."

"Continue with the ancient agreement."

But when he got here, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly stopped for an instant. He slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes instantly turned into dazzling gold, just like two golden flames burning fiercely, noble, supreme, and god-like aura. , Slowly rising from him.

"It's me."

"The contract is complete!"

The last word fell, and the golden flames in his eyes flourished, and the characters suspended outside the body, at the same time emitting dazzling golden light, just like a completed oracle.

But at this moment, the process of controlling the temple was not smooth. The syllables echoing in the air did not dissipate. Instead, they became stronger and stronger, turning from exorbitant to severe, like questioning.

The pressure of the temple surrounding Xiao Chen suddenly became hot and fierce, as if to completely set him alight, just like the punishment of the temple!

Because the ancient contract has been changed!

Under the state of being reflected by the gods, the mysterious and powerful will in Xiao Chen's body was forcibly changed, which would transform the contract that was surrendered to the temple into a completely opposite master-slave contract. This change angered the power of the entire temple.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's face was still flat. He ignored the pressure of the temple he wanted to destroy. He slowly lifted his fingers and walked away. A cloud of golden flames lighted up directly at his fingertips, just like one. The golden pen tip, slowly wandering, outlines beautiful golden stripes, and gradually forms a golden rune. The vast, majestic breath slowly dissipates from this rune. Under this breath, the temple is almost boiling. The coercion gradually subsided. Xiao Chen's face paled quickly, the golden light in his eyes kept dimming, and his body was trembling slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. His fingers were still stable as the most sophisticated instruments, and he had painted the most perfect lines.

The last stroke was completed, and the entire **** pattern suddenly added a magnificent and unpredictable aura, which seemed to come from a long-distant place of supreme existence, representing an unquestionable will.

"Pass the ancient fairy world order, take all the power of the spirit of the temple, and take my will as the highest criterion!"

The low voice, at this moment, was stained with endless majesty, the golden **** pattern suddenly burned, releasing a raging golden flame, a twisted dark figure, being pulled out of nothingness in the scream, the golden flame swept out instantly , Wrap it inside. This black shadow is the spirit of the temple that has swallowed countless flesh and blood, and is entrusted to hold the temple to suppress the entire sin star field! It is also preventing the completion of the contract between Xiao Chen and the temple.

In the golden flames, it struggled and screamed, sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered, but could not break free from the burning of the divine fire, bursts of black smoke escaped from its body and was directly incinerated into ashes, and its figure quickly became thin , And eventually disappear completely.

The moment the spirit of the temple dissipated, its intervention in the entire temple completely disappeared, and the pressure of the temple surrounding Xiao Chen became tame in an instant. The golden characters around him were whizzing out at this moment, like one after another. Like a meteor, it shoots in all directions, blends directly into the void and disappears.

Xiao Chen's body shook slightly. At this moment, there was a close connection between him and the temple. Everything about the temple clearly appeared in his heart. All the power in the temple was under his control.

This is the real master of the temple, not a contract with the temple and a servant to maintain it!

The huge vortex on the dark sky suddenly increased the swallowing power, the contract was completed, and it was time to collect the sacrifice. The first ancestor soul snarled frantically, but in front of the power of the temple, all his struggles were in vain. Two illusory and old figures were pulled back from the body of the divine machine and kept approaching the whirlpool.

"Do not!"

In the desperate scream, the first ancestral soul and the second ancestral soul were directly swallowed by the whirlpool, and the black sky gradually returned to calm. The damage to the square in the previous fight was quickly repaired, and it was restored quickly.

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