Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 886: Official clothing

Xiao Chen's body landed on the ground. The coldness in his eyes faded quickly, and the deep tiredness in his body swept through him, making his body shake. With strong will, he was able to resist the darkness that rushed into his eyes. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

The golden seal appeared, and pure and powerful power continued to flow, quickly filling the loss in his body. The mysterious will paint a divine pattern, which has exhausted all the power in Xiao Chen's body, and the golden Yuanshen has become weak and weak.

But the price paid is worth everything compared to what you get!

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth. After mastering the temple, he had grasped everything and left the evil star domain, but for a moment!

Not far away, Shenjizi was pale, and his eyes were full of confusion. The efforts of the four generations of Shenjizi ended in such an end. The flame of resentment in his heart suddenly ignited, and instantly turned into the fire of Kashihara!

He suddenly looked up at Xiao Chen, with a beast-like growl in his mouth!

Now, this old man has attributed all the causes of failure to Xiao Chen. If it were not for him, they would never fail!

Damn it!

Damn it!

The breath in the body of God's machine fluctuated violently. The old man's eyes were red, and the figure flew towards Xiao Chen. He actually blew himself up and planned to end with him.

Not far away, the evil monarch's eyes were dazzling, Xiao Chen had just taken control of the temple, and now is in the weakest time, if they both die, he can undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary, or even directly take control of the temple!

Xiao Chen lifted up, looked at the **** machine that rushed in madness, and stepped on the power released by the monk in the Heaven Realm, which was terrifying to the heart. But he didn't have any fear in his eyes, and there was only peace in his grasp.

With one hand out, holding down to the machine, he opened his lips and said lightly, "Seal!"

In the void, infinite power directly poured out, forcing the machine to be suppressed. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't move a little bit, and even the internal violence-moving power was suppressed by life. Like frozen fish, they can't move at all, they can only passively endure slaughter.

The Lord of the Temple, within the scope of the Temple, can mobilize all its powers. Even the first ancestral soul has no countervailing power in front of the Temple. It is easy to suppress the God machine.

The evil monarch's face was stiff for a moment. The old man hurriedly lowered, the thoughts in his heart were torn by him, buried in the bottom of his heart, and he never dared to reveal anything.

At this moment, Xiao Chen turned around and glanced at him, letting the sinful monarch panic. Fortunately, his eyes did not stop, but fell directly on the God machine, slowly speaking, "You want to end up with me, It's nothing more than thinking that my existence has ruined your endless preparations for the magic machine and captured all the lives that originally belonged to you. "

The face of the **** machine is even more embarrassing. He spit fire into his eyes and stared at Xiao Chen. If his eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Xiao Chen is already scarred at this moment.

"But have you ever thought that the three fragments of the spoon of the temple were collected by me, why should they be given to you in vain? Just because you have enough power, I cannot resist. But after I surrender the fragments, you still I do n’t want to let me go, so in order to protect my own interests, I can only choose to resist. The temple opportunity is here, you and I have the right to fight for it. Is it because you have thought that the **** machine has been prepared for many years, others ca n’t tell you Scramble? Or maybe the temple is something that belongs to your God machine, joke! "Xiao Chen sneered, his eyes uncovered.

God machine face froze.

At this moment, Xiao Chen didn't pause, and continued to sneer. "Even if I didn't take the shot, I tried to conclude a contract with the temple with the information you have. , Become a slave to the temple, or, is this what you would like to see? "

"I told you a lot, not a declaration of the winner, but just to give you a chance, to submit to me, and I will give God a chance to leave here and return to the Great Thousand Realms. Similarly, you can also refuse , I will let you die here, a powerful enemy who stepped on the sky, leaving the temple will be an immense threat, and I will not allow you to continue to live. As long as you die, I will naturally have the means to use power to fight evil The entire **** machine of Starfield was completely eradicated, and all the bloodline children were killed and killed forever!

"Don't try to test my intolerance and kindness. I always do it in the face of hatred that is destined to be resolved. You can think about it, surrender, or death, the choice is yours!"

Xiao Chenhan opened his mouth, and with the power flowing from the Yuanshen, the weakness in his body faded away.

The blood color in Shenji's eyes faded, his face became extremely pale, and his eyes were full of anger and fear, because he knew that Xiao Chen said all he could do.

Do n’t forget that in the temple, there is a sinful monarch besides him. As long as he dies, Xiao Chen gets the loyalty of the sinful monarch, and it is not difficult to eradicate the magical machine in the evil star domain.

In the survival and hatred of the tribe, he weighed a half-sickness, and a sigh came out of his mouth.

Xiao Chen's face was filled with satisfaction. He would not have said a word if he didn't value the great power of the God Machine to step into the realm of evil and the entire horror of evil, but this result is naturally better.

"As long as you can guarantee that you will take my God Machine out of the Sinister Realm and never be harmed in the future, I will lead the whole tribe to submit to you." God Machine slowly spoke, revealing a sense of loneliness and sorrow.

"I promise!"

Shenji looked up and took a deep look at Xiao Chen. "If you break your promise in the future, my **** machine would rather die than die, and I will never die with you!"

After finishing his words, he slowly fell to his knees on one knee, and said in a deep voice: "The God machine has surrendered to Lord Xiao Chen, and since then it has been a sharp sword in the hands of adults, with a vein of prosperity and disgrace with the adults!"

The vow of the monk who has stepped into the sky has already had a strong binding force, which can hardly be broken. Once he violates it, he will inevitably suffer a heavy backlash. The one who is light will be dropped.

A flickering rune of dim gold suddenly appeared, which was bound by the vow of the **** machine, with which he could control his vow.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he slightly raised his hand. A lot of temple power suddenly appeared around the rune, swallowing the whole rune in one go. In this way, this rune is equivalent to being connected to the temple. If the **** machine betrays the vow, he will need to withstand the backlash that the temple has experienced. At that time, not only will he die, but the whole **** machine will suffer disaster! Because, his vow is sworn with the whole magic machine!

Shenji obviously noticed this, but his body was slightly stiff, but he didn't say much, because in front of Xiao Chen, now he doesn't have any qualification for bargaining.

Xiao Chen's eyes swept away from him. He didn't need the loyalty of the magic machine, as long as he was in control and did not dare to disobey his orders. When this was done, his eyes fell directly on the sinful monarch, silent, but his eyes were enough to show what he meant.

After a moment's silence, the Sin Lord slumped down on one knee, vowed in Sin City, and surrendered to His Majesty.

Powerful as the gods have surrendered, how can he persist. Moreover, Xiao Chen's performance only shocked the evil monarch. Although he currently has a weaker power, the old man fully believes that in the future, he will definitely grow into an existence that they can look up to. It is acceptable to surrender to the strong, even the strong in the future. This is also one of the important reasons why he simply surrendered.

In the same way, Xiao Chen let the temple swallow his vow to constrain the rune. He slowly turned around, his eyes fell on the three-headed temple terminator in the sealed town, waving his sleeves, and using the power of the temple to turn the third The ancestral soul formed by the burning of God's veins was broken directly.

The power of the divine pattern dissipated, and the fused three-headed temple terminator disintegrated in a mass of black power. They reappeared, kneeling down in front of Xiao Chen, and vocally calling the master.

Mastering the temple is tantamount to mastering all the power in the temple!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, the light in his dark eyes shone, and the journey of the temple went through many twists and turns, but he still became the biggest winner. Mastering the temple, taking in the gods and the evil monarch, is equivalent to controlling the entire evil star domain!

Emperor Yan, when you sent me into the evil star field, you should never have thought that things would be so much like today.

Soon I will go back!


The deepest bit of the Abyss.

The dark nothingness suddenly produced layers of ripples, spreading to the surrounding area, and finally covered a thousand miles. In a wave-like wave, a towering gate cast like brass slowly emerged, the gate opened, and three figures slowly walked out. Inside the gate, a cold man was used as the temple's high priest and the head of the temple.

"You remain in the temple, and I have given you the authority to mobilize the power of the temple, and resurrect all temple guards as soon as possible."

"Yes, master."

The three-headed temple terminator kneeled at the same time, and the opened temple door slowly closed, dissipating in the ripples, and finally everything was calm. Terminators of the temple are born to be attached to the temple. They must not leave the temple half a step, otherwise they will lose all their power and directly decay into powder.

Xiao Chen glanced around, watching a quiet rotation away from the vortex, and a little smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

He chose to stay in the evil star domain for a while and did not leave immediately because of the existence of these vortexes of power, and possessed the mystery of "Swallow the Thunder". These vortexes of power are endless opportunities for him to devour The pure power in the vortex, the degree of cultivation is more than a hundred times faster than the outside world! At the same time, it can also increase the area of ​​the chaos world continuously, so that the power of the chaos world continues to increase, and the dominance of the power of the chaos world represents the crazy explosion of his own power!

Xiao Chen promised a 100-year period with Guangzhao, but only a few years, he still has a lot of time to use. This time leaving Emperor's Sinister Realm, Yan Emperor must still have difficulty. Only by becoming strong enough, can she calmly deal with everything.

Although it is urgent to return to heart, reason still suppresses the impulse in my heart.

"This seat will stay in the abyss of the Yuan Yuan to practice. If necessary, I will tell you. Now you and the two can leave each other. I want you to join forces to unify the entire evil star domain in the shortest time! Remember, What this seat wants is a powerful force that completely obeys the order. All the contenders can be removed as much as possible. "The evil star domain will be the most solid team in Xiao Chen's creation of the kingdom of God, and he will have it in his hands. The power of nation-building! In this matter, any will to resist will be forcibly destroyed, which is beyond doubt!

"Yes, sir."

God machine and evil monarch bowed their hands and salute. Before entering the ancient temple, none of them had thought of this result. Looking at each other, they saw the sadness and helplessness in their hearts. The two turned around and stepped forward, their figures disappeared.

With Xiao Chen's current strength, the creator of the Xeon can also be fearless, but not afraid of encountering danger. He watched the two go away, took a slight breath, glanced around, then locked a vortex of elemental strength, took a step forward, giving up all resistance to fit into it naturally. In the next moment, the secret technique of "Swallow Thunder" is directly cast, and the pores of the whole body are widened, and the power contained in the vortex is devoured madly.

Although Her Majesty now has two magical machines and evil monarchs who step on the sky, they cannot easily show up in the Daqian Realm, otherwise it will inevitably lead to uproar. Any monk who stepped into the heavens would not be allowed to exist outside his control, and if he could not surrender, he would only be destroyed. Therefore, the existence of the God machine and the sinful monarch cannot be exposed for a short time. What's more, when a monk walks between heaven and earth, the only thing he can rely on is this, which is the irrefutable truth in the realm of cultivation!


[There is an update at night. It should be around early in the morning. Don't wait for the early morning Daoyou, stay up late and hurt yourself. 】

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