Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 887: Sin shadow

The evil star domain is famous for turbulence and chaos. Every day a large number of monks experience elimination in the killings, the weak die, and the strong survive. ? (August 1st [{文 W) W]. ? 8> 1? Z] W]. COM This is a place with a small population base but a strong presence, mostly **** and murderous.

However, the chaos in recent times is also rare in the entire chaotic starfield record. Perhaps only the merger war during the Yuanzong era could be compared with it. But compared with the expansion during the Yuanzong era, this time the chaos is more violent and faster!

Thirty years ago, the God Machine Sect with deep power and the prestigious evil city simultaneously announced to the entire evil star domain to unite the evil star domain. Any rebel will bear the two giants ’ anger.

As soon as the news came out, the entire evil star domain shook it!

Numerous Zongmen leaders were furious and terrified, and the Zongmen affiliated with the two giants announced their refusal, adding a flame to a troubled world. From all the conclusions drawn, it can be seen that this is not a joke, but a real pre-war announcement.

After half a month of chaos, except for a few Zongmen, who were close to the two giants, announced their refuge, and more Zongmen maintained a wait-and-see attitude. As a hegemon, he naturally does not want to easily surrender the authority in his hands and leave it under the fence.

The war broke out without warning on the 16th.

God Machine Sect and Sin City shot at the same time, revealing a shocking hidden power. Although the two sides suffered heavy losses in the unknown temple and his party, the strong men that His Majesty can mobilize still make people feel hopeless!

According to Bing Feng, all the ancestral gates were crushed and smashed like earth chickens and dogs. And the killing that followed it really made the entire evil star domain shake.

For six months, the 13 sects surrounding the magic machine sect and the evil city of Lienke dared to resist, and the monks of Zongmen slaughtered. Viscous blood and water gushed from the neck of the fracture, converging into a river of blood, staining the whole land.

Killing is scary, and fear is followed by bizarre anger. Take the seven strong sects as an announcement, and unite the forces of all the sects of the entire evil star domain to form a union, crushing the annexation of the two giants!

Under tremendous pressure, the views of the big and small sects of the evil star domain that have always been good at internal fighting and slaughter were unified. After a short period of contact, the seven sects and the envoys from all parties came together to complete the alliance.

But on the day of the alliance, the two monks came together and raised their hands to show their power to destroy the heavens and the earth. The monks who were present at the ceremony were slaughtered, and many of them were the King of Creation and even the peak of Creation! It is rumored that a certain person who was invited by the seven majors to join hands was worshipped, and in nominal terms, the leader of the entire alliance, a creator-only Xeon who had an exclusive party, looked pale and begged for mercy in the face of the two shots. Compete with it!

On this day, the God King Sect stepping into the heavens and the evil city King Siding stepping into the heavens and evil monarch's shots, like two blockbusters exploded above all monks' heads, and all monks who tried to resist were pale at this moment.

Cruel methods, absolute power, and the advent of monks who stepped on the sky made this annexation war no longer a suspense.

When the opposing forces do not compare at all, if they try to stop again, they will use their mantis as a vehicle and destroy themselves! The monks who can survive in the Sinister Realm and gain a place will naturally not have this stupid thing.

The monks who stepped into the sky were exposed at the beginning, which might avoid all the bloodshed and death, but would not give people such a deep impression. It could minimize future rebellions and unrest. In the long run, this Is the best choice.

After this incident, the encroachment may be called more appropriate. The two giants arrived, and their ancestors surrendered. But even the simple collection and management took a full 30 years before it was barely completed.

The entire evil star domain has completed the first unification since the Yuanzong era, and is nominally ruled by the God Machine Sect and the evil monarch, but only two people currently know that this powerful force that has been united together has a new one. name.

"The dark part of sin." Shen Jizi took a sip of the red wine in the wine glass, but his face was expressionless. "This is the name that the adult himself set after asking."

The evil monarch sat opposite him. The two are now inside the hall of the summit of the sacred mountain of Shenji Zong. Through the huge transparent windows in front of him, the entire sacred mountain can be clearly seen in the white clouds, and the scenery is magnificent and charming.

"It's a good name, it's a good name, and it doesn't give up." He whispered, his tight face softening slightly now. Thirty years of cooperation, the same affiliation and Her Majesty Xiao Chen, plus the origins of the evil star domain, let two old monsters quickly enter. Perhaps in the future, Her Majesty Xiao Chen will have other powerful forces. The closeness between them is also to better protect their own interests in the future. Speaking of which, the old man frowned slightly, and he whispered after hesitation. "God machine, as a friend, I should remind you that now you and I are both Master Xiao Chen and your monk. Regardless of whether you admit it or not, this matter has been done. It is an established fact. In the final analysis, what happened in the temple is that you lost a trick in one vein. This seat knows that you are unwilling, but you better consolidate this unwillingness, because you have a vein in your magic machine. In the future, adults are in control. If you don't want to bring disaster to the community, you should know how to do it. "

Shenji was stiff, and breathed out after a while, "I understand, but it takes time. Rest assured, I won't be stupid enough to touch the anger of an adult. How to behave, this case has its own heart."

Sin monarch nodded and no longer said a word. When they reached this state of status, they only needed to say something once, and listened to it, otherwise they said 10,000 times and it had no effect. And the performance of Shenjizi reassured him slightly, it seems that what he is worried about should not be born.


Yuan Yuan Abyss, Yuan Li swirl.

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, all his pores opened wide around him, devouring the power in the vortex frantically, and the mana in his body continued to increase with a slow and firm degree. Although the degree of improvement is slow, it can reach an eye-popping level under the superposition of long time!

Every moment, his power is increasing.

Thirty years have passed, and nearly a third of the time since he returned home.

Everything is coming soon!


Dayan, Dongbo Star Field.

As a vast galaxy of Yan Kingdom, a small galaxy with low quality stars and relatively infertile resources is known to all the powerful parties in Dayan because of its famous evil star domain channel. In the small humble star of this side.

However, in recent days, another unexpected news has begun to spread in the Dongbo star field. An exaggerated sword that does not know where to fly from is roaming in the star field around the entrance of Sin Star. It has a very high grade and there was a desire for a creation monk. To take it away, he was easily chopped into serious injuries.

This news spread, attracting the arrival of many monks in the surrounding area. With the passage of time, more and more monks saw the trajectory of the Excalibur, and the number of monks injured in his hand also increased, and some of them The surrounding stars are small and famous.

Gradually, a rumor began to spread in the Dongbo star field. This excalibur was unearthed from a ruin somewhere in order to find its owner a long time ago, and its master was exiled into the evil star field.

The news spread gradually and spread to the surrounding star fields.


A flying sword whistled forward in the starry sky. Previously, it easily got rid of the chase of the rear monks. If it was not for fear of inducing stronger monks, it could simply take all their lives.

However, the inner fear and caution made it afraid to move, but to constantly wander in this star field, waiting for the arrival of the person in the induction.

He's here, or he'll be here soon.

It didn't know why he had such a thought, but he was convinced.

This year, a flying sword left the inside of Da Zhao's funeral sword pond, all the way across the endless star domain, only in pursuit of an answer.

It will not leave until it waits for the person it is waiting for.


Temporary jurisdiction of Rong State, the territory of the former State, although the Rong State Lord has obtained complete control over this star area, but the Emperor Yan did not make a clear decision on the border of the Rong State. on.

Just at the edge of this territory, the original barren small-scale cultivating galaxies have been initially opened, showing signs of prosperity. But the current trend of prosperity has been interrupted by students.

The palace has been roughly built, but Quan never entered the main hall. His place of work and rest is the side hall closest to the main hall. In the heart of Master Quan, Xiao Chen barely occupied the theme, so he had to do the rest, and he did exactly that.

Quan ’s approach reassured His Majesty Xiao Chen ’s generals. Although they invested in the five bodies admired by Master Quan ’s internal affairs and military abilities, their loyalty to the National Father never changed. Today, the army under the command of the army is still close to the generals. If Quanquan has a strange heart in his life, it will inevitably explode the resistance of the entire army!

Fortunately, this situation was not born.

Quan Gao sat in a handsome position and reached with his hands, his perfect face did not look at all. The whole hall was quiet and silent. The generals on the left and right sides had gathered together. The three ancestors, Zhang Liangdong and Fan Lin, would be seated in sequence. A layer of invisible evil spirit filled the hall. This is a battle-hardened, mighty spirit that can only be possessed by the elite generals who have experienced slaying. Over the years, the expedition to the wild star domain has largely played the role of military training, and now it seems to work well.

"Quan Shuai, everyone is here."

The guards around him spoke respectfully.

Chuan slowly opened his eyes. There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes, but his voice remained calm, and he slowly said, "Are you ready?"


[Yesterday the update is complete, good-bye friends. 】

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