Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 888: Return to Daqianjie

"Return to Shuaiquan Shuai, according to your instructions, all the troops have been assembled, because in the early years they were preparing to secretly transport the Aboriginal people to the Barren Starfield, and the Aboriginal people willing to follow the army to the Barren Starfield have been transferred. 〈中 < 文 [

Fan Lin got up. He has been in the army for a long time, but his body is not as violent as ordinary people. He does n’t need to face his face. He is quite a Confucian general. The three veins on the mineral star have been buried, but fortunately the mining scope is not large. In addition to the previous focus on confidentiality, it should be possible to hide the spies from Rongguo. Now the rest The army is assembled, and you can leave with an order. "

Quan Wenyan nodded slightly and said, "Very good, now that everything is ready, let's go. Don't break everything else and leave it to Rong Guozhu to take over. Anyway, we will be back soon." Calm, even with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, but as a general under Her Majesty, he was trembling one by one.

Master Quan is angry!

This is the idea in everyone's heart.

According to the news from Rong's domestic line, Rong Guozhu, who had been deciding for many years, finally decided to start with the forces left by Xiao Chen.

So they had to abandon the built territory and settle in another territory opened by the barren star field. But this feeling of being driven away is naturally not too comfortable.

So when I heard Quan said that he would come back later, no one thought of it as a joke, because Master Quan always did it! And they firmly believe that even if the Grand Duke Guo is trapped in the evil star domain, he can still return!


The road is ruthless, and the years are like shuttles, and in an instant, the ninety years pass by.

Deep in the abyss of the Yuan Yuan, there are nearly a hundred dense figures. Their breath is strong, but their faces are full of suspicion. From time to time, they look to the two figures in front, although they are puzzled, but they have not made any sound.

The **** machine and the evil monarch stood in place, looking at the figure in the vortex of Yuanli, looming a shock! If they haven't sensed it wrong, Lord Xiao Chen is depriving of the power to devour the vortex of elemental power!

But at the bottom of the Abyss of Abyss, the huge vortex of Yuanli power that was visible at a glance has disappeared for the most part. Looking at the scene in front of them, they have already faintly guessed something, but still feel incredible.

The Yuanli Vortex has extremely horrifying engulfing power, plundering the outside Yuanli into its own body, and even they cannot forcibly draw its power!

It seems that there are still many secrets hidden in adults.

The two looked at each other, not feeling more cautious in their hearts.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened in the vortex, dazzling and flashing. The void suddenly became obscured, and the horrible power suddenly appeared, enveloping the entire space.

The face of the magic machine and the evil monarch suddenly changed dramatically, and he looked up at Xiao Chen fiercely, and his pupils showed endless shock!

They are not unfamiliar with this power. It is the power of Xiao Chen's Chaos Realm, but the power it possesses has soared more than ten times than that in the temple, which can cause some pressure on them. Although it can be broken, it will undoubtedly affect the operation.

In less than a century, Xiao Chen's strength increased far beyond their expectations. Originally, the two surrendered to Xiao Chen only because of the situation in the temple, and their hearts inevitably existed. But now that he has witnessed his rise, the unwillingness in his heart has dissipated most of it unconsciously. If the strength of such a surge is as short as hundreds of years and as long as thousands of years, perhaps Xiao Chen will be able to take a crucial step and become a shoulder to shoulder with them, even their existence!

The hearts of the two weirds shook, but on the surface they did not show the slightest sign, saluting respectfully, and saying, "See your lord!"

Behind them, nearly a hundred figures turned wild and trembled in their hearts, but they reacted very quickly, and after a short pause, they fell directly on their knees and fell to the ground, afraid to look at Xiao Chen any more. At that time, the sudden joint of Shenji Zong and the Sin City to conquer the Sinister Starfield was the most puzzling thing. When did the two hostile giants become the closest allies? Now everything has a reasonable explanation, because God Machine Sect and Sin City are conquered at the same time!

The real master who suddenly appeared, instantly cast a layer of mysterious aura in the heart of His Majesty monk, and the horrific pressure that just passed by is enough to prove his power!

The strength of the chaos world immediately dissipated, not Xiao Chen's intentional deterrence, but the natural dissipation of strength when he woke up in self-cultivation. But he didn't mean to explain, smiled and nodded, got up and walked. In the suppression of the chaos world, the vortex of stagnation of the elemental forces stagnates and swells again. He walked through the torrent of Yuanli in this way, with a calm complexion, and never resisted by the power of the supernatural power. He could only walk through the vortex of Yuanli by the flesh alone.

"Let's all get up."

Xiao Chen glanced around and smiled.

"Thank you, Lord."

God machine, sin monarch, led the monks behind him, the former took a step forward, respectfully said: "The left commander monks have gathered."

The evil monarch followed closely, and "the right commander monk has arrived."

Xiao Chen nodded, a faint smile on his face, sensing the incomprehensible and shocked look of His Majesty the monk, smiling: "We are the first time to meet and formally introduce myself, I am Xiao Chen, the master of the dark part of the evil, the rest The next thing, God's machine, the evil monarch will explain to you. "

"Sir, after considering it, the name of the sinful monarch is no longer applicable, so change the original name, please call me the magic city later." The sinful monarch opened his hands, his voice showed a slight respect.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile. Although he did not taboo about this, the evil monarch's initiative to request a name change was obviously a respect for him, and he was happy to see such a thing. "This seat is about to return to the Great Thousand Realms, and the dark part of the evil will be under your full control. This seat hopes that when I need to move, you can come out with enough power."

"Master, rest assured, the two of them will go all out to integrate all the power and wait for your call." God machine, evil monarch spoke with anger.

Behind them, the shadow monk's face changed suddenly.

Leaving the Sinister Realm and returning to the Great Thousand Realms!

And the meaning revealed from the large population can lead them away together!

Although this point has not been verified, their eyes are bright and gradually glowing.

Xiao Chen nodded and didn't continue to say much. He turned around and waved his sleeves. The dark nothingness suddenly appeared layers of waves, circling around, spreading to the surrounding area.

Looking at the turbulent darkness, he couldn't help producing ripples in his heart, a strong heart rose from his heart, and his eyes were dazzling.

Nearly a century, he will finally leave and return to the world of thousands!

After being forced to pause briefly, he became stronger and continued to sail on the way to the top!

For example, the thousands of miles of gates cast in brass emerged in the dark waves, slowly opened, and the solemn temple atmosphere blew towards the face, making people feel unconscious and awed.

The burly body of the head of the temple appeared on the side of the gate. At this moment, he knelt down on one knee, and a low voice came out of his mouth, "Greeting to the master."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to the magic machine and the magic city, stepped forward, the figure directly entered the temple, and disappeared instantly.

The temple door closed in the eyes of everyone, disappearing into the dark waves.

The magic machine and the magic city got up, and their faces were calm.

After a long time, a monk from the city of sin started with a hoarse voice. "Two adults, this master Xiao Chen, he ... he ... have the ability to leave the evil star domain?"

The magic city nodded and Shen said: "Remember, Lord Xiao Chen is the sole master of the dark part of the evil, and at the same time, the master is also the master of the temple! Legends about ancient temples should be heard by you. I assure you that loyalty to the Lord fights for the Lord, and soon you will be given the opportunity to leave the Sinister Starfield! "

There was a dead silence in the voice, and only the thick gasp echoed in the void.

All monks in the shadows of the evil, looking toward the direction where Xiao Chen left, became extremely hot.

The return to the Great Thousand Realms is the greatest hope of all the evil star domain monks!

Xiao Chen's grasp of the temple is like holding their door, and turning them into the most loyal armed forces in their hands!


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