Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 889: Dongbo Star Field

Dayan, Dongbo Star Field. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W> W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. Com

Standing in the stars, the rumor awaits the excalibur's return of the Excalibur, and after hitting a great creator in the battle, he became famous! For a while, news about the Excalibur spread throughout the territory of Dayan, and even spread to neighboring Qi and Zhao.

The monk of the creation world is already a strong man in the world, and it is worthy of the emperors of all countries to draw in. With his own strength, he can easily recreate the monk of the creation world. The treasures are of high grade, and they are probably comparable to the top treasures unearthed from the fragments of ancient fairyland!

The appeal of such treasures is beyond doubt!

Within the kingdom of Yan, all the powerful men set off and went straight to Dongbo Stars. The Dongbo star field, which has always been barren in resources and low in star quality, has become very lively for a while. The strong people that have poured in in a short time may be worth the sum of the historical records!

The world of creation, the king of creation, and the number of monks at the peak of creation are not in the minority. There are even rumors that even the Xeon who descended from the world has come to more than one person. All their goals fell on this magic sword.


"What was cut by the Excalibur was a creation monk from Changhe Xingyu. Although he was extremely severely chopped by the Excalibur and was severely injured, anyway, he used the picture shadow jade to record all the processes. But this picture shadow jade Jane has not been circulated yet, but it has been controlled by a secret force. But I heard some faint news. According to the content shown in the picture shadow jade, the creation world monk of the Changhe Starfield did not have a sword in front of the sword. Any resistance is directly cut into serious injuries. That is to say, if it is not for some scruples to keep their hands, the Excalibur has the power to instantly kill the monks of the creation. "Several monks whistled forward, one of them whispered, and in his eyes It was full of utter innocence. It seemed to be conceived that day, the sword was screaming, Jianmang whistled and fell, the creation monk sobbed and retreated, and he was also unable to resist.

"With one's own strength, one sword can recreate the monk of the creation world. If that is the case, what kind of power can this magic sword achieve? If it is urged, it may be that the king of the creation can also cut it at will. A bit unreliable. "

"I also think so, if there is really the power to slay the monks at random, why bother to stay and kill them directly, it would be a hundred to avoid causing trouble."

"Hmm! Didn't you hear that, the Lord of the Xeons has come to the East Star, do you think that if it is an ordinary treasure, is it eligible to be seen by the Xeon-level adults?"

"In this case, I think the rumors are not false. After all, there is no wind. Do n’t forget that Tu Yingyujian was depressed and never spread. It is enough to prove one thing. The news about this magic sword Someone is unwilling to leak it. "

"Unwilling to spread the news, I don't want to attract other competitors. It seems that the magic sword that emerged from Dongbo Starfield is no small matter!"

Several monks looked dignified and didn't say much in silence, but most of them believed this statement, and their eyes gradually became hot. Although their cultivation is not the peak, they may not have the chance to obtain the Excalibur. After all, in the realm of cultivation, although cultivation is fundamental, chances are sometimes indispensable. They also have the possibility of putting the Excalibur into their hands. Although the chance is not great, the opportunity for their own strength to rise is in sight, and naturally no one is willing to give up.

At this moment, there was a sudden strong mana wave in front of them, and a few people suddenly lifted up, all of them lit up outside, turning into a frightening roar.

After walking for a while, you can see the seven monks in the star area in front of each corner, holding a giant net, tied a severely struggling excalibur. At this moment, they directly understood everything. This excalibur must be the treasure that appeared in the East Star Field, which attracted many powerful people. But now, it has been gradually bound. Although Jianmang has been dazzling for a long time, it has released an endless horrible and sharp tearing breath, but it cannot cut through the giant net. Nowadays, the range of activities is getting smaller and smaller, and no one can escape the fate of being captured.

Seeing that the treasure was collected, several people's eyes were naturally hot, but they did not dare to take a step forward, although the monks who captured the Excalibur did not look at them.

Just because there was a monk standing on the edge of the battlefield of the capture of the Excalibur, although it was only a back view, the faint breath was as sharp as an arrow, which seemed to tear the heavens and the earth apart.

Creation Xeon!

This phenomenon, like ice water pouring down their hearts, let all their urges disappear.

For their cultivation, they may be called a strong one, but if they dare to rob the treasure with the Xeon, then they are really on their own.

After a moment of silence, several monks slowly retreated, and since they could not get the treasure, they were unwilling to cause trouble to themselves.

With the passage of time, the turbulence of the battle here continues to pass outwards, and the surrounding star fields are approaching from time to time, but after seeing the situation on the field, they remain silent, and then choose to back off as the first few people did. .

Since the treasures have been found by the creation Xeon, they are not eligible for competition.


In the void, the two figures were diametrically opposed, with a slight smile on their faces, and their expressions were gracious, but deep in their eyes, each had a fear.

"Dear friends, I haven't seen each other for nearly 30,000 years. The friends are as elegant as ever. The deeper they are, they are really gratifying." The monk in a wide red robe smiled and opened his mouth. But like a teenager, her skin is clean and fair, and she is not old-fashioned. If it weren't for the scent of time circulated in the eyes, he would only be regarded as a white young man.

The old ancestor of the family laughed: "The main character of Huanxi Palace is heavy. The old man is already deceased, so it is better than the free and easy life of the main body owner."

"Haha! If I didn't understand Martyrs as human beings, I'm afraid I would understand this statement as ridiculous-ridiculous mockery of me."

"Three thousand avenues. Dao friends have another strange path. They are also on the road to Daodian. Why not care about others' words."

The two spoke a little bit, and the topic quickly turned to the topic.

"It seems that the news of Dongbo Star Field should be pressed by Dao You. It seems that Dao You is very interested in this treasure?" The main eyes of Huanxi Palace flickered and smiled.

The ancestors of the Qiang family nodded and directly admitted that Xiu's identity had reached their realm, and he was disdainful to deceive with lies. And today's matter, after careful investigation afterwards, can always be poorly clear, there is no need to cover up.

"Presumably Daoyou should know that in the hunting galaxy, the oldest husband who was the most important younger generation in the hunting galaxy was cut off, and the uncle's family faced the embarrassing situation of no one succeeding. Cultivate. "

The main character of Huanxi Palace was slightly dull, and his eyes were slightly gloomy.

In the hunting galaxy, it wasn't just the puppet that died. The red sleeve, one of his favorite disciples under his seat, also fell into it. It was killed by people regardless of his face, which made this old man's heart glow.

"Hmm! Fortunately, Xiao Chen was sent to the evil star domain, otherwise the old man must make him regret what happened that day!"

The old ancestor of the family nodded, but he did not take it for granted. Even if Xiao Chen killed the finger of Manglong, he might not be able to resist it. If he really confronted each other, I am afraid that the master of the palace may not be risking because of a disciple.

But at this moment, the faces of the two changed, sensing the breath fluctuations from the depths of the stars, and their eyes were slightly bright at the same time.

"It seems that the Excalibur should be found."

"Because of this, you and I should also rush, after all, it is not necessarily you and me who come to Dongbo Star Field this time, so as not to be rushed to the first board."

"it is good."

The two old monsters glanced at each other, their faces were calm, but their hearts were all ashamed. If it was really a fight, they might not have a fight between them.

The next moment, the two took a step at the same time, and the figures disappeared into the space instantly.


[One more chapter, and one more chapter at night, around 12 o'clock. 】

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