Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 890: Huitong Trading Company

The place where the Excalibur was captured has gradually gathered a large number of monks. The monks of the creation world are behind, the king of creation is ahead, and the peak of creation is more advanced. As for the front position, there is only a thin old man. Tightly wrinkled, his eyes fell on the back of the monk not far away, and hesitated to decide. Eight W] W. 81ZW. Com

Suddenly, there was ripples in the space not far away, and the two figures appeared directly. They were the ancestors of the family and the owner of the Huanxi Palace. The moment they appeared, their brows couldn't help wrinkling, and they looked at the monk's back, his face was slightly gloomy.

I didn't expect that they had come fast enough, or they were preempted.

However, being a step ahead may not be able to take away the treasure.

The two old monsters looked at each other and moved forward, and the monks everywhere quit, slightly lowered in awe.

The ancestors of the Qiang family, the owner of the Happy Palace and the black and thin old man stood side by side. The three obviously knew each other. At this moment, they nodded slightly and said hello, but there was no smile on their faces.

Seeing that the Excalibur was about to be taken away, they did not want to be just a passerby.

The old ancestor of the Qiang family had a gloomy face. "Rejoice the Lord of the Palace, the Supreme Master of the Western Territory, is it possible that the two Taoist friends are willing to make treasures hand in hand?" His lips did not move, but his voice had already sounded directly in the hearts of the two weird.

The owner of Huanxi Palace frowned, and said lightly, "Treasures come first. If you see them, everyone has a share. Even if you collect them, you have to fight each other by means."

"Old man agrees," the lord of Xijiang whispered.

The three old monsters reached an agreement in an instant, but at this moment, without waiting for them to come forward, the monk turned away suddenly in front of him. This is a completely strange face. He looks ordinary and even slightly thick, but the strong breath from his body is enough. Show his extraordinary.

He opened his mouth with a thick smile and smiled: "Under Xia Tongtong Company Tong Baoshan, I happened to pass by today and collected this treasure by hand. It will be set for auction in Wugong Starfield Huitong Company Semi-annual after half a month. Thinking about how to inform the Taoists, now it seems that there is no need to trouble. "

The faces of the ancestors of the Qiang family, the master of the Happy Palace and the people of the West Xinjiang were at the same time froze, as if they were struck directly on the chest in the same tone, although they were unwilling, the thought of the treasures robbed in their hearts disappeared.

The Huitong business name is the largest commercial chain-locking force in the Daqian Realm. Its semicolons are spread across the eight empires of the Daqian Realm. It has extremely scarce financial and material resources. His Majesty is innumerable. Although he does not participate in the struggle between countries, he has the power , But do not allow any doubt!

Being able to spread the business across the Thousands of Realms, and with ease in the collision of the eight empires, Huitong's business naturally has a very deep background, and standing behind Huitong's business is the War God Palace! One of the oldest, most mysterious and most powerful forces in the Daqian Realm.

No one knows when the Ares Palace was established, and no one knows how powerful they are, but in the rumors, the Ares Palace has a supreme existence!

That alone is enough!


The simple two characters represent the most powerful force in the world. No force is willing to offend a Hongmeng powerhouse, even the eight empires!

Therefore, at the moment Tong Tongshan showed his identity, today's events are doomed to no results. No monk dares to challenge the Ares, because what is waiting for him will disappear from the heavens and the earth silently.

When the three princes of Dachu robbed a Huitong business semicolon and died bizarrely, and the matter finally came to an end, no one tried to challenge the power of the War God Palace.

Fortunately, the Huitong company does not want to own the Excalibur, but to sell it out. In this way, they still have the opportunity to collect the treasures, but in this case, I am afraid that it will cost a small price.

This is a treasure that is cherished. After the means of Duobao, the final transaction price can be expected to be a sky-high price!

But even so, they have no choice but to take part in the auction after half a month.

"Tao Daoyou rest assured, my husband and others will participate in half a month!" Three old ancestors of the family's ancestors spoke at the same time. Although they tried to maintain calmness, their faces were still stiff.

Tong Baoshan laughed: "So half a month later, Wu Gong Xing Yu, Tong will welcome everyone in the business house."

When he spoke, the giant net behind him bound the Divine Sword completely, and the aura of light flashed slightly. The net surface suddenly shrank, winding it layer by layer, and finally covering up all the breath, without revealing anything.

Tong Baoshan took away the big net and the Excalibur together, arching and saying: "Dear friends, say goodbye!" The words came down, this person's foot stepped out next, leading the seven monks behind him to tear the space directly away and disappeared instantly trace.

"I didn't expect that this time there was news of the Huitong company, which gave them a lot of benefits." Huanxiong said with a cold humor, his face cold.

The old ancestor of the Jia family shook his head. "This is the case and cannot be changed. I am afraid that this auction is not easy. The old man will take a step. After half a month, you and I will be together again." Step into it.

"Farewell." The master of Xijiang left with a somber face.

With a low hum, the Huanxiong master stepped forward immediately after the two, disappearing.

The four founding Xeons left one by one, and they were helpless in the eyes of the monk. Now that things are a foregone conclusion, they have no meaning left.

But half a month later, the news of Huitong's commercial auction in Wugong Xingyu soon spread as they left.


The surface vegetation has been destroyed due to the large-scale mineral mining, and the result is a year-round gale and yellow sand. This is the standard mineral star logo. Such unknown mineral stars, such as the unknown, do not know how many exist in the world, most of them are unknown, or only a simple number as a mark.

But the minerality in front of him has a very loud name-the last stop of sin.

One black color floats quietly in the star field not far from the end of evil. It is the ultimate black, purely free of impurities, even in the dark star field. It is like a black lake, silent, and seems to have existed for billions of years.

Suddenly, the quiet black trembled slightly, just like the calm water surface. Ripples were caused in the tremor, and there was an unexplainable dark halo slowly spreading from it.

This wonderful scene was born in the star field, but unfortunately there were no witnesses.

Along with the heavy waves, the waves turned into microwaves, a figure slowly rose from the black, and a calm and peaceful face appeared first, and the body gradually appeared. He glanced over the surrounding star fields, breathing the air at the nose, and a little excitement gradually grew in his eyes.

finally came back!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and pressed down his heart with excitement. He slowly took a step, and rippled on the black, just like walking on the ground. After a few steps, his figure had come out. Looking back, the black had gradually returned to peace .

Turning around, his foot stepped forward, and the figure tore directly into the space and disappeared.


Dongbo Star Field, Mi Yuanxing.

It is called a star, but it is just a larger meteorite, which was imprisoned by the force of formation and opened on it, and gradually became the most prosperous place in the Dongbo star domain.

There is no production here, everything depends on procurement, but on Mi Yuanxing, as long as you have enough yuan crystals, you can enjoy everything you want, although their prices are several times more expensive than elsewhere.

Women, wine, and trading are the three eternal laws on the rice star. There are business groups coming from all directions, and there are countless Dongbo star domain monks who come to enjoy. After all, no matter how poor the land is, there are also high The existence of layers.

On this day, a Qingpao monk successfully entered Mi Yuanxing after delivering ten yuan crystals. He did not go to the fireworks willow alley, or walk towards the centralized trading area like most outsiders. Instead, after spending three spar, he asked Mi Yuanxing's biggest restaurant, and he was in no hurry. Unhurried steps towards their line.

After half an hour, he has been sitting on the second floor of the restaurant. The number of monks here is much less than that on the first floor, but the relative cultivation has been improved. In a whispered conversation, the information that can be heard is naturally more valuable. .

Xiao Chen did not choose to leave immediately after leaving the evil star realm, but was prepared to first explore the situation in Yan Kingdom. Although he had only left for less than a century, it was good to be cautious in the end.

After hearing it for a while, although the surrounding monks were talking about some piecemeal information, Xiao Chen brought them together and got the news he wanted from it. For a century, Yan Guo was calm and calm, and that was enough.

He backhanded a hundred-dollar crystal ticket and placed it on the table. The crystal ticket is a Tongbao firm, which has a high reputation. It can be used anywhere in Yanguo, and it is enough to pay for the meal. But just as he was about to leave, a word suddenly heard in his ears, shaking his body slightly, and the body about to leave slowly sat back.


[Baozipu, the road is full of sky, the diving group is full. The level subscription group 16418o829 is free, so the newly opened level group [On Daoge] 2353164o9, welcome everyone to join! 】

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