Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 891: Lend treasure

Divine sword suspected of being unearthed from an ancient ruin. Bayi novel

Wandering in Dongbo Starfield in search of the lost master.

Three days later, the auction held by Wu Gong Xing Yu Hui Tong.

From the whispered conversation of the monk watching Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen quickly searched for the most accurate news, and his face suddenly became cloudy.

This is very unusual news. The vast and vast realm has a vast and endless range. There may be ancient relics in each constellation, and occasionally treasures are not rare. But it was such a simple news that fell into the ear, but shocked Xiao Chen's heart, and suddenly a strong throbbing, and his heart could not help being confused.

He was slightly low, not letting people see the gloomy complexion, but the breath in his body was uncontrolled slowly. The monks whispering in the surroundings were suddenly stiff, their faces paled gradually, and their eyes were full of fear.

The whole space suddenly quieted down, and even the gasping voice could be suppressed very low. The area covered by this breath is still spreading, and soon spreads to the entire restaurant. The upper and lower three floors are suddenly quiet like dead domains.

No one, monk, dares to move in the slightest, because from this breath, they feel the irresistible power, and only a slight shock is enough to wipe them out of the world.

The largest restaurant that can be opened on Mi Yuanxing naturally has a very deep background, but several of the creations in the restaurant have been guarded by the Great Realm. At this moment, they are scared and pale. Feeling the source of that breath, they didn't dare to approach half a step at all.

The cursed waste in the shopkeeper's heart cursed to fire all of them afterwards, but he could only pale and climb the second floor with cold sweat, standing tremblingly in front of Xiao Chen, barely keeping his mouth quiet, "The junior It was the restaurant's treasurer. I didn't know where I offended the adult, and I asked the adult to anger. "This person didn't say much, and directly acknowledged his mistake to win Xiao Chen's understanding. Sincere in tone, this attitude is extremely intelligent.

When Xiao Chen's thought was interrupted, he slowly lifted his eyes and fell on him. The outside breath converged little by little, and he whispered, "It has nothing to do with you." When he got up, he left.

Seen by Xiao Chen's eyes, the shopkeeper's heart trembled, and Yuan Shen appeared briefly dizzy and disoriented, but couldn't help being completely scared. He didn't know what had happened, and mistakenly believed that Xiao Chen had been completely offended. If he was left to wait for the restaurant, it would be a disaster. Although he has a considerable background, if he provokes a powerful man at the level of creation, the forces behind him will not risk him to anger him.

"Sir, I don't know what the juniors can do for you, no matter what you ask, you can speak!" The shopkeeper screamed and spoke. He was sweating, his face was extremely pale, and he wanted to make a final recovery.

Xiao Chen's body paused, and he slowly turned around, "There is really something to ask you, which one is the strongest on Mi Yuanxing?"

The shopkeeper was dumb. Although he couldn't keep up with the huge thinking jump, he gave the answer subconsciously, "City East Yipinge ..." The sound stopped abruptly, and his eyes suddenly developed a sense of fear.

Xiao Chen nodded, ignoring his changing face, and turned to leave.

Behind him, the shopkeeper's surface was earthy.



As a shop that purchases and sells all kinds of rare materials and top-quality treasures, it naturally has a very powerful force. It is just a faint and obscure atmosphere released by the six creator monks and the shop building guarding from the door. It is enough to scare off most of the wrongdoers.

Yipin Pavilion has always been known for its safety, and treasures consigned or consigned rarely occur.

Xiao Chen stepped forward. When it was far from Yipin Pavilion, six guards with high eyesight passed through the crowd and locked his eyes on him, because the icy breath that escaped from his body was not like Be kind.

There are very few monks who dare to make trouble in Yipinge, but they are not without them! Along with his footsteps, Xiao Chen is getting closer and closer to Yipinge, and a trace of cold air outside his body is constantly improving with an amazing degree!

The six guards suddenly changed color, flashed aura in their hands, took out the treasure directly in their hands, and drank for a population. "Stop! Yipinge, if you take one step forward, it will be regarded as a provocation against Yipinge!"

What responded to him was Xiao Chen's unhurried pace. His face was calm and there was no abnormality at all. You can't see any nervousness like walking in the court. It was this calmness that made the six guards numb, and they couldn't help creating a horror in their hearts.

But they enjoy extremely high treatment at Yipinge, and when in trouble, naturally they can't step back! In the roar, the six guards shot, and their instant burst of breath was the best warning sign. The six took a step forward, and the sword in their hands was instantly cut off!

The six-handed long knife is exactly the same in length. Although the grade is not good, it can make the power of six people reach the peak.

Appeared in an instant, they stunned with amazing power, and the six sharp blades were cut off instantly, blocking all the way forward.

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves like a fly, and the six chopped swordsman blades suddenly solidified, then broke and shattered.

In the snoring, the six guards of Yipinge were pale, their feet recoiled, and their eyes turned to Xiao Chen, who had been unable to hide his fear. The power of six people, even in the face of an ordinary monk in the real world, can barely support a few rounds, but he instantly retreats in front of him. Such a practice is terrifying.

Yipinge is located in a prosperous place. The sudden conflict suddenly attracted an infinite number of light. The surrounding monks hurried back, but they did not give them time to react, and the battle was over. And the result even shocked them!

One face-to-face, directly defeated the six guards of Yipinge!

Countless monks showed awe in their eyes.

Xiao Chen did not continue to shoot, he still moved forward in a hurry, and the cold and powerful breath slowly spread out of him, which made people feel terrified. The six Yipinge guards showed fear in their eyes and did not dare to continue blocking. According to Xiu Chen ’s performance, it is not difficult to kill them. The first time they have not killed will be merciful, but it does not mean that they will have the next time. If they dare to continue to shoot, maybe they will lose their lives the next moment!

At this moment, the space in front of Yipinge's door suddenly shattered, a figure stepped forward, his eyes fell directly on Xiao Chen's body, and his pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

When the six guards saw the visitor, their faces relaxed at the same time.

"I enshrine Yunhezi at the next Pinge. I do n’t know why your friends are here today." The comer slowly opened his mouth, and the breath in his body was scattered, but he was a creation monk with strong breath and distance. The King of Genesis is not far behind.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this person, and he slowly said, "Xiao is here only to temporarily borrow a walking treasure from Yipinge."

His purpose is to borrow treasure!

In the restaurant's brief contemplation, Xiao Chen had a decision in his mind. He wanted to rush to Wu Gong Xing Yu to participate in this Huitong commercial auction to confirm the confusion in his heart.

What does this Excalibur have to do with him?

Xiuwei has reached such a point that he will never whim up for no reason, and the news about the Excalibur can stir his mood, which is absolutely unusual.

When it comes to combat power, under Xiao Hongmeng, Xiao Chen rarely dreads, but his degree does not match Xiu Wei. The auction was only three days later, but Dongbo Star Field was far away from Wu Gong Star Field and could not be reached in his three days.

Therefore, there is a move to borrow treasure.

The best walking treasures must be possessed only by the most powerful forces. It is naturally the best choice for them to choose to cooperate in a short period of time without delaying time and to directly show the power that makes them fear.

And Xiao Chen did exactly that.

Yun Hezi's face suddenly rose red. The so-called borrowing treasure is just a reason. If you borrow it, I'm afraid you won't pay it back!

He has been in Yipinge for many years and knows the powerful background behind him. The Dongbo star domain is only a very small part, but even so, no one dares to ask for it!

"Xiao Dao had a big appetite and dared to come to work in Yipin Pavilion. It seems that Daoyou should be a foreign monk?" The man said with a sneer, trying to show some background behind him, scaring Xiao Chen back. After all, if not necessary, he would not want to fight with a mysterious creator. But his voice had just fallen, and the rest of the words were given to the living hall. The person's body suddenly became stiff, his pupils contracted violently, and his eyes were horrified!

At this moment, a mighty majesty shrouded over him, making him unable to move at all! Under this pressure, Yun Hezi has no doubt that as long as it is gently rolled, he can easily squeeze him into powder!

Xiao Chen waved at will, Yun Hezi's body flew back directly, and he smashed directly into the gate of Yipin Pavilion like an arrow. He said lightly, "This seat has no time to waste here, take out the treasure, or take the seat. Flatten it here. "

Monk Yipinge stiffened instantly, Xiao Chen's voice was calm, but no one doubted that he was qualified to do this easily!

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