Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 893: Auction starts

Wugong Star Field, under the control of 503 cultivating stars, most of which are above Chinese quality. The world has strong Yuanyuan power and various monastic resources. It is one of the richer large planetary systems in the territory of Dayan. Bayi novel

Qingliu Xing is one of the more prosperous self-cultivation stars in Wu Gongxing, and it is also the residence of Dayan Jurisdiction. The Minister of Administration who controls the entire Wu Gongxing is stationed here.

Huitong's main semicolon in Wugong Star Domain is also built on Qingliu Star.

As a trading company spreading across the thousands of realms, Huitong's nature is similar to that of Shenji Zong, but the power and resources controlled by the two are not at the same level.

Embankment willow Yiyi, the breeze blowing the willow branches rippling, bringing a fresh wood spirit breath.

The name of Qingliu Xingxing is named after Qingliu throughout the planet.

The lake surface is microwaved in the breeze, and the water quality is clear. It can be seen that swimming fishes are comfortable in the water. The four corner towers are symmetrically built on the shore of the lake, or more precisely, are the portals of four welcoming guests. Passing through the corner tower is a long half-arch wooden bridge, like four strong arms, supporting one in the lake. Build luxurious, imposing buildings.

The whole lake wave is more like being circled and becomes a private property.

The lake and the four gateways located in Qingliuxing and Huitong City are just in front of the four most important arterial roads in the city.

Here is the resident of Huitong.

The entire city was built with the appeal of the Huitong company. The city name Huitong is enough to prove the influence of the Huitong company in the entire city.

Inside the firm, in the back room of a highly confidential area, several monks were busy. They are the best treasure appraisal masters in the firm. They can accurately estimate the efficacy of the product according to the strength of the treasure, and use this as the basis for the price of the treasure.

Tong Baoshan stood quietly, waiting for the identification results to appear. He had already given the Excalibur to the Treasure Evaluation Team seven days ago, and it took so long to reach the final result, which is enough to prove the treasure's preciousness, and he couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart.

A moment later, a goatee, a scrupulous old man with a rest of his head came over with a jade Jane in his hand, stared straight at him, "This sword is weird. The seven-day time is just to understand its strength attributes. For specific cases, it will take at least half a month for results to come. "

Tong Baoshan frowned slightly and said, "The auction will start tomorrow, and we have no time."

The old goatee groaned slightly. "Maybe the treasure auction can be postponed."

"It's too late and everything is ready. In addition to the monks who arrived in person, there will be a large number of monks who will auction through projection. Now suddenly changing the auction time will definitely affect the reputation of the firm."

The old goatee shook his head helplessly. Although he was fascinated by the identification of treasures, he was equally clear about the operation of the business and his credibility was above all else!

Huitong's business can have today, although it is inseparable from the strong background behind it, but the good reputation of the business is the most valuable wealth of Huitong.

"In fact, what I want to say most is that this excalibur sword should not have been announced directly. If you can bring it back for me to review and make a decision, I would suggest that you leave it and dedicate it to the shrine. The old man with goatee sighed. "Although it hasn't been tested yet, but from what I know so far, it may be appropriate to double the price you expect." Leave Yujian, and the old man turned away.

Tong Baoshan penetrated into Yujian, and slowly raised his head after a while, his face was dignified. He finally understood the meaning of the old goatee, but things had been announced and he couldn't change them. At this moment, he even came up with the idea of ​​sending someone secretly to bid, regardless of the price, the idea of ​​taking the Excalibur.

But only a slight turn, his thoughts were suppressed by him. Those who are qualified to participate in the auction must be the rare strongest in the world, making this method unsafe. If it is revealed afterwards, it will cause a devastating blow to the reputation of Huitong. Even if it is not exposed, he will be punished the most severely once he is detected by the firm!

"Since it can't be cancelled, the transaction price must be at least three times higher than the original expected price ..." The voice murmured gradually and gradually became inaudible.


The day before Huitong's public auction of the Excalibur, it unexpectedly announced the auction reserve price.

A standard star unit!

The so-called standard star refers to a self-cultivation star with at least middle-grade quality and relatively reasonable resources. Or other precious treasures that are comparable in value to a standard star, but the true value of a treasure requires the most rigorous appraisal before a decision can be made.

In other words, the exaggerated Divine Sword auction in Dongbo Starfield is set, and its transaction price is a Zhongxing Xiuxing Star!

The value of Xiu Zhenxing cannot be estimated!

This situation where Xiu Zhenxing is used as trading chips only appears at real top-level auctions, and both are truly precious!

The credibility of Huitong's firm is beyond doubt. Since it has issued a high and amazing reserve price, it is equivalent to directly proving the preciousness of the Excalibur. Taking standard stars as the auction unit, this grand event is doomed to be only the competition between the most peak monks.

After the initial shock, the monks gathered in Qingliu Xing quickly calmed down, but their eyes flashed with hotness.

The strong will have to win the Excalibur, and the weak are waiting to watch tomorrow's gala, and are not eligible to participate in it, so it is not too regrettable to watch one. After all, this level of auction may not be encountered by ordinary monks throughout their lives!

When the whole Qingliu Xing was shaken by the action of Huitong, the space not far from the Qingliu star suddenly burst into layers of space, and a luxurious cloud boat emerged from it.

Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on Yunzhou. He took out the star chart and swept it slightly, readjusted the forward direction, drove Yunzhou to tremble, and disappeared into the space directly.

There is still a day left, he must be able to arrive before the auction!


The Huitong auction was held as scheduled.

The four welcome doors at the lake opened at the same time, and three times the usual number of monks from the firm burst out, forming three inspection channels. Only the monks holding the Huitong firm auction number were eligible to enter.

Because yesterday ’s announcement of the reserve price of the Excalibur auction was just one night, but the auction number of thousands of yuan crystals, the price soared ten times in the black market, and it is still a situation where there is no market.

Countless monks with small assets are waving their crystal tickets, but they can no longer acquire any auction number.

After all, most monks who are eligible to buy Huitong auction numbers are not ordinary monks. The opportunity to witness a luxury auction is far more attractive to them than tens of thousands of yuan.

This matter is likely to become the most powerful part of their conversations in life. It will be used in the future to remember that even if they have not personally joined the game of that level and have seen it with their own eyes, they can still be excited!

The entrances of the four passages, and even around the entire lake, gathered countless monks, and the crowds were endless. It seemed that the monks on Qingliu Xing had gathered here.

A black-robed monk gritted his teeth and refused the temptation of 30,000 yuan. Although this was not a small sum, he still wanted to enter the auction house in person to witness the birth of a sky-high auction!

He lined the crowds around him and walked quickly towards the entrance.

But right here, he suddenly felt a dizziness in his head. Although he recovered quickly, the next moment, a terrible sound came out of his mouth.

"My 30,000 yuan crystal!"

The auction number in his hand was taken away instantly, and from beginning to end, he did not know what had happened.

This is just a small episode in many confusions. Except for the surrounding monks who failed to get an auction number, they showed a gloating smile, and they did not attract more attention. Because of this kind of thing, countless cases have occurred outside the Huitong business name in a short time.

Xiao Chen stood in the forward team, his eyes glanced at the construction of the luxury Huitong firm, his eyes flashed a little dignified. Before the auction, he naturally had collected the rest, and already knew the power of Huitong's business.

Hope everything goes well today ...

After submitting the auction number in hand, after being verified by Huitong monk, Xiao Chen followed the monk, was led into the auction hall, and found his place according to the prompts.

The auction number is relatively backward, and the whole is in the shadow of the second floor box. When Xiao Chen took his seat, the whole person seemed to be immersed in darkness, and his gaze swept the surrounding area, which had brought the entire auction hall into view.

For the auction, the entire auction hall was obviously adjusted. The 17 private rooms on the second floor have been reserved. The aura of light falling through the wall windows indicates that the monks have arrived. They will be auctioning today. The contestants, as for the dense monks in the hall, were destined to be only a spectator from the beginning.

Xiao Chen didn't mean to bid, and if it turned out to have nothing to do with him, he would rather be a simple spectator. But if it is related to him, then it is impossible to say that he will also intervene in this auction!

The dark eyes flickered a little deep, and he closed his eyes slowly, waiting for the auction to begin.




The magic light around the auction table lights up at the same time, spilling bright but not dazzling soft spiritual light, the whole area is fully illuminated.

A melodious Yuanjing bell sounded clearly throughout the auction hall.

In the shadow behind the auction table, an old silver man stepped onto the stage and arched his hands to the Quartet monks, saying: "The old man Huitong Trader Min Yuanzi presided over the Excalibur auction today. Our firm has announced the news yesterday that the Excalibur auction price is a standard star. It can be replaced by other equivalent treasures. If you buy it with Yuanjing, the price needs to be increased by 30%. If you have no objections, the auction will start immediately. "

After finishing his speech, Min Yuanzi kept silent and no one spoke in the auction hall. After all, treasures can be exchanged for Yuanjing, but Yuanjing may not be able to buy treasures. Increasing 30% is also within a reasonable range.

"Well, since you have no objection, today the Excalibur auction officially starts!"

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