Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 894: Two hundred

Tong Baoshan stood behind the scenes, showing a touch of self-confidence on his face. When the attributes of the Excalibur were displayed, they would know that the standard price of a standard star unit was not excessive. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com

After the auction is completed, the temple contribution he obtained may allow him to redeem another opportunity to enter the Tongtian Tower. Thinking of this, his eyes flashed a little hot.

At this moment, several monks carried a large purple ice that was more than the size of their shoulders, and took a heavy and gentle step to the auction stage.

The purple ice was placed on the platform, and a trace of cold air continued to radiate. This cold air was actually a faint purple. A long sword is frozen in the purple ice, and a fine forbidden texture is distributed around the sword, which acts to block the breath.

This ice is a purple cloud and ice, which can make the treasure spirit **** fall asleep, and then be easily suppressed and unable to resist. This ice alone is an extremely precious treasure in ordinary times! But at this moment all eyes are on the sword in the ice.

Min Yuanzi smiled slightly and said: "The Excalibur appeared in the Dongbo Starfield, because I don't know its origin, so I will call it the Dongbo Excalibur. As for the real name, wait for any Taoist to win the bid, then come Name it. "

Speaking of which, he looked pale and continued to speak slowly. "Presumably there should be some doubts in the hearts of all Taoists. The power of Dongbo Excalibur can be marked by a standard star. The old man announced the Excalibur. Part of the strength is to prove that the price of Huitong Company has always been fair and will never be fraudulent. Dongbo Excalibur was delivered to Qingliu Xing eight days ago, and the following information was obtained by the Huitong Traders ’appraisal monks for seven days. It is tentatively designated as the peak of the ancient fairy. The hardness of the body can withstand the full damage of the creation Xeon monk, and can withstand the infusion mana of the Creation Xeon, and generate more than 30% strength increase. Tear the guardian power of the creation Xeon. Based on the current knowledge, Dongbo Excalibur is a magic weapon of the creation Xeon level, but the most important point is that the East Excalibur is still growing and has great potential. In other words, if the bidder has enough opportunities, perhaps in the near future, Dongbo Excalibur will be able to rise to the ranks and become the supreme treasure of Hongmeng! "

With the rising voice of Min Yuanzi, the entire auction hall was dead, all the monks' eyes fell on the Dongbo Excalibur, betting endless heat and envy.

The treasure of Hongmeng Realm Realm means possessing some of the power of Hongmeng Realm, but it represents the strongest force in this world.

Even if Dongbo Excalibur cannot advance, the power it can possess is enough to greatly enhance the monk power of the creation world. If it can advance smoothly, the power will skyrocket. Holding this sword, you will be able to cross the creation Xeon. Invincible!

It is more able to rely on the power of treasures to faintly sense the realm of Hongmeng and Mengmeng. It has an unquestionable effect on the enlightenment of the realm of the realm, and it can even help them to go further on the almost sever road.

After a brief silence in the seventeen private rooms, a "one" light suddenly appeared on the outer wall of the third private room on the left hand, indicating that it was the bid that began to bid for the Dongbo Excalibur.

This move will completely break the short silence!

Right outside the crystal wall of the fourth private room on the right, the word "Ten" suddenly flashed out, and direct bidding for ten standard stars was obviously the number of cultivating stars in a small galaxy.

An exclamation erupted in the auction hall in an instant, and shocked in the eyes of countless monks. The rivalry between the powerful parties in silence silenced them. This is based on the auction of Chinese real-world stars. The game has just begun, and it shows a terrible fierceness. It is enough to guess that the final transaction price is a number that will make your heart stop beating!

However, at this moment, no one appeared. There was a gaze in the hall after Ziyun Hanbing was lifted, and his gaze was no longer turned away.

Xiao Chen's eyes were gloomy, looking at the long sword that had been slumbered by the frozen cracks, his face became extremely gloomy. At this moment he already knew why he was in a state of confusion after hearing the information related to it.


He didn't know what the so-called Dongbo Excalibur was, but was confident that his eyes would not be wrong!

It is him who is sealed in the ice!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's thoughts turned uncontrollably, thinking of the Weizhou wooden house, in order to save him, the shop blew itself up, giving up all its power ... When thinking of flying Xiaoqian, the shop tried hard with him World War I, defeating the ancient town of Fenggu ... thought of the trial battle of hundreds of people, the small shop accompanied him through the killing, nine deaths in a lifetime ... thought of the soaring thousand, the small shop suddenly chose to leave alone ...

So far, the shop has not been around him for a long time, but the risks he has experienced with him are not countable. If it wasn't for a small shop, when he was in the wooden house, perhaps he had fallen into disrepair, turned into dust, and saved everything in the future.

Xiao Chen's heart slowly rose, he didn't know what had happened, and he didn't have the thought to investigate. He only knew that the shop was now captured and was being auctioned.

These are enough.

He slowly raised, still dark in the dark eyes, but turned into a sensation, without any temperature.

In his meditation, the ongoing auction has reached its final moment. Although the bidders are the most prominent monks, there is still a big gap in the status and wealth. , But the auction price has also reached an amazing one hundred!

One hundred cultivation stars have barely reached the territory of a superior country!

However, we must not forget that this one hundred true stars must be above the middle class, plus a variety of balanced resources, and must have more than two hundred medium-sized superior stars in the country.

What it represents is an unimaginable wealth!

"One hundred and ten!" The left three boxes continued to increase in price, and the price code directly increased by ten stars.

The sixth box on the left was silent for a while, and the flashing light slowly went out, indicating that it had withdrawn from the auction.

After hesitating in bidding for monks in the right-hand box, he finally marked the price of "111" Xiuzhenxing.

In the third box on the left, the grandfather's ancestor was gloomy, but his eyes were calm, and he was not affected by the fierce bidding. One hundred and twenty cultivating stars is the limit he can come up with, but if he gives up in this way, this old stranger will be unwilling.

He has been trapped in the Creator Xeon for many years. If he has no chance, he will never want to go further!

And Dongbo Excalibur is a hint of opportunity, although it is weak, it really exists!

But just when the grandfather of his family was hesitant, a bland voice came out of his ear, "two hundred!" The old face suddenly stiffened, suddenly lifted, and looked at the source of the sound.

The private room is blessed by the matrix method. His vision is blocked from the outside, and the sound is blocked from the inside. Naturally, he can easily identify the source of the sound and cast his eyes in that shadow.

This bidder is actually a hall monk!

At this moment, countless lights came together, and the surrounding monks looked at the figure of Qingpao, showing endless shock!

Min Yuanzi frowned slightly. His first thought was that someone deliberately made troubles. After all, a monk who was able to sell two hundred standard stars for bidding would inevitably be the most respected person in the thousands of circles. As their identity, would they be in the hall. However, out of the auctioneer's ethics, he still frowned: "This Taoist is bidding two hundred standard stars, are you sure? Once the bid is unchangeable, if the auction cannot pay, it will deliberately disrupt the auction." His voice Although calm, the faint chill was clear.

"Since this seat is offered, it is qualified to take it away." In the shadows, the repair of Qingpao slowly spoke.


The horrible atmosphere in the right four private rooms burst instantly, tearing the entire private room, revealing the figure of the happy ancestor. This weird face was gloomy and whispered: "Arrogant! My husband wants to see how you can take out two hundred The property of the star? Otherwise, this seat will let you come back forever today! "With a low drink, Ling Ye broke out and shrouded the entire auction hall!

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