The violent breath of the Creator Xeon has caused the temperature of the entire space to plummet, as if to condense into ice!

The remaining sixteen boxes remained silent at the same time at the moment, but this silence also meant some kind of invisible pressure. Bayizhong O} M]

On the auction floor, Min Yuanzi's face was slightly white, and his eyes were full of anger. At such a critical moment, such twists and turns at the end of the auction was a great provocation to the Huitong company!

No matter how this matter is eventually resolved, I am afraid that it will become a joke and a stain that cannot be eluted in this auction.

Thinking of this, his face gradually became cold.

Suddenly, a faint footsteps came from behind, Tong Baoshan stepped calmly, Min Yuanzi's heart was slightly relaxed, and he hurriedly bowed back to the side. At this kind of moment, only when Tong Baoshan appeared, could he suppress the scene.

"Happy to the palace master, now it is in my Huitong company. No matter what happens, my company will come forward to resolve it, and I also invite Daoyou to stay angry."

Tong Baoshan opened his mouth lightly, seemingly polite, but he did not hesitate to remind him that this is the Huitong business name, not a place where you can be arbitrary!

Participating in the auction of monks in the seventeen private rooms, who is not a thought-provoking one, can naturally see through this, and the pressure of silence that escapes slowly converges. They are not afraid of Tong Baoshan, but they must not ignore the power of the shrine!

Huanxiong said with a low hum, "The old man will wait and see how Tong Daoyou handles this."

"The owner of Huanxi Palace rest assured." Tong Baoshan glanced down and fell into the shadow behind the auction hall, slowly speaking. "The remainder of the auction will continue to be hosted by this seat. The Taoist bids for 200 standard stars. I wonder if Does a friend continue to raise prices? "

Words fell, the hall was dead.

"Okay! Since no one has increased the price, the auction is complete. Please bid to your friends on stage, take out two hundred standard stars, and take away the Dongbo Excalibur." Tong Baoshan said lightly, his face still calm, his eyes gradually sharpened.

Whether it is trouble or not, you will know at first try.

Countless lights came together, and there was a moment of silence. The green robe in the shadows stood up and moved forward, and the surrounding monks conceded.

When he stepped out of the shadows, his face was exposed to the aura of light, and several whispers came at the same time.

"Xiao Chen!"

The sound is incredible!

The master of Huanxi Palace suddenly got up, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen and he looked at him carefully, and finally determined his identity. The shock in the eyes slowly dissipated, and then turned into a deep gloomy and cold atmosphere.

His ancestor waved and broke the window of the private room, his eyes fell on him, revealing the undisguised coldness of murder!

Tong Baoshan frowned slightly, Huitong's commercial firms spread across the Daqian Realm, and the intelligence system was extremely up. As the host of a party in Dayan, he was no stranger to Xiao Chen's name, and soon overlapped the images in his memory with the monks in front.

There are countless monks in Daqianjie. Those with similar or identical appearances are not in the minority, but the breath cannot be exactly the same!

But Xiao Chen has been sent to the evil star domain, but now appears here, in less than a hundred years, how exactly did he get rid of the evil star domain? Think of the hunting galaxy, the power of that finger, savagely killed Manglong, Tong Baoshan did not feel a little faint in his heart, and the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated.

As Xiao Chen bid, maybe he really has the qualification to buy the Excalibur.

However, there was still a slight anxiety in his mind, which seemed to have forgotten a very important message, but at this moment did not give him more time to think, because Xiao Chen was walking towards him.

A slight smile appeared on Tong Baoshan's face, saying: "It was Xiao Chen's Daoyou bidding, but the old man thought about it. Now that he has successfully photographed Dongbo Excalibur, he will ask Daoyou to pay the bid and take away Sword it. "

Because he couldn't figure out what Xiao Chen's true cultivation was, the person spoke kindly.

Xiao Chen stepped onto the stage, glanced over him, and without a word approached Ziyun Hanbing, looked at the long sword sealed in the ice, and said lightly, "I don't know what the Dongbo Excalibur in your mouth is. , But I know its name is Xiaodian. "

Tong Baoshan's heart jumped slightly, his face suddenly became gloomy, and after a brief silence, he slowly said, "What does Xiao Chen Taoist say?"

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to tell you, the shop went to Dongbo Starfield, in order to find me." Xiao Chen's voice became deeper, "But it was invited here by the Huitong company, so I can only follow Come and take it away. "

The voice spread, and the eyes of countless monks widened instantly in the entire auction hall.

No one had thought that when things got here, the peaks and turns turned around, and suddenly such a change took place.

The Excalibur appeared in the Dongbo star domain. Although it was encircled, it never left half a step away from the star domain. It has been rumored that it is waiting for the lost master, and its master is most likely in the evil star domain. .

What's more, the strength of Huitong's trading company is clear to everyone who is strong in the world. If this is not the case, who would dare to call the tigers!

At this moment, most monks already believed what Xiao Chen said.

The oldest ancestors of the family and the owner of the Happy Palace kept quiet, but secretly sneered, even if Xiao Chen was right, today he wouldn't want to leave the Excalibur, otherwise the reputation of the Huitong company!

This boy did not know what means to escape from the evil star domain, but he did not know how to provoke the Huitong firm. He was improperly handled today, and was afraid to kill his life!

For them, it is naturally good news.

Tong Baoshan was silent for a few moments, and a slight smile suddenly appeared on his face. "Xiao Chen's friend said, Dongbo Excalibur is your treasure?" Although he was laughing, his voice was like a polar cold wind blowing through the body. Bing Han!

Xiao Chen looked indifferent, never showing a slight bit of color, "Yes."

The two eyes met, and there was a cold mang in the calm.

"I don't know what evidence you have?"

"The evidence is in the ice. After breaking the purple cloud and ice, and letting it out of the shop, everything will be known."

"It took a huge price for Huitong to capture Dongbo Excalibur, and it will be auctioned today. Before the auction is completed, Ziyun Hanbing must not be broken, otherwise Excalibur will wake up and escape, who will be responsible."

"Tong Daoyou means that, no matter if the shop is Xiaomou's thing, if it falls into the hands of Huitong, it is yours."

Tong Baoshan smiled lightly, "Treasures have no owner, and the strong get them, which has always been the case in the Thousand Realms." Although he didn't say anything, he already gave a reply.

In this matter, the Huitong business firm will not go back.

Xiao Chen was slightly low, and after a few breaths he faintly said, "I don't like trouble, so I hope that things can be resolved peacefully, but reality and imagination are completely different." He looked directly at Tong Baoshan, "This seat will not come up with a piece Yuan Jing, I have no time to waste with you. I will leave the shop immediately, otherwise you will regret it! "

This is the ** naked threat!

The object is Huitong Trading Company!

There was a dead silence in the auction room. Even the monks in the seventeen-room private room, such as the ancestors of his family and the master of the Happy Palace, never thought that Xiao Chen would be so brave!

This is the target of the Huitong company, a large force in the world, and even the eight empires dare not speak lightly of the threat!


He's looking for death!

Tong Baoshan's face became extremely ugly for a moment, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he whispered: "Xiao Chen said in a friendly tone, but I don't know that over the years, he dared to fight with me as the enemy, and now he is dead! Today I want to see how you make me regret it! "

Huanxi Palace Master suddenly got up and chuckled: "Tong Daoyou, this Xiao Chen also has deep hatred with me. I wonder if I can count on my husband today?"

The old ancestor of the Jia family then said lightly, "My grandson died in the hands of this person. If he could, the old man hopes that he can also take the shot himself to avenge him."

Tong Baoshan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly laughed: "Since the two Taoist friends opened their mouths, there is no reason to refuse, so please ask the two Taoist friends for assistance, and see what Xiao Chen Taoist friends have to do, dare to be so tough. "

The hunting star domain killed the Manglong with one finger, and they knew the power they represented, and if Xiao Chen was desperate, they would not be willing to take risks.

But now combined with the strength of the three, Xiao Chen was beheaded, but only in the backhand.

The three weirds who all wanted his life, naturally reached an alliance in an instant.

In a sneer, the master of the happy palace and the grandfather of his family stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly on the auction table, forming a triangle with Tong Baoshan, sealing him in.

The breath of the three creation Xeons is looming, and the vast pressure makes the entire auction hall silent.

At this moment, countless eyes fell on Xiao Chen, like looking at the dead.

In the face of the three creation Xeons joining forces, they don't think that Xiao Chen will have any vitality!

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