Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 896: One enemy three

At the same time, Tong Baoshan, the owner of Huanxi Palace, and the grandparents of his family stepped forward at the same time. His eyes were filled with sneer, and the horror broke out. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced at the three old monsters around him. The coldness and calmness couldn't shake the waves. There was no sense of pressure from them at all. This calmness came from the confidence in his own powerful strength.

But his self-confidence fell into the eyes of three old strangers, but he didn't know the heights and heights, and his heart couldn't help anger.

The master of Huanxiong Palace said, "Xiao Chen, the old man's disciples are in red sleeves. You were killed in the hunting galaxy that day. You should not have thought that one day they would fall into the hands of the old man."

"Even if I think of today, I will still take her life. Since joining the hunting star domain, it is only necessary that she kill others, and she will not be allowed to kill her." Xiao Chen said lightly, "This seat is here, you What about it? "

"Crazy! The old man will take your Yuanshen out, seal it in the jar of desires, and endure the pain of millions of years!" The grateful master of the palace gritted his teeth, and his handsome face was full of nagging.

The grandfather of his family said coldly, "Why bother to talk to him and just wipe it out."

Tong Baoshan's eyes flashed sharply, and he smiled, "The words of Daoyou are extremely true."

The three of them joined forces, naturally they will not look at Xiao Chen, even if he has some hole cards, in front of the three, can not set off any storm.

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of chill came out of him, "If you want to erase this seat, see if you have this qualification."

As the words fell, his foot stepped forward, and the vastness broke out! The mighty and formidable momentum rises to the sky, accompanied by the terrifying coercion like the ocean, which releases a terrifying atmosphere of destruction.

Feeling the sudden coming of breath, the faces of Tong Baoshan, Huanxi Palace, and the grandfather's ancestors changed at the same time, and a chill suddenly developed in their hearts, spreading along the limbs, leaving them physically stiff.

In this breath, there is a hint of tyrannical evil. Only long-term killing and beheading can be formed to some extent, and being able to make them feel, does it mean that Xiao Chen has beheaded and killed more than one Cultivate monks close to them!

The thoughts rose in their hearts, and the trio's faces became extremely ugly at the same time.

And at this moment, Xiao Chen's inherently terrifying atmosphere suddenly soared with a terrifying degree after a slight tremor, and he went up all the way crazy!

Powerful, overbearing, fierce and thunderous, tyrannical like fire!

At this moment, the power in his body collapsed directly in the severe tremor, and the blast burst in a short time, releasing ten times or even dozens of times as much power as his own body. In a short time, before the power loss in the body was exhausted, his peak combat power was raised by a level!

Sensing the power of flowing in the body, Xiao Chenqiang pressed the throbbing mood of his arm screaming, stepped down suddenly, and his body shot like a sharp arrow away from the string, heading straight for Tongshan.

In the eyebrows, Zhanzijue seemed to be stimulated by the surge of power in the body. Suddenly Guanghua masterpiece, a mighty will spurted out of it, directly integrated into Xiao Chen's body, making his terrible breath soar again!

This is a horrifying will to tremble!

Any obstacle that exists in front of him will be crushed by life!

With one punch forward, the power of venting and horrifying acts as much as possible, and the whole space is moaning and distorting, turning into a blur. And the power contained in this twisted space cannot be underestimated.

Tong Baoshan's face changed slightly, but he didn't take a step back, roared in his mouth, and punched forward with the same punch. Although he is not specialized in physical training, he has a lot of physical strength and is extremely powerful, coupled with the power of supernatural powers, naturally he will not fear this simple and sturdy collision!


A loud bang was heard in an instant, and the two were out of sight to capture the scope quickly, the first match has been completed.

Tong Baoshan's face changed again, but the roar in his mouth could not withstand the horrifying force of the tide-like shooting. The figure was forced to retreat. Every step backward, the steps fell, the ground was broken, and cracks spread quickly in all directions.

His eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and it was hard to hide his anger!

Xiao Chen's face was slightly white, his foot exploded, the ground instantly collapsed, and pieces of rubble flew towards the surrounding area.

But his figure was like a rooted old tree, never retreating.

The ultimate compression force broke away from the control of the two in the collision, and spread quickly to the surroundings during the disintegration. Each trembling directly tore the space into a tiny black crack. It did not look eye-catching, but it represented incomparable terror. Killing power. The hard special auction table was easily cut open under the tiny black cracks. The cracks were dense and dense, making people's eyes fall, and they could not help but feel scalp.

The monks turned pale near the auction floor, and even weaker monks, with blood flowing from their noses and noses. The killings between the Creator Xeons are enough to hurt them. Looking at the black cracks that are spreading at this moment, their complexions have changed greatly. After the light flashes, the figure suddenly retreats, otherwise they will be cut off by this black crack, and their repair is fearful.

In a few short interest periods, the entire auction hall monks have retired.

The remaining private rooms closed their doors one after another, but only three people flew out of them. In other private rooms, only the monks used remote treasures to participate in the auction.

The Supreme Master of the West Xinjiang and another one who shrouded in the black robes created the Xeon, while the third person was the same handsome young man who flew out of the left six box, apparently representing a certain strong to participate in today's auction His breath is not weak, and he has reached the peak of creation. Now, with one shot, he will defeat all the forces that swept up, and his figure will retreat to the rear.

Huitong's defense ban has been directly destroyed during the assassination of the Creator Xeon, and figures have fled from it.

Around the lake, the monks who were not qualified to enter the auction hall changed their faces, but before they asked, the horrible fluctuations coming out of the Huitong business firm made all of them stiff, and their pupils contracted violently.

"Come on!"

Someone roared and was awakened by the shocked monks, driving Yuguang to flee wildly in the distance.

Otherwise, once the assassination between the levels of the creation Xeon is completely exploded, I am afraid that the entire Huitong City will be destroyed once, and if they do not leave early, they will only be buried in this city.

call out!

call out!


All the lights crossed the sky, and fled wildly outside the city. There was no one here except the Master of the West Xinjiang and the Elder of the Black Robe.

The powerful and horrifying atmosphere tore the Huitong company into a leaky rag pocket. Powerful forces gushed out through these gaps. The calm lake surface caused tens of feet of water waves because of the force that swept up. In the sound, the momentum was astonishing. It was like a wall of water that was shot down to the bank. Each thick green willow was directly broken or uprooted! All the fish caught in it were directly crushed by the force of the water, and a gorgeous blood flower bloomed in the water.

Although it is impossible to see the inside, but through the induction of breath, you can also know the horrific killing that is happening.

The master of Xijiang and the monk in black robes had dignified faces, and their eyes were full of shock. They never thought that Xiao Chen could still support with one enemy and three, and apparently they attacked with the three!

This strength is amazing!


With a loud noise, broken stones and broken trees were flying around, arousing the debris of the sky, Xiao Chen's figure whistled out. Without knowing the means, he had captured Ziyun Hanbing in his hands, and now he was floating beside him.

There were three roars from below.

"Stop him, you must not let him run away!" This was the roar of his grandfather's ancestors, and in his anger, there was an unstoppable shock.

In just a hundred years, Xiao Chen's strength has shown a surprising degree of improvement, and he was able to siege the three of them violently. Although falling behind, it has been extremely shocking.

In another hundred years, how far will he go?

Thinking of this, the three old weirds have a great chance of murder. No matter what, they will never let Xiao Chen leave alive, or they will have to wait for their terrible ending in the future!


[Sorry everyone, the work is too busy. Updates owed this week, make up the next week! Thank you Daoyou who still voted for Baozi, thank you! 】

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