Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 897: punishment

Tong Baoshan, Qiang's ancestors, and the Lord of the Happy Palace screamed into the sky. The figure directly smashed the top layer in the phoenix parcel, and the laser-like ray shot after it. The collapse turned into a mess. Bayi

Xiao Chen didn't go far. He stopped suddenly and turned to look at the three old monsters behind him. His face was pale, and a blood stain was left on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he suffered some injuries in the killing just before, and was slightly embarrassed.

But at this moment his eyes were still calm, without showing any confusion.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Although Tong Baoshan, the granddaughter of his family, and the owner of Huanxi Palace were surprised at why he didn't run away, they had no time to think about it. The figure shouted and blocked him again.

"Xiao Chen, today you don't want to run away!" Han Xiongong said in a cold voice.

Xiao Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth and said lightly, "If you want to leave, do you think you can stop me?"

As soon as the master of the happy palace stagnates, his face suddenly becomes gloomy. Only the three of them joined forces. He was also snatched by Xiao Chen and broke away from the ice cloud. If he escaped, the three of them might not stop him!

"Huh! It was just an idea before, since this time you didn't escape, you don't want to leave here again!"

"This seat doesn't leave because you are not qualified to let me escape. Now that I have completed my own strength test, everything should be over." Xiao Chen whispered.

A strong sense of crisis rushed into my heart, making Tong Baoshan's three hearts jump hard, but before they responded, a heartbreaking force suddenly came, covering them all!

The creation Xeon is already the most peak existence in this world. Raising his hands and throwing up his feet can unleash an extremely horrible power. Even the power of the world cannot suppress them!

But at this moment, Tong Baoshan, the grandfather of his family, and the owner of the Huanxi Palace seemed to be falling into the mud. The air suddenly became thick and it became extremely difficult to move.

Chaos World!

When entering the temple for the first time, with the power of the Chaos Realm, Xiao Chen had the power to suppress the creation of the Mighty One. Later, at the bottom of the Abyss, it took 90 years to devour the pure elemental power contained in the Elemental Vortex. At the highest level of creation, the power of chaos has risen sharply, and it can even have an impact on the monks who step on the heavens. It is easy to suppress the three men of Tong Baoshan!

The reason why he never shot in the chaos world directly was to use his three strange hands to test the extent to which he had cultivated himself. Under "Broken Element", the hole cards are exhausted, coupled with the powerful physical body, in a short period of time, the power he can suffice is enough to crush the ordinary creation Xeon!

Now that he has a precise grasp of his own power, he naturally will not continue to waste time.

At the same time, Tong Baoshan, the grandparents of the family, and the owner of Huanxi Palace changed their faces at the same time, yelling in their mouths, the violent power burst from their bodies, and they wanted to join forces to tear up the repressive forces.

Xiao Chen murmured, his thoughts moved slightly, and the mud-like air suddenly solidified into ice, crushing all the counter forces and forcibly suppressing them.

The three old weirds murmured, their faces paled at the same time, and their eyes began to show fear.

They did not expect that Xiao Chen had such a horrible means that they could be suppressed directly by their strength!

In the midst of repression, the three are like fish on a cutting board. If they cannot break free, they can only be slaughtered by anyone!

Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to them. Although most of his internal power was lost, he could still support it for a while. Before the chaos world had dissipated, the three of them didn't want to escape.

His eyes fell on the purple clouds and ice in his hands, and his face gradually became gloomy. The array method arranged in the ice made the shop consciousness fall asleep. If there is no special method to open the matrix method, forcibly destroying it may destroy it. Just because of this, he didn't break the ice.

With a flick of his sleeve, the amount of pressure around Tong Baoshan suddenly dissipated, Xiao Chenyang threw his hand, and Ziyun Hanbing fell directly in front of him.

"Open the formation and let it out, or die."

The calm voice fell into his ears, but Tong Baoshan's body became stiff for a moment, his face became extremely pale. He looked coldly at Xiao Chen, "Dare to plunder my Huitong firm, even Prince Dachu will die!"

"If you dare to say one more thing, this seat will immediately make you a corpse."

Tong Baoshan shut up and nodded resentfully.

Xiao Chen dare to openly confront the Huitong company, may not dare to kill him!

There was a flash of aura in his hand, and Tong Baoshan took out a jade bottle, which contained a kind of lilac liquid, which was flashing with a touch of aura. With a wave of his hand, the jade bottle was opened, and the liquid poured down and landed on the ice of ice.

After absorbing the liquid in the jade bottle, the extremely hard ice cubes suddenly melted inside, but within a few short breaths, the formation has been erased.

In this matter, Tong Baoshan was very knowledgeable about current affairs and did not do anything about it, otherwise Xiao Chen could let him go and win him again!

The formation method failed, and the power of Ziyun Hanbing couldn't concentrate. Teng Tengchi was purple and sticky like a wax dripping slowly. At this time, the shop's power suddenly awakened, and a sharp sharp sword burst out. Mince the whole ice cube.

The sword body receded instantly and left Tong Baoshan far away. Obviously he was captured that day, making the shop afraid of him.

Xiao Chen frowned suddenly. He was convinced that there was no doubt about the small shop in front of him, but its breath was completely different from the previous one. Although powerful, it did not make him feel familiar.

"Small shop?"

He whispered.

Hearing this voice, the Excalibur came out, the sword body suddenly trembled slightly, and a very familiar feeling suddenly came out, but no matter how it was thought, the memory was blank.

"Small shop? Is this my name?"

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy. A violent heart of thought rose directly in the center, but he was pressed down by him. He nodded, "Yes, the shop is your name. Do you remember me now?"

"... feels familiar, but I just have nothing in my memory."

Xiao Chen was silent. He didn't know what happened and why the shop became like this.

His eyes instantly fell on Tong Baoshan, and the cold eyes were like arrows, which caused him a tearing pain in the Yuanshen, the surrounding space suddenly contracted and sealed him in, and this power was gradually growing. Raging instability.

Waiting for this power to collapse and burst, the tearing power that can be generated is enough to wipe him off instantly.

A strong breath of death came to my heart, Tong Baoshan's face was pale, and he hurriedly said: "It's not that we have manipulated it, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

At this moment, the space on the lake was directly torn, and a middle-aged monk stepped out, wearing a robe of the Yan Clan. From the perspective of the texture of the dress, the blood of the royal family in this person was strong and respected in the clan interior.

He had just appeared, and Tong Baoshan's anxious voice came from his ear. His eyes fell on the back of the blue robe not far away, and his pupils contracted violently.

Huitong Company Tong Baoshan is on the Qingliu Star with him. He is very clear about this person. Although he is slightly weaker than him, he is the true creator of the Xeon. Even if he does, he may not be able to He held it.

But at the moment, Tong Baoshan ended so miserably, does it mean that he has shot a monk, and he is far above him!

When the visitor glanced over the ancestors of his family and the owner of the Huanxi Palace, his face could not help but change again. There were not many creators in the Great Yan who lived in the world, and most of the same monks knew him. Two people.

I thought it was amazing enough to suppress Tong Baoshan. I didn't want to have three creation Xeons completely suppressed!

The shock is not as simple as the sum of the three!

Wu Guang whistled from a distance, but it was a young monk who appeared from the sixth box on the left. He converged and Guang Guang angrily said, "Father, the master is Chen Xiao!"

Middle-aged-looking man in the Dayan Clan shrinks his pupils. He is no stranger to Xiao Chen ’s name. As the Dayan Clan, the inner palace of the thistle capital was known more than ordinary monks. Because of this, Xiao Chencai Will be exiled into the evil star domain.

He actually broke free, and his strength soared to this extent!

With his state of mind, he was slightly lost for a moment. But soon he reacted, seeing the current situation, and his heartbeat suddenly increased.

"Xiao Chen, there must be some misunderstanding of today's things. Don't try to hurt yourself!"

It can be seen from the news that Xiao Chen is by no means a kind-hearted person, who has always been fierce and has no mercy when he kills. Today, the three of Tong Baoshan fell into his hands. If they are not blocked, they will be killed on the spot.

Although he did not have the confidence to stop him at all, he must not turn a blind eye. Tong Baoshan is a Majesty of the God of War Palace. If he is killed, it will inevitably cause a stir. The ancestor of the family and the owner of the Happy Palace are also the famous peak powers in Dayan. Once damaged, the entire Dayan is irreparable. loss.

Xiao Chen leaned a little on his side, his eyes fell on this person, and slowly said, "Sister Yanzong, you want to stop me?"

The middle-aged monk's face was white. At this moment, he felt a strong threat from him. He could only calm himself down, Shen said, "Xiao Chen, you also have the blood of my big Yan clan, you should know Daqian. The situation in the world is becoming more and more tense. Any creation Xeon is the peak force in future battles, and should not be consumed in internal battles. Tong Baoshan is also the strongest under the God of War. If you kill him, It is bound to face the chase of the Ares Shrine and even bring great trouble to Dayan! I think this result is not what you want to see. "

At this time, the shop suddenly said: "He did not lie, the blank in my memory was not caused by them."

Xiao Chen kept silent for a few moments, then suddenly said coldly, "If we kill today, if this seat is weak, we may have been killed now. Even if we don't kill three people today, we need to pay them their due price!"

The middle-aged monk's face changed greatly, but before he spoke, Xiao Chen fluttered his sleeves. Tong Baoshan, the grandparents of the family and the main arm of the Happy Palace burst at the same time, turning into a puff of blood in the sudden and distorted terrorist force.

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