Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 898: Furious Yan Emperor

In the misery, the three weirds turned pale and looked at Xiao Chen, terrified of revenge. ? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W ?. & gt; 8) 1] Z] W. COM takes their repair as ordinary physical damage, and it can be repaired with a little effort, but the crushed arm at this moment is completely erased under the force of destruction, and can no longer be repaired! Even if they return to their injuries in the future, they can only show people with one-armed images, and repairs are affected to some extent!

In the face of the three men's resentful eyes, Xiao Chen was expressionless. "This said, I will make you regret it. This is just a slight punishment. If you intend to do so, you have now been obliterated. Now, make an oath, and later Do n’t be detrimental to this seat and the monks around you. After doing this, you can go. ”He is not afraid of the three men holding Tong Baoshan, but the power of the creation Xeon is still not ordinary monks can compete, forcing the three to swear, Prevent it before it happens.

"Three Taoists, I do n’t know the cause of today ’s events, but now the situation, please ask the three Taoists to do as Xiao Chen said, otherwise even the old husband would persuade him to stay, and he would regret it late. The monk Yanzong said in a deep voice.

Tong Baoshan, the grandfather of the Qiang family, and the owner of the Huanxi Palace looked pale and resentful biting their hearts like a serpent, but the situation today was beyond their choice.

If you don't want to die, you can only follow Xiao Chen's will.

And they don't want to die.

The three weirds vowed in whispers, each promising that they would never be in trouble with Xiao Chen.

When the vow was completed, Xiao Chen waved his hand and let go of the crackdown on the three, signalling that they could leave. As for whether the three old weirds hate gritted teeth, these are not in his consideration.

"Remember, this is your last chance, and the next time, no matter who it is, you won't be able to protect you."

In Tong Baoshan, the grandparents of the family, and the master of the Happy Palace, their bodies were frozen at the same time. From the calm voice of Xiao Chen, they felt a strong and unprovoking will! As he said, there will be death next time waiting for them!

At this point, the three old monsters have no doubt.

The ancestors of the Qiang family and the Lord of the Huanxi Palace suppressed the internal injuries and stepped forward one by one. The figure disappeared into the space directly. Although their resentment against Xiao Chen was extremely high in their hearts, they would never dare to attack Xiao Chen before they had any absolute confidence.

Tong Baoshan suddenly said, "Though today, I swear I won't embarrass you, but the dignity of Huitong's business cannot be provoked. I don't take any action, it doesn't mean that the business will remain silent about this."

"Since this seat dares to shoot, it will not be afraid of trouble. Whether it is Huitong Company or the God of War, if you want to find the obscurity of this seat, you can do it. This seat is the next one to take it." Xiao Chen said lightly, But the power and confidence are easily noticeable.

Tong Baoshan took a deep look at Xiao Chen, "I hope that you will be able to maintain this condition soon." Yu Yu said, his foot stepped forward, waving his hand to tear the space away.

Xiao Chen turned to look at the shop, and the coldness on his face faded gradually, revealing a touch of gentleness. "Small shop, there is nothing wrong with you forgetting everything. As long as you follow me, all memories will be restored one day."

"Now, go with me."

Looking at the palm of Xiao Chen's hand, the shop hesitated slightly, but the closeness in his heart made it flash a little light, still falling into his hands.

Under their grasp, a sense of closeness suddenly rose in the hearts of both.

Even if there is no memory, the emotion engraved in the deepest part of life will not pass away!

Xiao Chen secretly vowed in his heart that no matter what, he must let the shop restore the previous memories.

He waved in front of him and the space broke instantly. He stepped into it and left directly.

The middle-aged monk in the Yanzong room looked at the direction he was leaving for a moment, looking cloudy and uncertain, and finally sighed, saying: "Immediately transmit the channel at the highest level to pass Xiao Chen's return information to His Majesty's case. It will not bring disaster to Dayan. "

The young monk was shocked in his heart, and suddenly looked up at his father, shocked that he could give Xiao Chen such a high evaluation. Could he rely on his power to shake Dayyan's existing ruling power?

Thinking of the figure of Qingpao where he went, somehow he shuddered in his heart, and did not dare to think deeply about what should be.


Thistle is.

The bustling traffic on the long street is still prosperous.

The imperial palace is like a sleeping beast, lying on the ground, and when the eyes fall, people can't help but feel awe.

The abnormal changes in the imperial palace that year alarmed the entire thistle and even the big swallow, but in the past hundred years of silence, everything seems to have returned to the past.

A monk who is qualified to know the events of the day knows that the source of the scourge has been sent to the evil star domain. Without accidents, he will never be able to return and be lost in that evil place until death.

So they gradually felt relieved.

After the Emperor Yan sits in the royal case, she is dealing with the report that came from the entire territory of Dayan.

Zou Bao Yu Jian is specially made by Dayan. It has strict confidentiality and cannot be copied or consulted. According to the grade of the report, the color of jade Jane is in order of cyan, white, yellow, and red, which means that the grade of the report is increased in order.

Most of the jade cases on the royal case are blue and white jade jade, and only a few yellow ones are yellow. Yan Huang handles it very quickly, but she is serious and meticulous. She strives to handle each report properly and never fakes it. .

It can be understood as a high concentration of power, or as due diligence.

In some ways, the Emperor Yan is also regarded as a qualified monarch.

"Your Majesty, Wu Gong Xing Yu urgently reports!"

Yan Huang raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly. When he criticized, he strictly prohibited anyone from disturbing him. Most of the waiters around him knew his habits and still came to play the newspaper.

"Come here!"

He wasn't angry, and he spoke in a deep voice.

The study door was opened, and a waiter quickly entered the hall with a jade plate, and a jade Jane lay quietly in it.

Red Report!

Yan Huang felt a little shocked in her heart, but she still didn't show her anger. She waved and held Yu Jian in her hand. It was not wrong to check it slightly, and then she got into the consciousness.

The content of Yujian is not very long, just one sentence: Xiao Chen breaks free, returns from the evil star domain, the strength rises, forces the three creation Xeon strong! The rest are some pictures and shadows, most of which are not very clear, but it is enough for Yan Huang to easily identify the identity of the belligerent.

Huitong Company Tong Baoshan, the oldest family ancestor, and the owner of Happy Palace, these three are not new to the creation of the monk, the strength and strength are all powerful, but now they are easily suppressed in Xiao Chen's hands, and they are abolished One arm.

Yan Huang slowly looked up, her face has become extremely gloomy!

He didn't expect to enter the evil star realm and still couldn't hold him back!

In less than a hundred years, he has cultivated so much that he can soar! In order to remove the threat in the past, it now seems that instead of playing its due role, it has helped him rise up even more amazingly!

Compressing the three creation Xeons, this kind of power, there are few rivals in the Creation Xeon! Moreover, the Emperor Yan knew that Xiao Chen's bottom line and cultivated the origins of chaos. Once successful, the power he possessed would be extremely horrible.

The creation of the Xeon is not enough to threaten him.

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