Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 899: Interception

There was a moment of silence, and Sen Han's meaning gradually appeared in his eyes. No matter what, he could not allow the second imperial bloodline to survive! The length of Xiao Chen also made him gradually feel uneasy. If he was allowed to grow, he might soon become his confidant. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW. Com

Yan Huang doesn't like to leave himself in trouble, then destroy him before the trouble is fully formed.

Qingliu Xing, attacked the Huitong company and opened the Temple of Guilt and War. Then this matter, they will be backed up, so that he can avoid most of the rumors.

Even if someone doubts it, as long as there is no evidence, it will not affect him.

Yan Huang reached out and filmed the royal case in front of him, a layer of aura flashed, the tabletop was silent and recessed, revealing a piece of pale yellow paper, he wrote with a pen, the vermilion scarlet letter was cast like blood, a **** killing breath was blown across Come!

"Xiao Chen returned to the Daqian Realm, appeared in Wu Gong Xing Yu, found the trace, and killed it!"

Few two crosses, one book!


The blood flashed slightly, the cinnabar blood characters disappeared directly, and the desktop slowly recovered, hiding this thin paper.

Yan Huang rested her pen and closed her mouth slowly, "Xiao Chen, this time, I will definitely kill you." A low groan resounded in the royal study.

Although it has been handled properly, Yan Huang still feels a little boring. Looking at the report on the royal case, she also lost her mind. After a brief silence, she got up and pushed out the door. After boarding the car, she said gently. "Corning Palace."

"Drive Xuanfei Kangning Palace!"


There is a mysterious and unknown star field hidden in layers of overlapping space. Any unauthorized monk cannot approach it.

This is a beautiful small galaxy. The six true stars are distributed in the shape of a six-pointed star, forming an amazing array of stars. There are dense nebulae in the star area, and there are flashes of bright light from time to time.

On one of the cultivating stars, covered with snow all year round, the thick ice sheet reflects the light of the stars, exuding the blurred glory, and from a distance, the beauty is almost suffocating.

On the endless ice fields, the towering snow-capped mountains stand up like a snow-white lance, pointing to the sky! On the top of the snow-capped mountains, a branch of snow stretches across the branch, and occasionally exposed eaves and sharp corners indicate that under this thick snow, a vast palace is buried.

I don't know how many years the thick snow has been deposited, and each other has condensed into a complete whole, as hard as a thick ice sheet!

But just here, the ice cap somewhere on the snow bag suddenly broke silently and silently. It seemed to be shaken by a terrorist force and collapsed in a short time. It turned into fine snow particles and scattered slowly to the surrounding area. A solemn door was revealed.


In a harsh sound, the door of the temple, which had been closed for years, slowly opened, and a figure emerged from it.

In a white robe, his eyes were white and dark.

Others are there, but there is a blankness in the induction, and it seems to be fully integrated into this world.

In the snow and ice, his feet took the next step, and the figure directly melted into the snow and disappeared.


In the vast star field, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared in a corner, and a cloud boat that was white and exquisite and luxuriously floated out slowly in this wave, revealing Xiao Chen sitting cross-legged.

He slowly opened his eyes, took out a star map in his backhand, and began to correct the direction of travel.

Fortunately, after moving forward in a continuous torn space, there was not much deviation in the direction. According to this degree, he could reach the Jidu Xiuxing Star in a maximum of two days.

He took Yu Jian into his storage at will, but at this moment, his body was suddenly stiff, and a strong sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart without warning, and it was so violent that his body was instantly tense, his thoughts had not yet turned, and his body The most reasonable response has been made in an instant.

He stepped on it hard and fiercely, and the gushing terror force made his body shoot backwards like a lasing crossbow.

The next moment, in his gaze, Yunzhou seemed to have broken into some kind of terrorist power, and the powerful twisting force caused it to collapse instantly into countless pieces, and then continued to break, eventually turning into powder.

Although Yunzhou was a treasure specially used to hurry, he was extremely hard, but in the presence of this sudden force, he had no resistance at all and was instantly destroyed. If Xiao Chen is still in it and caught off guard, I am afraid it will be erased directly by this fierce force!

His face suddenly became extremely gloomy, his eyes stared forward, a figure of a white robe monk slowly emerged, and his eyes were carved like ice. There was no temperature at all, but it was necessary to watch Xiao Chen escape at this moment. There was a moment of surprise in his eyes when he struck a blow, but he quickly returned to peace.

Feeling the sensation of killing coming from the monk's body, the cold hair on his back rose up at once, his mind was tense instantly!

Heavenly monk!

Come to kill him!

At this time, Xiao Chen's consciousness had no other consciousness at all, not even thinking about everything hidden behind this matter. The most important thing was to keep his own life.

In the Sin Sin field, he cultivated a skyrocketing sky, but he still had no confidence in the face of the monk who stepped on the sky.

Moreover, this monk in white robe brought him a strong sense of crisis, a strong shadow of death, and made his blood almost clot!

The strength of the chaos world relies entirely on instincts to explode in an instant, and then his face turns wild, suddenly to the left, two nearly transparent invisible ice cones appear directly across the ear, leaving a shallowness on his face In the wound, a layer of ice was about to emerge, freezing the overflowing blood, and the extreme cold chill infiltrated inward along the wound. This icy cold with a sense of absolute murderousness made Xiao Chen's consciousness instantly sober, and cold sweat directly wet his blue robe.

Another crisis of death is coming. If it was not for his subconscious response, he released the power of the chaos world and detected and blocked the icing power of the ice cone. Perhaps now, he has been pierced through his skull!

At this moment, he had been in close contact with death, and the two sides crossed.

The monk in white robe frowned slightly. He didn't seem to think that a creation-level monk could avoid his two shots.

In the eyes of the heaven-strengthening powerhouses, even if they are the creators of the Xeon, unless they have the opportunity to oppose the sky or have no match, they are still only the level of the world-creation. Compared with the power between them, it is a real difference between heaven and earth!

The two represent very different levels of power.

Stepping into the sky, it is a breakthrough, touching the powerful existence of Supreme Hongmeng!

He took a step forward and opened the palm of his robe sleeve, slowly grasping forward.

This person is not fast, and can even be called slow, but Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently, giving birth to a sense of being unable to resist and being unable to break free.

The surrounding space was instantly turned into mud, and the squeezing force of people's heart slowly overflowed. It was not powerful, but shrouded Xiao Chen.

This is the first time he has made a head-on shot. Instead of taking a slash with a sword, he took advantage of his powerful strength and wiped out Xiao Chensheng with the absolute gap between the two!

Even if the shot is detected, there is still no resistance.

Bright and upright, but irresistible!

Xiao Chen yelled in his mouth, and a moment of violent breath was born in his eyes. Even the monk who stepped on the sky wanted to take his life and pay the due price!

Moreover, although he is by no means an enemy of the monks who step on the heavens, he is not without the slightest resistance!

However, in the subconscious, Xiao Chen did not use the leather and black armor in his hands. The strength in his body collapsed quickly, and in a short time, he burst out through the powerful body! Under the limit release, the flesh and blood of his body squeaked like "嘭" and "嘭", just like pulling the big bow of cowhide, and the sound of broken bowstrings came out. This is the power that bursts out in an instant. After the endurance of his physical body, it is produced by the broken flesh! The strength of the chaos world suddenly shrank, and turned into the size of a surplus, enveloping his body against the increasing strength around him!

The monk in the white robe was slightly bright, and Xiao Chen's exposed power now surprised him, but his face remained calm.

With this, it is still not enough to save his life in his hands!


[Elder, is renewal sponsorship still effective? Hahahaha! 】

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