Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 900: Dirty and returnees

The terrifying force pervading the space kept squeezing, and the chaotic power that shrank to the size of a square meter gradually changed shape under this pressure. {〔 W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM

With Xiao Chen's body as his heart, the huge spatial cracks spread quickly in all directions! His face flushed red, and the veins on his body rose suddenly, resisting the crazy increasing pressure. However, according to the current trend, his power can temporarily support it, but it cannot last! When the surrounding power rises to his endurance limit, all the resistance will be easily broken like a fragile egg, and he will be completely torn apart in the destructive power that swept across in an instant!

At the center of his eyebrows, the Zhanzi Jue frantically revolved, releasing a dazzling aura, and the powerful will was poured into Xiao Chen's body, helping him resist the suppression from the spiritual level of the stepping cultivator!

He roared in anger, but now the power is in the hands of the cultivator of the stepping sky, but he can't break free.

But Xiao Chen didn't know that his performance had completely shocked the White-robed monk.

Because at this moment, he had already used the terrifying power that a cultivator of stepping on the sky could master, but under the crush of this power, Xiao Chen was able to contend, and he has still not been obliterated.

The power he displayed, to a certain extent, has reached the peak of the creation level, and he is only the last line from stepping on the sky!

No wonder Emperor Yan would disregard the rules and summon a monk from the holy ground to kill Xiao Chen. The power and growth potential he has shown now is absolutely qualified to use the power of the Holy Land.

If he can't be destroyed before he is full of wings, one day Dayan's reign will surely be turbulent because of his existence!

This unstable factor must be erased in advance!

The white robe monk's eyes flashed sharply, and he squeezed his palm to instantly strengthen. Although Xiao Chen is strong, he still can't resist his power. If he is familiar with it, his resistance will be completely shattered, and he will be beheaded here!

Xiao Chen was in a moment of absolute crisis, and the breath of death was so clear that he had no doubt that if he couldn't break through the deadlock between several breaths, he would not escape death!

Nearly appearing in desperation, it is inevitable that there will be panic in his heart, but with his strong mental power, he suppressed all the fluctuations of his mood, and what was left was absolute calmness.

At this kind of moment, if you are in chaos, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end!

He wanted to turn quickly, looking for any possible means of cracking, but he denied them one by one.

Time passed by a little bit, and every breath of time was a huge torment for Xiao Chen. His face was covered with sweat and drops fell, but he could not find any means to break the game.

But now, there is only one last attempt left!

There was a gleam in his hand, and the compass appeared directly in his hand for several days. Xiao Chen roared, "Let go of the compass prohibition, otherwise you and I will all die today!"

In the horror of life and death, his voice was exceptionally calm, deep and determined!

He did not believe that the mysterious will in his body would let his death be allowed, and he would still not be allowed to use the compass for multiple days.

Treasures are no longer precious, they have their due meaning in the hands of monks. If he dies, the treasures will be in vain even if they are in their hands.

At this point, if you think calmly with a mysterious will, you can naturally make a judgment.

Xiao Chen is betting that the mysterious will will choose to compromise. In desperation, this is the only choice!

A ray of golden light flashed suddenly, and then spread with an alarming degree, and the entire multi-day compass instantly turned into a golden sun in the hand.

The golden arrow of God Slayer was lit up instantly, and countless sharp auras burst out of it, like sharp swords, piercing directly into the void!

The terrifying sharp aura makes people tremble!

The white-robed monk's face changed drastically, and he suddenly exclaimed, "Multi-day compass!" At this moment, his soul stung, causing him to panic in an instant. If he continues to make a move, he may be able to kill Xiao Chen, but the arrow of Destroying the God shot from him will also instantly annihilate him!

He wanted to kill Xiao Chen, but he would never pay the price of his life!

In an exclamation, he instantly closed his hand, stepped back, and the figure directly merged into the space and disappeared.

The pressure on the whole body suddenly dissipated, Xiao Chen gasped violently, but the Chaos Realm forces did not dare to relax at all. The Yuanshen fully sensed the surrounding aura, and he was sure that the White-robed monk had retreated before he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the multi-day compass in his hand really has extraordinary powers, and it will be able to scare a cultivator of the sky stepping away.

Xiao Chen has been in a passive defensive state just now. In a short period of time, he has faced death three times. If there is a slight error in his response, or his reaction is slow by one point, perhaps he is already dead at this moment.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Now, with the help of the power of the Chaos World, he can suppress the most powerful creators, but facing the cultivators of the Heavenly Stepping Realm, he still has no power to resist!

Moreover, behind this cultivator in the Heavenly Stepping Realm, he faintly saw the black hand from Jidu, or to be more precise, in the imperial palace.

After all, within Dayan, the cultivator of stepping on the sky can be mobilized, and he is the only one who has a reason to take action against him, the aloof King Yan!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, waved to tear, the space in front of him shattered directly, and he stepped into it.


Chaos on the edge of the starry burial ground.

This is a desperate place, and most of the monks who fall into it will be lost forever until they are swallowed by death.

But here, there may also be some opportunities, such as some metal fragments spewing out along the tumbling nebula. Among them, there are many precious ores that are of great value. Or a certain powerful monster that occasionally sprang from it, it may be a rare thing in the Great Thousand Realm that has been extinct for countless years, and most of it can be sold at a good price after being shot. Coupled with the secret employment of the Eight Kingdoms and the news of looking for the chaotic starry burial ground, any occurrence may be exchanged for a large reward.

Driven by various interests, a new profession-adventurer was born around the Chaos Star Funeral.

There are not many of them, and most of them have no choice but to choose this job. The cultivation level is generally not high, but all of them are desperate, fierce and fearless.

Wandering on the edge of the chaotic starry sky burial ground, every year many adventurers are swallowed by the sudden gushing nebula, or burned to ashes by the jumping flame, or buried in the mouth of a vicious monster.

A small team of more than ten people walked slowly along the edge of the chaotic starry burial ground. Their faces were solemn, they walked on the edge of death all year round, and they had an extremely keen sense of crisis. And this ability can often allow them to grasp the hope of escape in a flash at the moment of a crisis.

"Be careful. This time our task is to test the expansion of the chaotic starry sky burial ground in this area. Once completed, we will be rewarded with a very generous reward, enough for us to be cool for half a year." The strong man sipped his mouth.

Except for the two monks holding the jade slips of the picture, a few people around them suddenly smiled.

Choosing high-risk jobs will naturally get rich returns.

And now, they have detected most of them, and they can complete it in about ten days without accident.

But at this moment, the body of the monk in one of them suddenly stiffened, and he suddenly raised his gaze to look at the chaotic starry sky burial ground with a sense of shock in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and screamed: "Returner! By!"

The monks who can return from the chaotic starry sky funeral are called returnees in the mouth of adventurers. And every returnee may have a lot of secrets about the chaotic starry burial ground in his hands, and these secrets mean a lot of wealth to them!

The tower-like brawny looked at his direction, and his eyes suddenly showed a hot color. He raised his hand slightly without doing too much, but the years of cooperation have made these people familiar with each other.

This means not to act rashly. After all, the monks who can walk out of the chaotic starry sky burial ground, except for the very good luck, mostly have not weak cultivation bases. If you don't see the situation clearly, you just shoot, you may lose your life.

In the eyes of the adventurer, the figure that emerged from the nebula got closer and closer. As the last step was taken, it escaped from the chaotic funeral and the figure appeared in the star field.

This is a handsome young monk, black robe, black, black eyes, thin and **** lips. He stands there, his breath is flat, but there is a gloomy light in his eyes that slowly rotates like two Only the bottomless black abyss.

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