The woman quickly walked into the hall, waved her hand slightly, and the maids in the hall saluted at the same time, respectfully retreating. Bayi Chinese Network W] W> W. 81ZW. Com

There is a graceful woman wearing a Wuxia dress, exquisite makeup, and dignity. Although her pretty face barely keeps calm, the depth of black and white eyes flashes from time to time a little bit of anticipation and anxiety.

"Aunt Yun, he's ... really back?" The woman's voice trembled slightly during the conversation.

The woman rejoiced: "Mother-in-law, rest assured, Qingyun Gong has indeed returned from the evil star realm, and now it has been soared to the power of the world, and has been crowned the king by her Majesty.

Sincerely covering his mouth, the worries and sufferings of the past century have completely dissipated at this moment. There were joyful smiles on her face, but tears fell in her eyes.

The woman wiped the corners of her eyes, and her breath was slightly relieved. Over the years, the young girl has endured sorrow and laughed in the presence of Yan Huang. Others can't see the abnormality, but she can perceive the fault, and has been secretly anxious. Fortunately, Xiao Chen returns now, presumably the resentment in Miss's heart can be dissipated a lot, and no more dangerous actions will be taken. All she thought was that the lady could be peaceful.

"Aunt Yun, I want to meet him, even if only for a while."

The woman's face was embarrassed, but in the eyes of the girl looking forward to begging, she could not bear to refuse, "Madam, you are not suitable to see Lord Xiao now, otherwise you will not only give people reasons to attack, but also may give The prince brought trouble. The slave has received accurate information. His Majesty will hold a candid feast for the lord in three days. At that time, the court and the royal family will all participate. As the maiden and the grace, the banquet must have your place. You will naturally see Lord Xiao. "

Chengcheng flashed a little disappointment. She wanted to see him in private, but she knew in her heart that what Aunt Yun said was the best choice, not only for herself, but not to cause trouble to Xiao Chen.

"Okay, then wait three days."


Xi Nuange enjoyed three days of leisure.

In the imperial palace, Xiao Chen was not worried about his own safety, otherwise the emperor Yan would have to blame him, causing the world to question, and the light would be in the imperial palace. If it was really inappropriate, he would rescue him.

In an instant, the imperial feast arrived as scheduled.

The Imperial Palace's House of Government was in urgent operation. Within three days, the new suit of King Dayan had been woven, the dragon was added, and the gold texture was exquisite and luxurious. Wearing a royal suit and a straight waist, the more the majesty of Xiao Chen became more and more vivid.

A waiter had waited outside Xi Nuange and saw Xiao Chen appear. He hurriedly saluted and turned around to lead the way.

The feast was set in the Changchun-Gong Palace. Before Xiao Chen entered the hall, the attendant shouted loudly, "Yan Anshun is here!"

The sound came, and Shun Jin attracted countless lights, looking at the entrance to the hall. Xiao Chen stepped in, and between hope and hope, his own subtle magnificence revealed, making people awe in their hearts.

"Xiaguan see King Wang!" In the hall, the courtiers have come to salute, respectful, and dare not neglect. Although the prince is an imaginary lord, Xiao Chenxiu is the icing on the cake. Even if it is not, it is enough to esteem all the ministers in the temple and deserve awe.

"Adults don't need to be polite, please get up." Xiao Chenwen smiled and arched his hands, glanced around the hall, and saw the three people in the family: Long, Xun, and Xun. They were looking at him with complex eyes. Frightened, he glanced at him, and lowered his head at the same time, afraid to look at him.

Xiao Chen didn't bother the three, and his ancestor was scrapped. If he is smart enough, he will never continue to embarrass him until he is not sure enough. Moreover, he doesn't think that his family can become his opponent in the future.

That being the case, there is no need to waste time with them.

In the respectful guidance of the attendant, Xiao Chen took a seat on the left side of the hall, and did not mean to continue talking. Instead, he let a person who had the heart go forward and talk in secret, hesitated or gave up the thought in his heart.

Shortly after he settled in, the waiter's sharp voice came, "Your Majesty arrived, the concubine arrived, the concubine arrived, and the concubine arrived."

All the men in the temple stood up at the same time, respectfully saluting, "See the Her Majesty, see the three maidens."

The posture of the Emperor Yan and the Dragon and Tiger stepped onto the Nine Emperor Emperor's position, with the concubine and concubine on the left and the concubine on the right. After sitting, their eyes swept across the two sides, and laughed: Get up and sit. "

The courtiers thanked each other before they got up and took their seats.

"Today's feast is to congratulate Xiao Qing on her throne, and I have another extravagant monk from my world, which is the blessing of my great swallow! I suggest that you and I raise a glass and wish me great prosperity , Thrive! "

The people in the temple should naturally raise their glasses.

Chengcheng was dressed in costume, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and his heart fluttered a little. Suddenly, he felt a sourness in his eyes. He hurriedly lowered his sleeves to cover his face. When he drank alcohol, he blocked his eyes to avoid being seen inappropriately.

Xiao Chen drank it, and felt the strangeness in her eyes. She swept her eyes on Chengcheng, and saw that she was in the position of Xuanfei, and she could be side by side with Defei and Liangfei. Fortunately, Huang Chong was a little embarrassed.

Maybe life is not what she wants now, but sincerely, it is the best place to go.

The banquet was carried out, accompanied by the wine and the belly, the banquet atmosphere gradually became lively. After the song and dance exited, Liang Feiya Uyasi suddenly got up and saluted to the Emperor Yan Yingying. She was born to be beautiful. Clothing, do not have a charm.

"Your Majesty, I heard that when Xuanfei entered Rongguo on the way to Dayan, she was intercepted by monks from Daqin and Dawei. It was only through the death of Lord Anshun that she could survive the thistle. I wonder if this is the case?

The Emperor Yan nodded with a smile, and said, "Liang Fei said well, then Xuan Fei was indeed hunted down, and King Anshun protected Xuan Fei's imperial concubine.

A sweet smile appeared on Wu Yasi's face, "Chen Ye also heard that when Rong Guo, Lord Anshun took care of Xuan Fei. It should be old knowledge. No wonder he would protect Xuan Fei's safety regardless of his comfort. Xuan Fei's sister, I wonder if my sister is right? "

In the early imperial palace, there were rumors about the rumors between Xuanfei and Xiao Chen. It was only because Xiao Chen entered the evil star domain that this matter gradually disappeared, but today it is mentioned again by Uyas, obviously not pure. Just curious. If the Emperor Yan could be suspected, the favor of Xuanfei would be reduced, and once she lost her favor, it would seem that she would be pushed into despair. The harem battle seems to be common, and there are severe killings.

Cheng Cheng chuckled and said, "It seems that Sister Liang was really concerned about her sister. She knew some old things so clearly. But she was right in saying this. Sister and Prince Anshun are indeed old knowledge. Presumably sister It should be known that my sister was born in Rongguo Weiyuan Houfu, but I came from Xiaoqianjie. When I was in Jieyuan, I met Lord Anshun and bought a fire dragon jade from the Lord. My sister had Cold poison, originally relying on this piece of fire dragon jade to save their lives. In fact, everyone said that Lord Anshun saved the palace life when escorted the palace to Dayan, but I do not know strictly speaking, this is the palace He owes a second life to Lord Anshun. "

Speaking of which, she turned to look at Emperor Yan, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has always been very grateful to Lord Anshun. If you weren't your Majesty, you would not be able to enter the Emperor's Palace, and accompany him all the time. Your feast today, please also Your Majesty Allow the body to personally toast King Anshun with a glass of wine in gratitude. "

Wu Yasi originally intended to cause suspicion of the Emperor Yan, but sincerely stated frankly, it looked bright and upright, making people doubtless in the heart, understatement, and this time the insidiousness was resolved.

Yan Huang laughed: "These things have been mentioned by Xuan Fei in her early years, so when the palace rumors were rumored, she personally ordered 37 in-house slaves, Liang Fei didn't have to worry too much about this."

Wu Yasi's heart was stunned. Although Yan Huang laughed, she felt a chill rising and her face paled slightly. She looked at De Fei, but saw that she drank tea very lowly and never thought she looked at it. She couldn't help secretly hating it, but didn't dare to say anything more.

"Xuan Fei's picture of the graciousness, please give permission, let's go to King Anshun for a cup."

Chengcheng got up and said, "Thank Your Majesty." The waitress beside her fetched a glass of wine to fill her up, slowly got up, dragged her long robe, and walked towards His Royal Highness.

Xiao Chen has already stood up and said, "The minister is the minister of Dayan, and the servant of His Majesty, who escorted his wife into Dayan's own affairs, and never dare to take credit."

"Father Anshun is loyal to His Majesty and devoted himself to the country, but from the perspective of this palace, he saved my life twice. This kind of grace, this palace is memorable! Please also invite the king to drink this cup and let this Gongchao expressed his gratitude. "Chengcheng squatted slightly, and the wine glass was sent to him.

Xiao Chen bowed his hand in return and said, "Which is the case, the king would thank his mother."

Cheng Cheng made another present before turning around and returning to his seat.

From the beginning to the end, there was no slight difference between their manners.

A feast, two hours later, they broke up.


[Fight for four more! 】

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