Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 904: Explanation

The Anshun Palace has been repaired so that it can welcome the new owner. [Eight [(? 一 中文 (W] W> W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM Xiao Chen took the opportunity to resign after the feast.

The palace is located in the east city of Dayan. The environment is quiet and the luxurious atmosphere built by it.

Before the return of Xiao Chen, the palace had received the news from the palace. At this moment, he was welcomed by the general manager. Seeing the whistling frame from a distance, all servants fell to the ground with respect, kneeling, "Welcome to the Lord!"

Xiao Chen got out of the car, his gaze swept around, his face was calm, and he said lightly, "Let's get up."

"Thank you Lord."

These slaves are all well-prepared in the palace and have excellent natural qualities, but they may not have eyeliners under Yan Huang's cloth. They must be cautious in front of them.

"Master, if you have no other orders, Xiaguan and others will return to your palace and return to His Majesty." The court guard collar said respectfully.

Xiao Chen nodded, and after the party gave a salute, he whistled away with his light.

"Master, please!" The director said lowly, respectfully.

Xiao Chen stepped towards the gate of the royal palace and said, "Let's all disperse. In the future, I will do my best to work with peace of mind."

The manager waved his hand, and carefully followed him behind.

Anshun King's Palace covers a huge area. It is among the highest grades in the King's Mansion. Every place is built magnificently, one brick and one tile, one mountain and one water.

The general manager followed behind, and quietly introduced the internal architecture of the Wangfu House. It was not many words but succinct and brief. It was clear and not annoying. It was obviously very decisive in grasping the scale of the human heart.

Xiao Chen looked at the mansion of the king in front of him, and felt a little sorrowful in his heart. When he ascended to the Thousand Realms, he had thought that one day he would be able to seal the king, and there would be more than 10,000 people under one person. Now that he is the king, he has few adversaries in the realm of heaven, and he has nothing to do in his early years. Now he should do it as soon as possible.

The Tang Dynasty belongs to the State Hui Nationality, and the master of the state is Qian Yuanzi!

When Xiaoqianjie, the four wives worshiped him as a teacher and ascended the world of Qianqian. Now how do I live?

When the situation is a little more stable right now, he will go to Datang, and with his current practice, he will have the qualifications to welcome them, not to mention the world!

The general manager noticed that Xiao Chen's mind had changed, and he cleverly kept his mouth shut, respectfully standing on one side, and glanced around to avoid being disturbed. At this time, a young boy in Tsing Yi came quickly and was not approaching, but was stopped by the steward's gaze and hurriedly stopped.

Xiao Chen sighed softly. Based on his cultivation, he could easily perceive everything around him, and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

The housekeeper hurriedly beckoned, and the little sister-in-law fell on one knee, and said, "Return to Lord Ye, the Royal Forest Commander Yan Mingyue begged to see."

Xiao Chen's face was slightly haggard, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Now the monk in the middle of the Great Yan Dynasty can see that the Emperor Yan is suppressing him. Originally refused, but groaned slightly, and nodded: "Let him see me in the study." Now that he has arrived, even if he chooses not to see him, Yan Huang can receive the news, but will intentionally block it. That being the case, it is better to let it go.

After the housekeeper took Xiao Chen to the study, he took the initiative to retreat.

Soon, the study door opened, and Yan Mingyue stepped in in a regular dress, saluting, "Xiaguan Yan Mingyue, see Lord Xiao!"

Xiao Chen shook his head with a smile and said, "If you say one more thing, believe it or not, the king will throw you directly out of the house."

Yan Mingyue's heart was slightly loose, and a little smile appeared on her face. "I naturally believe it. The fact that Lord Xiao Xiao ’s efforts to overpower the three creators has spread in the territory of Dayan. No one knows in the world. I I dare not provoke you. "

"Since you know, it's better to be honest. If you come here now, wouldn't you be afraid to cause trouble for yourself, Your Majesty might be dissatisfied with it."

"Your Majesty is the co-owner of the world, why wouldn't you even have this measure? You and I are old knowledge, and now I am the king, I should come to see and say that this is the truth everywhere." Yan Mingyue is I was thinking, "I was just a little curious about how you cultivated. When I was in the country, I thought that I was at least as good as you, but now I have barely stabilized the virtual world in just over a hundred years. It's a lot of progress, but compared to you, you always feel like you should find a place to drill in. "

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, "If you want to change with me, you can try it out, maybe there are opportunities for you in the Sin Sin Domain."

Yan Mingyue waved his hands again and again, "I don't have your anti-attribute attribute. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I'll be killed by my life. In fact, I already wanted to open a long time ago, not to compare with metamorphosis, otherwise it's just Looking for trouble. "

Xiao Chen suddenly laughed.

After half an hour, Yan Mingyue got up and said, "Yes, I almost forgot to tell you something. I and Yunlian are both companions, but I still owe you a good wine. After you settle everything, To make up. "

Watching him go back, Xiao Chen smiled slightly.

Fortunately, among thistle, he has a friend after all.

I just thought that Yan Mingyue had become an acquaintance with Yunlian. The impulsive thought in his heart became more urgent, and he wanted to leave everything at this time and go back to the city to bring back her four daughters.

He has endured too much parting pain, this time, he cannot tolerate any damage!


The star of this thistle has three sun stars that sprinkle the sun. It is a true night star, but with the stars flowing, all changes in the light will occur.

Xiao Chen'an sat in the study room, quietly thinking about his mind, and instructing no one to come near and disturb, looking through the doors and windows, according to the change of light, the time had passed two full days.

He was waiting, waiting for an explanation.

Although two days had passed, he was not anxious.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen moved his finger slightly, he slowly raised it, and saw that there was only one guest in his study, which was originally his own.

The light fell, and there was an undisguised joy in his eyes, and he whispered: "Xiao Chen, you really did not let me down. You can even say that it has greatly exceeded my expectations. The opportunity is enough, maybe one day in the future, you will be better than The old man stepped into Hongmen faster, and when I left Zuo Yan's vein, he was worried that he could not flourish again! "

"Elders rest assured, Xiao Chen comes from Zuo Yan's veins, and naturally he will not forget everything that is carried in the blood of the ethnic group." Xiao Chen said respectfully, "But now, I hope I can get an explanation from your mouth, why stay with me at Jidu?"

After all, the light is a three-step monk stepping away from the sky, and the distance from Supreme Hongmeng is at the same time. The state of mind has been stabilized. At this moment, the mood has calmed down, and I heard a faint smile, saying, "I know you will ask this, and I will naturally give you Full explanation. "During the speech, he was in the falling seat by himself, facing Xiao Chen's gaze, and said lightly:" Before that, you need to answer me one thing. On the way back to Jiji, I have encountered an interception. ? "

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded directly without any concealment.

The light frowned, and said, "Do you know the identity of the shooter? What is it?"

"Wearing white robes, with white and black eyes, Xiu Binghan has a magical power, Xiu Wei should be a step in the sky, the specific identity is unknown, but it should be related to Her Majesty Yan Huang." In front of him, Xiao Chen directly said his own guess.

The light face was gloomy, and slowly nodded, "You guessed it very well. The monk who shot the Great Yan Shrine, named Yan Han, stepped up to the top of the mountain, and he was not weak. Unexpectedly, the Emperor Yan would use the power of the Holy Land, thinking I have to wipe you out in advance! The old man remembered this, and if there is a chance in the future, he will certainly be fair to you! "But speaking here, he suddenly flashed a bit of color in his eyes," I'm just curious, you think What kind of means to escape from his interception. Based on your cultivation, you can defeat the world, but there should be no force to retreat Yan Han. "

Xiao Chen flashed aura in his hand. The compass rose appeared directly in his hands for several days, but the cracked town was completely restored at this moment. "Yan Han was scared away by this thing."

There are a few different colors flashing in the eyes of the light. Although the compass appears in the Daqian Realm for many days, the power might not be able to threaten the monk who stepped on the heaven. Could there be changes in the compass in Xiao Chen's hands?


[Yy: 552538o6, welcome to join yy friends, hang up and chat. PS: There are two more at night. 】

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