Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 905: Ancient Fairy Shard

But he didn't say much about it, nodded, and said, "Now I'll answer your confusion. Regardless of the rules, the Emperor Yan will directly adjust the holy land monk to intercept and kill you, and you can see that what he has in mind for you Don't be afraid. <? 81.? 8] 1] ZW.COM In this situation, unless you want to betray Dayan, would he let you leave Jidu, or you have the confidence to force him to change his mind? ? "

Xiao Chen was silent.

The light continued: "Since he can't leave, the old man may wish to speak in accordance with the will of the Emperor Yan, so that he can trust me a little bit more. This will be of great benefit to you and me acting in Dayan. And taking this opportunity, I propose that you be crowned King, and you have established your absolute status in the Dayan clan, and if possible, even have the qualification to succeed the Dayan emperor. "

"But being named a king, it is only a vacant position. With the addition of the king, it is easy for me not to leave the thistle, so I must be trapped here, always under the suppression of the Emperor Yan, so how can there be a rise Hope. "Xiao Chen said slowly," I think this, the elders should be more clear than me. "

The light laughed without saying a word, and his face was unpredictable.

Xiao Chen felt a shock in his heart, "Elder Fei has a response?"

"Haha! The Emperor Yan wants to keep you in Jidu, so the old man proposed to seize the king, and he would never refuse, but would agree with it. But this time, I think he will soon decide for himself Regret, because in the territory of Rong country, an ancient fairyland fragment is about to come out! If nothing else, in this ancient fairyland fragment, there will be an important enough treasure to cause the eight empires to compete wildly. And the ancient fairyland fragment In an extremely fragile state, monks who step on the heavens are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be stimulated by a strong external force. Once out of the range, they will cause complete collapse and everything will be destroyed! Therefore, you can enter the ancient fairyland fragments to compete for treasures. , Can only be a monk below the heavens. And you will be the best candidate in the big swallow. If the Emperor Yan wants to get that treasure, he will make you go after weighing, and then the old man naturally has The way to get you out of Jidu, and even get a large block of King's Land in one fell swoop! "

Xiao Chen showed his joy and took the light as the cultivation. Since he opened his mouth, he must have a certain degree of certainty.

"That being the case, I waited patiently for the elder good news."

"You can rest assured that there will be a summons in the imperial palace before March." The light stood up and said, "In this time, in order to avoid trouble, I will not see you again and leave."

"The elders walk slowly."

The next step of the light foot is like the time when it came, the figure silently blends into the space and disappears.


Daqin, the place of burials.

The sky was gray, and at a glance, it seemed like the tide was gray and the waves were endless. The sky and the earth are lonely and silent, and the tombs swell from the ground, high or low, there is a faint corpse overflowing from it, and a strong decaying flavor permeates the space.

This is a place where the corpses sleep, and to the corpses, sleep is both a cultivation and a cultivation.

There is bound to be an emperor's body sleeping in such a vast burial place!

A figure came forward, the footsteps came down, and a faint footstep sound. He was dressed in a black robe, with dark eyes and long, thin lips like blood smeared red.

This man is actually a source of joy.

"Who! Dare to sneak into the sleeping place of the Emperor Corpse!" A dozen corpse monks suddenly turned and drank in their mouths.

"Hehe." Yishenyuan chuckled in his mouth, and the black awns flowed in his eyes. He grabbed it by hand, and the black space immediately gave birth to a mass of black power like cotton wool, entangled to the corpse monk.

Guarding the sleeping corpses, the repairs are all at the creation level, but in the horror and roar, they have no resistance against the black cat, and are directly entangled by this object, and soon disappear into the body, their bodies are suddenly stiff, they Frightened in his eyes, he couldn't move a bit.

The next moment, the bodies of more than ten corpse monks actually began to melt away with an amazing degree, more like being swallowed by some force! After they disappeared, there were only a bunch of black flots floating slowly, but their volume had almost doubled before compared with the previous volume.

Yishenyuan took a deep breath, these black flocculent forces were directly integrated into him, but the breath inside him was suddenly stronger at this moment.

He looked up at the burial place in front of him, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes, and stepped into it.

Step by step, walking through the large and small graves, with time passing by, at the end of sight, a towering hall hidden in the dark corpse gradually appeared.

When Yishenyuan stepped in, a thunderous roar blew directly into his ear, and the billowing sound echoed in the space. "Who broke into this sleeping place without permission!"

"The one who took your life."

Rich black power emerges in an instant, like a black water splash, sweeping towards the sarcophagus ...

Moments later, the battle was over, Yishenyuan's face was slightly pale, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, but the blood was dazzling black. But there was still a faint smile on his face, and a powerful force continued to emerge from a black mist in front of him, blending directly into his body along his pores. His injury was quickly repaired, and his breath began to rise rapidly.

After engulfing the power of the Emperor's Corpse, Yishenyuan's whole person's breath became stranger, revealing a taste of extreme evil and darkness. After any inspiration, he would feel fear and despair.

He climbed into the sleeping sarcophagus of the corpse of God, and slowly lay into it, whispering in his mouth, "Xiao Chen, until I digest this burial place, the power should be several times stronger. I hope that in the near future, you will have a counterbalance My strength keeps me from being too boring. "

Quietly, the lid of the sarcophagus, but black fine lines like a silk screen, spread down from the sarcophagus, and continued to spread along the ground in all directions. They occupied the hall and spread quickly to the entire burial place. Within every grave bag touched ...


Wild Starfield.

As the eight empires have never touched, there are countless large and small tribes living here, struggling to survive in a relatively barren environment.

But more than a hundred years ago, a powerful force rose from the edge of the wild starfield, and powerful tribes were easily defeated in front of them, and countless powerful fighters died in their army.

The surrender can get everything, the rebels die!

This is the principle they follow.

No one knows where they come from, but they have a demon-like collar, and that person's name is Quan!


Considered by all tribes in the wild starfield as a fountain of demons, now in a march, facing the excited and hot eyes of His Majesty, he said lightly, "I know you want to ask, Xiao Chen is really guilty of the evil starfield. Back, I can tell you very responsible that the news is correct. "

There was a brief silence, and there was a burst of cheering in the account. Even the steady ancestors, Zhang Liangdong and Fan Lin, at the moment, followed the crowd and howled, the victory was almost overturned.

The guards outside the big account turned red, and they worked hard to straighten their straight backs. The whole person's mental state was renewed, and his eyes were full of joy.

The news of Hou Ye's return to Daqianjie spread quickly in the barracks, and the whole army gradually became a sea of ​​cheers.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Quan's mouth. Before Xiao Chen returned, he knew he was fine because he left the golden seal with the help of Xiao Chen's primitive god. If Xiao Chen died, then he would disappear. Although he has been in charge of the entire army over the years, he has shown the convincing commanding power of everyone, but the soul of this army is still him.

"Sure enough, he is an enviable guy, and luck is enviable."

He whispered to himself and waited for the excitement in his account to be exhausted before he coughed slowly, "Since you already know that he is not dead, why are you still here to waste time? Before he does not return , We must continue to move forward, continue to advance, occupy more territories, and recruit more troops, because when he returns, it will be time for us to kill Yan! "

"Yes, Quan Shuai!" The generals led the order suddenly, and turned around and left.

The general's cries and shouts soon sounded inside the barracks, and a team of elite soldiers quickly assembled, like a fierce tiger, rushing wildly outside the barracks!


[There is an update later, it should be after the early morning, don't wait for you, good night. 】

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