Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 907: Dongyan King

However, if Xiao Chen is not sent to fight, Dayan is afraid that she will be hopeless. [[Bayi? {

The light suddenly said, "Your Majesty takes Yan Guoli as the first, and decides early, this seat will retreat first."

Le Yi and several military ministers all got up and left.

Emperor Yan was thinking for a while in the study, and said a little anxiously, "Come here, drive the Corning Palace."


Chengcheng and his maids stepped out of the hall to welcome the holy driver. "See His Majesty."

Yan Huang's face was slightly haggard, her mind converged, and she said gently, "Xuan Fei doesn't have to be polite, get up." For Xuan Fei, at first, Yan Huang only supplemented his own lucky daughter to help him climb to the top of the road! But after getting along for a long time, she gradually became fond of her grace, otherwise she would not be able to achieve the position of Xuan Fei in just over a hundred years, and she was even qualified to sit with the four concubines, De Fei and Liang Fei.

Into the hall, Yan Huang took his seat, still frowning, obviously distraught.

Cheng Cheng came to Hong Xiang, carefully placed it on the low table, hesitated a little, and said, "I don't know why Her Majesty is troubled, can you talk to me?"

The Emperor Yan waved his hand. "Anyway, it's just all the trivial matters of the previous dynasty. I can't help disturbing the special concubine at Xuan Fei, so I won't mention them again."

Seeing that he did not intend to say more, sincerely and respectfully should not say more. She won the favor of the Emperor Yan, of course, without any reason, except for the body of her own Xuan Nu, her grasp of the mind of the Emperor Yan is also extremely precise. She should not say, do not touch, and never touch.

"Xin Shen has made some pastries, which tastes good. In addition, the new tea from the tribute of the South Vietnamese nation has arrived. Please also taste it." In the talking room, the beautiful maid brought the pastry and put it down.

"His Majesty is the master of the world, and he should know how to relax. Since things are annoying and difficult to make a decision, then he puts it down. When the peace of mind is reached, he may naturally find a solution."

Yan Huang nodded, took a piece of pastry, drank two teas, and smiled on her face. "The pastries made by Xuanfei are still so delicious, the new tea tastes good, and I feel really comfortable in my heart."

With a sincere and gentle smile, "It is his duty to make His Majesty feel comfortable."

The two talked in a low voice. As soon as the Emperor Yan's mood improved, a staff member hurried to report outside the hall, "Your Majesty, Rongguo Jibao!"

Yan Huang sank his face, raised his hand to take Yu Jian into his hands, and penetrated into his senses, his face became extremely ugly in an instant. Yu Jian collapsed silently in his hands, turned into powder and spilled from him. China, dare to betray me!

When the emperor was furious, the whole hall instantly fell into the envelope of the mighty majesty. All the maids and attendants were pale, kneeling and shaking.

Chengcheng showed hesitation, waved his hands, and everyone in the temple hurriedly got up and retreated outside the temple. Soon she and Yan Huang were the only ones left in the temple.

"Your Majesty, please be angry. It is difficult for you to make a decision. My courtier may give you some advice."

The Emperor Yan suddenly lifted her eyes and looked at her coldly, "You know what's difficult in your heart?"

Chengcheng Qiao's face was pale, but she still looked directly at Yan Huang's eyes, without showing fright, and said softly: "His Majesty knows that Her Majesty has never allowed Harem Concubine to interfere in the affairs of the former DPRK, but she is a royal woman. There are some news, even if you do n’t say it, I can know it. I do n’t want to interfere in the government, but I do n’t want to watch your Majesty ’s anger, and I want to help you relieve some of your worries. If your Majesty wants to punish your body, please listen. After speaking, I will leave it to His Majesty to dispose of him! "

Emperor Yan said: "You said."

Cheng Cheng said: "An ancient fairyland fragment will emerge from the Rong country. Rumors of the existence of the treasure will cause the eight empires to compete. His majesty's decision is to send someone to seize the treasure. When the body asks, this treasure is against Da Yan Is it important? Does Your Majesty have it? "

The Emperor Yan was slightly silent, but nodded and acknowledged that the importance of national instruments, since it came out, naturally strive to fight.

"Ancient fairyland fragments have been heard from the body, monks who step on the sky and above must not step in, otherwise their breath will cause the residual strength of the fragments to collapse and eventually destroy everything. Among the great swallows, except King Anshun, There is no second candidate! Only with the shot of Lord Anshun will it be possible to recapture His Majesty! "

"Xuanfei, are you accusing You of being unreasonable and deliberately suppressing King Anshun?"

"I didn't dare, just wanted to ask my next sentence, even if it really sealed the land for King Anshun? What could all be compared with His Majesty? There could be a holy place behind him? Even if you let him leave thistle, with His Majesty, As long as he has any wrongdoing, he can easily knock him off the dust! Moreover, with His Majesty's current repair as an enhancement, in the near future, he will set foot on Hongmeng Avenue. At that time, the natural society will be stable, and his position will be as stable as Mount Tai. Can make waves! "

Yan Huang's face was gloomy and he said nothing in his groaning.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is thinking about Your Majesty, and with all that said, how to punish the blame for your fall." Chengcheng fell to his knees, his face calmed.

"Xuan Fei, what you said is clear, and I won't blame you, but do n’t meddle with the affairs of the government like this today, do n’t have a second time in the future." Yan Huang got up and stepped forward, "I still have something, See you next time. "

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

When the emperor Yan Yan drove away, the woman hurriedly reached out and raised Cheng Cheng, but now her palms are cold and there is no temperature. "Madam, you are too risky to do this. If you lose your favor, how will you gain a foothold in this harem in the future? "

Chengcheng's face was pale, and he heard a reluctant smile, saying, "If he can really help him, even if he falls out of favor, the envy of this man's envy is not what I asked for from the beginning."

"Madam ..."

"Okay, Aunt Yun is tired. Take me back to my room to rest."



"The Rong State rebellion invested in Da Zhao, and Xun has decided to order Xiao Chen and the three kings of Yue and Zhennan to go against the rebellion, enter the ancient fairyland fragments, and compete for the national weapon!" Yan Huang slowly spoke.

Le Yi's eyes flashed with joy, respectful salute, and said: "Your Majesty, this is a sure move. Rongguo and Anshun King, Xiaoyue King, and Zhennan King joined together to instantly suppress the rebellion and fight for the country. The hope of the device is greatly enhanced. "

The light nodded and said: "Your Majesty should get a straight sacrifice from Xuan Fei to make a timely decision, but please ask Her Majesty not to be angry. The thing today is for this rumor and her, let her judge whether to come and persuade Her Majesty. Now It seems that Xuan Fei is thinking about her Majesty with all her heart. Regardless of her own safety, it is really rare. "

Yan Huang sighed and said to the light: "The elder was thinking about the big swallow, and I knew in my heart that I had really thought about it before. As for Xuanfei, I wouldn't blame her." He had doubts in his mind, but After opening the light, this doubtful sinus disappeared instantly, but my heart was a little bit more guilty of Chengcheng.

"Xuan Fei's dedication to her Majesty is truly rare." Le Yi nodded and echoed, his face full of satisfaction. The harem concubine, if it can be like Xuanfei, is also a blessing to the swallow.

The Emperor Yan looked at His Royal Highness and Le Yi, and then thought of the harem Xuanfei. People around him could be loyal to him, why fear Chen Xiao!

As Xuan Fei said, he was sitting on a big swallow, with holy ground behind him. Even if he let him leave Jidu, if he dared to make a change, he would be able to drive him into the bottomless abyss in an instant.

Thinking of this, Yan Huang's state of mind was instantly calm.

"It is said that the order was rebelled, Rongguo rebelled, and King Anshun was renamed Dongyan King. The rebellion was settled, and the territory of Rongguo was self-contained!"

"In addition, Ling Xiaoyue and Zhennan Kings were sent along with Dongyan King to enter the ancient fairyland shards to compete for national weapons. Let's not lose anything!"

The words of the big swallow came out of the law, and the big swallows of the imperial palace roared for a while, and the invisible golden dragon roared to the sky. A holy congregation instantly condensed in the void, and suddenly turned into three golden three-foot imperial edicts. go with.


Anshun Palace.

In the study, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of joy in his eyes.

He swung his sleeve to open the door of the study, and stepped forward, his figure appeared outside the study.

At this time, the golden imperial decree appeared directly over the Anshun Royal Palace and unfolded on its own, and the voice of majestic solemnity sounded slowly, "It is said that the Great Yan Yan ordered that the kingdom be rebelled, and the Anshun King be renamed ... this is why!"

Such as the **** of heaven, the sound reverberates in the air and instantly spreads throughout the Anshun Royal Mansion, spreading to the entire thistle under the action of an invisible force.

Xiao Chen got up and reached out his hand, and the three-foot imperial edict fell directly into his hands. He slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes were calm again.

This day is finally here!

Leaving Jidu and returning to Rong country, then the sky is high and the sea is wide, and Yan Huang wants to suppress him, he can only be beyond his reach!

Rong Guo, shortly after, became his king's fiefdom!


The imperial edict has been left, and Xiao Chen can leave at any time. Naturally, he will not continue to stay thistle for a long time. He greeted Yan Mingyue. After entering the palace hall, Xiao Chen quietly left the thistle.

Thistle has been repaired outside the star, his hand flashed a little, and he took out a golden shuttle. This thing was given by the Emperor Yan as a stepping treasure. Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure went directly into it.

The next moment, the golden flow shuttle trembled a little, blended into the space silently, and disappeared instantly.

A moment after he left, a pool of dark shadows emerged from the void, and turned into a human shape in a squirming motion. He looked at Xiao Chen's departure direction, waved his hand to tear the space, and stepped into it.

Inside the golden flow shuttle, Xiao Chen slightly closed her eyes and slowly opened her eyes.

It seems that Her Majesty Yan has really jealoused him to the extreme, but since he was spotted, this tail has lost its due role.

However, it is not the time to clean him up, otherwise Yan Huang will inevitably doubt it. In the future, there is a chance to make him disappear from the world silently. Xiao Chen converged, closed his eyes and urged him, the golden flow shuttled through the space, and went straight to the border of Dayan. There, he will join King Xiaoyue and King Zhennan before heading to Rongguo.


[There was an accident today, the update was late. Eat something to continue coding and update at night. 】

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