Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 908: King Xiaoyue's attention

Within the star field, a golden streamer slowly appeared in the ripples of space, and a cultivating galaxy in front was the border of Dayan, where the Xiaoyue King was stationed. ([[[

The aura flashed slightly, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared in an instant. With a single move, he took the golden flowing shuttle into his hands, stepped out of the body, and the aura flashed away, turning into a startled rainbow.

"Who? Dayan's frontier army is heavy, stop, otherwise you will be punished as a felony of trespassing into the barracks!" Li Yuzhong, a group of bigyan frontier troops approached and besieged him, spears pointed at the force and forced others. Be regarded as an elite army.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, he was deliberately showing his breath, otherwise, with these people, how could he be aware of his whereabouts, stopped at this moment, and said lightly: "King Xiaoyue, King Dongyan has arrived."

The faces of several frontier soldiers changed. Although they were shocked by Xiao Chen's identity, they did not relax their vigilance.

Xiao Chen didn't feel embarrassed with them, and stood with his hands behind, waiting for the frontier army camp to react.

After a while, several Jinghong self-cultivation stars flew up and hurried to this place. After seeing Xiao Chen's appearance for an officer, he turned and yelled, "This is King Dongyan, how dare you show it to the prince? Knives and guns, go to the Military Law Department to get thirty army sticks!"

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "It's okay. They just fulfill their duties and don't need to do more punishment. This king is going to see King Xiaoyue now. I wonder if the king is free?"

The officer respectfully said: "Return to King Dongyan, King Xiaoyue knows that you are coming, and has been waiting outside the big account. Please follow along with you."

Following this person, the two passed through the heavily guarded Dayan Frontier Army camp to the Xiaoyue King’s garrison. From a distance, they saw the Chinese Army King’s tent, a slender body, wearing armor made by the Dayan commander. The generals stood among the generals.

This person is the famous Xiaoyue King in Dayan. According to the rumors, King Xiaoyue was born in an ordinary background, and can have today's status. It is all based on his own use of one shot and one shot to build up the military exploits in the army. He is quite prestigious in the Dayan army and has always been respected by his subordinates.

"The arrival of King Dongyan, this king has missed a long way to welcome, please don't be offended." As he spoke, King Xiaoyue smiled and took two steps forward.

Xiao Chen smiled a little, and said, "The King Xiaoyue is serious, and this king is so eloquent to the prince's name. When I saw him today, he was really handsome."

"Haha!" King Xiaoyue burst out with a hearty laugh, "King Dongyan, please enter the account. This king has ordered someone to prepare a banquet and entertain the prince."

"So thank you King Xiaoyue."

The two of them put their hands in the account, seated in the upper and left main positions, and the military generals behind them sat down in sequence.

"Come on, all the generals raise their glasses and respect Dongyan King!" Xiaoyue Wang smiled and raised his glasses.

All the generals shouted, "Respect Dongyan King!"

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded, toasting and drinking with everyone.

"A hundred years ago, when the Emperor Dongyan escorted the concubine Xuanzang to my Dayanbian army camp, her cultivation base was no more than imaginary creation, and her identity was just Rong Guoguo. In a blink of an eye, she was already side by side with this king. Amazing! Since the history of my Dayan, if you talk about the improvement of the cultivation level, no one can go to the right of the country." King Xiaoyue smiled and said, drew the generals' eyes to Xiao Chen, his eyes filled with shock.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he smiled and said, "The King Xiaoyue is overwhelmed. This king just has some chances, so I shouldn't comment like that."

Xiaoyue Wang smiled and saw that he didn't mean to say much, so he stopped mentioning the matter and changed other topics.

Due to the busy military affairs and Xiao Chen's exhaustion all the way, the banquet was gone before long. Xiao Chen and King Xiaoyue agreed that after King Zhennan arrived, they would immediately leave for the Rong Kingdom. After all, the fragments of the ancient fairyland were about to open, and before that, they had to put down the Rong Kingdom rebellion, and they had run out of time.

He ordered Xiao Chen to go to clean up the military camp, Xiaoyue King's smile slowly faded, and said: "Ahei, the king thought that your guess was just a lie, but now I look at it and think what you have said may be It's possible."

Ah Hei's face was dignified and nodded: "The improvement of King Dongyan's cultivation is indeed amazing. In just a hundred years, he has soared from the virtual creation realm to the strongest creation realm. Such a degree is horrible!"

King Xiaoyue groaned in silence, and sighed after a long while, saying: "Back when he was weak in cultivation, this king was able to hold him to find out, but now it is too late. Although he didn't see him take action, he learned from it. According to the news, even if this king makes a move, it may not be his opponent."

"The rumors may be exaggerated. With the cultivation of the prince, it is also an upper-level existence in the realm of the creation of the strongest. A full fight may not be impossible to defeat the Dongyan King." A Hei said in a deep voice.

King Xiaoyue shook his head. The so-called innocence under the prestige, Xiao Chen can be called the strongest in the stepping sky, he naturally has his strength. However, although he didn't mean to explore his depth, it doesn't mean that others will not make a move. The king of Zhennan has a close relationship with the Zhang family, and his eldest son married the granddaughter of the Zhang family as his wife. The two are also considered by marriage. Now the ancestor of the Zhang family suffered a big loss in the hands of Xiao Chen and was abolished. , I am afraid that I will not give up easily.

Perhaps soon, we will be able to watch a lively event, or this is the opportunity to explore Xiao Chen's reality.


The camp where Xiao Chen was located was not far from the military commander's account. On the surface, it was not big but there were things inside. The decoration was quite luxurious, and it also showed that the King Xiaoyue attached great importance to him.

At the beginning of the year when he entered Dayan, Xiao Chen escorted him sincerely. King Xiaoyue only sent an officer under his command to take care of him, and he never showed up. If it hadn't been because of sincerity, it was just the status of an envoy of the Rong country, perhaps King Dongyan wouldn't even look at him.

But now, Xiao Chen has the qualifications to let him out of the account and host a banquet in person.

This change originated from the promotion of his cultivation. With a strong cultivation base, he can get the status he deserves. If he is replaced by other famous and unpowered kings, I am afraid that King Xiaoyue will at most just meet in a hurry.

The power is supreme in the realm of cultivation, and the same is true in the imperial dynasty.

After waiting for three days, the King of Zhennan finally arrived. King Xiaoyue sent someone to invite them. The three kings gathered in the army account to discuss the next issues.

Xiao Chen followed the army to the king’s tent and picked the tent into it. Seeing that there were only a few people in the big tent, only two of them were seated. In addition to King Cho Xiaoyue, there was also a man with a cold face, who should be the King of Zhennan. !

"King Dongyan is here, please sit down quickly." King Xiaoyue got up and laughed.

But the king of Zhennan had a cup of tea in his hand and drank lightly, without even looking at him.

Xiao Chen felt a faint hostility from this person, frowned secretly, but did not show any signs on the surface, smiled and nodded and sat down on the right side.

King Xiaoyue seemed to have never noticed this, he coughed, and said: "King Dongyan has arrived, let's start the discussion. Your Majesty's will, this time, you and I will act together to suppress the Rong State rebellion and fight for the ancient fairyland. Fragment of the treasure of the state, and how to do it, we must first discuss a charter."


[Codeword burst card, first change a chapter, then codeword, wait for another chapter. 】

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