Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 910: King of Heaven

The entire frontier camp was silent at this moment, and the horror of the king of Zhennan was as great as the advent of the gods, making them tremble from their hearts! But such a powerful Zhennan king, without any resistance in front of Xiao Chen, was frightened after being slapped with two slaps. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M would not have believed this scene with their own eyes, they would never believe that the mighty creator of the world, the mighty Zhennan King in the Dayan Army, would end up so embarrassed.

For a moment, countless shocks gathered in the barracks, with deep awe on their faces.

The army worshipped the strong, and in this battle, Xiao Chen stood up in the frontier camp! Stepping on the strong foot is a shortcut in the end.

Xiao Chen turned around and walked back to the king's tent in many awe of sight. The guards around several Zhennan kings have long been calm before, their faces are pale, their eyes are full of indifference, they show respect, and they leave like a mourning dog, and dare not leave any more.

King Xiaoyue's face was stiff, and when Xiao Chen returned, his heart was so tight that he couldn't help but have a fright. He hurriedly got rather cramped in his eyes and couldn't help secretly worrying. Although he had not participated in the former Zhennan king's affairs, it was difficult to get rid of the suspicion of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers. If Xiao Chen is angry, it is reasonable.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen was seated at this moment, and did not do much entanglement on this matter, and said lightly: "King Xiaoyue, now King Jinnan has left, and you and I are the only ones. How to act, let you and me discuss together. . "

Xiao Yue ’s heart was slightly loose. Xiao Chen ’s move apparently did not continue to delve deeper. At the moment, he said: “Your Majesty has already mentioned something in his will. This time, Dong Yan King is the main player. This king has no objection to this. , King Dongyan decided. "

"Well, time is urgent. Since King Xiaoyue spoke so, the King will no longer quit, you and I immediately set off to go to Rongguo!" Xiao Chen did not quit, and based on his cultivation, this is the right thing to do.

"Everything is subject to King Dongyan's arrangement." King Zhennan came to an end. King Xiaoyue converged all his thoughts and cooperated with Xiao Chen very much. "It's just that King Zhennan came by his Majesty. Explain to the palace. "

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "The king of Zhennan distorted his will and intended to be unfavorable to his own king, and was no longer suitable for his country's trip. The king had Xiao Yue testified. Naturally, he did not have to be afraid that he would fiddle with this thistle."

Xiao Yue Wang smiled secretly, but he did not dare to resist his intentions, but he said a little bit.

Soon after, a golden Liushuo left the ground of the Great Yanbian Army, whistled and walked directly into the space, marching towards the territory of Rongguo.


King Rong Ding County, capital of Beijing, inside the palace.

"The will of the Emperor Yan has been ordered to suppress the East Yan King, the Xiao Yue King, and the Zhennan King." Below, kneeling on the ground, the monk trembled, his face was pale, and he could not suppress the fear and despair in his heart.

The three kings of the Great Swallows joined forces to use the power of the nation, and there was no room for resistance at all, and they would be crushed and destroyed!

On the throne, in just a few days, Rong Guozhu actually looked much older. In the silk on his head, I didn't know when there was an extra white, and his confident eyes were already bleak and tired.

But at this moment, looking at the monk below, a sudden violent burst came into his mind, and he reached out and grasped it instantly.


The High Lord monk did not have any resistance, and was instantly crushed by the terror forces emerging from the surrounding space, turning into a blooming blood flower. The ground was red with blood, and the strong **** smell spread quickly along the air. The courtiers in the hall were white at the same time, and hurriedly lowered to show awe.

"Hulei, can there be news from Zhao Guo?" Rong Guozhu forced his irritability and said with a deep voice.

Marshal Hu Lei came out and respectfully said: "Back to the kingdom, the King Zhao Mi and the King of the Demon are already on their way, and they will arrive at the capital soon."

When Rong Guozhu heard the words, he was shocked in his heart, and his eyes were full of embarrassment. "Great King Zhao Mi, even the powerful existence that controls the origin of time, and the power of combat is the real strongest under the sky. The three kings of Yan Qi arrived, and they did not want to touch me at all! If they were not careful, maybe some of them would scorn here! "

"In addition, Hu Lei, the lone king asked you to transfer the Wang ** team. Have you been prepared?"

"Two billion elite troops have been drawn from various ministries, and they have been assembled in the palace. According to the orders of the country's masters, they will destroy the sky and destroy the ground."

"Okay! The lone king's move is just in case, if the King of Heaven is lost to the three kings of the Great Yan, whoever wants to take the solitary life then, the lone will pull him to be buried with him!"


In the void, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared, a black channel slowly appeared, and two figures stepped forward one after another. Behind them, the black channel slightly trembled, and then disappeared.

Two monks, who had thinned their bodies, had a slightly unnaturally pale face, but their eyes were extremely bright, like lake waves in the breeze, rippled in layers, and collided to form small swirls. . Each vortex, like a nebula flowing, has infinite power. His face was calm, but in this calm, it contained an extremely powerful self-confidence in himself, not sharp, but unshakable like a mountain. Only the truly strong can have this alarming spirit.

Behind him was a very tall man, almost two feet tall, with a powerful breath that lingered around him, and every faint whisper in the atmosphere now contained endless power of destruction.

"Heavenly King, we have arrived. The city of Rongguo is in front of us. Are we really here waiting for the Yan Kingdom to come?" Tian Yao Wang said in a faint reverence to King Heavenly.

King Mi Tian nodded and said, "I pass the time to see the river of time, and things that were born in the future, although I can't see clearly, I have already noticed the threat from Dayan. This time, the ancient fairyland fragment battle, Dayyan will be our strong opponent! Although the picture that the king sees may not be everything that will be born, but my intuition tells me that it is best to wipe out the threat from the kingdom of Yan before the fragment of the ancient fairyland is opened. "

The demon king's heart is stunned, the master of time has control of countless magical powers, and seeing some pictures from the future through the river of time is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying means.

Although King Tian can't really master this method, he can already see some blurry pictures.

Since he spoke of the threat of Yan Guo, there is nothing wrong with it.

"The Rebellion of the Rong State. Before the fragmentation of the ancient fairyland officially opens, Dayan will surely calm down the rebellion. To calm down the rebellion and choose to kill the Rong State Lord is undoubtedly the best choice. You and I will wait in the capital and wait for them to arrive. . "

The two stepped forward, tearing the space directly away.


The golden stream shuttle tearing the space appeared, the aura of light flashed, Xiao Chen and Xiao Yue Wang appeared simultaneously.

But the next moment, his eyes fell on the star in front of Xiu Zhen, and his heart suddenly flickered, his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and he whispered, "Be careful, something seems wrong."

King Xiaoyue's face changed slightly, although he didn't notice anything wrong, but Xiao Chenlili witnessed it with his own eyes, and naturally he didn't dare to heed the warning.

"Dongyan King, do you notice anything wrong?"

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified, and when he heard the words, he nodded slowly. "My King has always been sensitive to crisis. On this cultivation star, there is a power that makes me feel jealous."

King Xiaoyue's eyes became gloomy for a moment, and he whispered, "Master Zhao Guo?"

"It should be them. It seems that before the fragment of the ancient fairyland opened, you and I are afraid to have played with them first."

"Huh! If you dare to insert your hand into my big Yan country, this destiny will be inevitable! Since it was delivered to the door, let them come back today!" Wang Xiaoyue's eyes flashed, and his whole body breathed instantly.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Then I will meet them and see who they are, waiting for you and me in Rongguo City."

The two looked at each other, stepped out at the same time under their feet, and the figure reappeared. It was already on the capital city, and there was a stretch of luxurious buildings below it, which was the King Rong Palace.

Xiao Yue Wang sneered, and shot down with his back palm.

Knowing that Monk Zhao Guo was hidden in the capital of Rong Guodu, he naturally exerted his best effort with no effort at all. The sky suddenly darkened, the wind howled, and the clouds shattered instantly. The palm print on one side suddenly condensed, and it was a thousand miles in size, like a **** and a monster shot down to the ground.

The desperate horror breath was madly scattered from this palm, covering the entire capital of Beijing. Numerous monks suddenly lifted it. Looking at the palm print falling from the clouds, their faces suddenly turned pale, and their eyes showed endless fear.

Just then, a low humming sounded instantly, like a thunderous thunder, the billowing sound echoed in the air, and passed into the ears of every monk clearly.

The next moment, a black arrow rose up against the sky, and immediately came, piercing the palm print directly, disappearing into the end of the sky.

The pierced palm print is about to collapse, causing a horrible wave of elemental power, such as the invisible wave sweeping away in all directions.

Above the skies, the wind is more severe!

A burly man was standing on the main hall of the palace, carrying a quiver, and the long bow of the black bow was still trembling slightly in his hand, making a constant buzzing sound. His eyes were cold, and he released a sense of chill, like two sharp arrows shot at Xiao Chen.

King Xiao Yue's pupils contracted slightly, and his mouth whispered, "Heaven King!"

His face had become extremely ugly while talking.

Suddenly, God of the Demon King took out a black arrow, crouched down and pulled the bow like a full moon, and let go. The arrow broke, and a harsh sound broke into a black lightning. go with.

If the Heaven Demon King hits an arrow, even if it is the Xeon of Creation, he will not escape if he does not die!

Xiao Yue Wang's heart burst out, and he stretched his finger forward, and a deep, thick yellow light suddenly flashed at his fingertips. In the void, a rolling shadow of mountains appeared directly, and quickly became solid with amazing degrees!

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he saw the mountain shadow appearing in the void. At this moment, he shook slightly, but suddenly became thin. It is not that the supernatural powers are suppressed, but that everything is going back in time, and reversing the supernatural powers invisible.

"King of Heaven!" Wang Xiaoyue screamed in his mouth, revealing the terrible fear, "King of Dongyan shot me to save me!"

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