Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 911: Clash of Xeon Origins

In the shadow of the mountain, black lightning came instantly, and the tip of the arrow released a cold metallic luster, making people tremble. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW. Com

The breath of horror, despair, and destruction exploded from the arrows, and firmly locked the King Xiaoyue, causing him a tingling in the Yuanshen, and it seemed that he would be torn by the arrows. Under this arrow, he felt the advent of death threat, so clear, as if standing on the edge of the endless abyss, it seems that he will be swallowed into the endless darkness the next moment!

Xiao Chen's face changed. This was the first time he had contacted the master of time, but at this moment, he couldn't help thinking about it. Otherwise, the next moment, the eyebrow of King Xiaoyue would be penetrated by arrows!

The next step came forward, Xiao Chen stretched out with one hand, and shot the black arrow at it instantly! At the moment, the original forces of chaos spewed out and turned into a powerful force to seal the town. It seemed to freeze the entire space!

But at this moment, his eyes flashed sharply, and the repression of Chaos Power suddenly decreased, not because it was suppressed, but the time around the Chaos Power slowed down at this moment.

A force from the unknown, silently changed the flow of time around the origin of chaos!

Xiao Chen's heart shook, and her eyes instantly turned into a dignity. This is the power of the person who controls the origin of time. If you can't break the envelope of the source of time, you can only be played with applause, killing and robbing, all in the hands of people.

With a sip in his mouth, he held his palm open suddenly, and his five fingers pierced into the void like a spear!

The power of chaotic origins is directly transformed from restrained suppression into gushing gurgling, who releases incomparable terrorist power in an instant, like a sudden tsunami, sweeping wildly in all directions. The next moment, he was in contact with a weird force, ethereal and unreal, seemingly untouchable, but real. This power is the power of the origin of time, and it is precisely because of its existence that it can change the flow of time.

Five elements gather yin and yang, yin and yang play chaos!

The origin of chaos can contain everything and suppress everything, even the origin of time can suppress it too!

One is the chaotic origin of the Five Elements, the other is the rarest and most powerful time origin in the Great Thousand Realms, and the power of the two Xeon origins confronts in an instant!

The next moment, Xiao Chen opened his palm and quickly became rough in his eyes, the texture deepened, and the original gloss was lost! At this moment, the time flow around his palm is crazy! Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, with a low hum in his mouth, and the palm of his hand instantly shook his fist, shattering the origin of the time directly from the attack!

At this moment, the mountain shadows summoned by King Xiaoyue quickly condensed and turned into mountains that really existed, resisting the black arrows.




The sharp arrows are like breaking bamboo, the blast of the lieutenant general directly penetrates the mountain peaks, and slams the king of Xiaoyue.

Although the supernatural power was blocked, fortunately, the emergence of the mountain shadow affected the arrow of the King of the Heavenly Demon King, giving King Xiaoyue time to respond. His foot stepped back, his hand flashed a little, and he took out a pale-blue palm-sized shield backhand and threw it away. This thing stood up to the wind and turned into a giant shield the size of which was in front of him!

There was a muffled sound of "嘭". This was the sound of the arrow shooting down the giant shield. Under the huge impact, the giant shield was repelled hundreds of feet, the arrow tip was submerged in the giant shield, and the tail of the arrow was still slightly trembling. .

Wang Xiaoyue could not care about the damaged treasure, turned and stood beside Xiao Chen, with gratitude in his eyes. If only Chen Xiao had shot and broke the power of the King of Time, then he had already been fierce.

But at this moment, it is not a time of thanks. He looked at the palace of King Rong, and it was already heavy!

Da Zhao sent the King of Heaven and the King of Heaven to attack this time. What they did was obviously not a triumphant country. What they really thought must be the treasures of the ancient artifacts that had not yet appeared in the fragments of the ancient fairyland! Fortunately, in the confrontation, Xiao Chen has the power to compete with King Heaven, otherwise they are afraid that they can only retreat in a hurry.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and the coldness in his eyes was like the tide. After breaking away from the invasion of the origin of time, the palm of time recovered, but he knew a little more about the origin of time in his heart, and he was a bit jealous .

"My King has long heard of the name of King Dong Yan, and today I saw it, it really deserves its name." A voice came out from the palace of King Rong, a pale man with a pale face came out of the void, his eyes were extremely bright It seems that there are countless small whirlpools, constantly spinning in his eyes, giving people a strange feeling. Come, it is King Zhao Mi Tian! He looked at Xiao Chen. Although he was calm on the surface, he had a little bitterness in his heart.

Only when he fought, he seemed to have the upper hand with the power of time, but interfered with the time flow of King Xiaoyue's shot. After careful calculation, even if he can gain the upper hand in Xiao Chen's assassination, it may still be possible to defeat him, but there is no hope of beheading him. Even if he wins in the end, he will never hesitate to retreat, and if he is not careful, he may be in danger. As the thoughts turned, King Mi Tian retreated with initiation.

He came to Rongguo to compete for the treasures of the ancient kingdom in the ancient fairyland. If he was wounded at this time, how could he compete with other powerful empires for treasures. Moreover, Rongguo rebelled against Dayan and took refuge in Zhaoguo. He had severed his relationship with Dayan. Even if he was recaptured by Yanguo, he could not use the national fortune to suppress the monks in other countries for a while. We can only compete for treasures by their own means, and this is enough. The role that Rong Guo can play has been reached, and naturally there is no value for continued use.

If the threat from the kingdom of Yan can be wiped out in advance, the King of Heaven will certainly not relent, but if he cannot do so, he will not continue to entangle here. A true strongman must judge the situation between decisions and must not be affected by personal emotions too much.

"I want to come to King Dongyan and King Xiaoyue to quell the rebellion of Rongguo. The king does not want to fight with the two Taoist friends now and die, and has made others cheaper in the battle for national treasures. I will leave today, but ancient times Goodbye in the shards of fairyland, the King will definitely not keep his hand, and then come and fight with the two! "

The King of Heaven said nothing, without any pause, turned around and stepped forward, the figure directly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

The King of Sky Monster backhand folded his giant bow and quiver and followed.

In the initial fierce confrontation, Yan and Zhao, the two strong men, did not have the confidence to take down their opponents, ending with Zhao Guomi and Tian Yao Wang taking a step back. But this retrogression does not mean fear, but the best choice after judging the situation.

Wang Xiaoyue's heart was loose. Although he was strong, he never wanted to face the horror combination of King Tian and King Wang, but he knew in the heart that he could retreat these two for the time being because of Chen Chen's exposure. Out of the powerful force, otherwise I am afraid that it is more fierce than evil!

Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, and his eyes looked at the place where the two Heavenly Kings left.

Only in the kingdom of Zhao, there are such terrible powerful people as King Tian, ​​who will wait until the ancient fairyland fragments open, and the eight empires are fighting for the killing. The degree of danger is afraid of imagination! Even with Xiao Chen's current practice, he may not be able to protect himself from damage. No wonder Yan Huang will send him a shot, I am afraid there is no other way. If he wants to compete for the national weapon, he can only let him leave Jidu, otherwise he will send someone else to shot, and Big Yan will have no hope at all.

Taking a slow breath, Xiao Chen suppressed her thoughts. This was unavoidable. She had to be a little more careful after entering the fragments of the ancient fairyland, and the immediate thing was to pacify the Rong State Rebellion! He has also guessed the reason for King Tian and King Wang to simply retreat, and Rong Guozhu can only be a chess piece destined to be abandoned in the game between Da Yan and Da Zhao.


In the royal palace, a desperate growl suddenly appeared from the mouth of Rong Guo's main body, and the momentum of terror burst instantly, covering the entire hall.

All the nieces and waiters in the hall made a terrible cry in their mouths. The Yuan Shen had been torn directly under this terror, and Seven Holes fell to the ground and died. The only person who can be safe is His Royal Highness Hulei, the queen beside him.

"Hulei, mobilize the army, destroy the annihilation of the annihilation, the solitary king must see, Xiao Chen dare to shoot against the solitary king!" Rong Guozhu panted, his eyes red, full of madness and tyranny.

Hu Lei-Liang looked at the man who had been suppressed for countless years in the palace. His eyes gradually showed complex colors, with joy, resentment, regret, and a little silence. He said, "Yuan Yuan, you will perish today, why not Raise two billion to be loyal to you and be buried with you. "

Rong Guozhu suddenly lifted his eyes and fell on him, "Hulei, do you want to betray the lone king?"

"Betrayal? No, Wu Yuan, you are wrong." Hu Lei's face rose gradually, and his mouth yelled, "It was you who betrayed me that year, while I was on the expedition, snatched my throne and seized my beloved. Woman! Over the years, I have endured the burden of humiliation, and tried to get everything right in front of you. I was thinking that one day I could see that you were being punished. And that day, I finally waited for it! "

Suppressing countless years of resentment in the bottom of my heart, and exploding at this moment, Hulei's voice is hoarse, as the injured beast growls!

"You should know that Xiao Chen was the one who pulled me up at first, so in the end, you will eventually be destroyed in my hands! Yuan Yuan, this is your retribution!"

In the eyes of Rong Guozhu, the murderous flashed, "The lone king knows that you did not forget the events of that year, I should have killed you already! Perhaps the lone king will die today, but you will die in front of the lone king!" He rose suddenly, exuding aura outside his body. Flashing, but at this time his face was suddenly pale, and the external burst of light suddenly dim.

He turned to look at the queen, his eyes were full of incredible colors!

"At that time, you murdered my father with poison, robbed him of the throne, occupied me, and ruined everything I have. Today, I also ended up with a bowl of poison. The queen slowly opened her eyes and looked at the eyes of the Lord of Rong Guo, all that was just endless resentment.


Rong Guozhu spit out a black blood, "Slut!" He screamed to struggle, but his body was suddenly stiff. A long sword had penetrated his heart, and powerful forces swept out, exterminating his vitality in his body.

Rong Guo advocated opening his mouth, but only the smelly black blood poured out. He died with his head tilted, and his eyes were still full of unwillingness.

Hu Lei pulled out his sword and reached out to the queen, saying, "Follow me."

The queen smiled and shook her head. "I used to fantasize many times and want to leave with you, but today I can't do that." Although she was laughing, her mouth suddenly burst into black blood.

"Yuan Yuan was very careful. If I didn't get poisoned first, how could I lie to him. Moreover, I would be his wife after all, kill him today to avenge his father, and now die with him again, and it's all over. "

Queen Jiao's body fell to the ground, her breath quickly dissipated, her body was healthy and cold

If Hu Lei was severely hit, his feet stepped back one after another, his lips trembling slightly, but after all, he didn't say much. He slowly turned around and walked out of the hall with heavy steps, kneeling directly to the ground, "The rebellious lord of the kingdom has been slain ... "


[That's all for today, continue tomorrow, good night everyone, Daoyou. 】

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