Quan nodded and said: "The ancient fairyland collapsed, most of it has completely disintegrated and completely disappeared from the heavens and the earth, and the remaining part fell into the chaotic flow of space and time. Maybe it is possible to produce the sand of time. [August Chinese W? W> W].) 8] 1} Z} W>.? C) O] M> This is a magical treasure that must be made by a certain piece A sufficiently powerful utensil serves as a medium. Under the long years of scouring, it absorbs the power of chaotic time and eventually breaks into pieces. One thing is quite magical, no matter the sand of time formed by any utensil, the power of time After the collapse, the individual after the collapse will be a perfect polyhedron. "

Xiao Chen was shocked. He had previously experienced the mighty nature of the King of Time, and he was naturally extremely sensitive to this. He looked directly at him, and briefly said, "The sand of time carries the power of time?"


"Then what does it do?" Xiao Chen quickly said, because a faint thought came into his heart, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated. Although he tried his best to maintain calmness, a trace of hotness in his eyes still easily betrayed the real condition in his heart.

Quan said: "Presumably you should have guessed a few points, and I will tell you directly that the sand of time carries the power of pure time, and each one contains a ray of time. I just happen to grasp A means by which the source of time can be extracted. "

"That is, as long as enough time sand is available, it is possible to grasp the origin of time!"


Xiao Chen was silent. With his state of mind, he learned this amazing news from Quankou, and his mind had set off a raging sea. He could only digest the huge impact of the news with low silence. After a long while, he slowly lifted up and said, "How do you know about the sand of time?"

Quanji was not responsible for shaking his head, "I don't know, it's in my mind. But I remind you that the sand of time is to prepare you for space, so you better do your best, otherwise you miss this opportunity , And if I want to find the opportunity to harvest the sand of time, I don't know how many years I will wait. "

"A space avatar?"

"Nice!" Quan's eyes gradually brightened, exuberance, "Although the origin of time is powerful, it is not complete. Only when it merges with the origin of space to form a new origin of time and space, is it the true peak of its strength, as you have The mastery of the chaos origin is one of the supreme origins in this world! As long as the space avatar condenses the origins of time and space, and the fusion of the two of you, the power that you can have will have an astonishing increase, even when facing the sky Monk Jing also has the power to fight! If he is stronger, it is not impossible to shake Hongmeng hard! "

Xiao Chen nodded, and said, "Okay! This time, you and I entered the ancient fairy shards together, looking for the sand of time!" The opportunity was in front of him, and he would not miss it. Since eventually it is going to enter the ancient fairyland debris to rob the national weapons, it is not bad to find the sand of time.

He looked at Quan. "You help me so much, how do you need the king to return?"

Quan's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and it turned out to be a strange scorching, like looking at a precious treasure, "I help you, but also help myself. As long as you assure me, in the future, I will follow my path The requirement is to proceed. You can rest assured that I will never be against you, but I will do my best to help you reach the real peak of the road! "

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, and after a few breaths, he nodded slowly to answer the matter, "Okay, the king promised this thing." Talking about here, he made a slight induction, his face a little surprised, and said: " Quan, where did the space and the ancient demons go, and why are their breaths so vague in the induction? "

Quan has returned to peace. Except during the time of enthusiasm, he always said nothing and looked cold and indifferent. He said that they were practicing and dealt with the past.

Xiao Chen nodded and did not dwell on the matter more. It was not that he didn't care about the two avatars, but that he felt that although the ambiguity was felt, he was aware that the two avatars were now fine and unaffected. Threat. Quan is extremely mysterious. It comes from the golden seal. It is the figure in the real world of the mysterious legend that has more than one thousand characters. There are many strange ways to act, but he should not be malicious.

"The fragments of ancient fairyland will officially come in the near future. Although the king can take you into it, it is best not to be noticed. You should understand the meaning of the king."

Quan took a very simple step, and the figure directly disappeared into Xiao Chen's body. Although on the surface, Quan is an individual with great autonomy and utmost autonomy, but in essence, he is also one of Xiao Chen's clones. Although this avatar is extremely mysterious, it possesses many secrets that he cannot perceive.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, even though Quan still had a lot of secrets, but he believed that one day he would know everything. As he was about to turn around and leave, his body suddenly shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise. He waved a layer of restraint in the military tent, took out a stone tower with his backhand, and the flash of light in the body disappeared instantly.

On the first floor of the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen came torn through the space, and saw a decaying ancient tree in front of him. Now it has gradually regained vitality. On the dry and bare branches, a thin green leaf is now emerging, lingering around The faint layer of life has disappeared.

"Brother Xiao Chen, Shu Bo, he's going to wake up!" Lingzhi said in surprise, her face flushed slightly with excitement.

Xiao Chen looked with pity on her. Thirty times of time flowed in the dojo, but for a hundred years outside, it was 3,000 years in the dojo! How boring and lonely the long years are. If Ganoderma is not carefully taken care of, even with the water of the Aoki Spring, Shu Bo may not be able to recover.

"Ganoderma, hard work!"

At this time, in front of the locust tree, clusters of green leaves have emerged, exuding a touch of wood spirit, and it is full of vitality. On the trunk, it suddenly became blurred, and a face slowly emerged from it. Although it was much older, it was Shu Bo who had fallen asleep so far!

His eyes trembled, and then opened slowly after a few breaths. The confused color in his eyes disappeared after seeing Xiao Chen and Lingzhi.

"Shubo, you finally woke up!" Lingzhi's eyes suddenly turned red, and tears of glistening burst out instantly, but at this moment, her body suddenly softened.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and she reached out and hugged her in her arms. Regardless of Wen Xiangnuanyu's full arms and the soft touch, she quickly sensed the state of her body, determined that she was only working for a long time, and was fainted by a moment of mental relaxation. Just relax. It ’s just that the monk ’s energy is far from ordinary people. The Ganoderma lucidum has n’t interrupted cultivation in the past few years. Now the cultivation has skyrocketed, and it has faintly touched the edge of the world of creation. Such cultivation also faints because of overwork. Knowing how exhausted she was, Xiao Chen looked at her without feeling more pity and guilt. She fluttered her sleeves, naturally there was an invisible force that made her levitate, and lay down and slept quietly.

"It's okay, it's just too tiring. You may be lethargic for a while. When you wake up, it will be fine."

The anxiety in Shubo's eyes faded, and there was full of love in Ganoderma's eyes. "Although the old slave has been sleeping in recent years, she can feel the changes in the outside world. If it was not for the care of Ganoderma, the old slave would have died. You also have to thank the master of the young palace. If you did not find the water of the Aoki God Spring, the old slave will not have the opportunity to open his eyes again. However, now the power is greatly damaged, and it can not be transformed for a while, but the old slave is rude. "

"He Shubo made this remark. If it was not you who shot it then, Xiao Chen was beheaded and killed when he was a survivor in the ground. Where can he go today? Although Xiao Chen is not a good person, he doesn't know good or evil. People who do n’t know what to do. It ’s my duty to treat Shu Bo, how dare I take advantage of it. ”Xiao Chen said quietly.

"It was the old slave who said nothing, and the master of the palace should not be angry." Shu Bo's eyes flashed a reassurance, and because he did not want Xiao Chen to think about it, he changed his mind and changed the topic. "I have already found the Aoki God Spring Water, presumably is now in the Great Thousand Realms, but I do n’t know how the Master of the Palace is doing? "


[Ps: Although Baozi said that the book is about to end, it still lasts for a while, only to the end of the late period. In addition, the value of the character has fallen sharply recently, I feel very sorry for you friends. Update a chapter first and then continue to code. No matter how late after 12 o'clock, there must be another chapter updated, which is today. Dear friends, do n’t wait any longer, good night, thank you for your tolerance and cover up shame! 】

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