Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 914: Ancient Fairy Lands

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, and simply said things after Shu Bo fell asleep. There was no exaggeration or deliberate concealment. Except for some inconveniences, it was considered complete. {(Eight {一 Chinese W) W} W>. ) 8) 1] Z〉 W}. > COM Even though he tried to say it lightly, it took almost an hour for him to speak.

Shu Bo sometimes frowned and tense, sometimes angry and helpless, sometimes excited and inexplicable. When Xiao Chen finished speaking, he couldn't believe it after a long time. In a short time, Xiao Chen had already reached today.

Force the creation Xeon!

Dayan seals King Dongyan!

Take the territory of a country as a fiefdom!

Such cultivation, this status, even in the great realm, is the supreme peak!

For a time, Shubo was so excited that he was already crying. "Lao Palace Lord, have you seen that, your disciples have achieved far more than you now! I must be prosperous in the left eyebrow dojo, and it will hurt you that year." Everyone will pay thousands of times, and you can rest in peace if you know! "

Xiao Chen was a little hesitant in his heart, and never said much. He has seen from the origin of the time of the blessing of the Zuo Mei Dao Tao that the identity of the Zuo Mei Dao is not correct, but he has not expressed his doubts in front of Shu Bo.

After a long time, Shu Bofang managed to control his turbulent mood. With a smile on his face, he could not hide the exhaustion in his eyes. Just after waking up, it was obvious that his heart was worn out with great joy.

Xiao Chen said: "Shu Bo, you just woke up. The mood swings shouldn't be too great. You should still take more rest."

Shubo nodded and said, "The old slave is really out of energy and can no longer accompany the young palace master to talk more. Moreover, the ancient fairyland fragment is about to open soon. The young palace master still left earlier to avoid delaying the business. Just one thing. I also asked the master of the palace to answer. The old slave has now woken up and there is no danger, but the strength is great and it takes a long sleep to recover. Lingzhi has been in the dojo for too long, and she is alone and lonely. Leave the dojo and return to the outside world. "

Xiao Chen was silent, and said, "Okay, that's all, Xiao Chen won't disturb Shubo and rest. I will come to you when the ancient fairyland thing comes to an end. I will come to see you again." Leaning her body against her, she stepped back and disappeared.

Shu Bo watched him leave, only to be calm in his eyes, his eyes closed, and he began to fall asleep.

Xiao Chen left Shu Bo's location, but did not return directly to the outside world. The figure reappeared, already in the funeral department, and now he has left a ray of **** among the funeral flowers. The Yuanshen can't be ruined, so he can regenerate with this strand of Yuanshen.

He glanced over here, not aware of the fault, took a step, and the figure appeared in the sleeping place of Lei Long. It has a body full of thousands of miles on the ground, red scale armor, dorsal wings, pale white flames lingering around the body, a trace of red lightning flashes from time to time on the huge scale armor, and this scale armor, now Presented a touch of golden, naturally a mysterious texture, exuding the supreme noble breath. Under the scorching heat and lightning, the ground was black, and the air was filled with dry air.

An invisible force shrouded it, offsetting all the forces escaping from Thunder Dragon's body. If not, with its current breath fluctuations, the power released may be that the dojo has been destroyed!

Since devouring the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor, Thunder Dragon has fallen into a long slumber. As time goes by, it is far more than Xiao Chen expected, and in this sleep, its breath is constantly increasing, and now it has reached the level of creation !!

Just by falling asleep, you can continuously improve your strength. Obviously Thunder Dragon has entered some kind of opportunity. Now it seems that I don't know when it will wake up from deep sleep.

Xiao Chen was slightly worried, his hand flashed a little, and dozens of huge corpses appeared directly in the surroundings, including the bodies of the dragon and the ancient ten-eyed snake. The wounds on the corpses had coagulated and no longer continued to bleed, but the surface was contaminated. Blood stains, still a little bloody. For these dragons, all the corpses contained extremely powerful power. If they could devour them, they would inevitably make their strength soar.

After doing this, he took Lingzhi and took a step forward, leaving the left eyebrow dojo.

Xiao Chen didn't show up. Just shortly after he left, a trace of **** power was stripped from the huge corpse left on the ground, converging to the thunder dragon in his sleep. This blood-colored power is a powerful power hidden in their flesh and blood. With the passage of these powers, the corpse of the barbaric beast that has not decayed at all has been preserved. Now the scale armor suddenly becomes dim, and it continues to dry out and shrink.


In the military account, Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly. He groaned slightly and did not leave immediately. Instead, he ordered two female nuns to take the Lingzhi carefully to rest.

Regarding the strange disappearance of Quan Shuai, although the generals in the army were surprised, they had no intention of questioning. After all, Quan Shuai suddenly appeared before Xiao Chen left, and now the news again, naturally he has reason.

There are many secrets hidden in Wang Ye, but they shouldn't know, they will never ask a little bit.

Xiao Chen summoned the generals again and instructed Quan to stay in the army and arrange the business as usual, and all the people will discuss the matter with the ancestor, Zhao Liangdong and Fan Lin.

"At this time, Rong domestic powers gather. You do n’t have to enter Rong country for the time being. You can stay in the wild star field with peace of mind, and everything will be arranged after the return of the king from the ancient fairyland.

"Yes, Lord!"

Arranging affairs in the army, Xiao Chen didn't stay long, meeting Queen Xiaoyue, the two left directly and returned to Rong country.


Half a month, in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, whether it is the Great Yan or Da Zhao closest to Rong State, or the far-reaching Da Chu, Da Qin, or the eight empires in the Daqian Realm, each of them transported many powerful people into Rong State within a short period of time.

For a time, there were a lot of powerful people in Rongguo. The fragments of ancient fairyland had not really arrived, but they had already been killed many times. Many of them created the king of creation, and even the strongest at the peak of creation. They made the already tense atmosphere. It became more and more tense.

The monks of the eight empires jealous of each other. Even the intimate countries that are dependent on each other now have a little more jealousy and caution. After all, what we want to fight for this time is the national treasure, which can suppress the national movement and strengthen the supreme existence of the national power! If any party can get it, it will make the power of its own country grow considerably.

Naturally, among a large number of monks, there are only a few monks who went straight to the treasures of the country, and most of them seek only the opportunities left by the fragments of the ancient fairyland. Powerful treasures, anti-Sky exercises, scarce heaven and earth ... If any can gain something, they can greatly increase their power. This is the main reason why the strong nations came to Rongguo regardless of the crisis and entered the ancient fairyland fragments.

But any monk who dares to lock his own target on the treasure of national wares is the real peak of all countries! Only they are eligible to compete for national weapons!

The owner of the hotel has fled and is now occupied by monks from all sides. With the passage of time, the breath of the ancient fairyland is getting heavier and heavier. No one has shot at will anymore. Instead, he has accumulated the heat in his heart, and strives to keep himself at the peak, waiting for its real advent.

In the corner of the hall, Xiao Chen and Xiaoyue King sat quietly. The two were extremely silent. They just made a pot of tea and drank quietly, but the surrounding monks were gloomy, but no one dared to show a little hostility to them. Because the monks who did this before are now ridiculed!

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's body froze. He got up slowly and looked up slowly. His eyes seemed to penetrate all obstacles, and said lightly, "Finally came!"


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