Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 915: Prologue of the feast of the strong

The sky suddenly became dark, and countless images and shadows quickly emerged from the distortion, and the scattered parts were finally fragmented to form a complete picture. [

The sky seemed to be transformed into a transparent crystal wall. Outside of this crystal wall, a large 6 piece of debris gradually emerged from the turbulent flow of time and space, and whistled here. The entire Big 6 fragment presents a weird scene, where green mountains, green grass, and green grass, dotted with Xuanxie towers, the scenery is beautiful like a fairyland, the other place is landslides, the river is cut off, the ground is cracked and the black corrosion marks It can be seen everywhere that the scene is like the end of the world. The city is prosperous here, the building stretches for nearly ten million miles, but it has become a ruined wall in the passage of time. It is extremely desolate. It seems that the flames are burning ... This completely different scene is patchy on the entire 6 pieces, like graffiti, but the destruction and the horror contained in it let everyone witness the secret Startled, his face was dignified.

And at the edge of the debris, the crisscrossed fractures of the dog teeth, the mountains and rivers that were broken by birth, and the pavilion and the palace, became more and more amazing! Through the sky, you can clearly see the entire Big 6 shard, which can let people experience the destruction and despair experienced long ago.

In ancient times, this big 6 had a loud name, that is, the ancient fairyland! But now it has been destroyed. Only the pieces that are swallowed up by time and space are left in the world, and one of them is in front of it.

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly walked on the fragments of the ancient fairyland, his face gradually dignified, his heart imitated the eschatological scene of the day, and then his heart was inexplicable. What kind of power is needed to bring the entire ancient fairyland into collapse! It was just a rough thought that shocked my heart and gave birth to endless awe. This power is far beyond his cognitive limit, even if it is Hongmeng, it may not be possible!

And above Hongmeng, there is only the true spirit of heaven and earth in the legend!

Could it be that the destruction of the ancient fairyland was caused by the killing of monks in the realm?

As soon as Xiao Chen thought about it, his heart tremor was difficult to calm down for a long time, but soon, his attention was attracted by a deep canyon. The gorge has a length of tens of thousands of miles. It is as straight as a blade, without any slight skew, and its cut surface is smooth and flat.

Suddenly, he felt a tingling in his eyes and hurriedly lowered, but tears had flowed out of the sour eyes, and his heart again set off endless waves. This gorge seems to have been cut off by many people many years ago, or it was just the result of the bombardment of a spreading force, but it still retains a little breath of that power today. But Xiao Chen just lost his eyes and couldn't bear it!

In ancient times, on this big 6, there must be a terrible assassination!

In addition to Xiao Chen, other monks in the surrounding area saw the gorge, but they no longer had the power to protect themselves. They screamed in their mouths, and blood was flowing from their eyes.

At this time, the fragments of the ancient fairyland are rapidly growing in sight, and it is approaching this world quickly. Suddenly, with a loud noise, the sky suddenly trembled, like a complete mirror, suddenly a huge crack, the dark black-like black dragon, spreading to the endless distance.

The whole sky suddenly became dark, and a mighty coercion fell from the sky!

Numerous monks' bodies suddenly tightened, and their faces paled, but there was no fear in their eyes, because the excitement became brighter.

The next moment, the broken sky suddenly collapsed, revealing the dark background, and between this darkness, the fragments of the ancient fairyland really came and entered the world of thousands! The breath of oldness, desolation, destruction, and silence slowly dissipated from it, followed by a strong silence!

This is the ancient immortal realm. It was called the immortal world long ago, and it is the most supreme spiritual sanctuary between heaven and earth! Even though it has been destroyed, it still retains a strong momentum from ancient times, as of today.

Layers of halo lingering outside the ancient fairyland fragments, refracting the hazy glory, beautiful.

call out!

call out!

A dozen monks flashed out of the aura of light outside, turning into a rainbow, like a moth fluttering, whizzing straight to the ancient fairyland. In their understanding, this is a place full of opportunities. If you can enter it earlier, you can seize the opportunity and get more gains!

But it turned out that their choice was extremely stupid.

The monks who broke into the layers of halo quickly realized the color of fear. Their aura of light quickly extinguished, and the flesh exposed to the halo quickly became old, but within a few breaths of time, it had decayed. Eventually turned into a handful of loess spilled. The following monks hurriedly stopped, but several people were too far forward, and they couldn't avoid being swept by the halo for a while, and they were missing a part of the body. Broken hands and feet are considered good luck. Some unlucky man was cut off by the waist, or his skull was turned into fly ash directly in the halo, and he died.

Most of these monks are creation worlds, but there is no countervailing force at all. In this way, they suddenly stunned the hearts of everyone, and looked in horror at the beautiful halo that seemed beautiful but murderous, and their faces changed directly. It's pale.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, but his eyes were more dignified but more intense. This halo is the power of chaotic time brought by the fragments of ancient fairyland from the chaotic flow of time and space. It seems beautiful and harmless, but it is the real killing power! Everything enters into it, unless there is enough powerful power to withstand the attack of the power of time, it will quickly decay to destruction in the passage of time! The deaths of previous monks have also proven this.

If you want to enter the ancient fairyland fragments, you have to wait until the power of this disorder time disappears. Fortunately, after leaving the chaos of time and space, the power of these times cannot be maintained for long, and it will gradually dissipate.


In a wilderness in Rongguo, King Zhao Mitian's eyes fell on the halo created by the power of time, his eyes were bright, and his mind was gradually surging.

Such a powerful and chaotic force of time possesses a destructive force that makes people despair, and the passing of time in an instant is enough to erase everything in the world. Even if he mastered the origin of time, he still couldn't resist the chaotic time of mighty terror!

This piece of ancient fairyland drifts in the chaos of time and space for an unknown number of years. On this, there is most likely a sand of time!

No one knows that the magnificent King Zhao Mitian was able to control the origin of time because in the early years, he accidentally entered an ancient fairyland fragment, and obtained several sands of time, and just found out how A ray of time draws the source. It was from then on that Da Zhaozhong suddenly added a creation world monk who mastered the origin of time and was cultivated by Zhao Guo. Only then can he have the status today and become the prestigious King of the Eight Kingdoms!

Since then, in the long years, the King of Heaven has entered the ancient fairyland shards three times in succession, but there is no gain, and the cultivation of the origin of time has gradually fallen into a bottleneck. But this time, he saw hope again!

Fragments of ancient fairy spheres that have hidden national artifacts have a high probability of possessing the sand of time. As long as he can gain something again, he may be able to break through the realm of the moment, break the limit of creation, and step into the realm of heaven!

Such an opportunity, even in the mood of the King of Heaven, can't help shaking his mind and excitement is difficult to imagine!


The air was dry and hot, and black smoke billowed into the sky. From the ground, there were rumbling sounds from time to time, which shook the whole earth slightly.

On the top of this active volcanic mountain, there are three fire monks wearing red robes with fiery lines burning fiercely on their brows. They are burly men with red heads. Like a blazing flame. In his chest, he heard a strong and powerful heartbeat. If you can discern it carefully, the rhythm of his heartbeat is exactly the same as the booming sound at the bottom of the volcano!

Looking up at the fragments of the ancient fairyland, in the depths of his two eyes, a hot flame was burning.

Behind them were a man and a woman, two fire clan monks, slightly lower, as a sign of respect.

Because the person in front of him is the Great Fire God of Fire!


"This kind of momentum is also the strongest in the opening of the ancient fairyland fragments. It seems that hidden national instruments only say that only ** is true." A silver robe monk opened his mouth gently, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. It looks quite young in his twenties, and his whole body breath is not revealed, not perfect convergence, but integration with the surrounding space. He stood here and could see, but couldn't sense.

A female practitioner around smiled and said, "Since Your Majesty has spent a lot of money on asking you to take a shot, you are naturally quite sure, otherwise you would have lost money."

The monk in silver robe shook his head, and said helplessly, "You should know that in recent years, I have concentrated on making breakthroughs. If I had owed too much humanity in the early years and could not repay it, how would I have easily intervened in this matter. Today's affairs of national instruments The eight empires are all clear, and it is bound to be extremely dangerous to seize it. "

"Based on your current practice, there are few adversaries in the realm of heaven, is it possible that you are not completely sure?" The female eyes blinked slightly, revealing a little surprised.

The monk in the silver robe smiled bitterly, "The great Zhao Mitian, the Great Wei God, the Great Fire King, and the Great Qin Corpse King, these three are not as powerful as me. Besides, they are also King Qingqi of Qing Dynasty, King Liguang of Tang Dynasty, and Korean military policy. None of Wang and Dayan ’s recent rise of King Dongyan is an easy one. Even if I try my best, how dare I say that I have the full confidence that 30% can be achieved. "

"The great Chu Chuxu King, the master of space, when he became so unconfident, these people may be really powerful, but in my eyes, you are always the strongest one, no one!"

Seeing the serious look of Nu Xiu, King Xu Yan's eyes showed a warm color, and nodded, "Since I'm here, I'll have to work hard to avoid disappointing King Yinyue."



At this moment, the eight strongest empires are waiting. When the power of the chaotic time dissipates, it is when they break into the ancient immortal realm and compete for the national treasure!

This is the prelude to the feast of the strong!

With the last haze dissipating, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly flashed!

"Go!" In low drinking, he stepped out of the next step, and immediately left with Xiao Yue King, turning into two shocking rainbows!

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