Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 917: Fairy Guardian

Xiao Chen suddenly raised his hand, and Guang Guang converged, and the figure stopped directly. [

King Xiaoyue's face changed slightly, his brows frowned slightly, and he whispered, "Where is Dongyan King, what is wrong?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "The King Xiaoyue need not worry. The King is not aware of the fault, but he senses that there are treasures hidden here. You and I should search for it."

There is treasure!

Xiao Yue Wang's eyes lighted up and he nodded in agreement. Taking Xiao Chen's practice as a treasure, it is naturally extraordinary. Among the fragments of ancient fairyland, there are many hidden treasures. The precious ones are extremely valuable to the monks who created the world.

Finding national treasures is naturally the top priority, but in the process, by the way, collecting some treasures that are useful to you, no one can be wrong. After all, this is also one of the rewards for risking entering the ancient fairyland.

"Come with this king." Xiao Chen turned directly and walked in the other direction, and Xiao Yue Wang drove Yu Guang to follow.

Through the dense forest on a hillside in front, a canyon appeared within sight, and in this canyon stood a broken temple. It is not difficult to judge from the building area and style. In the ancient fairyland period, it must be an extremely luxurious and prosperous place, but under the wash of time, only a piece of ruins was left in the end, showing a strong decaying taste.

King Xiaoyue looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes suddenly shocked, and the danger in the ancient immortal domain was extremely dangerous. Even the creation Xeon did not dare to explore the gods at will, otherwise it may touch the danger and cause the Yuanshen to suffer Trauma. So how exactly did Xiao Chen separate the distant temple hidden in the valley after such a long distance, and he didn't sense any spiritual fluctuations from his body at all.

For a while, in his heart, Xiao Chen had a layer of fog on his body, which gave him a little more awe.

Although Xiao Chen didn't look back, he had noticed the change of King Xiaoyue's eyes, but this matter was difficult to explain clearly, so he didn't think about explaining it, so he guessed. After a few breaths, Guang Guang converged, and the two appeared in front of the shattered temple.

"Be careful, let's go in."

Wang Xiaoyue nodded his head. The temple looked shabby, but no place in the ancient fairyland could be taken lightly. Otherwise, he might fall into danger and even pay the price of his own life.

Xiao Chen was in front of him, waving his sleeves, and an invisible force emerged from the void, slowly pushing the closed door in front of him, stirring the sky to block the sight. After a short while, when the dust fell on the ground, his vision returned to clear, and he was not aware of the danger after a little induction, so he should enter the temple first, and his gaze swept across.

The hall was covered with thick dust, and at a glance, most of the items were buried in the dust and became rotten, without any fluctuations in the atmosphere, and obviously there was no treasure. Xiao Chen didn't stop much. He strode forward, his footsteps falling on the ground, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty hall. Cooperating with the state of decay and silence here, it makes people feel a creepy feeling.

Fortunately, both of them are strong people, so naturally they will not be affected.

Under the leadership of Xiao Chen, they did not stay in the hall for a long time, but passed through the hall and walked down the stairs to the second floor of the hall.

Entering the second floor, the body of the first monk, or rather a pale bone, appeared in the sight of the two Xiao Chen. He died on the back of the stone wall, and the bones exposed in the air gave rise to dark patches, gradually covering up the original color of jade. But being able to withstand the erosion of time still left his own bones, which is enough to show that before this life, he must have been cultivated as an overbearing generation. On his third bone finger, he carried a simple black storage ring. The material of the ring itself is precious. After a long time, although it has become a lot bleak, it has not been destroyed.

The treasure in the Quan induction has nothing to do with this storage ring in a certain room on the second floor, so Xiao Chen didn't care about it and moved forward.

King Xiaoyue hesitated slightly, still reaching out to remove this storage, maybe there was some amazing treasure hidden in it, or magical powers and the like.

But the moment he took off the storage ring, the inner wall of the palace next to him suddenly sunken, two blue armor guards appeared, their eyes suddenly opened, their eyes fell cold on King Xiaoyue, and the long sword appeared without a word in his hand. Sheath, straight to his head and beheaded!

The blue guards of the two guards had already developed rusty stains, but the long knife in their hands was as bright as before, and it was suddenly cut off, releasing a terrifying terror!

The sword fell and shot forward, and the momentum was extremely tragic.

The face of King Xiaoyue changed, but there was no panic. He hummed and shot it with a backhand. On the palm of his hand, he was suddenly covered with a layer of earth yellow light, and in the next instant he collided with two long knives!

With a muffled sound, his face remained the same, but the two armor guards were suddenly stiff, and the force swept from the long sword had completely destroyed the prohibition of their internal operation and lost all the operating power. The bright eyes suddenly dim, and the body fell to the ground.

Facing Xiao Chen's eyes, King Xiaoyue explained: "These are two guardians of the fairyland. They belong to the powerful puppets of the ancient fairyland period. According to the current knowledge, there are three types of blue armor, yellow armor, and golden armor. The defender is the weakest. The strength is probably at the level of the creation king. The armor of the yellow armor fairy is slightly stronger and the strength is comparable to the peak of creation. The gold armor is comparable to the creation of the Xeon, even at a stronger level! "

"Protect against the monk who stepped on the monk?" Xiao Chen heard his face change.

King Xiaoyue nodded slowly and Shen said: "This is the conclusion reached by the opening of the ancient fairyland fragments in the past, but Dongyan Wang must not forget that these magpies have experienced considerable loss of strength over the endless years, so Their original strength should be a level stronger than what they are now showing. If the strength of the blue armor, the yellow armor, and the gold armor are each stronger, then it is not impossible for the gold armor guards to compete against the existence of heaven. And according to the original The king knows that the ancient armor guards who can compete with the heavenly strongmen have really appeared in the ancient fairyland. However, their power is not controlled. Once they appear, they will attack all monks who broke into the ancient fairyland. Until it is destroyed. So in the Great Thousand Realms, no one can take away any of the complete Celestial Guardian puppets from the fragments of ancient fairyland. "

The monk who stepped on the sky is already the peak strong person who has reached the level of supreme magnificence, but in the ancient fairyland, he can create a gold armor defender that can compete with it. From this point, we can see the power and terror of the ancient fairyland. !!

At least to create such a powerful puppet force, no country in the world has mastered it.

Xiao Chen digested the impact of the news and nodded: "Since there are light armor guards here, there may not be a higher-quality puppet, so please be careful with me and go on."

King Xiaoyue nodded, and he took a moment to check the storage ring in his hand. Now the Yuanshenfeng Town underneath it had dissipated. He carefully discovered a trace of godly knowledge and entered it. After a few breaths, there was a flash of joy in his eyes. Some treasures found useful in this storage ring.

The two continued to move forward, destroying six green armor guards one after another, and then they walked outside the room where the treasures were located in Quan induction. Looking at the closed door, Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified. In this room, he felt a faint danger, apparently there was a hidden danger that had not yet been revealed.

"There is something wrong here, King Xiaoyue is more careful."

He whispered a reminder, he waved his sleeves and opened the portal directly.

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