Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 918: Rib cage

The door opened, and two dazzling swords came in front of it, like two pale white horses swept across. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>. 〔8〉 1] Z> W ?. ? C} O] M Dao Meng has not yet arrived, but there is tragic savage coming out, revealing a sense of extermination, there is no retreat!

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. He instantly saw that the sword-maker in the room was the two guardians of the fairyland, and they wore orange and yellow battle armor.

Huang Jiaxianwei!

No wonder the strength of these two swords has barely reached the level of creation Xeon. However, this sudden onset may cause some trouble to the Xeons of Creation, but for Xiao Chen, there is no threat at all. He waved his sleeves expressionlessly, a powerful force emerged from the void, and instantly suppressed the two Huang Jiaxianwei!

The blade was less than a foot away from Xiao Chen's face, but he could no longer step forward half an inch.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and a low humming sound, the power of repression suddenly turned into a soaring distortion, the two Huang Jiaxianwei were instantly twisted and destroyed under this power, and at this moment scattered from their bodies A bit of violent breath slowly dissipated.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. He originally wanted to take the two Huang Jiaxianwei to study it. He didn't want this object to explode without hesitation after being restrained. In desperation, his mighty preemption would start and destroy them.

"The guardian of the fairyland is not restricted and has sufficient sense of judgment. Once in despair, he will not hesitate to destroy himself. Because of this, no one can capture the complete guardian of the fairyland since the collapse of the ancient fairyland." Xiao Seeing Xiao Chen's ugly face, Yue Wang explained in a low voice, but he was shocked by Xiao Chen's power at this moment! This Huang Jiaxianwei was destroyed directly. Perhaps when the King of Heaven was shaken that day, Xiao Chen didn't do his best.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, but didn't say much, he looked into the room.

The interior space of the room is huge, with rows of dark black materials not knowing the material, there are some materials and elements of the fairyland period. However, these items can't compete with the passage of time. Most of the materials have decayed, and Yuan Jing has exhausted his power and turned into opaque crystals filled with mottled mottles. There is a black stone platform about the size of a square beside the long shelf. I don't know what it was made of. It has been preserved from ancient times to now, but it seems that it has not been affected in any way, and still maintains the original silent black. A skeleton was leaning on a bench beside a stone platform, and the whole body's bones showed a faint golden color, without any gloomy decay, but it gave people a sense of solemnity.

Xiao Chen and King Xiaoyue were stunned in their hearts. The bones are still preserved so that they can still feel a slight suppression, which is enough to show that he must have been a true strongman in the ancient fairyland before his death. !! However, it is such a peak strong man who fell silently in the fairyland catastrophe, which is enough to prove how terrible the disaster was born in ancient times!

The two were silent at the same time, their hearts were dignified.

But the silence was quickly broken, because the treasures in the spring induction were here. Or more precisely, the treasure is on this puppet.

Xiao Chen's eyes wandered on this bone, and finally fell on a rib on his chest, hesitating slightly. In the surprised eyes of Wang Xiaoyue, he walked to the bone and reached out to hold the rib with a little force. He clicked softly, and the ribs were cut off directly by him.

But at this moment, his brows couldn't help wrinkling instantly. The palm of his ribs was cut directly by the section. A black flash appeared instantly, spreading along the wound to the periphery, and soon his entire palm turned into a The dark color is weird.

King Xiaoyue exclaimed, "King Dongyan, beware, this rib is poisonous!"

Xiao Chen gave a low humming sound, and the golden seal suddenly appeared in Yuanshen space. On his arm, a light golden mang shot through the flesh pores and penetrated the barrier of the green robe. Although Jinguang is thin, it reveals an air of supreme majesty, ancient and noble, and has the qualifications to slay all living things in this world. With the appearance of Jin Guang, the black spreading on his palm was immediately curbed, and subsided by the students. The black was getting thicker and thicker, and slowly converged towards the wound.

Xiao Yue Wang's pupils contracted violently, and his eyes were shocked! He stared hard at Xiao Chen's arm. This faint layer of golden light made his body tense, and his heart was filled with awe and surrender. A voice kept echoing in his mind, making him want to bow to the ground, buried deep under the golden light. He didn't know where the golden light came from, but the breath of supreme majesty made him dare not to develop a sense of resistance at all, and he couldn't even turn his eyes away! Struggling gradually appeared in his eyes. If he had not been supported by his strong will, now he is afraid that he has already fallen to the ground.

The wound was condensed in black, and a drop of black blood continued to drip, and it fell on the floor to produce a strong corrosive effect, and a pungent smell of green smoke rose from the ground. When the last drop of black blood was forced out of the body, Xiao Chen's golden light slowly dissipated.

The horror pressure shrouded in King Xiaoyue's heart suddenly disappeared, he gasped, and a thick layer of sweat beads had been born on his forehead. Looking at Xiao Chen, he finally showed the awe that could not be hidden! He was already quite afraid of Xiao Chen's fierce cultivation. Now the longer he spends with him, the more hidden secrets he has!

But all of a sudden, King Xiaoyue felt a dizziness in his head, and was frightened under his heart. He hurried out of several steps, and the feeling of dizziness was relieved a lot, but his face was instantly stiff. Just before he just smelled some green smoke rising from the ground, he showed signs of poisoning, which can show how violent and overbearing the poisonous mist in Xiao Chen was. If instead he accidentally contaminated the toxin ... Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyue's body was cold and cold, and then looking at Xiao Chen, his face was only slightly white, and after adjusting his breath, he was safe and sound, and there was a burst in his heart. Speechless. It was announced that the two were handed down to the Xeon, and the Great Yanfeng King existed, but the gap between them was so great!

Xiao Chen didn't seem to notice the change in King Xiaoyue's look. After the toxins were eliminated from his body, the wound on his palm was repaired, leaving only a faint scar, and his eyes rested calmly on a rib in his hand.

He played for a moment, suddenly a slight force on his hand, a "snack", and the rib collapsed directly into a fragmented bone piece. Among these bone pieces, a small finger-sized bronze utensil appeared. The handle with a key, but the front end is a cylindrical shape, the surface is engraved with some fine textures, the style looks quite simple, and a layer of dark green patina has been born on the surface, making those subtle textures more blurred. clear.

This bronze artifact, like a key, was hidden in this skeleton and a rib!

And this thing is the treasure in the spring sensor!

"King Dongyan ... what is this?" Wang Xiaoyue felt more and more unable to see the person in front of him. This bronze utensil was nothing wrong with his induction. It was like ordinary bronze, but it But it was taken from the remains of an ancient fairyland strongman, wouldn't it be ordinary? But the key lies in how Xiao Chen can realize its existence. Only then has he swept away consciously, and there is nothing wrong with this rib.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "The role of this artifact is not known to the king now, but this thing is hidden in the bone. It is unusual and may be used in the future." During his speech, the light in his hand flashed slightly, and he took it Put the objects in one of the jade boxes carefully and put away.

King Xiaoyue nodded, only that Xiao Chen didn't want to say more about the matter, and never asked more. But he didn't know that Xiao Chen really didn't know the purpose of the key now, because it was not a treasure found at all.

He frowned secretly, some of the power that Quan possessed was beyond his expectation, and Quan didn't seem to explain it. After leading Chen Chen to find this bronze object, he was already silent.

But at this time, Yuan's space again came to Quan's consciousness fluctuations. "In addition to this bronze key, there are several interesting gadgets hidden in this square stone table in front of you. If you have a way to cut it open, you should He can put it into his hands. "After saying this, Quan was silent again.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment. He had seen that Quan intentionally hid some secrets. Even if he spoke, he would not gain anything, and he didn't waste energy to ask. He groaned a little, and took the black sword backhand. Now that he has shown enough before, he is not afraid to be known more by King Xiao Yue. This sword is a gift of light photography and a treasure from the ancient fairyland. It is said to be indestructible. It should not be difficult to cut this stone platform.

After deciding to start, he will naturally not hesitate again, saying: "King Xiaoyue, take a few steps back, my king will cut this stone platform."

Wang Xiaoyue could not see Xiao Chen's actions. He heard the words without any objection. He stepped back and stood still, with a little surprise in his eyes. But he believes that Xiao Chen will never shoot at will. Could it be impossible?

When Xiaoyue King avoided, Xiao Chen raised his black sword and went straight to Shitai to pick it out.


The black sword was cut off, and the blade directly broke through the stone platform, but there was a low dull sound. It was like falling into a quagmire. The resistance came from all directions, making it extremely difficult for the black sword to penetrate every inch.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. Although he had expected that this stone platform was absolutely unusual, he didn't want to be so hard. With the benefit of the black sword, he couldn't cut it directly! Its texture is afraid that the inner wall of the maze of the evil star domain temple still has to be three points hard! Fortunately, although this thing is hard, it still can't resist the edge of the black sword, it just needs to consume more mana! And this stone platform is so hard, the hidden things may not be as simple as the few interesting gadgets mentioned in Quankou. As he thought about it, his eyes were slightly bright.

There is no wind turbulence in the green robe, and the billowing mana is consumed quickly. After a while, the entire stone table was cut into several pieces by Xiao Chen, and one of the internal dark cells covered with texture was successfully found. This dark grid is perfectly hidden in the stone platform. It should require some special means to open it. The texture engraved on the inner wall should be a powerful matrix method. Although it is impossible to know its specific function, only some fur can be seen from the surface. He was shocked in his heart, and Han Mao was rooted behind him. Fortunately, this formation has lost its ability to maintain its operation. Otherwise, such a forceful dissection as Xiao Chen must have spurred the formation of the formation. Even with his current practice, it is at least a serious injury.

Is this guy, Quan, already aware of the failure of the formation, or has he accidentally hit?

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's face became more gloomy. But soon, his attention was drawn to the past by what appeared in the dark grid, and his gaze dropped, causing his face to change slightly.


[Ps: Go to work secretly code words, the efficiency is really slow, anyway, I completed a chapter, updated it first, and continued to code words after dinner. There are two chapters at night! 】

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