"Here!" King Mi Tian drank in his mouth and stopped first. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. Com

The heavenly demon king lifted his gaze across the front, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

Appearing in front of the two was a valley with a narrow entrance. The sight of the hundreds of feet moving forward suddenly opened up, and a small city was built in it. The mountains on both sides are embracing, guarding the city inside.

The sore life outside the valley is extinct, but the valley has not been damaged at all, the city walls are intact and the roadside vegetation is dripping. But the entire city was extremely quiet, and no sound came out.

King Tiantian's eyes were bright, and he was excited under pressure. "Go with the King, be careful, don't touch anything in the city, the power of the chaotic time here may not be exhausted."

The demon king nodded.

The two walked towards the city one after the other, but if they looked closely, they could show up. They were hanging a few inches below their feet, and their steps did not fall on the ground at all. In order to avoid danger, the two tried to condense their breath and entered the city through the gate.

But soon, the two faces couldn't help but change slightly.

The facades of the shops on both sides of the long street are open, and the stalls on the street are not a little chaotic. Not far away is a parked carriage ... a coat of clothing is falling on the ground, but their owner is missing.

It seemed that long ago, some kind of terrible disaster suddenly came, and it was extinct when everyone did not respond.

The King of Heaven was trembling because he could clearly sense the breath of time in every inch of the city. The strange scene in front of him was caused by the power of time! He closed his eyes slightly, even imagining everything born that year. The power of horrible chaotic time suddenly came. It came from the sky, swept across, and reaped away all vitality, leaving only destruction and decay.

The entire city was destroyed in an instant, and all beings were directly turned into dust, and even at the moment of their lives, they were still doing their own things, which was not expected at all. Therefore, the weird situation now appears in the whole city. Today, the seemingly intact cities are just illusory. They have been completely decayed by the power of time. And within this decay, there may be hidden the power of the terrible chaotic time.

"Tian Yao Wang, if this King is your curiosity, don't touch anything in the city, otherwise if there is an accident, even if this King takes the shot, I am afraid you will have to pay a heavy price."

The Heavenly Demon King suddenly froze, looked at a storage ring on the ground, hesitated slightly, or slowly retracted his hand.

King Mi Tian didn't make much delay. He stepped forward, his gaze swept continuously around, the vibration in his heart slowly calmed down, and the rest was the inner excitement and trembling! This is the horror of the power of time. If he is strong enough one day, he can easily do it, and if he raises his hands, he can make the endless creatures fly into ashes in an instant!

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly looked forward, showing his excitement. In his induction, a faint wave of the power of time came from this direction. Although weak, it was real. In the dead city that is swept by the force of chaotic space, this kind of time force wave will appear, which proves that there are still time forces in action here, and they are likely to be scattered from the sand of time.

Suddenly a clear intuition was born at this moment, and there must be a sand of time here! He stepped forward under his feet, speeding up abruptly, and heading for the source of the fluctuations in the power of time.

The Tianwang King's face changed, and then something came to mind, and his eyes were a little strange. He was also very curious about the behavior of King Mi Tian. I wonder if he was careful, what was unusual? Naturally without delay at this moment, quickly follow up.

The two passed through more than half of the city until they stopped in front of an empty space in front of them. Within a few miles, the city buildings, flowers, trees, monks' relics ... all disappeared, leaving nothing but blanks. And in the center of this space, they saw the bones of the first monk in the city! On the surface, the skeleton is tall and should be a man. The bones of his whole body are exposed in a large area of ​​gray and white, and around these gray and white, there is a layer of dim gold. From time to time, a ray of golden mansions suddenly strokes. Too. He stood on the ground, maintaining the attitude of looking up to the sky, yelling openly. Although he was only a skeleton, he could still feel the unwillingness and anger, as if he was asking God with a roar!

King Tiantian has a dignified face, and a reverence is born in his heart. Before his death, this skeleton must be an amazing strength in the ancient fairyland. From the surrounding environment, when the power of the chaotic time fell, he did not immediately fall, but relying on himself The fierce cultivation is to compete with it, everything that disappears around is touched in his violent power, and then it disappears into the fly ash. And his bones can be preserved in the long and turbulent invasion of time, and it can also prove the horror of this cultivation before life!

Before this life, I am afraid that there is the practice of fairyland!

But soon his attention was attracted by a giant axe held by the skeleton. The axe was black. At this moment, a layer of beautiful multi-colored rays of light spread out, enveloping its shape, adding a bit of mystery. And the most important point is that the fluctuation of the power of time is transmitted from this axe! If it wasn't for the fact that this bone was too amazing, it made him shake, King Mi Tian had already noticed the existence of this axe.

Looking at this thing, the excitement in his eyes could not be hidden anymore, the heat was enough to burn everything. This axe is obviously a treasure used before the death of the bone. This thing withstood the invasion of chaotic time and absorbed a lot of time! In other words, this axe is already qualified to produce the sand of time! After years of hard-to-find rare treasures, even in the state of the Lord of the Heavens, it is almost difficult to be self-sustaining, and he is unwilling to wait for a moment!

"Heaven King, this is what the King wants to collect is this axe, bothering you to be vigilant in the surroundings, so as not to let people disturb the King!" In low drinking, the old man stepped under his feet and went straight to the bones.

The demon king nodded silently. From the scene in front of him, he can naturally see that the thing that the king wants to collect is not simple. However, although the treasure is good, he does not know its efficacy, and has not even heard the relevant news at all. Even if it is taken into the hand, it is useless. There is no greed in his heart. There was a flash of aura in his hand, and the huge black bow had been held directly in his hand. He took out a black arrow on the bowstring and put it on the bowstring. His eyes were sharp like a hawk, and he swept around. Any wind and grass could not hide his eyes. .

At this time, King Heaven has come to the bones. Although it is a bone that has been dead for many years, there is still some strong coercion left on him, and it is impossible to compete with King Tian Xiu. Every step When he approached, his face became pale, and when he walked to the side of the bone, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood. But instead of dissipating, the heat in his eyes became more intense! The opportunity is ahead, and the King of Heaven is excited, but his consciousness is extremely clear. The more the last time, the more careful you must be to make no mistakes. Otherwise, if there is an accident, Qianggong will give up the night.

He took a deep breath, his eyes closed slightly, his eyes opened wide after a few breaths, his eyes clear, and his heart was barely restored. The state of mind of the Creator XVI is that it will not be too weak. The hands of the robe sleeve protruded, a trace of pure time origin pointed out from him ten, turned into strips of beautiful halo, slowly into the halo of the power of time scattered by the axe in the hands of the bones. Both are of the same origin, and after a brief fluctuation, everything returns to peace.

A great joy in King Tiantian ’s heart. Although he has learned the method of collecting the sand of time, he is using it for the first time today. Now that he has seen it works, he feels relieved. As long as there is no accident now, this axe will collapse and break into pieces of sand of time, but I do n’t know how much. As soon as he thought about it, he felt a rush in his heart, feeling that the fluctuations in his hands were unstable instantly, and he hurried to converge his mind, and meditationally resolved the sand of time.

A little bit of time passed, and a layer of sweat beads was born on King Tian's face, apparently, the mental loss was not light, and the halo from that axe had dissipated a lot, leaving only the last thin layer.

A "snap" sounded, the axe broke instantly, and the power of time burst instantly, sweeping around.

King Mi Tian whispered, dare not resist at all. After his figure abruptly retreated, his eyes fell on the axe without moving away. It was in the sight of the King of Heaven that the axe was directly broken, and each piece released a dazzling multicolored brilliance! In this brilliance, the pieces of axe are transformed into twelve polyhedral sands of time. The strength of scattered time is rapidly converging, and soon disappears, turning into crystal-transparent polyhedral crystals, which "click" On the ground, there is a beautiful cloud-like power rising slowly in it, and that is the power of pure time. If it can be extracted, it is a source of time!

The roaring bones of the roar, when the giant axe collapsed into the sand of time, the original golden part of the black quickly became pale and black. This bone was seriously eroded by the power of the chaotic time, and it can support it to this day, but there is a big reason for it is that the huge axe in his hand absorbed a lot of the power of time. Now that the giant axe has disappeared, the bones have also decayed, and the sound of "crashes" fell to the ground and shattered into a dead bone.

Sand of Time!

King Mi Tian's eyes suddenly flashed, showing ecstasy in his eyes. He took a step forward, the figure rushed out directly, and he took it into his hands.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, and an angry roar came out of his mouth, "King Xu, you dare to **** the treasure of the king, and the king will never die with you!" Going away seems to be separated by an invisible heavenly prince, and it is impossible for him to cross it. There is only one explanation for this phenomenon. Someone stretched the space around him!

And those who have the ability to do this in the ancient fairy shards naturally have only the King of Chu.

In the roar of the King of Heaven, the space around the sand of twelve time suddenly fluctuated, and one foot had already stepped out of it, exposing the corner of the silver robe.

"The origin of time, traceability!"

The King of Heaven ’s pupils contracted violently, he gritted his teeth suddenly, raised his hand in a low roar and grabbed forward fiercely. The spatial fluctuations suddenly became weak, and even the steps that had been taken seemed to be forced to retreat. The exhibition of things, backed by the power of magical powers, goes backward!

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