King Xu Min snorted, and when the figure was forced back, he drank, "Strangling!"

With his voice falling, King Tian's face suddenly changed, and the breath in his body burst instantly. The figure no longer moved forward, but hurried back. [Eight (one Chinese network

The demon king bends his bow and pulls an arrow like a full moon, and suddenly turns around. The pinch of the bow string is loosened, and the arrow whistles away like a black lightning! At this time, the direction of the arrow pointed out a circle of space ripples.

The figure of King Xu Yan has not yet appeared, but it seems that he has noticed the arrival of this arrow, and he has not reached out completely, so he reaches out in front of him at will. The space ahead was suddenly distorted, and the direction of the arrow was suddenly reversed, whizzing past him, submerged into the clouds.

At the same time, the retreat of the King of Heaven suddenly stopped, suddenly turning around and pointing with a finger, tearing the space from the dazzling moonlight sharpened by the sharp blade, solidified directly under this finger, and then dim, and eventually The crash disappeared.

The figure of King Yinyue appeared not far away, Mei Mei swept over him with fearful eyes, and the external light flashed a little, landing on the side of King Xu Yan.

The four creation Xeons faced each other more than a hundred feet apart.

King Tiantian's face was sinking like water, and his eyes were surging, and he said coldly, "King Xu, you really followed, and now you are taking the treasure of this king, do you want to break with my Da Zhao side in advance?"

King Xu Yan's face was calm. He never changed a little because of his threat. He smiled slightly and said, "The shard of the immortal realm is a relic left by ancient immortals. You and I are all treasure hunters. Everyone receives it. The qualifications of the treasures have become your treasures when they come to the King of Heaven. Is it too absurd for Taoists to say this? "

"My King appears first, it is the thing of My King. If you want to snatch, you are the enemy of My King!" King Tiantian put aside his scruples, and his hard and domineering nature began to show. If you delay, if you do n’t want to fight with your king, you will leave immediately. Your king can be regarded as having no life, otherwise you and I will have done it one by one to judge the outcome! "

The king Xu Xu converged with a smile, and said lightly: "If it is an ordinary thing, the king may retreat because of the scruples in his heart, but this thing contains the power of time. If the king did not guess wrong, it should be of great benefit to King Heaven to control the origin of time. The king and you are evenly matched, and you are not afraid of you. If you get treasure to be ascended, you will have trouble in the future. "

"Looks like a battle today!"

"King Mi Tian, ​​don't think you have the source of time. The king will be afraid of you. If you want to collect treasure today, you will see if you have this qualification!" King Xu Yan said lightly, his breath broke out!

King Mi Tian drunk sharply, "You're looking for death!"

Here are the fragments of ancient immortal fields. The strong are not a minority. Although the mess is scattered, if the strong are fighting here, it is likely to attract other strong and cause more trouble. By then It is undoubtedly more difficult to collect the sand of time! Since the battle is unavoidable, it will be ended in the shortest time! King Tiantian's eyes flashed sharply, and his foot suddenly stepped on, and a terror force spread along the earth and spread to the surrounding area! Although this power is not weak, it does not pose any threat to King Xu and King Yinyue, and they are easily resolved by the two. But the real effect of this power is not to hurt the enemy!

The next moment, the dramatic changes took place!

The city in the valley has been completely decayed and destroyed by the power of chaotic time, and it has not been disturbed by external forces to maintain its original appearance. But at this moment, under the power of the King of Heaven, everything where it was, collapsed directly like a bubble, and fell into ashes. And when these decaying things collapse, the power of the chaotic time hidden within them explodes directly, revealing as a thin ribbon of beautiful halo, which instantly fills the entire space!

The power of chaotic time throughout the space is beautiful and soft, slowly twisting and stretching, seemingly harmless, but it is one of the most terrifying forces of this time. An ordinary monk, if caught up in it, will instantly decay into dust. Even if the monk of the creation of the strongest state, dare not try its power easily.

Therefore, looking at the power of the chaotic time in the sky, the faces of the King Xu and the King of the Silver Moon changed instantly, and their eyes were frightened.

The King of Heaven stretched out his hand and swaggered forward, yelling in his mouth, "Calling the power of chaotic time!" Along with his roaring voice, the power of the turbulent time drifted slightly, and then gathered towards him.

"Come on!" King Xu Xi stretched out his hand and directly held King Yinyue, and the next step was to withdraw, leaving the room to tear.

But at this time, it was too late. The power of the chaotic time that swept through interfered with the space power. Even with the power of the King Xu, I did not want to break the space and escape here before the power of the chaotic time dissipated.

The King of Heaven revealed his face and yelled, "I want to leave, depending on whether you can block the magic power of my king! Sweeping, the river of annihilation!"

The power of the chaotic time gathered around him suddenly exploded, and swept away towards the King Xu and the Silver Moon like the waves.

The king Xu Xu growled, the space around him suddenly twisted and twisted, and the layers overlapped quickly, turning into a guardian power, covering him and the Silver Moon King. At this time, the power of chaotic time has arrived!

The power of the chaotic time with a beautiful halo is like a fish swimming in the river, plunging into the overlapping space in front of it, trying to swing to the depths! In a short moment, the King Xu and the Silver Moon were shrouded in a lot of chaotic time. Under the force of time, the King Xu's space power directly rots, covering the two people ’s overlapping space outside, but trembling violently with the naked eye's visibility, and then quickly collapse, one layer after another, without any pause! In the process, the power of chaotic time is also rapidly dissipating.

When the remaining forces of chaotic time broke through the last layer of space and penetrated into King Xu's body, his face was instantly pale, his face, like a young man, suddenly grew old, and wrinkles climbed up his face. The black on the head quickly lost its luster and turned pale.

King Xu Min hummed slowly and looked up at King Mi Tian, ​​and said in a cold voice: "It is indeed King Zhao Mi Tian, ​​and it really is a good way! Today, the King has received advice, and will be repaid in the future!" He waved his hand to tear the space With the Silver Moon King, he stepped into it without hesitation. Only when he left, he glanced faintly somewhere, and there was a little deep meaning in his eyes.


After a few pauses, it was determined that King Xu and King Yinyue had gone far. King Tiantian's face suddenly turned pale and a dark red blood spit from his mouth. This looked better, but the tiredness in his eyes could not be masked and became Dimmed a lot. Forcibly manipulating the power of chaotic time, it is also out of his control. Although the power of the distant body will directly retreat the King Xu, he also suffered a backlash.

However, compared with the gains now, the injuries are not much. King Tiantian glanced at the Tian Yao King next to him, and saw nothing wrong with his normal appearance. Then he felt a little loose. In the ancient fairy shards, everything was cautious, and it was good after all. Now that King Xu and King Yinyue have been repelled, no one will stop him from collecting the sand of time, and the eyes of the King of Heaven once again become hot and step down, his figure goes straight to the sand of time.

But at this moment, his face suddenly turned red, then purple, and an angry roar came out of his mouth!

King Heaven is completely angry!

He worked hard for countless years. Until today, he only found the existence of the sand of time. First, the King Xu and the King of the Silver Moon took the shot. He was repelled at his own expense, but he did not wait for him to collect it. Someone even fought for it!

Damn it!

In the roar of King Mi Tian, ​​a figure appeared in front of him. He did not look at him, and flashed outside his body, heading for the sand of time.

"Stop it for me!" Lord Tian groaned. Regardless of his internal injuries, he repaired as many explosions as possible, and shot down to this figure.

But the robbed treasure figure seemed to have anticipated this. At the moment of his shot, the light flashed on his hand, and four figures appeared directly in front of the person. He stepped forward without any pause, and burst four in his hand at the same time. The road is dazzling, and it is terrible when it is cut!

The four daomangs were almost cut off at the same time. The perfect combination of strength and momentum, they collided with the power of Mi Tianwang's magical power!

At the next moment, the armors of the four Huangjiaxianwei became dim with the naked eye's visibility, revealing a rotten atmosphere, but they did not evade and flinch, but the momentum became even more amazing! And the supernatural power, under the five swords, shuddered a little, and was actually chopped! King Tian's face suddenly turned pale, and he spewed a stream of blood, and his eyes were shocked. He didn't dare to pause, turned around and ran away in screaming, and didn't even dare to stay for a while! Even if the sand of time was right in front of him, he didn't look at it again. At this moment, he felt a strong threat of death. Under serious injuries, if he continued to stay, maybe he could never walk again!

The Heavenly Demon King also had a pale face. He personally felt the terrifying power contained in the four tragic swordsmanship. Even the King of Heaven was severely damaged in an instant. If he hits him, I am afraid he will be more severely injured! Seeing that King of Heaven escaped, where did he dare to delay? He did not even dare to fight against one or two, and fled directly with King of Heaven.

They tore the space and disappeared into it.

One sword forced the King of Heaven to retreat. The four Huang Jiaxianwei did not intend to continue hunting, but still held long swords, their eyes swept coldly. And the monk whose figure was wrapped in spiritual light has now appeared beside the twelve sands of time, and Guang Guang converged to reveal Xiao Chen's figure, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

I did not expect to enter the ancient fairy shards, and I can really find the sand of time!

"Do not touch the sand of time directly with your hands, otherwise it will lead to the force of time. Wrap it with force, put it in a jade box, and place it under a seal to prevent the sand of time from being affected by external forces. Spring's consciousness came, and there was a hint of excitement in the calm.

Xiao Chen did exactly the same, carefully twelve the sands of time, and his eyes fell on the four Huang Jiaxian guards who were on the alert, and his face could not help showing satisfaction.

The individual strength of the immortal immortal was already arrogant. I did not expect to join forces to defend the enemy, but there was still a small increase in strength. The four Huangjia immortal guards shook the great Zhao Mitian King and could scare him directly after being severely wounded, even if he was injured in the front , The power has also exceeded his expectations!

"It's okay, you come back." The five Huang Jiaxianwei respectfully said that they stepped on their feet and turned into a stream of light, disappearing in Xiao Chen's storage ring. Most of the immortal immortals in the world were endowed with spiritual intelligence. The stronger the power, the higher the wisdom. The five yellow armor immortals in his hands appeared to be no different from ordinary monks.

Until then, King Xiaoyue did not appear, and the stiffness on his face had not disappeared. He was also taken aback by the terror forces exploded by the four Huang Jiaxianwei, thinking that he had previously thought of wanting to escape, he felt a cold wind behind him, and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Fortunately, there is no risk, otherwise Xiao Chen does not need to take a shot. The four Huangjia Xianwei alone are afraid that he will be able to beheaded on the spot!


[The codeword is a bit slower, and the second chapter, and the third chapter after 12 o'clock. 】

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