Xiao Chen's eyes swept around, and the entire city had completely disappeared, and there was no omission. He looked at the broken bones in front of him, swung his sleeves slightly with a moan, and the ground was directly overburdened. 〔< 〔Eight (One [(Small [Speaking Network W? WWW.81ZW.COM

"Xiao got the sand of time from your treasures today, so he buryed his remains in return for retribution." Yu Luo said, looking at King Xiaoyue, he said lightly, "Let's go."

Taking a step forward, his body flashed a little light outside, his figure whistling away.

King Xiaoyue hurried to keep up, he was slightly lower, but his eyes were incomprehensible, and hesitated for a while, he whispered, "Dongyan King, you have already taken the absolute upper hand before you shot. People leave? You need to know before you take the shot. You have used Huang Jiaxianwei. If they publicize the matter, it will definitely be against you. "Although he asked, he was very respectful, almost when he was facing a senior monk. which performed.

Xiao Chen heard a slight smile and said, "The King of Yue Yue hasn't said it before. No one can manipulate the fairyland fairy guard. Even so, even if the two kings of the heavens and the king of the heavens see it, they are not sure about it, at most it is just doubt. .If the king does not admit it, what else can I do? Moreover, the king will let them leave, and naturally I have my calculations. As the master of time, the King of Heaven has a natural advantage in searching for the sand of time and directly killing him. Presumably, the king is more willing to keep his life, so that he can find some time sand on the fragments of ancient fairyland. "

The intentional release of the King of Heaven and the King of the Heavenly Demon left to find the sand of time. The latent meaning was obviously that he could save him a lot of trouble and directly harvest everything from them afterwards. Further thinking, maybe Xiao Chen did not let them both safely leave the ancient fairyland fragments, and in this way, naturally, there is no need to worry that they would preach his control of the fairyland fairy guard after they left. And most importantly, he is clearly qualified to do it now!

King Xiaoyue looked at his calm face, a sudden chill in his heart made him look stiff. He suddenly felt that his future was bleak. Xiao Chen was so thoughtful about the King of Heaven and the King of Heavenly Demon that he couldn't escape the palm of his hand.

For a moment, his face could not help but become frustrated, I do not know what Xiao Chen prepared for the means waiting for him. But now I am artificially stabbed as a fish, I can only wait passively for everything to come.

Xiao Chen noticed his appearance, but didn't say much, and said lightly, "Let's go."

"Yes." King Xiaoyue was distressed for a moment, and actually responded to what Xiao Chen said, waiting for him to return to his senses, and was trying to annoy the wrong words, and saw a slight smile on the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, his heart slightly Moving, his eyes suddenly became cloudy. But soon his eyes regained his firmness. In front of life and death, in fact, some choices were not difficult.

Seeing Xiao Chen go away, he hurried to follow, but with a little respectfulness in his expression.


The King of Heaven and the King of Heavenly Demon appear in their faces, their faces are extremely ugly, the former is more gloomy, like dripping water, and a bitter hatred has deeply killed the whole family.

The sand of time was taken away, it was severely wounded, and it was even scared by life ... These are like poisonous insects, biting the heart of the Heavenly King crazy! With his status, he has always been extremely powerful, and he has never been so desolate!

The Heavenly Demon King converged and breathed, and did not dare to do anything to offend him at this time. Even the heavily wounded King of Heaven was extremely dangerous to him.

The King of Heaven was silent for a long time, and finally relied on a strong state of mind to suppress all the anger and resentment in his heart. Although his face was still cold, he barely recovered his calmness, and said in a cold voice: "Heaven King, you can see the four shots. ? "

The Heaven Demon King frowned and thought, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he whispered: "Guardian of the Fairy?"

"It seems that you also doubt this. In the confrontation between the King and them, the fierce and imposing momentum is indeed very similar to the guardian of the fairyland. However, this thing is left over from the ancient fairyland and has never been controlled by any monk. This person can really Do it? "

"This matter also needs evidence. If you can prove that this person really has the immortal immortal in the hands, report it to your Majesty, you and I will be a great deal. Hehe, then this person is afraid that he will face my Da Zhao's full grasp Arrest, no matter who he is, Shang Qiaobi falls into Huangquan and never wants to escape! "

A deep resentment flashed in the eyes of King Heaven, "Dare to **** the King's treasures, I will never let him end well! Now that he has such a powerful puppet in his hands, he must have come to fight against the national treasure. , Of course, there will be a time when he will be used again, and he will be able to know his identity! We will go and wait for this seat to recover, and then continue to move forward. "

Yan Yan turned around and took a step at the same time, the figure disappeared.


In the wild and rolling hills, in a newly excavated simple cave house, the king must sit cross-legged. The aging trend in him has disappeared, but the vitality in his body has been damaged, but it takes some time to recover.

Condensing the mana running in the body, he slowly opened his eyes, slightly tired. Facing the worried eyes of King Yinyue, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying, "Anyway, the power of the chaotic time in the body has been dissipated, and some injuries will soon be healed."

King Yinyue looked at his eyes and said earnestly: "I know that you are better than me, but I have the power to bear the power of the last few chaotic times. Next time you can no longer suffer the trauma alone, you and me Sharing, even if recovery is faster. "

"Oh, I'm just worried that you and I were injured at the same time, and it is not safe in the ancient fairy shards." King Xu Yu smiled, but in the eyes of King Yinyue, he quickly retreated and raised his hand to ask for mercy: "Okay. , The king promised you, in the future, he must do as Lord Silvermoon said. "

King Yinyue glared at him strangely, seeing that he still had a joke, then he felt completely relieved, crouched down, reached out and held his palm, and said, "This time, it is the Heavenly King that is lucky. You will be hurt by force, otherwise this time he will not let him easily get treasure. "

After hearing a smile, King Xu Yan said lightly, "You can rest assured that even if we leave, King Heaven will not want to harvest the treasure easily, maybe he will be far more embarrassed now than you and me."

King Yinyue exclaimed, "You mean, apart from our accident, there were other monks hidden around?"

"Yes, and the hidden person is extremely arrogant. If it were not for the power of chaos in the decaying city caused by the King of Heaven, his mind would shake and leak a breath, and the King would not be able to detect the existence of this person." Wang's complexion was slightly dignified. As the master of the space, he will be hidden in the surroundings without knowing it, which is enough to show that the hiders are strong or have other advantages.

"Huh! This is the best, but my king can't see the arrogance of King Tian, ​​it is best to let him suffer a great deal this time!"

King Xu Yi shook his head slightly. He thought not only that it would be as simple as letting the King of Heaven suffer. The presence of such a strong man in the ancient fairy shards will certainly add more variables to the battle for national weapons! But soon he calmed down his thoughts, and now it is all about healing.

"Well, this matter comes to an end. The king will heal the wound first. When the injury stabilizes, you and I will rush to the depths of the ancient fairy shards, so as not to lose the chance to compete for the national weapon due to small mistakes. Your Majesty has invited me to fight, regardless of success Whether or not, I always go all out. "

King Yinyue nodded slightly, released his hand and settled aside to heal his injuries.


Fragments of ancient fairy lands hide countless opportunities and fierce dangers. Whether you can use these opportunities for your own use, luck occupies a large part, but it is more important to see if you have enough powerful power! When the peak powers of all countries rushed to the depths of the ancient fairyland fragments, frictions broke out for various reasons. However, the parties are still trying their best to forbear, most of them will not be put to death by magical powers unless necessary.

At the same time, a large number of monks from various countries have begun to fight to seize opportunities. Their goal is not a national weapon. Naturally, they will not let go of the opportunity in front of them. The emergence of any treasure will be accompanied by a large number of monks' serious injuries and ridicule.

This is the battlefield of killing and scramble. It is the place where the strong rise and the weak die.


The two stunners hurried forward, and it was Xiao Chen that followed Xiaoxiao Wang. Along with the deepening of the ancient fairyland, the remaining treasures in the fairyland remains more and more precious, and the number is increasing. The degree of the two people was also affected by this, and they paused several times to enter the ruins to collect treasures. Taking the cultivation of the two together, coupled with Xiao Chen's shot, it was considered astonishing.

During this period, they also found another place attacked by the power of chaotic time and a site of ancient gates of the fairyland. However, in the second place where the power of time struck, there was no more time to find the sand of time. Fortunately, Xiao Chen knew early that the sand of time was extremely difficult, so he was not too disappointed. However, in the ancient Zongmen site in the ancient fairyland, the two had a lot of gains, and found the complete inheritance of the Yulei Daozong, and from the point of view of the exercises and the few treasures obtained, the Yulei Daozong In ancient times, I was afraid that it was also a powerful force. But now it ends in the extinction of the ancestral gate. If it is not for the inheritance of Yu Jian and other items found by Xiao Chen, I am afraid that the inheritance will be broken.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen stopped before moving forward, he suddenly looked forward, his face was dignified.

The look of King Xiaoyue changed, and along the way, he was absolutely in awe of Xiao Chen, and whispered: "Dongyan King, what do you have?"

Xiao Chen groaned for a long while before slowly speaking, "You should take out the thunder bead obtained from Yu Lei Dao Zong, and you should be able to see something."

King Xiaoyue nodded, a flash of aura in his hand, and a dark purple ball the size of a child's fist appeared in his hand. Due to shelving for countless years, the accumulated Thunder Power within Yuleizhu has been dissipated, but with this object, monks can still increase the induction of Thunder Power several times.

The next moment, Xiao Yue Wang suddenly looked up, his eyes were full of shock.

"Now that you have noticed, let's go and see what kind of existence actually contains such violent and powerful Thunder force." Xiao Chen said lightly.

A moment later, when the two ascended to the top of the mountain and saw the hidden scene behind the mountain, their eyes fixed at the same time, their faces became stiff.


[Completed update, good night everyone, Daoyou, it is still 10,000 words today, hehe, it is worthy of praise! 】

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