Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 929: Kill the South King

The power of restraining attack and killing swept from the surrounding area of ​​King Xiaoyue suddenly slapped under this palm. Although it was only a very short moment, it was very important to him! The boundary between life and death was divided at this moment, giving him a hope of survival in the desperate situation! King Xiaoyue did not hesitate, all the power in his body was completely exploded subconsciously, his figure turned into a scared rainbow, and he rushed out frantically! Behind him, the power of forbidding attack and killing stopped for an instant, and it burst completely!

The terrifying restraining force directly blasted down, and the aura of King Xiaoyue suddenly extinguished like a candle in the autumn wind, his body fluttered like rags, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his mouth and nose. [Eight? One {〈〈small

Xiao Chenyang captured him with a single move, offsetting the terrifying power from him, and pulled him to his side.

King Xiaoyue’s face was bloodless, a long strand of blood stuck to his face, his breath was as vague as a gossamer, he was so embarrassed and miserable that he would die in the next moment, and his eyes on Xiao Chen were nothing but surprise and gratitude. .

Xiao Chen's detective hand dropped on his body one after another, but his brows wrinkled tightly. After closing his hands, he solemnly said: "This king has temporarily suppressed the injuries in your body. There will be no risk of life in a short time, just I am afraid it will be affected in the future."

The expression in King Xiaoyue's eyes was even more bleak, and he smiled reluctantly, and said, "This king can save his life. I dare not have extravagances for other things. Thank you...Thank you...Thank you Dongyan for helping. If this king can escape this disaster, in the future I will definitely go back to reporting friends."

"It won't be too late to mention these in the future. Your injury is too serious. Don't say more. This king will put you into the mustard field for the time being. You can rest and recuperate."

King Xiaoyue nodded.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and saw a flash of spiritual light. His figure had disappeared. He turned to look at the monks from various countries in the distance, and said lightly: "I haven't seen it in a few months, are you all well?" His face was calm, but he didn't know. The appearance of oneself has caused such a powerful impact on the monks of various countries.

The shocked look in King Xu's eyes has not yet receded, and his eyes fell on him with a look of surprise.

The scorching color in the eyes of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses flashed, and he obviously thought of something, and the jealousy in his heart for Xiao Chen also rose to the highest level in an instant, and he was regarded as a real powerful enemy!

The Shenhuo King was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Xiao Chen, you really are not an ordinary person. You have not fallen into the thunder world, but your breath has been slightly improved compared to before. How did you achieve this? Wang was really curious."

"Shenhuo King has already said about his curiosity, and this king has already given you an answer. If you want to know, you can come to this king as much as possible. The premise is that the Shenhuo King has enough power." Xiao Chen said lightly and turned his eyes to King Aoki, "Besides, this King has always had grievances and grievances clear, you can also regard it as the principle of retribution if you have grievances, and now you have been assassinated by others, and you will still be fair without asking for it. How can this King die so easily? I wonder what King Aomu thinks? "

King Qingmu's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were full of fright. He didn't expect Xiao Chen to get out of the thunder world alive! This old stranger didn't know how Xiao Chen did this, but one thing is very clear. Since Xiao Chen is not dead, if the two of you see each other, it is an insoluble enemy, and the matter must be resolved.

"Huh! I wait for the cultivator to take the opportunity of the world and use it for myself. This is a selfish act. When it comes to life and death, it is natural that the dead fellow is not dead. The situation in the thunder world is critical, and this king takes action only for himself. Bao, there is no right or wrong in this matter." The old monster said with a straightforward attitude.

Xiao Chen did not refute either. He nodded and said, "This king did not say that King Aomu was wrong. If we were in a different place at that time, this king would definitely take action to save his life. But no matter whether the matter is right or wrong, it will be King Aomu. It hurts me. Now that this king is not dead, I have to ask King Aoki for an explanation on this matter. This is justified."

King Aoki's body was chilly, and slowly said, "I don't know how King Dongyan wants to ask this king for justice?"

"It's very simple. King Aoki wants to kill this king but he succeeds. This king will kill King Aoki. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, the grievances between you and me are wiped out." Xiao Chen said lightly, but the murderous intent made people The mind trembled.

King Aomu's eyes were completely gloomy, and after a while, he nodded fiercely, "Okay! Then let this king learn something, what methods does King Dayan Dongyan have to kill this king!" With his cultivation level, it is enough. Compared with King Mitian, King Suan, King Shenhuo, King of Ten Thousand Corpses, his mana is even more unfathomable. Even if the four of the former make a move, they may be sure to gain the upper hand in the fight, but if you want to kill King Aomu, there is no possibility at all. !

Therefore, although this old monster was quite shocked that Xiao Chen could escape from the Thunder Realm, he did not believe that Xiao Chen could kill him at all!

If you really let go, who will live and die between the two, I am afraid it is still unknown!

The monks from various countries such as Mitian, Suan, Shenhuo, Wanzuo sneered and retreated. The fight between Xiao Chen and Qingmu was not a bad thing for them. Regardless of the outcome, they are very likely to withdraw from the national weapon early. Scramble.

Moreover, for the God Fire King and the Ten Thousand Corpse King, this matter had another benefit. If Xiao Chen was severely injured, they would never mind taking the opportunity to suppress him in order to relieve the confusion in their hearts.

King Shunan hesitated a little, or gritted his teeth and never retreated, relying on the strength of King Aomu, he could barely defend himself among the powerful in various countries. If King Aomu loses in this battle, I am afraid he will only end up like King Xiaoyue. In the end, no one will save him. To help King Aoki is to help himself.

"King Dongyan, since you want to kill King Qingmu, you are the enemy of my Qi country. If this king kills you, you must have no complaints?"

King Qingmu remained silent about this. When this old monster faced Xiao Chen, he was still jealous, and he didn't say anything against it.

Xiao Chen glanced at King Shunan and said indifferently: "Since this king is going to kill today, naturally he doesn't mind killing one person or two. If King Shunan wants to seek death, this king will not stop you!"

"Arrogant! Today, this king wants to see, what exactly does King Dongyan have to say, dare to speak such crazy words!" King Shunan roared, he stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped it down! In the void, countless tree and vines directly tore through the space and appeared, with sharp wooden thorns, shimmering with a frightening metallic luster, flashed and interspersed with each other, woven into a huge net, and fell towards Xiao Chen's pocket!

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he had never looked up at the big net above his head for a moment. His icy gaze fell directly on King Shu Nan, and his heart was suddenly chilled. A strong breath of crisis made his body almost frozen!

Reach out with one hand and shook it to this person instantly!

Supernatural powers and the like, the root of which is still the monk, kills the person who shoots, then the supernatural powers will not attack and destroy!

Seeing Xiao Chen's move, the chill in King Shu Nan's heart completely dissipated, and a strong breath of death lingered above his mind, it seemed that he would be swallowed in the next moment!

"King Aomu, save me!" At this moment, his heart was full of fear, and the huge gap in strength between each other made him dare not even have any thoughts of competing!

King Qingmu's expression also changed drastically. Although he expected Xiao Chen's cultivation level to be absolutely unusual, and that he had made sufficient preparations for his toughness, he still far underestimated his power at this moment!

An instant shot can make King Shu Nan have no power to resist. Even if he shot himself, he may not be able to do this! At this moment, King Qingmu had already regretted allowing King Shunan to try Xiao Chen first. If he had known this, he shouldn't care about his face and take action with King Shunan, and strive to defeat Xiao Chen! Now, this old monster no longer dared to expect to kill Xiao Chen, and it was a blessing to be able to defeat him.

When the thoughts turned, there was no pause in the movement of his hands. At the moment when King Shu Nan asked for help, he pointed at Xiao Chendian! A branch suddenly appeared, but it was very straight, without any bending, the whole body was pale blue, silent and introverted, but the short branch was as sharp as a needle, and the eyes fell, making people horrified, the flesh and even the soul All are tingling faintly!

Aoki thorn!

One of the Aoki King’s supernatural powers is made by refining a branch of his body that has been tempered for countless years into supernatural powers. It can be summoned with a wave of his hand. It is extremely sharp, hard to invade by water and fire, and power and terror can pierce all obstacles. Power is extremely difficult to resist!

This old monster did not directly rescue King Shu Nan, but chose to attack Xiao Chen, and he had to defend himself. If Xiao Chen stopped to resist, the danger of King Shu Nan would be solved! King Aoki's calculations were excellent, and the choices made during the crisis were not wrong, but the mistake was to underestimate Xiao Chen and to overestimate himself!

Faced with Aoki Spurs, Xiao Chen sneered and said: "The king is going to kill, because you are not qualified to save him!" As he spoke, he looked at Aoki Spurs if he hadn't seen him, and continued to make moves. King Shunan is dead!

King Qingmu was shocked. He did not expect that Xiao Chen would choose this way, but then the shock turned into joy! What a Xiao Chen who dared to be so big, to shake his green wood thorn supernatural power, let you know how powerful it is today! To be able to trade the death of King Shunan in exchange for the result of severe damage and even beheading of Xiao Chen, in the eyes of this old monster, it was naturally an extremely cost-effective deal. The sharp glow in his eyes, the green wood thorns on the wood green aura gleaming, the color darkened a bit, a trace of fierce aura lingered on it, even if a mountain stood in front of him, it would be directly penetrated.

"Xiao Chen, even if you can kill this king, you will be buried with me today!" The despair in King Shu Nan's eyes has turned into complete madness, and he roared bitterly.

In the next moment, the terrifying power that came from his body like a tsunami instantly enveloped him and suddenly twisted. With a loud bang, King Shunan's entire body suddenly shattered and turned into a **** mist. Under this force, the soul was crushed together, his body and spirit were destroyed, and he disappeared completely between the heavens and the earth, without leaving behind. The next trace!

At this moment, Qingmu Thorn was already in front of Xiao Chen, even if he wanted to retreat, it was already too late!

King Qingmu's eyes widened unconsciously, showing excitement and joy. He seemed to have seen the miserable sight of Xiao Chen's heart being pierced by the Qingmu thorn, bleeding in his mouth and nose! Moreover, once the green wood pierced and opened the flesh and blood, he would be able to secretly destroy the magical power of the green wood thorn, and stimulate the green wood power contained in this thing, so that it would take root and shoot instantly, and the root system would be directly implanted into Xiao Chen's flesh and blood. In, draw on his power to grow!

At that time, he will undoubtedly die!

But the facts have proved that all this is destined to exist only in his imagination.

The green wood thorn fell on Xiao Chen's chest, and the broken blood blossoms that hadn't been expected to bloom, a muffled sound of "poof" was actually blocked by Shengsheng, and he could no longer move forward.

Xiao Chen's body was not moving, and the force that had penetrated into the body through the purple element beast armor was easily resolved. The probing hand grasped the green wood thorn, and the golden light gleamed in the flesh and blood of his hands. .

King Qingmu's face suddenly paled, he staggered back and looked at Xiao Chen, full of anger and fear. He was able to directly block the green wood thorns and destroy them at will. The horror of power he showed was far beyond the imagination of this old monster!

Xiao Chen let go without expression on his face, and made two pieces of green wood thorns before they fell to the ground. They were about to collapse and disappear. He looked at the place where King Shunan fell and said lightly: "You don't have enough weight to bury King Raben. "While speaking, he looked up at King Aoki, "Now, it's your turn."

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