Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 930: Kill Aoki

As the words fell, Xiao Chen stepped forward and approached King Aoki. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

At this moment, it was not only Aoki King who was shocked by his explosive power. The kings of the world, such as King of Heaven, King of Suga, King of Fire, and King of All Dead, have changed their faces, and their pupils have shrunk sharply.

Easily resist and destroy the Aoki thorns, and kill King Lunan at will. Even such a force has felt a deep threat!

For a while, everyone looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes looming badly. After all, if Xiao Chen can easily suppress Qi Guo, and he can also suppress any of them, this is by no means the opinion of monks in other countries.

The battle for national weapons is destined to benefit from only one party. If one party shows enough strength, it will be necessary for all parties to join hands to suppress it.

King Aoki's face changed, forcibly suppressing the mood swings, and suddenly raised a loud scream in his mouth! His legs sank directly into the ground, and the ground trembled violently the next moment. It was clear that the ground was constantly surging, and it seemed that several ground dragons were rushing underground.

Several loud sounds came from "Boom", and the ground around Xiao Chen collapsed directly. Seven or eight tree roots with the thickness of the waist of an adult came out of the ground and went straight to Xiao Chen. The roots of these trees are very dark, hundreds of feet long, and the whistling beats are so breathtaking that they have not yet fallen. The strong wind from them has made people unable to open their eyes, and the flesh hurts for a while. The terrorist power carried on it is enough to smash the ordinary Xeon of Creation into serious injuries!

The ancient tree that has survived since the ancient immortal period incarnates King Aoki. Its huge body has endowed him with almost desperate terror power, coupled with the horror mana accumulated in the long life, it can instantly reveal the terrifying power of destruction!

Xiao Chenzhan showed enough power to make King Aoki feel a great threat. This old man manifested part of his body in an instant, in order to explode his power to the strongest peak level.

In response to Xiao Chen, he went all out and did not dare to have any reservations!

Xiao Chen's face did not change, and all the roots that had fallen off him would suddenly tremble within a hundred feet, suddenly suddenly lowering. At this time, a flash of aura flashed in his hand, and the black sword appeared directly in his hand, waved forward and cut off.

The sword fell and chopped off as many obstacles as possible in the front tree roots. In the hang of the sky roots, they cut out a passage. His footwork was steady, without any pause at all, so he moved forward and approached.

King Aoki's face changed greatly. He had refined the body and integrated it into himself. The root of the tree was the root of the body, which penetrated deeply into the ground, drawing all its strength for its huge body. After countless years of hardening Refining is the hardest part of his body. But at this moment, it is impossible to resist under the black sword in Xiao Chen's hands at all, just like a piece of paper, with a little hard work, he is chopped up.

Seeing that the distance between Xiao Chen and him was continuously shortening, the color of panic gradually appeared in King Aoki's eyes, and he suddenly lifted up, screaming and screaming. In the space above his head, there was an looming shadow of an ancient tree. The thick root system penetrates deeply into the ground, and even if it is occasionally exposed, the epidermis is cracked like a monster scale armor, which is very extinct. The ancient wooden tree is nearly thousands of miles tall and extremely strong. It can not be hugged by thousands of people. The crown is lush, and the shadow cast by it covers all three mountains ...

This tree is the projection of King Aoki! The mighty coercion swept through it, enveloping the entire space.

Suddenly, from this shadow of the tree, a large amount of pure wooden spirit gushes out, like a torrent of torrents, merging into the body of King Aoki as much as possible. In this case, it seems to be borrowing the power of the body! Taking Aoki Wang Xiu as a necessary thing, it is enough to know that he is about to make a magical move, which is bound to be extraordinary.

The next moment, the old man suddenly raised his hand and grabbed, a burst of aura of green wood suddenly emerged in the void, turning into a human shape, although the color of the whole body of green, but his face can be clearly identified, this Aoki breath is adult The film is exactly the image of Xiao Chen!

"Aoki projection is used as a guide, dementors kill!" As soon as the king of Aoki pointed down and drove forward, an arrow condensed by the power of the wooden spirit appeared instantly, and the laser shot directly penetrated the chest of Xiao Chen's image. .

At this moment, Xiao Chen groaned suddenly in his mouth, his face suddenly white, his brows frowning tightly because of the pain, slowly lowered, and then he saw a lot of blood flowing out of his chest, which had already wet his shirt. On his chest, there was a horrible wound without warning at the moment. His cultivation and physical strength did not have any resistance at all!

The image of Xiao Chen condensed by the trauma of King Aoki's shot, his body was damaged, and the injuries between the two were exactly the same! Such a method, how strange, partial power is terrifying and terrifying!

Seeing the magic works, King Aoki was happy, but his face was sullen. "Xiao Chen, if you want to kill the king, try some of the king's soul killing techniques to see if you can resist it!" The voice never dropped, and the Aoki King's backhand was a click, and the second wooden blue arrow appeared, pulsing out, piercing Xiao Chen's left leg.


Xiao Chen's left leg instantly burst into a puff of blood mist, blood and water poured out, flesh and blood fascia was torn directly, bones appeared cracks, and severe pain poured into her heart, all reminding Xiao Chen, not a fantasy, but Real harm! And now, in front of this magical power, he does not have any countermeasures against it.

He frowned, and continued to step forward. The flesh and blood in the physical wound was squirming, but he could not complete the repair. It seemed that there was an invisible force that hindered the healing of the wound.

Aoki Wang sneered in succession. He used magical powers to penetrate Xiao Chen's limbs, stretched out a hand, and the last blue arrow condensed. He looked at Xiao Chen, who was not far away, and whispered: "Last arrow, my king sent you to death!"

The words fell, the arrows burst out, and instantly penetrated the brows of the image.

Xiao Chen's body suddenly stiffened, and a wound broke suddenly at the center of her eyebrows, and blood poured out, flowing down the corner of her eyes. But the original fatal injury came to an abrupt halt, and his head was not penetrated. Slowly looking up, he looked at King Aoki, his face was calm, but in the face of blood and blood, his calmness became more alarming.

"My King understands." Xiao Chen slowly spoke. No one knew what he said suddenly, but the face of King Aoki suddenly froze slightly, and suddenly a very bad feeling came to his mind.

"If you really have the power to slay the king, why step by step to suppress the king's will, let the king gradually fall into despair before finally killing him." He looked up at the ancient wooden image above King Aoki's head, feeling from it The mighty coercion that spilled out gradually showed coldness in his eyes, "If the king guessed well, the reason for your magical power is presumably because of the coercion of the shadow of the ancient wood. Your magical power is more like a This kind of cursing technique, but as long as the will of the king is strong enough to break through the shroud of this will, your supernatural power will naturally not be able to act on the king. Aoki, I do n’t know what the king is saying?

King Aoki's eyes widened slightly. Although he did not speak, his expression had revealed the shock in his heart.

The coldness in Xiao Chen's eyes became heavier and heavier. He snorted suddenly, a strong will rising from his body, a glorious expression of battle character, and a strong, overbearing blend into his own will. In!

His will is as firm as a torrent of rock, and he can't shake the slightest even if he flushes and beats!

His will, tough and sharp, is like a spear, and he wants to pierce the sky!

His will, magnificence like the advent of the gods, nobleness and grandeur, intolerance and provocation!

This will is getting stronger and stronger, like slowly recovering from a deep sleep, exposing its own hesitation and terror.

Xiao Chen stared at King Aoki's eyes suddenly, with a thunderous roar in his mouth, "How can you suppress this king and break it down with your will!"

broken! broken! broken……

Echoes swayed in the air, and Aoki's face suddenly turned pale, spitting blood. The ancient wood on top of his head was a ghostly shadow, and the tree was trembling slightly. The green and dense leaves on the crown of the tree were now directly yellow, and fell in the wind.

The ancient wooden will shrouded in Xiao Chen was torn apart by him at this moment. At the same time, the terrible injuries on his body began to heal with an alarming degree. On the ground behind him, a drop of blood dripping from Xiao Chen suddenly suspended at this moment, as if being pulled, along the flowing wound, reintegrated into his body, and the blue robe soaked with blood and water was restored to its smooth and flat again. .

Everything seems to have never been born, so weird, but it should be.

King Aoki shot with curse killing. If he succeeds, he can kill Xiao Chen naturally, but now that he was broken, before the curse killing has been completed, all the damage he has suffered is illusory. Will be restored as before.

Xiao Chen breaks through the curse killing technique, then the wait for the Aoki King will be the back bite after the supernatural power is destroyed. The yellowing of the ancient wooden leaves above his head is the manifestation of the back bite. The **** King of Aoki who spit out blood was not stable, but he cried blood one after another, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly became dense. The layers overlapped, and the whole person exuded a sense of decay. In this short period of time, he has become so old that the breath in his body has been cut by a few points!

Curse killing is weird and powerful. Once shot, the monk is extremely difficult to resist. But because of this, once the magical power is broken, the counter-phasing power that can be generated is also extremely horrible, and the Aoki king is completely damaged in an instant.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, without any hesitation or compassion in his eyes. The monk slaughtered, either you died or I died. If he is weak, the person who is dying at this moment will most likely be him!

He stepped forward, chopped the black sword in his hand, and chopped the blue figure in front of him. The mantra had been broken. This image was cut off. Xiao Chen was fine. Instead, a painful roar was heard from King Aoki's mouth, and a horror suddenly appeared on his chest. The wound, flesh turned out, cut off the bones, and even the slow-moving internal organs can be clearly seen. A lot of blood and water poured out. With the powerful self-healing power of this old wooden spirit, the wound could not be repaired at all. Stopping the flurry of flesh and blood, and looking at Xiao Chen, all that remained was fear.

Under the strong death crisis, King Aoki has no doubt that he will be beheaded here in the next moment.

Xiao Chen raised his black sword in his hands, but at this moment, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he suddenly looked up at the people close to him, and said in a cold voice: "God of Fire, you want to intervene in today's affairs and stop the king from shooting. "

"Dongyan King, now in the imprisonment of the immortal world, you and our monks can support each other to overcome difficulties. At this moment, the king will never allow internal killing. Now King Aoki has been completely damaged by you. After getting enough lessons, I think you should stop. "Shenhuo Wang said lightly and took a step forward. The figure had appeared between Aoki King and Xiao Chen.

The king of corpses said coldly: "My king also thinks that in the imprisonment of the fairyland, internal killing is never allowed."

Although the King of Heaven and the King of King Xu haven't said much, their indifferent looks have shown their attitudes in their hearts.

Today, they are going to intervene in the relationship between Xiao Chen and King Aoki, or in other words, they just want to find an excuse to embarrass Xiao Chen!

This is a natural concealment of Xiao Chen's thoughts. He looked at the God of Fire in front of him, his eyes swept around, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a slight ridicule suddenly appeared. Wang, or did you deliberately take the shot and want to target him? "

The **** of fire was expressionless and said: "As long as King Dongyan stops, I will naturally not embarrass you with you. For everything, it depends on how Daoyou decides."

Xiao Chen suddenly laughed, the sound was rolling and hearty, but the disdain and ridicule in it made the surrounding monks' faces slightly changed, and their eyes were gradually gloomy.

After counting the interest, the laughter converged, and he suddenly said, "Since you want to join forces to suppress the king, why should you make excuses to cover it up! But today, the king is going to kill the Aoki king, you can't stop anyone! You came together here , But my king came here only in three days, I think you should know what this means! Today, if any of you dare to stop my king, my king will ban it here as much as possible It motivated and even attracted the power of the whole fairyland's forbidden killing. At that time, with the mastery of the fairyland's forbidden king, there might still be some vitality, but you must all scorn here! If you don't believe it, you can Give it a try! "

The God of Fire's face changed, his pupils contracted slightly, his eyes stared at Xiao Chen, trying to discern the truth of what he said, but in the end it was just futile.

The surrounding powerful kings, Kings of Heaven, King Xu, and other powerful nations all turned into dignity in an instant, and when it was cloudy, nobody dared to say a word.

If Xiao Chen's statement is true, then he must be very familiar with the ancient immortal prohibition, and it may not be possible to achieve what he said. And no one dares to try this kind of risk. After all, if one step is wrong, it may be buried forever.

The Lord of Fire and Fire was silent for a long time, and said in a cold voice, "Speak without confidence?"

Xiao Chen sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed with a finger on the left. The void collapsed not far away, and the silver lines swept across the collapsed space instantly. That was the purest space force, the force of destruction released, but Even the King Xu Xu's face changed greatly!

Space was silent again.

The hope that arose from King Aoki's eyes is now extinguished again and turned into total despair!

"My King and others can stop participating in today's affairs, but King Dong Yan needs to make a great wish, and must not take advantage of the immortal realm to be detrimental to my king and others. Otherwise, there will never be a chance to set foot in the state of Hong Meng!" Shen Sheng said.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly and nodded slowly in the nervous eyes of the people, "I Xiao Chen today made a great wish. If monks from various countries do not intervene in today's affairs, the king must not attack with the immortal forbidden, otherwise immortality Hongmeng! "When he was finished, his eyes fell on the King of Fire, and he said lightly," Get away. "

Shenhuo Wang's face sank like water, and a humming sound came from his mouth! Although he was unwilling, he didn't say much, but he took a deep look at Xiao Chen before he flew away. "In the fragments of the ancient fairyland, my king will surely look for opportunities to kill you, and for my fire clan, I will never end the trouble!"

Xiao Chen walked up to King Aoki without any hesitation, and the black sword lifted and fell, harvesting his life directly. After doing this, he looked back at the King of Fire, and said lightly, "My King will kill you first, and then the firefighting clan." After the words fell, his foot stepped forward, and the figure turned into a screaming horror. They broke into a ban and disappeared.


[Because it was updated yesterday, plus the previous chapter has eight thousand words. I originally told Mengmeng to prepare for Wan Geng, but there was a temporary accident, and I was a little bit too late. Say sorry! In addition, Mengmeng loves her daughter, congratulations! I hope that Daoyou will keep up the effort and strive for the next year, haha! 】

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