Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 931: Fairy King Fairy

"You should know that although I can crack the immortal realm, if you really detonate the power of the whole immortal realm, you will also die. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>.] 8> 1] Z> W ?. ? C} O] If only then did you not scare away the God of Fire and others, what would you do? So, if you would really belong with them, you wouldn't be able to do it together? "In Yuanshen Space, Quan's consciousness fluctuated.

Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "They did not dare to take risks, and at the time, the king had no other choice."

"You still have not answered my question."

Xiao Chen was slightly silent, and suddenly said, "Do you think I'm a hot-headed person who walks to the end? If the Lord of the Fire is not afraid of death, naturally the King will not really accompany them to go crazy. With them, still He is not qualified to be buried with him. "

"Very good! You must now have a clear awareness that your future is unlimited. Never at any time, before falling into despair, never risk any life, because it is not worth it. Believe me, your life is They are too valuable. "Quan's voice showed a little satisfaction, but he was still full of dignity and entrustment, apparently quite dissatisfied with his previous actions.

"I see." Xiao Chen nodded, glanced forward, and said, "How should this prohibition be cracked?"

"Go straight in, search for the right after the third step, and find a raised bluestone on the ground and crush it ..."

Xiao Chen kept standing and fell into the ban, and began to crack the ban as Quan Quan said.


Five days later.

There was a wave of volatility in the sky, Xiao Chen stepped forward, the figure came out of it, and he broke out of the immortal forbidden.

Quan played an important role at this time. Any prohibition in the immortal realm can't stop him at all. Without Quan's help, Xiao Chen would not be able to break through the immortal realm so easily. But he didn't explain the matter, and Xiao Chen kept silent because he understood that even if he asked, Ruoquan didn't want to say it, and if he wanted to say it, he would naturally explain to him.

But at the moment when Xiao Chen stepped out of the immortal realm, his face couldn't help but suddenly change, and suddenly looked up to the sky. The dim sky turned into a dazzling color at this moment, and the colorful halo was slowly flowing. And he is no stranger to this halo. When the fragments of the ancient immortal landed, he had seen it in the place invaded by the power of time. This is the power of chaos time!

"Time and space are turbulent!" Quan Ning replied, "Xiao Chen, it seems that you have to be more careful. This ancient fairyland fragment has not completely landed in the Daqian Realm, and some of it remains in time turbulence, and You have already entered it after breaking into the ban of fairyland. "

Xiao Chen's heart jumped fiercely. Although he had expected it, he confirmed from Quankou that he couldn't help but have a shock! The look into the sky above his head was already full of fear.

The chaos of time and space is a place of destruction wandering outside the thousands of worlds. All the items that fall into it will be completely destroyed by the force of chaotic time and space, and eventually disappear from this world. In Hongmeng, any monk who entered it could not escape. Even the strongest in the world of heaven could not support it for too long. If it wasn't for the strength of the ancient fairy shards that separated the time from the chaos, otherwise, Chen Chen would die at this moment!

After taking a deep breath, he calmed down his mind slowly, but his mind still felt a moment of depression. This is a normal reaction in a situation where time and space may be threatened at any time.

Xiao Chen withdrew his gaze from the sky. What he can do now is to find the national weapon as early as possible and then leave here!


At the end of the dense forest, on the edge of the Pentium River, a medium-sized city is located on the narrow plain between them. Except for the Fengxian Hall in the center of the city, the surrounding buildings are mostly simple and dilapidated, and the streets are long with hunters and merchants. As one of the three remaining cities in the future of the catastrophe, there are a lot of monks remaining in the immortal world after the catastrophe. Only living in the city and using the power of guarding the large array can we avoid the influence of the force of time and space and change into Know only killing monsters.

The Fengxian Temple is a temple dedicated to the Lord of the Immortals, but what makes all the waiters feel desperate is that after the Holocaust Day, they only intermittently received the immortal metaphor of the Lord of the Immortals, and then there was eternal silence. No matter how they called and begged, they could not get any help from Lord Fairy.

Rumors have begun in the city, Lord Fairy has fallen, ancient immortals will be completely destroyed, and they will eventually die in pain.

The pessimistic mood permeated the entire city.

Elder Malu is the highest-ranking waiter in Fengxian Hall. At this moment, he is kneeling under the sculpture of Lord Fairy, and his dim eyes are looking at the majestic face of Lord Fairy. His eyes gradually show despair, whispering: " Lord Fairy, have you really abandoned your people and servants, please answer me, great Lord Fairy! "His body was trembling slightly, he could not tell whether it was angry or sad.

But at this moment, his body suddenly froze, and the stone statue in front of him was cold and unchanging. At this moment, there was an incomprehensible solemnity. The wind chimes in Fengxian Hall were no wind automatically, and the sound of "jingling bell" It spread far away, and the entire city quieted under this ringing. Numerous monks lifted it. Mu Ran's eyes looked in the direction of Fengxian Temple. The body suddenly trembled, and some people couldn't help hiding their faces and crying!

"The Forbidden Land of the Immortal ... the intruder ... at any cost ... to the royal palace ... the glory of the immortal king ... come again ..."

Immortal is very short and intermittent, but it is introduced into Malu, but it is like a natural sound. His heart is extremely excited, and his face is full of pious awe. Although it was the first time to hear the fairy king of the fairy king, he knew that it was absolutely true! He climbed from the ground and looked at the stone statue in front of him to restore the usual statue. The respect and enthusiasm in Malu's eyes did not dissipate. A pale golden ball appeared on the ground, with which they could easily find the intruder's hiding place.

This is a gift from Lord Fairy.

He put away the beads and saluted the statue of the fairy king, so he turned around and walked out of the temple dedicated to the king of the king, with a roar in his mouth. , Capture the forbidden invaders of the immortal realm! "I wonder how he could hide such a powerful force in his dry and thin body. This roar clearly spread throughout the Fengxian Temple, and then spread to every city in an amazing degree. corner.

After a short period of silence, countless channels of cheering and roaring came from the city, and the monk survivors who survived the catastrophe in the future are now boiling!

In the shortest period of time, after the collapse of the ancient fairyland, the three remaining cities were linked. When it was determined that the fairy king had come to three fairy tales of the same content at the same time, all doubts disappeared instantly.

Two days later, a total of four immortal kings (corresponding to the creation Xeon) and 107 upper immortals (corresponding to the creation world) were sent from the three cities to leave the city under the leadership of the servants of Maru. , Close to the wilderness.

In order to complete the fairy tale of Lord Fairy King, they have come out of the city to catch the intruders at any cost!


[Update chapter first, eat something to continue coding, and update at night. 】

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