Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 939: Embankment

There is a lake in the palace, and it is not as big. After countless years of waste, instead of being exhausted, the water quality has become clearer. {[ W}.} 8? 1]) W.COM looks deep down from the water, and the water plants are planted deep on the bottom of the lake with colorful spots. The colorful fish swimming in the lake looks quite beautiful.

Xiao Chen walked along the embankment of the lake. He has walked for a long time, but he still hasn't finished it. Looking up, he can vaguely see the end, but the distance between him and the end seems to disappear as time goes by. Shorten by half. It seemed like an endless road under my feet, and I could never walk out.

"Quan, how is it?"

The word fell, and I got a reply only a while later, "I'm cracking it and I can quickly untie it. What are you worried about, the scenery here is so good. The right is to look at the scenery and wait patiently." Although Quan tried his best to remain flat. , But that shame is hard to hide.

Xiao Chen was speechless, and after a brief silence, he said, "This sentence, you told me once two days ago, five days ago, and nine days ago. Although the scenery here is good, the fish is very fierce, not only the fish Fierce, water plants are also fierce, so it's not really good sightseeing. "

"Since you want to hear the truth, then I admit that I have never seen the ban along the lake, but you can rest assured that I can find a way to crack it!"

"how long it takes?"


"Okay, you go on."

"This is the best. If you don't want to stay here for a lifetime to fight with fish and waterweeds, don't bother me any more. When I find the cracking technique, I will naturally tell you!" Quan muttered like a threat and a warning, The fluctuations in consciousness soon disappeared.

Xiao Chen shook her head slightly, with a helpless smile on her mouth. This guy, Quan, looks so cold on the surface that he will be ashamed and mad once he is poked at the pain. He didn't mean to stimulate the spring intentionally, but in this imperial palace, there was always a slight anxiety in his heart. Under the lingering of this uneasy mood, he was restrained and trapped on the lake embankment. Get restless.

But now it seems that Quan really has encountered trouble, otherwise this attitude would not be the case. Although he has some understanding of the prohibition, he can only do nothing when facing the immortal ban. Now, if you want to break the prohibition, you can only rely on Quan's ability. I hope this guy can go well and not really trap him here for one hundred and eighty years.

Just as Xiao Chen's thoughts turned, the lake suddenly broke, and several waterweeds burst out. The thick and tough green leaves went straight to Xiao Chen's roll. Dozens of colorful glows followed closely, like a colored arrow, so that people could only see a stream of light. If someone can capture their movements, they can clearly see that this stream is a The swimming fish in the lake have a narrow and thin body, colorful scales on their bodies, and the coldness and bloodthirsty luster in the tiny eyeballs.

However, when water plants and swimming fish approached Xiao Chen's body, they suddenly fell down as if suppressed. The surface of the grassy brilliance suddenly opened numerous dense black voids, and small black needles shot out from it. It should have been as fast as a thunderbolt, but at the moment it became extremely slow under the amount of pressure in the space. The swimming fish opened its mouth, its scales spread open, and its abdomen swelled out, making a "wow" sound like a baby crying, sharp and piercing, forming a strong Yuan Shen impact!

Xiao Chen's face was calm. It seemed that he had anticipated this. He didn't show any strange colors because of it, and the powerful Yuanshen impact of Yuyu couldn't cause any harm to him. Beside him, Huang Jiaxianwei shot in an instant, four swordsmangs swept out, and the waterweed and swimming fish were chopped together, but whether it was a broken waterweed or a broken fish body, a lot of thick blood was pouring out. , Weird.



The sound of the lake surface is the sound of broken grass and swimming fish falling into it, like a drop of viscous red ink, which spreads quickly after falling into the water. Attracted by the **** smell, numerous swimming fish swarmed in, and fierce scramble for food was launched underwater. Whether it was broken waterweed or swimming fish, they were swallowed up in a short time, not even the blood in the water. Let it pass so that the water quality became clear soon.

The rolling surface of the lake also calmed down quickly, and the swimming fish dived into the bottom of the lake and disappeared, but Xiao Chen knew that the school of fish did not leave, but just hid in the shadow outside his sight, waiting for the hunting time to come. He shook his head slightly, feeling helpless in his heart. He walked on the embankment of the lake, which seemed to be very close to the lake, but the two seemed to be in different spaces. He could see everything that was born in the lake, and even the fish and plants in the middle of the lake could attack him, but he could not. Sending magical power into the lake or into the space where the waves are located can only passively withstand harassment attacks from water plants and swimming fish.

Half a day later, Xiao Chen repelled the attack of waterweeds and swimming fish again. After a brief groan, he did not continue to move forward, but instead sat on his knees with his knees facing the lake. He closed his eyes and meditated. If you ca n’t break the ban in the lake, you wo n’t be able to complete this path. That being the case, why waste energy and wait patiently here.

His idea was extremely simple.

In a flash, it was a full half month, during which I did not know how many endless attacks it had suffered. The water plants and swimming fish in the lake showed strong willfulness and patience in hunting.

At this moment, Quan Yuan's excited consciousness wave appeared in the space of Yuanshen.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened suddenly, and his joy was slightly revealed, and he said, "Quan, but with eyebrows?"

"That's nature. There is nothing that can't be solved in the world by Master Quan. The monk who laid down the immortal ban in the past must be the master of the journey, but still can't hold Master Quan! After being suppressed for a long time, the spring at this moment shows a completely different side from usual.

After he laughed enough, Xiao Chen said, "How to break the ban, tell me."

"Wait a moment, let me figure it out." After a short pause, Quan quickly said, "Go forward twenty-seven steps, and crush the blue bricks under your feet."

Xiao Chen walked quickly.

"Continue seven steps forward and step on the broken brick."

"Back twelve steps, move three blocks to the left and step on the broken brick."

"Thirty-three steps forward, crush the second blue brick from the right."


Xiao Chen moved quickly in Quan's rushing tone, meticulously fulfilled his requirements, stepped back and forth in dozens of steps, and stepped on many green bricks, which is enough to show the complexity of the prohibition. Taking his forbidden path repair as the fundamental point of view No way out of the door.

"As a final step, when you see a golden willow tree in front of you and shoot it off, you are prohibited from breaking!"

Xiao Chen lifted up and saw the lake embankment. I didn't know when a golden willow tree appeared, which was quite dazzling among the ordinary green willows. He walked up to his sleeve and waved his sleeve forward. In the sound of "click", Jin Liu broke from the ground.

The whole space shook slightly. Looking around, nothing seemed to change. The lake is still the lake and the road is still the road, but the golden willow on the side of the road has disappeared into a broken golden arrow.

"Well, the restraint has been broken, and my mind is too worn out. For the time being, I don't need to find anything for me." The words fell, and Quan's consciousness quickly went quiet.

In Yuanshen Space, Quan wiped the cold sweat that could not be seen on his head, and muttered quietly: "If you do not complicate the means of breaking the ban, how can you show the complexity of this ban and complement your face? "My master Quan is really smart!" He said later, the content of this goods turned out to be complacent.

Xiao Chen naturally didn't know this. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay." Yu Luo turned suddenly towards the lake, and shot with a blank expression!

"Boom" a loud noise, it seems that there is a mighty force to slam the lake, the white water vapor rises instantly, mixed with numerous crystal water drops, a stormy sea rises instantly, in the ups and downs, shoots to the bank!

The force of terror spread wildly to the entire lake with the lake as the medium. All the waterweeds everywhere were uprooted, and the swimming fish was shattered into flesh and blood.

Nearly endless attacks in January, the clay figurines will be angry, even monks!

Photographed with a palm, Xiao Chen's anxiety evacuated and slowly calmed down. He didn't see the result of this palm, turned and walked along the lake embankment, this time just talking a few steps, he has reached the end of the road.

A closed palace door appeared in sight. Ruoquan knew it. After passing through it, he could find the storeroom. I hope he said something more reliable this time.

Converged, he took four Huang Jiaxianwei to walk towards the closed palace gate.


[Sometimes I think it should be more, even if I stay up late, I have to code it out, otherwise I can't sleep well, just like today. Thank you all for your monthly pass, thank you all! good night. 】

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