Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 940: checkerboard

"Here are the ancient fairy shards here, but there are monks living in the fairy sphere!" 8} 8} 1ZW. After COM broke through the ban of the immortal realm, the monks of all countries continued to go deep, and soon met the mutant monk and fairy beast. Those who can survive to this day are all amazing strengths, and the result of the battle is naturally a unilateral slaughter. But now, it still makes people feel a slight sense of depression.

The Lord of Fire and Fire sneered and said, "What can we do even if we survive, now it has become such an innocent and ghost-like appearance, and what a fear."

"The change between the monk and the fairy beast should be caused by the chaotic force scattered by the chaos of time and space. It is no accident. Even if there were monks to survive after the collapse and devastation of the fairy world, to this day, there should be nothing to you or me. Threat. "

"Although the words of the two Taoist friends are good, the ancient fairyland is mysterious and powerful. The monk in the fairyland may not find the means to protect himself. Perhaps there is a perfect monk in the area under his feet. According to the king, you and I are still Be more careful. "King Xu Yan frowned, and he glanced around." Stepping out of the immortal realm, this place is very bad for my king. I think everyone in Dao should also feel it. "

They frowned slightly when they heard the words, and their faces were slightly gloomy. The monk stepping on the heavens is extremely sensitive to the Qi of the whole body. When he is in a dangerous situation, he can often sense it in advance, and as the king Xu said, the feeling here is gloomy and decaying, and there is a trace of it Dreads.

"Huh! You and I should be prepared to face danger before breaking into the fragments of the ancient immortal realm. The national treasure is first. If you want to get it, you must first go through the danger. The greater the chance, the more dangerous the gun. This is so obvious. Did n’t any of your friends have figured it out? ”King Tiantian sneered.“ Whether or not there is a fairy monk here, since you and I have been here, we have made progress, so why not worry too much. Even if you really do Encounter, with the help of you and me, are you afraid that they will not succeed? "

Having said that, he paused slightly and continued: "And, King believes that if there really is a monk in the fairy realm, it may not be a good thing for you and me."

The corpse king's eyes flashed differently. "The King of Heaven is right. You and I want to find the place of the Chinese weapon. How can you do it without risk. If there is a fairy monk here, maybe you and I can learn from them. News from China. "

"Okay! That being the case, you and I will leave immediately!"


Treasury is heavy, and those who approach you are killed!

After passing through the closed palace door and walking under Quan's guidance, a stone monument appeared in sight. The monument is about ten feet tall and black, and I do n’t know what material it was cut from. The long years of erosion did not leave any marks on it. The engraved immortal text is still very clear. If you look down, you can naturally understand it. Meaning, it adds a little silence to the stone monument.

The stele mentioned the treasury, but Xiao Chen's eyes wandered around. As far as he could see, a dilapidated temple was constantly exuding a strong, decaying atmosphere. There was no trace of the so-called treasury's weight, and his brows didn't feel slightly frowned .

"Don't look for it, the Treasury is here." Quan's consciousness came. "In the immortal world, such a critical place as the Treasury was usually placed in an independent space. If it is correct, the stone monument in front of it is the Treasury. Entrance."

"Quan, do you know how to open the stele?"

"If you don't know, why should I bother to bring you here for the sake of experiencing the sorrowful state of being incapable of collecting treasures? But wait, let me take a closer look at how to break this thing."

Xiao Chen was silent, but clearly felt that Quan's consciousness wave came out and went to the stone tablet.

For half an hour, Quan's consciousness only came back. "Although I'm in trouble, I still can't hold back. You can listen to my instructions and break the stone." He had a slight pride in his voice, but also The fatigue that could not be concealed, it was obvious that the detection of the stele had caused him considerable loss.

Xiao Chen felt a little guilty of guilt. After entering the ancient fairyland fragments, Quan exerted a lot of effort, otherwise he would not be able to come here easily and groan slightly, saying: "Quan, or you take a break first, wait for a reply, and then break It ’s not too late to open the stele. "

"Well, if you really want to thank me, try to be stronger, that's enough." Quan's voice is still flat, but it is a bit more gentle than before. "Go ahead, I just speak and don't lose too much. Divine thought. "

"Yeah!" Xiao Chen was also a decisive person, nodded after hearing the words, and never continued entanglement in this matter.

"By using my supernatural power, you should be able to see the grid scattered on the black stone, and see it clearly. According to my tips, do n’t make any accidents, otherwise you and I will be buried here." Quan's There was a dignified voice, and when speaking, there was a sudden force of coolness coming into Xiao Chen's eyes. The next moment in his sight, white rays of light appeared on the black stele, staggered with each other to form a fine grid, and a faint fluorescence spread out from it. Because of Quan's reminder, Xiao Chen didn't dare to have any intentions. He imprinted the whole grid into his mind and made sure that no mistakes would occur. Then he nodded slightly.

Quan's voice sounded immediately, clear and hastily.

"Up and down seventh, left and right fifth!"

Xiao Chen was awkward, and immediately understood what he meant. He pointed at the intersection of the seventh horizontal line from top to bottom and the fifth vertical line from left to right, and a black spot appeared here. At the next moment, a white spot appeared on a branch not far away.

He was startled, but at this moment he couldn't wait to think about it. Quan's voice came again, "Thirty-one up and down, Twenty-eighth up and down!"

"Up and down fourteenth, left and right 87th!"

"One hundred and tenth up and down, one hundred and thirty-fifth around!"


Xiao Chen's fingertips were faintly golden, and as his voice quickly dropped his fingers, a black light spot appeared with each finger drop, and then a white light spot appeared. With black stones as the base and white stripes as a grid, it seems to be a huge chessboard on one side. Black and white personally hanged in the chessboard to form a group. It seems normal, but in the Primordial induction, you can clearly perceive from it. The monstrous killing atmosphere of the coming, it seems that the roar of the killing can be heard faintly in the ear, like the fighting between the two armies!

At the same time, with Xiao Chen's constant falling, the entire chessboard was trembling slightly, like a swaying lake, with a light water pattern. As time passed, Quan's voice became more and more rapid, and Xiao Chen's index also became faster, and the amplitude of the checkerboard fluctuations gradually became stronger!

"The last son, in the middle of the stone tablet, do your best not to make any reservations!"

Xiao Chen's eyes brightened, and in his growl, the golden light on his fingertips rose instantly, and his fingers fell!


My fingertips dropped, and there was a muffled sound, like a sledgehammer, and it was severely hit on a cowhide drum. The sound was extremely penetrating, and it seemed that even space could shatter from a distance. At the same time, the mana in Xiao Chen's body, like the rivers of a dyke, tilted out madly and merged into the stele along his fingers. With the infusion of mana, instead of dissipating the muffled sound, it became louder and louder, the billowing sound echoed in the air.

Xiao Chen instantly understood the meaning of Quan, instead of retracting his fingers, he encouraged the mana to be sent to the stele at a faster rate! In his eyes, the black and white dragons were fighting fiercely on the chessboard. I don't know how long, he heard a sorrowful dragon roar faintly in his ear, and the white dragon's body completely dissipated in the tremor!

The next moment, the black stone tablet suddenly collapsed, and the surrounding space fluctuated violently, just like the rolling water surface.

One black portal slowly emerged from this wave.


[A friend came over for dinner in the afternoon. After drinking, his head was a little dizzy, but he could still code. Let's start with another chapter, continue to code words, and there will be updates later. 】

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