Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 941: Graceful sen crystal

Along the river. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. Com

The God of Fire looked at the towering city in front of him and the moving figures in the city, his eyes narrowed slightly, "It really is a monk in the immortal world. In the breath, it has a pure taste of immortality."

"It's really unexpected. The people of Xiandao who have long been extinct in the records of Daqianjie actually survive." The king of corpses whispered and waved: "Since you haven't lied, let's go, my king and others Believe it and let you go. "

Several monks with white faces looked at each other, bowed in low salute, and withdrew a few steps.

"Kings of cruelty who always kill and cruelty will actually release things, which is beyond the expectations of the king." King Tiantian sneered, not without taunting.

The King of Corpses was not annoyed, and said lightly: "My King is not here to kill, as long as they are willing to cooperate to tell you the information I need, otherwise, My King does not mind opening the corpse realm and will use the power of the corpse to bring it here. Become a dead domain forever. "

The people stood outside the city and did not hide their own breath. The coercion of the Creator Xeon rose to the sky and filled the entire space. With the exception of the Silver Moon King, the seven founding Xeons are each one of them who can reach the peak of the world. The deterrence brought by them is almost irresistible! Unless there are monks who step on the horizon or have the same number of monks of the same level, any obstacles will be crushed in front of this terrorist force!

After a short period of chaos, several light rays flew out of the city. It was the two monarch-level monks, but they did not dare to approach them, but they had already left the light rays. They felt great threats from the monks in the opposite countries.

"I don't know where the friends came from, and why?"

The glance of Shenhuo Wang glanced at the two, and said lightly: "It is actually two monarchs of immortal level. I should know many things when I want to come."

The king of all corpses shook his nails and said, "Then ask, my king doesn't want to delay too much time here."

King Xu Yan's eyes swept over the two of them. "Here, there are remnants of the strong? Or strange places."

The two immortals looked at each other with a little hesitation.

King Tiantian's eyes were cold and chilly, "If you don't say or dare to talk nonsense, my king will kill everyone!"

"Don't, let's say!" An immortal screamed, his face suddenly pale, he faintly realized the identities of the people in front of him, I am afraid that they were outsiders who had been in the intruders not long ago. I have suffered a big loss in my hands, and now I dare not to resist again. "You should be intruders from the outside world. If you want to find treasures, go to the palace of the fairy king, where there is everything you need."

The crimson color of God's Fire King's eyes flashed, and he suddenly turned around, and the hot atmosphere in the body was instantaneous. "Say! How do you know that the King and others are intruders, and if you dare to hide the slightest bit, the King will incinerate you immediately!"

The kings of corpses, kings of heaven, king of beards, and others also noticed the fault in their words, and their eyes gathered instantly, and they could not stop talking.

The hearts of the two princes trembled, and wherever they dared to delay, they did everything they could to lower the prince to the prince to capture the intruders.

Everyone glanced at each other and saw the anger in their hearts.

Xiao Chen!

No, since they can easily find out the news of Xianwang Dianyu, Xiao Chen will certainly be able to do this. If he is one step ahead, he will most likely take away the Chinese weapon!

"Take us to the royal palace!" The king of the **** of fire looks ugly!

"No! Now the palace is surrounded by mutant creatures, and it is extremely dangerous. If you go at this moment, you are likely to be buried in it!" A fairy monk lost his voice.

The God of Fire turned abruptly, stretched out his hand and grasped it fiercely. A crimson flame suddenly burst out of the void, enveloping the immortal monk directly. The man was screaming and wanted to resist. The impact of the invisible Yuan Shen stabbed into his Yuan Shen fiercely, making this Xianjun's body suddenly stiff.

The next moment, red flames swept past, and the figure of Xianjun was already extinguished in the flames!

The King of Tensions turned to look at another immortal, and said lightly, "I think now, you should have no problem?"


The treasury has a huge area, with rows of long shelves containing precious materials from the fairyland period, but now it has become a waste in the passage of time.

There was a glimmer of expectation in Xiao Chen's heart, and his primordial spirit sensed that there was no dangerous breath, and then the consciousness broke out, and he swept through the storehouse carefully without leaving any corner. After a few breaths, he turned abruptly, his gaze looking somewhere, and a flash of aura outside his body appeared instantly beside a row of long frames.

Treasures are placed on this long shelf. Perhaps they were powerful things in the fairy world, but now they have decayed and become mottled, like a piece of scrap iron, without any fluctuations.

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, a force emerged from the void, shattered all the decaying treasures, and turned them into ashes. A palm-sized, whole-yellow diamond crystal appeared in his sight. After years, the crystal remained crystal clear Clear, emitting a layer of yellow fluorescence, obviously not extraordinary.

"Chine Fairy!" Quan suddenly said, and there was a slight excitement in his voice. "Xiao Chen, it seems that you are lucky. There may be a fairy crystal here, please look for it."

Xiao Chen did not expect that this pure yellow crystal turned out to be fairy crystal!

After a moment, looking at the black iron box neatly placed on the ground, Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly dignified. He had searched the entire warehouse, but found only one medium-quality fairy crystal and three low-quality fairy crystals. Without a harvest, he would live a busy life.

Slightly inductive, this box is made of unknown materials, which can isolate him from the consciousness, and there is no sign of decay. A slight ban of fluctuations came from it, but it was extremely weak.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and stunned his internal force. He shattered the restraining force left outside the box, took a breath, stepped back a few steps, and opened the iron box with a flick of his sleeve.

The misty green light poured out of the iron box, and the neatly arranged cylindrical cyan fairy crystals were lying quietly in it. There were ten layers above and below the box, and there were twenty pieces on each layer. This box alone was two whole. Hundreds of sublime fairy crystals!

Looking at the dense iron boxes on the ground, even with Xiao Chen's state of mind, he couldn't help taking a breath of air at this moment, and his heart suddenly beat vigorously.

"Xiao Chen! You're lucky! This is by no means an ordinary fairy king's palace. His weakest is also a three-step hierarchy, even one step away from Hongmenxian Emperor's Realm, otherwise how can he have such a wealth! Open the other boxes and see how many fairy crystals there are! "

Xiao Chen nodded. He stepped on the ground without a word, and with a soft bang, a wave of power spread quickly, breaking all the restraining forces left on the iron boxes here.

After taking a deep breath, he waved his sleeves and opened all the iron boxes.

There are eighty-seven iron boxes, all of which are filled with fairy crystals. Most of them are covered with blue, but one of them is yellow fluorescent!

Zhongpin Fairyland!

The hot color in Xiao Chen's eyes was magnificent. He stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly next to the iron box. With a glance, he saw two layers of fine Chinese crystals, forty yuan! If the refining of Xianwei is successful, this will be the forty generations of the strongest level of combat power! Coupled with the increase in the strength of Xianwei each other, this force can even positively shake the heavenly monks!

"Take these Chinese top-quality fairy crystals! Quick!" Quan's voice was quick and full of excitement.

Xiao Chen stayed a little, then thought of a possibility, and swiped his sleeves to take away forty pieces of mid-quality fairy crystals directly. One full-blue translucent jade box appeared in sight, and several engraved on this jade box Xianwen, a trace of golden light lingered on it. Through the jade box, one can dimly see one of the golden spar that admits the size of a fist and is shaped like a heart.

"High-quality fairy crystal! This appearance is almost exactly the same as the human heart, and you can almost become an excellent fairy crystal. If you can repair it successfully, you can even raise the power of Jin Jia Xianwei to the three-step level!"

Xiao Chen's heart shuddered, and she couldn't help but reach out and took the blue jade box in her hand. If you look closely, you can see a golden heart-like high-quality fairy crystal, lingering in a layer of golden glow, beautiful in the tumbling.

He was about to open the jade box, and suddenly there was a strange wave in the surrounding space. Although it flashed away, Xiao Chen's body suddenly stiffened!


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