Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 945: Sense of crisis

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, only then to suppress his writhing thoughts, and his eyes swept around, and now the faces of the King of All Dead, God of Fire, King of Heaven, and King of Xu Xi are full of excitement, apparently they have also noticed the golden color. The presence of the square seal!

He sank in his heart, and the appearance of national instruments here may not be a good thing for him!

And things are just as he imagined. 8} 8} 1ZW. Com

The King of Fire and the King of Corpses returned to God one after another. In silence, the seven went to the same place and stood on the opposite side of Xiao Chen. At this time, if they do not join forces to compete for national instruments, no one is Xiao Chen's opponent. Fortunately, several people were afraid of the strength he showed at the moment. Although they chose to fight against each other, no one dared to try to force him away for a while, and retreated from the battle for national weapons.

When the two sides looked at each other, the atmosphere gradually became silent, and a pressure surged from the void, which made people feel heavy.

But silence will eventually be broken.

"King Dongyan, could you please leave here first and search for treasures elsewhere in the palace?" The king of corpses suddenly spoke. When he spoke, a trace of black corpse encircled the whole body, and the cold and decaying atmosphere was flourishing.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and when he heard the words sneer, he said, "You and I entered the ancient fairy shards. What you need is no more words from the king. Now that the national weapon appears, the king of the dead wants the king to leave first. Come on! "

"If King Dongyan doesn't leave, relying on my strength, how can I have the upper hand in the battle for national weapons. That being the case, I can't help but do one with Dongyan King first." Shenhuo Wang breathed out of breath It is extremely hot, mixed with Mars, and it sends out a strong smell of sulfur.

The King of Heaven said sharply: "Xiao Chen! Once you have the previous treasures, you should know how to be content, and you must not be too greedy! Otherwise, the king and others would rather hurt you with both defeats, and they would never look at you as if you would take away!"


Xiao Chen's face was extremely ugly. The different colors rolled in his eyes. Obviously, his thoughts were turning fast. After a short while, he suddenly sneered and said, "Okay! Today, everyone in Taoism will join forces to threaten, and the king will take a step back, and he will repay it in the future! Saying goodbye! "His words flashed out of his body, with four Huang Jiaxian guards turned into a screaming rainbow and retreated. Xiao Chen said to leave, and instantly, the figure had disappeared.

The king of corpses, the **** of fire and the like obviously did not expect that Xiao Chen would retreat so simply. With a little pause, his eyes could not help but be surprised, for fear that this was his strategy of slowing down the soldiers, and stepped back and waited for the opportunity to seize the national weapon.

In the eyes, several people saw each other as worried.

"My King has a strategy in his hands, which is a seal-like treasure. If all Taoist friends agree, he can use this treasure to seal the channel. In this way, even if King Dong Yan goes back and forth, he will never want to break it easily." Bingce Wang Shen Sheng said.

Several people hesitated, and nodded.

King Bingce acted quite simply, throwing his hands up, a picture opened instantly, and the killing breath of the soldiers spewed out from it. It seemed that the sound of the army's killing could be heard in his ears. This picture is good in the wind, reduced to the size of a hundred feet, and the channel on the stone wall of the warehouse is completely sealed.

The others didn't notice anything wrong in the induction, so they nodded slightly.

The corpse king Shen said: "King of Heaven and King of King Xu, you two cultivate the origins of time and space, how do you know how to take out the Chinese weapon?"

King Tian frowned and shook his head. "The power of the chaotic time in the vortex is too strong, and by his own means, he cannot yet compete with it."

King Xu Xi nodded and said, "My King is the same as King Meten."

"Do n’t I wait for the front of the national instruments, but there is no way to collect them? This is not a joke!" Shenhuo Wang said, "Since I can't compete with the power of the vortex to collect the national instruments, then I will destroy this vortex and the national instruments will appear naturally. ! "

When Xu Yanwen heard the words, Wang Shenyan said, "It is not unreasonable for the Lord of Fire to speak. The king and the King of Heaven have made a shot, and you can help. Maybe you can try."

"Today, that's the only thing, but King reminded me that breaking the vortex is extremely dangerous. You need to be careful and careful. Any accident may explode the power of the chaotic space-time contained in the vortex. No one of you and I would want to get away from it! Therefore, before the vortex is broken, we had better be able to join hands and not resort to secret means, otherwise we can only harm others and harm ourselves! "King Wang reminded coldly.

Several of them nodded, looking dignified.

Divine Fire King said: "Okay! Now that everyone has no objections, immediately discuss how to break the whirlpool, so as not to delay long days and long nights!"


Xiao Chen didn't go far. He withdrew from the space where the whirlpool was located, and stayed in the treasury, his brows frowned slightly.

The reason why he would simply withdraw from the battle for national instruments was naturally because of the firm attitude of the King of Corpses and the God of Fire, etc. If he really did not retreat, he would inevitably be in war, even if there were four immortals supporting each other, he might not be able to occupy it. Got cheap. Secondly, after the golden square seal appeared in the vortex, although he was shocked and determined that the object was a national weapon, he was at the same time giving a slight sense of uneasiness, and the source of this uneasiness was the vortex with hidden national tools!

The sensing power of the golden primordial **** has always been extremely precise. Since it disturbs his heart, there must be another secret in the vortex. And more importantly, although this sense of anxiety was weak, it gave him a sense of danger!

Because of this, in the confrontation with King of Corpses, God of Fire, and others, he chose to leave for the time being.

As for the town closed by Bing Ce Wang Yi Bing Tu Tu, he didn't look at it at all. If he really wanted to break into it, he could cut it directly by taking out the black sword!

He waited here to see what happened. If something was wrong, he immediately pulled away and retreated. After all, he had already got enough gains in this trip, and he was satisfied. Naturally, if it turns out that he is too cautious and there is no danger, Xiao Chen will never miss the opportunity to **** national weapons!

Suddenly, his heart trembled, and the slight sense of uneasiness suddenly became stronger at this moment. Xiao Chen watched the sealed passage on the stone wall silent, but his face gradually became more ugly.

Although the power of chaos in time and space is strong, he cannot sever the primal power of the god. He doesn't know what the corpse king and the **** of fire have done now, but he has a hunch. The exhibition of things has begun to be unexpected!


At the vortex, the seven creation Xeons were in one side, their faces were extremely dignified, they shot at the same time in low drinking, and the power came together. They were controlled by the King of Heaven and King Xu, and entered the vortex, trying to make it rotate. Keep decreasing. When the vortex is reduced to a certain level, the traction is gradually weakened, and the golden square mark may fall automatically from it!

"Keep mana output steady!"

"Be careful, the vortex is a bit unstable, reducing the mana output!"

"Go ahead, slow down a bit!"


The seven founding Xeons, among them the monks who have time and space origins to control the monks, have really done this together. With their efforts, the degree of vortex is constantly decreasing.

A few people looked into the vortex, and as its degree decreased, that golden light gradually appeared in sight!


As soon as they thought about it, their hearts were instantly hot!

Suddenly, a "click" sounded, a long knife fell from the vortex, and the style was about four feet long. There were colorful colors overflowing from it. Mysterious and abnormal!

The hot color burst out in the eyes of King Tian, ​​and his breathing became quicker! This long knife is definitely a treasure that can produce the sand of time! And in this vortex, the thunder treasure he saw was more than this one!

Even if he can't grab the national weapon, he can still harvest the sand of time for the last time. At that time, he will make a breakthrough. No one here today will be his opponent! Even Xiao Chen, he is sure to kill it in place!


Xiao Chen's brow frowned and tightened. As time passed, the crisis in his mind became stronger and stronger, making him gradually anxious.


At that time, he was captured by two royal palace imperial guards. He claimed that the Xiling immortal monarch was beheaded and killed by him, but the Lixian immortal escaped and fled. After entering the palace, although he encountered many troubles, this person never showed up.

Since he was the guardian of the imperial palace, would he watch them break into the palace without being indifferent.

The more Xiao Chen thought, the more we felt that things were weird. Coupled with the sense of peeping he had felt before, he suddenly had an idea in his mind. Did these Xianwei deliberately let them come here? What purpose do they do?


The most weird is this vortex! Could the guardian of the imperial palace want to use their power to break the vortex!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart jumped fiercely, and the sense of crisis suddenly skyrocketed. The chill that erupted made him stiff, and his pupils contracted sharply!

Without any hesitation, he turned directly, flashed outside, and the figure went straight to the warehouse exit! But at this moment, the warehouse door that opened in front suddenly shuddered and disappeared!

Xiao Chen stopped suddenly, his face became extremely ugly!

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