It really is a fraud!

Xiao Chen turned directly, without any pause, flashing outside the body, the figure flew straight to the sealed stone wall passage! The danger must be hidden in the vortex, and the only way now is to stop the corpse king, the **** of fire, and others from breaking the vortex!

And be fast!

Between the breaths, Xiao Chen's figure has appeared outside the broken stone wall, the black sword is holding in his hand, and the soldiers 'strategy is aggressively cut off towards the soldiers' strategy Wang Fengzhen! The sword fell, and a sudden burst of horror burst on the strategy map. There seemed to be roars and roars of thousands of horses in his ears, which turned into a terrifying shock of the Yuanshen!

Xiao Chen's face was somber that he had never seen it before and had never resisted it. [Eight [(? 一 中文 (W] W> W].] 8> 1) Z} W.COM. In the Primordial Space, the ancient branches of Bodhi trembled with tremor and trembling. The black ghost roared and opened its mouth. Swallowing, withered yellow light swept out, offsetting most of the impact of this god. The remaining part fell on the gold god, which can only make the gold light flash slightly, and it can't do any harm to him at all.

At the next moment, the sound of Jin Rong's break came instantly, and Feng Zhenbing's plan was cut directly into a big mouth, and the aura suddenly faded, turning into a volume of useless things, and "popped" on the ground.

"Stop it all, don't break the vortex!"

Xiao Chen's low roar sounded instantly and spread throughout the space.

King Bingce's face turned white, and the treasure was destroyed. He had already suffered some injuries. He screamed, "Dongyan King, how dare you destroy this treasure!"

The king of corpses, the **** of fire and other people's faces also gloomy, and turned directly to Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, you have promised to retreat, why are you going back and forth? Do you really think that the king and others dare not fight with you?" The crimson light in the eyes of the King of Fire and Fire flashed quickly, and the crimson and long head burned like a flame. The hot breath around the body seemed to burn the void, and the breath induction was like the ancient fire demon came, the momentum was compelling!

The body of the corpse king was so cold and cold that his body was covered with thick, decaying corpse. His blood was gradually drying up, his eyes turned red, and the body of the corpse was now revealed!

"King Dongyan, King advises you not to try to get in touch with national weapons, otherwise today, even if you fight hard, King will pull you to be buried with you!"

Xiao Chen Shen said: "You, the King has no intention of competing for national instruments, but I want to tell you that there is a great danger hidden in this vortex! You and I have already fallen into the calculation of the imperial guardian of the palace, if If you do n’t stop, you will inevitably cause great trouble, and you will regret it late! ”

"Xiao Chen! With your gibberish, you are trying to let the king and others take it off, and you are really delusional!" Wang Tiantian screamed and said, "Do n’t you want to listen to his words? If there is danger in the vortex, you and me How can there be no sense? The national instruments are about to appear and cannot be influenced by what he said! "

The eyes of the God of Fire and the King of Corpses flickered sharply. They pulled away with King Yinyue, King Li Guang, and King Bingce and stopped in front of Xiao Chen. "The two of you continue to stop the vortex manually, and five of your king shot. Enough to stop him! "

The King of Heaven said sharply, "King Xu, the whirlpool will stop. You and I will go all out and succeed!"

There was a moment of hesitation in the heart of King Xu Yan, but he looked at the gradually clear golden square seal, and finally nodded fiercely. The two populations snarled at the same time, and tried their best to reduce the rotation of the vortex again.

The colorful whirlpool suddenly trembled and almost stopped at this moment!

Xiao Chen jumped fiercely in his heart, and he felt a sense of crisis that made him unable to wait any longer. He yelled, "Shoo! Who dares to stop, kill it!" No matter what, he must not just watch the vortex break open!

The four Huangjia Xianwei said nothing. The long knife in the hand was cut off instantly, and the sturdy sword-manghaohao soup swept across, just like the river flowing, with great momentum! It has not been cut off yet, and the tragic trend that has never gone forward has already captured the mind!

The faces of the five corpses king and the **** of fire changed, and the instant burst of power of the four yellow armor immortals made them nervous, and they did not dare to have any intentions. They repaired them as many as possible, and each performed their magical powers to counteract.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen did not follow Huang Jiaxianwei's shots together, otherwise he would not wait for him to win the match with the King of Corpses, Shenhuo and others, and the King of Heaven and the King of Swords would have broken the vortex and it would be too late. . So when the four Huang Jiaxian Wei shot with all their strength and entangled the five kings of the corpse and the **** of fire, he suddenly reached out and pointed out to both the King of Heaven and the King of Xu.

"Chaos, suppress everything!" In the roar, the power of chaos exploded as much as possible, this time he has exerted all his strength, want to suppress both the King of Heaven and the King of Su, to stop them from breaking the vortex.

In the void, the mighty power suddenly appeared, and a hidden shadow of the world appeared, covering both the King of Heaven and the King of Xu! This phantom is the manifestation of magical powers in the chaos realm. After Xiao Chen's power is improved in the thunder realm, he can barely do it when he tries his best.

Under the suppression of the chaos world, the bodies of the two of them suddenly froze. The pressure of horror caused the two of them to be cut off by the power of the vortex, forcing half of them to be forcibly cut off. They lost the clamped colorful vortex, which has tended to stop. The degree gradually becomes faster.

The King of Heaven suddenly lifted up, roaring with resentment in his mouth, "Xiao Chen! The King is bound to die with you!" The sand of time was taken away, but now he has to stop him from collecting the national weapon. Talk more.

The king of corpses, the **** of fire, and others also screamed in anger and coerced Xiao Chen to stop his hand, otherwise he would not stop working with him.

Like this, Xiao Chen didn't look in his eyes at all. At this moment, he saw that the vortex was gradually increasing, and his mind was slightly relaxed.

But at this moment, the space not far away from the vortex suddenly cracked, and several figures appeared directly from it. They were the four masters of the Taoist Emperor, Lihuoxianjun, and Blackwater Immortal King, and behind them were four Huangjiaxianwei.

"You guys, you and I have survived to this day, what you are doing is today! Shoot with this king, save the king at any cost!" In the roar, the violent and terrifying breath suddenly appeared in the host Xianjun. Flutter away.

Behind him, Li Huo, Hei Shui, and the four Huang Jiaxian Wei, followed shortly, their faces were pious, with a touch of excitement, without any hesitation of fear, like fire moths.



In the shocking sound, the heart-beating power fluctuation suddenly came, and Sanxianjun as the seven Huangjia Xianwei blew up at the same instant! A powerful force of destruction swept across the whirlpool! Rushing and rolling, and ups and downs, exuding enough terrifying power!

Xiao Chen groaned in his mouth, his face paled instantly, and the virtual shadow of the chaos world just shuddered and was directly torn!

The King of Heaven and the King of Swords fully resisted in exclaim. The external aura light directly collapsed under the impact of the force of destruction. The body was blasted and the blood from the nose and nose gushed out. It had been seriously injured in an instant.

The remaining power of Qixianwei's self-detonation hit as many as possible on the colorful vortex. The entire vortex suddenly deformed and distorted under the impact of this powerful force, and completely collapsed in the next moment!

The power of chaotic space-time and turbulence sweeps wildly in all directions!

Xiao Chen seemed to hear a roar in his ears, his body suddenly stiffened, his eyes shrinking in the collapsed vortex as his pupils contracted. At this moment it seemed that a peerless creature had escaped from the cage, and his extremely dangerous feeling instantly filled his entire mind!

At this time, a crackling sound was heard from the void, and the entire space shattered like a mirror, and was completely torn under this force. He turned abruptly, just seeing a crack in the void, penetrating the space of the warehouse and connecting with the outside world. At this moment, without any pause, he suddenly turned around and left with four Huangjiaxianwei!


[Sorry, there will be updates later,]

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