Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 948: Heavy price

The golden light was as dazzling as the sun, and the majestic and noble breath filled the heaven and the earth, the fairy king wandered in, calm, bringing destruction and despair. Eight W] W. 81ZW. The COM sky shattered in distortion, the earth collapsed in wailing, the storm was raging, and the end of the world came!

Xiao Chen took four Huangjiaxian guards, followed by King Suyu, King Yinyue, King Ten Thousand Dead, King Shenhuo, King Mitian, King Li Guang, and King Bingce, and eight people flee in the direction of the Great Thousand Realm! The terrifying aura and substantive killing intent of the Immortal King from behind made them scared, and they didn't dare to stop for a while!

Bingce Wang Xiu was weaker among the people, and was injured by the immortal king because of the snatching of the national weapon. He gradually fell to the end while he was walking. The man's face was pale, his eyes were full of panic, and a chill gradually grew in his heart. , Making him feel like he is in the ice and snow, his body is almost frozen, with his cultivation base, he can feel it before the crisis comes! King Soldier knew that he had become the first target of the Immortal King. Rather than just sit and wait, let's give it a go!

Gritting his teeth abruptly, he suddenly turned to face the immortal king, and roared in his mouth, "Calling the Death Soul!" Before the voice fell, a gray door appeared in the violent fluctuations in the space in front of him, and the door opened, making people palpitate and desperate. Frantically gushing out from it, obscuring the frontal space, and the ghost cavalry galloping out of it! They were wearing dark red battle armor, with crimson soul flames burning in their eyes, a long knife in their hands raised, burning a cursed flame that could ignite the soul, and their dead soul war horses wearing heavy armor, and sharp bone spurs emerged from their bodies. The terrifying and terrifying aura, it seems to come from hell!

An astonishing number of dead soul iron knights gushed out from the opened gate in silence without any pause. After a short period of time, they reached the fastest speed and rushed to the fairy king. Above the army, the evil spirit of the dead soul and the evil spirit of the army are perfectly blended, turning into a whole body of gray and white evil spirit, and there is a silent roar in the mouth, but there is already a terrifying primordial impact!

The king of the Korean Army, not only can he be famous among the world's most powerful people, he is naturally not incompetent! In the horror of life and death, this person unreservedly shot, bursting with shocking power! Where the dead soul cavalry is going, the soldiers are unstoppable! With this supernatural power, with the help of the undead iron cavalry's fear of death and the superposition of combat power, it can be slightly resisted even in the face of ordinary cultivators. But today, what he has to face is to be voluntarily locked down for a million years, and he was eligible to be promoted to the terrifying fairy king of the fairy emperor realm during the ancient immortal world. Even if the age of the years has greatly reduced his power, he is definitely not a war strategy king. Supernatural powers can contend!

The immortal king's eyes flashed murderously in the depths, he suddenly raised his hand, the golden light between his fingers shone, and he pointed forward, "Xianshu, Long River!" His fingertips drew a simple golden fairy in the void, slightly curved like a one. The layer of water waves feels like surging water vapor rushing toward your face, and the sound of rivers surging in your ears.

Xianwen trembles and immediately collapses and dissipates. In the void, a long river appears directly, stretching beyond the end, seeming to come from the sky, the river is rushing, and the momentum is astonishing as it is about to swallow the sky!

The dead iron cavalry and the rushing river brazenly bumped into each other. I don't know what the water is, and directly extinguished the burning flames of the iron cavalry, and the neat formation of steel was directly destroyed! The power of the dead soul cavalry, under the mighty long river, collapsed at one touch! One whirlpool quickly appeared on the water, entangled the revenant iron cavalry and the revenant war horse, and the powerful tearing force instantly crushed them!

King Bingce's face turned pale instantly, his chest seemed to be hit by the mighty river, his body was thrown far behind, and blood spurted out from his mouth and nose! The supernatural powers were destroyed, and the interaction between Qi and Ji has caused him to suffer extremely serious injuries!

But before his figure fell, the fairy king pointed again, "Xianshu, hold yourself!"

Void suddenly gave birth to infinite suppressive power. With the creation of the king of war strategy and the strongest cultivation base, there was no power to resist at all, and the body was directly set in Void!

The immortal king stepped forward on the void, never looked at him again, and whizzed past! Behind him, the fragments of the ancient fairyland collapsed, and the colorful chaotic time and space turbulence that swept across, swallowed him in the desperate eyes of King Bingce!

Falling into the turbulence of time and space, although the end is not seen, the death of the king of soldiers is doomed!

Xiao Chen's complexion instantly became extremely gloomy. Although he did not return, he could sense everything behind him. With the power of the king, he had no power to counteract the immortal king, so he was directly sealed into the turbulence of time and space! With such power, even if he adds the power of four yellow armor immortal guards, he certainly cannot compete with it!

The power of this fairy king is really terrifying to the extreme!

But at this moment, things changed again.

In the rush, the King of Ten Thousand Corpses and King Shenhuo shot without warning, and they waved their hands and placed a sea of ​​fire and corpses, blocking King Mighty and King Li Guang behind! Their meaning is very clear, let the two of them stop the fairy king for the time being, and buy them time to escape!

The spiteful color appeared in the eyes of King Mitian, and he screamed, "The King of Ten Thousand Corpses! The King of God and Fire! This King will never let you go!" His hand flashed with inspiration and took out a pebble-sized bead, which was crystal clear. Clearly, you can clearly see the mist flowing slowly in it. The mana in his hand poured into it, and the fog in the ball quickly turned up, condensed into a small figure sitting cross-legged, just like the figure of the king!

The next moment, the villain suddenly opened his eyes, screamed in his mouth, and showed pain on his face. A series of blood-colored cracks appeared outside of the little human body, with a soft "pop", the beads shattered, and the figure of King Mitian disappeared directly from the world.

Substitute death beads!

The heaven and earth generate the most precious treasures, the quantity is scarce and precious. With this thing in hand, you can input mana into it in times of crisis, and the Death Orb will automatically condense into a death substitute. When the surrogate dies, the monk's body will be directly transmitted back to the originally set place no matter where he is. However, the use of the Death Orb to escape is not without its defects. Although King Mitian has saved his life, his cultivation level will be greatly reduced, and it will take at least hundreds of years to recover, and if there is no chance against heaven, he will be promoted to Hongmeng. The possibility is almost completely cut off, and the price paid is extremely heavy!

King Mitian escaped with the death bead, and only King Li Guang was stopped by the corpse of the sea of ​​fire! This person was furious and roared, and his eyes instantly burned with raging flames, full of hatred and unwillingness! He raised his hand and directly took out a purple-gold stringless giant bow, and a sharp breath rose into the sky!

Step forward, holding Void in his hand and suddenly pulling back!

A crimson flame suddenly burned on King Li Guang, he burned himself without hesitation at this moment, and poured all his power into this arrow! A touch of scarlet aura is directly condensed, red as blood, and the horrible aura that makes people palpitation spread from this aura, tragic and indomitable, it seems that even the entire world can be penetrated!

"The king of corpses, the king of gods and fire! Even if this king dies, you will be buried with you!" Facing the immortal king, there is no doubt that he will die. Since he is going to die after all, by contrast, he is more willing to drag the person who harmed him to be buried together. this! The spiteful roar seemed to come from Jiuyou. King Li Guang suddenly let go, and the crimson aura shot out, directly piercing the barrier in the sea of ​​fire and the corpse, and then separated into two crimson long arrows, like hell. The arrow of revenge that was shot carried all his resentment!

In the next instant, the figure of King Li Guang turned into ashes in the flames, and the huge bow in his hand fell to the ground.

A powerful person who burned himself to release a blow, the power is astonishing. Moreover, King Li Guang is known for his aggressive attacks. This arrow is divided into two, which is enough to kill the creation. Xeon monk!

There was a roar of anger at the same time from the mouths of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses and the King of Shenhuo. He had never expected that King Li Guang would make such a fierce counterattack before he died! An arrow infused with King Li Guang's spiritual thoughts, and with his terrible resentment, had completely locked the two of them, and they flashed down, and they were close in front of them!

At this time, the fairy king stepped forward, not far from the two. If you resist this arrow, the two of them are bound to suffer. When the immortal king arrives, I am afraid that he will definitely die!

A fierce color flashed in the eyes of the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, and he growled in a low voice, "The corpse disintegration is great-the law!" The rolling corpse gas instantly gushed out from the corpse, and the soul that wrapped him rushed out in an instant. Xiao Chen and others disappeared from sight!

The technique of corpse clan disintegration, abandon the corpse, use all the corpse energy in the body as the impetus, and guard the soul to escape! The corpse cultivator, a corpse that has been tempered for many years, is the strongest weapon in their hands. Once it is destroyed, its strength will be greatly reduced, and it is even more difficult to restore it!

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses failed to harm others, and instead let himself fall into a dangerous situation ahead of time. Although the soul was preserved and escaped, the price paid was not less than that of King Mitian.

Seeing that the King of Ten Thousand Corpses used the great corpse-resolving method to get away, the King of Shenhuo did not dare to delay any more, and he had a decision instantly! There was a roar from his throat, and a flame lotus platform suddenly emerged from the air. The God Fire King sat cross-legged, turning to ashes in the flames of the lotus platform.

In the next moment, in the rapid and low sound of "bang", a crimson lotus seed shot out from the lotus platform, and disappeared directly into the void.

The Nirvana technique of the Fire Race is incinerated on the lotus platform to preserve the immortality of the primordial spirit and merge into the lotus seeds. It can automatically tear the space and leave and return to the fire of the Fire Race Holy Land. The lotus seeds are automatically implanted in the sea of ​​fire in the heart of the earth, and they can regenerate roots and shoots by drawing firepower, and they will grow out of the flame lotus platform, where the monks can be reborn!

Although all strength can be restored after rebirth, and there will be no hidden dangers, the long growth of the fire lotus is itself a great defect! Shenhuo King's departure this time, I am afraid that it will take at least tens of thousands of years or even longer to sleep in order to recover.

Although the three kings paid a heavy price, they can save their lives, and everything will be possible in the future. Otherwise, they will be turned into dust when they die. In a sense, the King Mitian, the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, and the King of God Fire are all decisive and determined people, and making a decisive choice is the wisest move despite paying a very heavy price. If there is any hesitation, it will be hard to escape today!

Everything seems to be slow here, but since King Mitian used the Death Bead to get out and leave, everything has been in a few breaths.

The Immortal King roared, and the three kings flee decisively, but he couldn't stop him without paying attention, his face naturally became extremely ugly! After getting out, the Immortal King wanted to quietly blend into the Great Thousand Realm, and act secretly so as not to attract the attention of the Heavenly Stepping Realm and even the Supreme Hongmeng, so he would attack and kill Xiao Chen and others. But now it seems that his plan has been lost!

His eyes were full of flames, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, King Xu, and King Silver Moon, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more solemn!

The golden light illuminates the sky, but it is icy, without the slightest temperature!


[Chapter one more first, there should be two chapters around 12 o'clock, fight for more points today, fight! 】

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