Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 949: King Dingxian

"King Xu, please go quickly. If it is too late, there is really no chance!" Yinyue Wang whispered. Although there was perseverance in her eyes, Qiao's face was full of firmness. ([[[

King Xu Yan shook his head and walked forward without a word.

"I know you have the means to leave, don't want to lie to me, hurry up!" King Yinyue hurried.

King Xu Yan glanced down at her, and a little smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying, "This time, if we can leave alive, the king will go to his Majesty and ask his family to give you your promise."

After Yinyue Wang stopped talking, her eyes suddenly turned red. She lowered her head and bit her lip and said, "Aren't you afraid that you will be **** by the Royal Family of Chu and you dare not ask me? How dare you become bold today."

"Haha, it was because I took care of too much, but now the king suddenly wants to open. Even if he doesn't become a lover, your Majesty will let you come forward to lobby, I still can't refuse his request, and I will naturally get some benefits. That is it. "

"You ... you can say that I'm very happy, King Xu, you go, really, I don't blame you and you won't blame you, after leaving, remember to let the emperor avenge me."

"Yinyue, if you want to leave, King Wang has already left, so don't ask me to persuade me. If you leave alone or stay here with you, my King chooses the latter." King Xu Yan said quietly, the share Firm but unshakable.

King Yinyue's eyes were slightly wet, she nodded and said nothing, but the fear in her eyes disappeared at this moment. It's not too scary to be able to follow him, even if he is dead.

Xiao Chen didn't mean it, but he was not far away from the King Xu, Yinyue and him, but what they said was heard in his ears, his eyes flickered slightly, and his heart gave out a slight emotion. In the great terror of death, the four kings of the corpse, the king of the fire, the king of the beasts, and the king of Li Guang stabbed each other. They did not hesitate to fight each other and die for the possibility of living for themselves, or they were to be buried with them before death. In contrast, the life-and-death relationship between King Xu and King Yinyue is more precious. Although he thinks that King Xu's move is irrational, people do things sometimes, and they ca n’t really rely on reason alone.

There are things that I know are not right, but I still have to do them.

But at this moment, his face suddenly became gloomy, and the speedy figure suddenly stopped.

The forbidden land of the fairyland has arrived!

Quan fell into deep sleep, without any help from him. I am afraid that without the help of the fairy king, the forbidden power of the fairy realm would suffice Xiao Chen to be severely traumatized. But at this moment, his Yuanshen suddenly gave birth to a hint of induction, looking at the strange flashes of light in the forbidden eyes of the immortal world, his mind was closely calculated, and his eyes became firm after a few breaths.

King Xu Yan and King Yinyue stopped at the same time, and they clearly saw the situation in front of them, their palms clasped tightly together, and their eyes were full of resentment towards each other. There is no escape route, the immortal king is approaching, and maybe soon they will fall here.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly turned to look at the two, arching hands, "My king is now the only witness of the two feelings, but he wants to say congratulations."

When Xu Chen heard the words for a moment, he looked at Xiao Chen with a flash of surprise, then turned into gratitude, bowed his hand, and said, "Thank you King Dongyan!" He thanked him, but he was sincere in his heart. The relationship between King Xu Yu and King Yinyue is ups and downs, and now they are dependents. Although it is the last moment of their lives, they also hope to be blessed and congratulated by others.

King Yinyue converged slightly, saluting, leaning beside King Xu, with a happy smile on his face.

"My King ... My King and others did not obey King Dongyan's persuasion, so they let out the immortal king, which caused the situation now, and it is said that my king and others have troubled the Daoists." Show guilt.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said lightly: "This matter is not surprising to you. After all, it was normal for you to wait for your heart to doubt it. Since this king's full-fledged shot also failed to prevent the fairy king from leaving, this is doomed. Human power can block. "

"Now, the fairy king has arrived." Yu Luo looked up to the back, dazzling and magnificent, the majestic and honorable golden light appeared in his sight. The immortal king stepped forward. Behind him, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the turbulent force of time and space raged wildly. The mighty majesty came over him, and he was like a god, standing high, looking down at the three Chen Xiao. The King Xu King and the King Yinyue turned pale, breathing seemed to have become difficult, and a strong life and death crisis lingered in their hearts, holding them tightly together.

Xiao Chen's face also became pale, but his eyes were calm, his back was straight and he was not bent at all. The sky was blasting with strong winds, and he was flying black, and the blue robe was hunting.

So he stared directly at the fairy king, without panic and fear, some just indifferent.

In the Yuanshen space, the golden seal suddenly appeared, and the dazzling golden light illuminated the whole Yuanshen space. A tactic was directly imprinted into the Xiaochen Yuanshen in this golden light.

"Invaders of the Thousand Realms, the King will give you the qualification to sleep here!" The immortal king whispered, but as if the gods were roaring, the sound was rolling, and the air was wandering endlessly. He slowly raised his hand and touched his finger with golden light Flashing, there will be immortal shots in the next moment.

King Xu Yue took the Silver Moon King in his arms. He took a deep breath, and a strong wave gradually spread in his body. Although it is certain that there is no possibility of winning, he will not stand still, even if he is dead, he will let go of the battle!

This is the dignity of a creation Xeon!

Even the dignity of death.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen stepped forward and looked up at the fairy king, waiting for his immortal to perform, he had already taken the lead! The mystery of "Broken Element" is performed instantly, the mana in the body collapses as much as possible, and the breath continues to soar at an alarming degree! With one hand out of his robe sleeve, the golden light shone, and he pointed out with a finger towards the fairy king!

"Immortal, fix yourself! Fix it for the king! Fix it! Fix it!" During the roar, all powers spewed out and merged into this designated body skill!

The immortal king's body suddenly froze, his fingers still shining, but his magical power was interrupted by life! In order to achieve this, Xiao Chen paid the price to withstand the backlash of the fixed magic power. He groaned in his mouth, the figure receded backwards, blood from the nose and nose gushed, and his chest was red. The breath in his body also weakened, but his back was still straight, and he never bent down to the fairy king.

Not far behind him is the ban of fairyland!

King Xu Yan's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at Xiao Chen's eyes and was full of shock and admiration. He faced the powerful immortal king and dared to take the first shot. Not everyone has this courage! And being able to interrupt the immortal king's magical powers, despite the cost of serious injuries, is enough to prove his power!

Yinyue Wang's mouth was slightly open, and his pale face was incredible.

The fairy king's eyes fell on Xiao Chen. His face was calm, but the horrible coercion in the void became stronger and stronger. It seemed that he would condense into a substance, suppress the whole space, and even the force of chaos in time and space. Unable to break into it, the collapse of heaven and earth was temporarily suspended at this moment. He said lightly: "Authentic immortal magic can actually interrupt the king's magical powers. You are very good. Now, the king gives you a chance to surrender to me. The king can forgive all your blame, and he will grant it in the future. You are more powerful immortal, let you ascend to the top of immortal road! "The immortal king said at the moment, actually to recruit Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen coughed in succession, and his palms were stained with **** red blood, but his pale face showed a touch of contempt. "There is an immortal king remaining in the immortal realm, and he is also trying to subdue the king, but you do not have this qualification!"

The eyes of the immortal king flashed fiercely, and the diffused mighty pressure instantly boiled, the pieces of space shattered, and the earth fell apart in the tremor! The colorful chaotic space-time turbulent force sweeps over!

"Since you are going to die, my king will do you well!"

The voice didn't fall, he drew a piece of fairy text in his fiction, and whispered, "Immortal art, broken mountain!"

Xianwen was broken, a palm appeared from the void, about the size of a hundred feet, and the skin was dry and cracked, like an ancient giant's shot. It hasn't been shot yet. This supernatural power is so powerful that Xiao Chen's current state is absolutely unstoppable!

But at this moment, a dragon yin suddenly came from heaven and earth!

The ban of the immortal world behind Xiao Chen shattered directly, and the thundering sound of thunder came to the whole world instantly. A thunder giant claw protruded from it, and patted it to the fairy shattered mountain!


[Sorry ... the code word is very slow. I just rushed out of the chapter. I continue to code and update it, but it will be very late. Please do n’t wait. 】

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